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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • Marmoset
    Free Member

    I’ve had a good run out of my Fulcrum Racing 3’s, got 8000km out of them with no problems until I hit a car at 30Km/h 2 weeks ago :cry: Got knocked out by about 5-6mm when the bike bounced around but they’ve just trued up nicely this week, ready to carry on….


    Free Member

    It’s not something on your helmet is it? :D

    Free Member

    If you have a meter in the street then turn off the water at the stop cock in your house and watch the meter for a while. Any movement would suggest a leak, no movement would suggest its not your problem!

    Free Member

    Soap, warm water and a nail brush.

    Can smart a bit though ;)

    Free Member

    Nishiki Alien, as above
    Klein Attitude
    Funk Estay bike
    GT Xizang

    I finally got around to Rocky Mountain ownership 4 or 5 years ago so that’s why they’re not on the list :-)

    Free Member

    Nice gruppo, just ordered a De Rosa with full red on it a few days ago, can’t wait to get it. The 105 on my deceased bike was the only bit I didn’t like about, glad to hear you found the jump to Red a positive :-)

    Free Member

    I’ve not done the freehub ones but did the main hub bearings last year on mine. From what I remember it looked as if you can just knock the bearings out of the freehub and press some new ones in?


    Free Member

    It’s the time to enjoy it that I’d want (most rich people I meet never seem to have time to do anythign but make money).

    That is soooo true, where I’m living in Perth at the moment has a number of very expensive houses down by the river – never seen anyone in them, big verandas etc with no one on them – they’re all too busy working to pay for the house they never see, just to present an image to the wider world of how successful they are. I think the value of time is vastly under rated….

    Free Member

    I’d say a water rower gives you the same sensation, with regards to applying the power, as you get in a boat. The C2 requires more effort throughout the stroke IMHO but cans start to mimic what you need to do in a boat when on slides.

    I’ve not had a go on the rowperfect that bluerob mentions but I can see what it’s getting at.

    If you just want it for exercise and have no intention of actually rowing then a C2 would be my choice – anything else requiring correct rowing technique will feel rubbish if you get it wrong and can’t/don’t get any coaching.

    Free Member

    Just sit still, it’s only for a few weeks. I get out about 6am and back in at 8am if I am going for a ride. Bus to work if its going to be too hot, drinking a litre of water in 10km says its a bit too extreme to be riding IMHO.

    It was 47 degrees when I was camping a few weeks ago, that was particularly sticky. Back down south in Busselton this week and it feels chilly at 22 degrees today!


    Free Member

    Been here in Perth for 13 months with my wife and 5 yr old son. We had the attitude of why not give it a go and so far it’s been pretty easy to live here. It’s a very mixed society, loads of expats from all countries so you do get the sense that locals just stick amongst themselves as they suspect that everyone else will be off when the boom ends (other expats from other countries have also made the same observation) that said, everyone is very friendly. It is v expensive here, the mining boom is experiencing a slow down at the moment but that may also carry a benefit of bringing the cost of living down.

    We think we’ll be back in the UK in a few years when the visa expires as the property here is a huge investment, unless you live an hours commute away from the city, and then you’re back into the whole rat race of commute/work/sleep/repeat. I’m also missing the UK countryside, it becomes apparent how beautiful the UK is and how accessible it is, Oz is a huge country with stunning natural attractions but you need to be on the road for a week to see them!

    The Lafha thing has just ended which is a PITA as temp residents are taxed at the same rates as perm residents but have to pay more for healthcare and in some states pay for education and other stuff, so there’s some sentiment of being taken for a ride.

    If ou don’t have a go you’ll never know and I know we’ll have no regrets about coming out here whichever way our decision goes in a few years.

    Free Member

    Count me in for the Perth ride :)

    Free Member

    Wheelies offered me a giant frame to replace a Rocky Mountain one a few years back – I said I want an RM, that’s what I bought and that’s what I want. The cash was sent instead after a chat with M&S. if they can’ty supply what you want then M&S will make you an offer. Just make sure you know what’s gong for what money so you can argue back a bit (ie – that one Wheelies/M&S have found on sale and are trying to lowball you with is not your size etc)


    Free Member

    Looks like something that Guigiaro or Ital design did in the late 80’s and I suspect it’s a vision that the owner had in his head when he was 6 years old and thought “one day, one day…”

    Free Member

    We told our son that pilots don’t take kindly to strops on planes by I don’t think a 12 month old will comprehend that! Just realised that it’s been a year tomorrow since we got here, time flies ‘n’ all that….


    Free Member

    Enjoy your flight, bring a warm jacket, it’s pretty cool early mornings at the moment. Plays havoc with kit for the commute, anything from 0-3 degrees in the morning and the close to 20 degrees on the way home.

    Been wondering when the STW beer was mooted, guess it’ll be soon!

    Free Member

    It looks like a lightly restocked Apple store. …. I’m sure the stuff is very nice in there but it looks a little soulless .

    I like your thinking colint, it’ll be full of level 47 thetans checking it out as soon a it opens :lol:

    Free Member

    Daley Thomson has been working for Aussie tv, he’s come across really well from the little I’ve seen of him. MJ has also been spreading his wisdom down under, always a class act :)

    Free Member

    It all looks good from down here in WA – it makes you proud to be british. Although the aussie tv coverage leaves something to be desired – I know they’ll be rooting for the Aussies naturally, but you’d swear there’s no other competitors out there unless they inconsiderately happen to be in shot in some multi lane event ….

