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  • martinxyz
    Free Member

    Having found out on a few occasions what peroxide feels like in the eyes from a few silly moments involving contact lens fitting.. I would buy a wee garden sprayer with bike wash scribbled on the side and fill it up.

    Just carry it in the side pouch of a camelbak and be more than happy to give them the bike but insisting you clean off the dog muck on the tires before stealing it. Then maybe grin and ask if they want a wee scrub too.. squirting one of them in the eyes,followed by the others. Just make sure the nozzle is always set on full pelt and not on a lame mist.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Mate had one from new and I had a shot when it had around 20k on it. Felt fairly nippy for a diesel as standard, nice solid feel to it but had no confidence driving it around corners. Probably due to it not being my car! It did feel like a right ole lump,though. I would guess it being a nice combo of performance,economy,good build.. maybe I’m wrong. That’s the impression I got.

    Wouldn’t go out looking for one though. So much more out there I’d be looking at first.

    Free Member

    I have had it splatter over my head from the back wheel on a bmx (sitting down) and land on the bars next to the grip. I thought someone was throwing it and shouted ‘who TF is flinging sh*t$?!’ After we stopped and noticed that nobody was around to do such an awful thing, it was also found on the rear tyre.

    The splattering is your own fault though. You were checking stuff out and laid the bike where the dog laid the egg!

    Free Member

    Healthy dog.

    Free Member

    I jump on a few Defy’s a week and for bikes around the 700 quid mark, they feel pretty comfy. I’m thinking about putting 25c’s on my own bike as every Defy I ride seems to have 25c’s. Not too bothered about the speed or weight of my own bike,just get the impression that its going to be a more enjoyable ride around these crappy roads in the highlands!

    Free Member

    Nice one. I have only won a few things in the past. The most memorable a colour tv.

    My mate (you know who you are!) was trying to sell me raffle tickets and I was never going to buy one as I never win anything. So a few days later he asks for a loan of £1 or possibly £2,can’t remember back to 1990-ish. I give it to him and he starts grinning like a cheshire cat.. telling me that it was for a raffle ticket. Wasn’t too impressed at the time (yeah,a £1!) but to win the tv after all that happening was priceless.

    Free Member

    They state in the manual not to shim them,not to grease them,friction paste them and tighten to 6.7nm at the seatclamp.

    I shim both of mine (Both different brands) so I can use them in two different bikes. I’m willing to pay the price if I have problems.

    You bought the post,you can do what you want with it ;O)

    Free Member

    Yeah,this problem is often sorted out on a weekly basis! It’s usually when we can’t get the exact replacement. soft jaws in a vice will hold the ring tight enough to take a round sided file across it. I usually just do a finger scribe with a pencil to mark the arc approx 1.5mm inboard on all 4 tabs next to the fixing holes. Pain in the ass but it should be the cure.

    Hopefully you haven’t damaged the ring after tightening all 4 bolts.. :o/

    Free Member

    ^ nice,Andy

    Free Member

    Euro,I was looking through Fiola’s facebook last night and there’s a tuck-knee kind of semi flat style in one of his pics.It was taken at Woodward around 2009 if I remember right. Still ripping. Check it out if you can (your last pic reminded me of it)

    Free Member

    Well,good on you for going for it. Its massive.

    Free Member

    Thanks for that,James. I noticed them on the Madison newsletter or whatever came through the post so I checked the site. It would definitely be one man for the weight. The trade on one would make sense compared to rrp of some other tent so I might consider it.

    Free Member

    Lifer – Member
    martinxyz – Member
    To be honest,if I was in this position and I had filmed the drive within the speed limits,I’d go to jail before accepting any fine. Just to show them up. I would never pay that fine.

    Yeah! That would show them.


    Someone with a clip showing their own driving at the speed limit the whole journey, then later on in the clip it shows the driver overtaking the vehicle that’s been averaging 45mph and hitting 68mph (we’ll say 68 just to be in the danger zone of a penalty) partly due to other peoples actions? Yes,I know at the end of it all I’d have broken the limit and it was my foot on the pedal but reviewing the circumstances.. It would be pretty lame for them to do this after seeing the footage wouldn’t you think?

    If you read the 4th paragraph of the original post,peter explained that after waiting for others to make a move.. they didn’t so he decided to overtake. After making his move the others had increased their speed. If the clip showed the speeds of around 45mph for the past five miles or so.. and the change in speed by the other drivers and the possible danger up ahead meant I had to increase my speed over the limit after starting the manoeuvre I would ask them to consider the charge against my actions. If,after driving around 15mph under the speed limit,this choice and outcome still wasn’t acceptable I would seriously consider not paying any fine.

    It’s just a thought. The clip getting out on the net for all to watch along with the story of a driver not willing to pay the fine or accept the charge for the above minor incident.

    Free Member

    What an erse. Oh and *Boxster.

    Free Member

    Well if he bought that Hydration pack off classifieds earlier it’s big enough to carry ‘Jordans tit’ in it so ..aye,unscathed saddles all round.

    Free Member

    Too fat to get this tangled up these days. Last attempt around 2001! [/url]
    step o martin[/url] by martinxyz[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    wys,was this cleared or were you the unfortunate one in ‘that’ vid a while back?!

    Free Member

    Somafunk,I just watched the Golf/Caterham vid but never read anything beforehand. It was fun to see a Golf appear out of nowhere! Considering he had the Caterham behind him,it looked pretty good through the corners. He also know’s a a bit more about lines than Mr Caterham. The Caterham drivers throttle,braking and line choice had me on the edge of the seat and he wasn’t even foot to the floor. I wonder if the car is still in one piece?!

