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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • markrh
    Free Member

    I’ve had one for over a year now, its a petrol 1.2 with a dsg box, love it to bits 😀
    ’nuff said!

    Free Member

    .365 at the moment, also started watching the mpg readout on the on cars trip computer now but thats nowt to write home about 32mpg. 😯

    Free Member

    Liftman, its an old boxster 😳

    and to be fair i am going to re train as a hairdresser 😉

    Free Member

    Err, yes I have. I think I might have post traumatic stress and thats wot made me buy it.

    Free Member

    Hamilton and Massa got a bit cosy, wonder if Massa will be stomping around throwing his dummy out?
    Button is having a good race again 😀

    Free Member

    Skoda but Yeti, dam right 😉
    Land Rover (wouldn’t be seen dead in one though..)

    Free Member

    I’ve got one, 1.2, 2wheel drive with a dsg box. Its the best car i’ve ever owned 😀
    By the way that Briskoda website has got more nutters posting on it than on here (i’ve posted on both, don’t know what does that say about me…)

    Free Member

    I think the reason for keeping high profile tyres is due to the limited suspension movement current f1 cars have, most of the suspension comes from the tyres. Would be a lot of re-designing to go low profile i would guess, big commitment cost wise..
    A lot of what is termed steering feel comes from the deformation (think thats the right term) of the side wall of the tyre under load, another bonus of taller tyres. 😉

    Free Member

    Ah, Father Ted…

    Free Member

    Voted for Moldova after askin the bill payers permission, as for watchin the foo fighters, why would i want to watch contrived american rock poo…

    Free Member

    Spain’s got it all, comedy male dancers and very pretty girls in short dresses, can’t fail.

    Free Member

    i like slovenia 😉

    Free Member

    I need pointing in the right direction a lot, thanks DS

    Free Member

    +1 for Moldova. thought Jedward were bonkers, they must be on something?

    Free Member

    Could possibly be the time to invest in a new one…I know this doesn’t help but been there done that and failed the mission, good luck though 🙂

    Free Member

    Hey, not saying its crap or owt but just can’t see that the hype about it is justified, as i said, quite liked parts of it but I’ve done every trail centre in the country except for 2,and wouldn’t put it in my top 3 kind of thing (i know, sounds like tick box cycling but it isn’t, honest).
    And wouldn’t fall into the trap of comparing it with none trail centre stuff, which i love, both offer great riding.
    I guess to some extent it is just what grabs but I think parts of the bike press and some on here are guilty of over hyping it.
    Maybe as some have said a second visit is what is needed… sounds like an excuse for another road trip!

    Free Member

    Current fave is A712, great road after doing Kirroughtree, in fact Kirroughs trails didn’t do it for me but that road did.

    Free Member

    Bend your knees, not your back.

    Free Member

    Get your Daily Mail here! 😉

    Free Member

    So Dezb if one of those students was a relation of yours, say your son, if the policeman stove his head you’d be happy with that…

    Free Member

    Ginger woman from eastenders held a door open for me once (well bought up young lady).
    Got nick beggs (catchygoogoo bassis) autograph when i got drunk in a hotel he was staying in.
    Worked in Jennifer Lopez’s house, what a dissapointment! In real life she lives in Stafford looks seventy and hasn’t got her own teeth… 😉
    Nick Craig has passed me several times in races.
    My wife’s distantly related to Les West (top roadie from the old days)
    Met Hugh (the voice of cycling) Porter and his wife (top olympic swimmer in the old days)
    Saved the best till last, friend of mine went to the same church as the mother of one of the members of The Editors (can’t remember which one though) Now thats tenuous.

    Free Member

    ‘I wouldn’t buy one as I am a badge snob, I’m more infulenced about what other people about me think more the most appropriate bike.

    I would also never buy a Skoda as they make me look a bit pikey

    It’s a well known fact if you ride a Boardman bike and drive a Skoda you will never ever ever get laid..’

    Well I’m have way there, just nipping down to halfords to make myself completely resistable 😀

    Free Member

    I find a fixed hardtail on conti 1.5 xc tyres works best for me 😉

    Free Member

    Thanks for that comrade

    Free Member

    Skoda Yeti 😉

    Free Member

    Born in ’63 and if anyone ever catch’s me listening to steve wright they have permission to shoot me, age is no excuse to listen to that muppet 👿
    I’ll listen to anything from The Fall to some of Take That.

    Free Member

    Could be vitamin b12 deficiency, causes pins and needles/numbness in fingers/toes and its easy to get sorted out,don’t leave it to long to get it checked though 🙂

    Free Member

    Have driven one, good fun. Very small glass boot hatch thing, could be a struggle.

    Free Member

    Anything by radiohead always cheers me up.

    Free Member

    Countzero, you pumped it up for him?!
    I like the cut of your jib. 😉

    Free Member

    This is fav thread so far this year 😀

    Free Member

    You’ll get sick of people moaning about how expensive a new boiler is. 🙄

    Free Member

    Why is every one so shocked by how expensive boilers are? They are much more complex than they used to be and so is the installation, get over it. 😉

    Free Member

    oh..i think running has made me mentally slower to 😳

    Free Member

    Can’t see pics making this topic any more interesting than it already is… 😐

    Free Member

    Said to the s.o. a while ago that he seems to be turning into Alan Bennett, it all makes sense now. 😉

    Free Member

    Get the Yeti, had mine for 4 months now and can honestly say its the best car i’ve owned and theres been a few over the last 30 years.

    Free Member

    Tar steve.

    Free Member

    Not seen the monkey or dog this bad since they opened them, been local I get up there a fair bit, today was my latest visit and it was shocking. I think they should shut them before the damage gets to bad (if it was practical to do so).
    Rest of chase not to clever either, a real slog to get around.

    Free Member

    Yeah, why not?

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