    Free Member

    I’m looking at a bigger bike for my (admittedly tall) 5 year old son and the choice of xs frames down here in Oz is limiting. What I have noticed is that the smallest 26″ are consistenly 4-6cm taller in standover height than the 24″ bikes but generally have the same TT.

    There is a frame called the Sette Reken that crops up on the families/kids forum on mtbr that people buld up for thier youngsteres with 24″ wheels – it’s geometry shows a 64cm standover – which I think is one of the lowest I’ve seen.

    Free Member

    Security’s not really an issue for me down here in sunny Perth, so many people ride into work that it seems that every office has a secure lock up and showers. All of my bikes look cheap when hung up next to a cervelo/bianchi etc so if someone did get into these places then mine would probably be way down the list of things to take, even though they’re pretty nice bikes..

    I have got an old steel rocky mountain which is all black, v brakes, rigid fork – nice ride but invisible when locked up in town, especially against black railings!

    Free Member

    Ooh, it’s like 1992 all over again…..

    Free Member

    That’s bad news…..

    Free Member

    I’m certainly using the road bike more over here and look enviously at green mountains whenever I see the UK on the tv.
    It is expensive to live here and the govt have just about ended a tax break for temporary residents that made that easier to swallow. You’ll be needing to earn over $100k to be living a reasonable standard of living (assuming you want to see something’s when you’re over here..) given the cost of rental properties that have had a slight refurb since 1972! ;)

    Climate, currently getting into winter so down to 3 degrees at night, perhaps zero ever now and then, but of it’s a clear day then you can be looking at 18-20 during daytime. Summer can get a it unbearable when its hitting 40 plus, you have to be out early to get the exercise in.

    Skiing, dunno, most people seem go to europe from here, I’ve got a mate going to Japan this year for his fix!

    It’s great for kids here, our son has just turned 5, started school this February and has taken to the place like a duck to water. The school system seems to be very good at primary level but a lot of people then send older kids to private schools, as I believe that the state schools aren’t viewed in a great light. There is plenty to do with youngsters, thanks the climate

    Throw me a pm if you need any other advice, what line of work are you in as well? Companies love a direct approach over here, recruitment agency costs are high and you an drive a better deal if you cut them out..


    Free Member

    I’m liking some of the above, I’ll throw Larry Carlton and Steve Luthaker into the mix…..

    Free Member

    I’m annoyed about the timing of it, if Usada want any credibility in the way they go about investigating such charges then theyd be better off making their decisions public when they’ve reached the conclusion to prosecute, not when the tour is about to start……be the bigger party and leave politics out of it.

    Free Member

    I used my vr28 over the black iridium and clear tints that I have with my m frames – I’d say they’re suited to about 80% of the conditions in the uk, over here in Oz it’s mostly the other way around……

    Free Member

    I’ll have to pass this weekend Perthmtb, feeling off colour and trying to recover for a rowing race on Sunday! Cheers for he offer though :)

    Free Member

    I know what you’re sayin Hugor, just moved over from near Nth Wales and miss the riding. I rode the relentless trail in Pemberton a few times last week, only 4.5km but reminded me of some welsh trails, a helluva long way to drive for a short ride though, we were down on holiday and I flung the bikes on the car on the off chance of a ride.

    Thanks Perthmtb, like the sound of lake leschenaultia

    Don’t forget under the seats Chewie!

    Free Member

    Thanks Chewie, are you over here yet?

    Marcus – my road bike gets dirtier that the mtb, if it’s wet then he sand off he cycle paths stick! Although I do believe I got some mud on the tyres last week, must got and have a look….suffice to say that no an awful lot of cleaning is required, it dries p and falls off :)

    Good idea about the bmx tracks hugor, will look for one near me down here in Applecross…..

    Free Member

    Anyone have any suggestions where I can take my 5 year old son riding, he’s just getting a taste for off roading and I don’t want to take him somewhere so difficult that it discourages him ie – no gravel!



    Free Member

    The state of the winch bar, bulkhead and body cappings would be warning me off it as it looks as though it’s had a hard life in a tough environment, and the clunk seems to back that up. An ex mod vehicle would be a better bet IMHO, as above, they tend to have a more thorough maintenance regime, and in some instances little or no heavy use.

    Free Member

    Cheers for that count zero, was wondering how I could print from my iPad, luckily I have the right printer!

    Free Member

    Getting a bit livelier now:)

    Free Member

    It all seems to be on at a very civilised time over he in Oz. Unfortunately it’s looking like a pretty sterile race so far, Kimi could be the surprise here…..

    Free Member

    LOL – I’m currently wrestling with constant gurgling from my TD5, had a new head on last year according to service history, it’s driving me nuts – I can now bleed these things with my eyes shut!

    Free Member

    Don’t think I’ve seen any myself – I’ve just got some WD40 for the same kind of jobs I’d have used GT85 on and use finish line stuff for lube.

    Free Member

    I’ve quite happily used panaracer razer mx’s on the pea gravel, I think reasonably large and running them softish works.

    Free Member

    I’ll keep an eye out for you farm boy and say hello – I’ll be in a bright blue Disco.

    I did catch the Dafydd Davis article in The West Australian a few weeks back now yo umention it. But it is exactly like Wales was 20 years ago – couple of trails you find with rumour and hearsay and then some funding suddenly accelerates it all.

    Free Member

    Thanks perthmtb.

    Hope the ribs get better soon – mine still twinge and convince me I’m having a cardiac 3 years after I cracked them!

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