    Free Member

    This car can be driven aged 40+ no problem!

    The main thing is that it’s not going to be recognized by the sheep out there so most folk will query what the hell it is. I reckon they would ask themselves ‘what is that?’ over the ‘anker’ jibes if you were seen in a boxter with the roof down.

    It’s a funny old world but there’s certain types and ages of car that can give the opposite effect. Driving to work in the summer I saw a heap of old 911’s and one that stood out was from around 1974 (guessing) in kermit green. Now if I saw someone driving past me in a new model of this car over the speed limit I would have to admit to start muttering swear words.. do the same in a 72 carrera and my jaw drops.

    Similar has happened recently with a guy driving a beautiful old beetle (that had some poke in it)one morning. I drove past and thought it looked amazing. The same when you drive past old mini’s. They just pizz all over new mini’s.. Especially the ones with ‘100% BMW free’ stickers in the rear window when they are stuck at a standstill in front of a bmw mini. :O)

    Free Member

    Northwind,did you break it at the first Inners day/night?

    Free Member

    its still streaming on

    Good highlights

    Free Member

    Mboy,I seem to have lost the foot nut (visible from the bottom) in one of my frames! I have been to the local nut and bolt shop but they seemed a little uninterested. Any idea of the size/thread of those?

    Free Member

    I can’t afford to wear through my endura shorts on griptape every 20 miles so that’s the main reason it’s sky high ;O)

    Free Member

    Yeah I have it slightly higher at the front. Used to always have it level but I like the weight off my hands a bit with the saddle slightly higher at the nose.

    Free Member

    Looks like the very moment (bar a rider in the pic) when the two ton dropped and hit the deck!

    Free Member

    This is the same stretch of road talked about months ago.. where a certain forum heid reckoned it was safe on the long straight to hit 100mph. Pity he wasn’t in front of you at the time to distract the camera man! Well I hope you get off with it.

    Makes you think about clipping a video camera on a bar behind the headrests to film the speedo and every manoeuvre we make. You get done for what you have described but you fill out the form when it arrives through the door to say you’ll take it to court. You turn up with a lap top and the video footage to show how you were driving for the journey and see how it goes from there.

    To be honest,if I was in this position and I had filmed the drive within the speed limits,I’d go to jail before accepting any fine. Just to show them up. I would never pay that fine.

    Another thing, I’m with Philcons on the tailgating. I’m really getting sick of it. Every day in 30 and 40 zones I seem to cause problems with folk reeling me in and holding them up.

    Free Member

    I would get someone to have a look at it with a tool to see what it ends up like after chasing the threads. You might be surprised.

    Free Member

    Knowledge/Intelligence/Google wizard.

    Choose 4

    Free Member

    I had a bit more than that a few weeks ago and I put 20-25psi in there. I left the fork as it was to keep the front end down due to the wheelie-tastic climbs behind Loch Maree!

    Edit: Due to the stupid amount of weight I had on my back. It was more of a bivi/fishing trip so the ride wasn’t much of an issue.

    Free Member

    Sorry to barge in.. anyone know what Easton’s Kilo 1 person is like? I have no idea about the quality/strength of them but like the sound of it.

    Free Member

    Fit a solid axle with nuts in the meantime..

    Free Member

    Is it really that bad? There’s a way of using a bolt and 2 nuts that you can pull loose bosses back in nice and tight. There’s also the correct tool for the job but it’s going to be a bit trickier to get a hold of one (or someone with one to do it for you)

    It’s not like the frame has failed, it’s movement at the boss and the paint has fractured. It’s probably likely that 90% of those frames will show the same problem!

    I would look into getting the bosses nipped up if poss and accept that the paint fractures. I would also ask for a bit of compensation from the seller as ‘vgc’ does not describe what you have shown us.. although after this thread,I don’t think he’s going to be willing to throw you £50 quid towards getting it sorted :O/

    Free Member

    That’s taken from Viz!

    Free Member

    Kof9,they sound a wicked bunch. Glad that’s all behind you.. <hugs and box of kleenex> :O/

    Free Member

    I’m reading this thread and ‘The Pet Shop Boys – you were always on my mind’ has just come on Spotify.

    Free Member

    Although this wasn’t another stupid thing to have said.. I thought I should add this bit as it happened on the same trip. Not sure if it was before or after the visit.

    I was feeling ill and we stopped off at the Loch Maree Hotel. It was either a food stop or a toilet stop. There was a corridor leading to the toilets with tables and chairs on one side and on the way to the toilet (feeling very sick) I had to start jogging. My father was with me and,well.. I didn’t make it to the toilet. Projectile vomiting as I jogged past sunday lunch diners was caught mid-flight by my fathers cupped hands. All I remember was him yelling “arghhhh!”

    Free Member

    Driving over to Torridon to visit relatives aged around 6.. my mother was bitching about one of them before we arrived. It was a long time ago and all I remember was blurting out ‘MY MUM says you’re snooty!” to my mothers aunt. The silence and the eyes popping out of my mothers head made the blood run out of my body in an instant.

    We still laugh about how she tried to wriggle out of it.

    Free Member

    Well they ship to Malaga.. but he won’t collect the parcel from there ;O)

    Free Member

    ^ taken from Rapha aut/winter catalogue 2012 ;O)

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