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  • DMBinW: Developing Mountain Biking In Wales – Be Part Of It!
  • markrh
    Free Member

    Well theres a mole somewhere on the team….

    Free Member

    thats not so shocking really, only got a quick look at him and thought it was Saul without a beard, quite relieved to be honest

    Free Member

    Another vote for Henry Burtons,several faultless wheelsets from there over the years. Even my son who does a lot of downhill racing struggles to destroy wheels built by them, mine last forever. 🙂

    Free Member

    Is there a bar mounted sub machine for such occasions?
    goes off to check on crc.

    Free Member

    footflaps, sounds like you’ve enjoyed being so involved with the build 😀
    Was that always plan or just ‘cos of the now infamous bricky ?

    Free Member

    Thanks for such an interesting thread footflaps i’m really going to miss it when its all finished.
    One question, Is it on budget?

    Free Member

    How about a Biasi or a Wicks boiler?


    Free Member

    Surely if you’ve both got lights..?
    Well yes, but if its a sweeping bend, then before you know it you’re on top of each other, especially at the speeds i’m moving at 😉

    Free Member

    snap, is your house wired up with bell wire and plumbed in with garden hose 😯
    assumptions based on the shocking advise you give…

    Free Member

    Yes surly its national grid or someone like that and not lovely, lovely BG you should be slaggin off 😀

    Free Member

    In a ‘Woods behind the Nationwide, Swindon, UK’ kind of way I give you, the final section of the Dog on Cannock chase. The bit after the Tackaroo is a bit shagged at the moment but after half a k and a bit of a connecting uphill bit after the berms you dive back into the woods into a singletrack heaven. Slag it off all you like ( a national pass time when it comes to chase trails) but on the right day (dry) its a ripper.
    There i’ve said it.

    Free Member

    Good conditions this afternoon, few puddles, nice and grippy 😀

    Free Member

    Set up a hidden camera triggered by movement, connect it to the internet, call it brickie watch?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Well I won’t be voting for Michael Vaughan 🙄

    Free Member

    Yeah Emma, Lisa Riley was good and they looked like they were having good fun with it. And as for gateaux, talk about feeding the fantasy..

    see what I did there

    I’ll get my coat.

    Free Member

    Conditions on the Monkey & Dog were good this afternoon, off piste not so good. Big diversion on the Monkey at the moment though, about 2 km’s worth due to tree felling, ah but your going to Stile cop so that information is useless to you…

    Free Member

    My money is on either Louis or Kimberley and the dark horse this year is Sid Owen. Not to keen on Jerry Hall, can’t see her improving, wrong attitude. Sad to hear Tess and Denise don’t get on, hope they don’t end up fighting live on tv in those skimpy dresses, that would be just to terrible…sorry strayed into male fantasy land at the end there.
    Ps, Whats the money on a bike being dragged out as a prop at some point for Queen Vic?

    Free Member

    Got a Team fs, so standard bb, qr rear,alu frame. Stiff as any other bike i’ve owned, rides and handles nicely, for the money its a great package.
    I don’t know how good the service is because i’ve had no problems but not expecting to much, but who knows they might be really good 😉

    Free Member

    Zip ties
    Public toilets
    Air lines at filling stations
    Haircuts(popular one that init)
    Bike wash/car wash
    Zoos 😉

    Free Member

    Had mine for 2 years, love it. There are better bike carriers out there like the Berlingo (my last car) we used to just throw the bikes into the back of it and go with the Yeti you have to pull more stuff off them but it all goes in the same.

    Free Member

    Can’t believe how many people are moaning about this show. I quite like the ramshackle nature of it, the interviews are interesting and quite natural. The programme has a bit of a unpredictable quality to it which is rare these days and should be applauded.
    All a lot of people on here seem to do is pick holes in things like this and whinge about them, is it because really, you don’t like seeing cycling being promoted and becoming popular God forbid?

    Free Member

    Yeah, its not really mountain biking and BMX that have squeezed out track cycling but it is a shame that there is a much reduced track program, it has provided some great olympic moments.
    Phil should wind his neck in on this.

    Free Member

    THE Vulcan flew over our house today! TWICE!! I ran around the garden like a five year old who’d drunk to much Fanta I was so excited 🙂

    Free Member

    Hi there, I’ve had a Yeti for nearly two years now 1.2 dsg petrol 2 wheel drive. Really nice car but not ideal for carrying bikes inside. I use a Pendle boot rack (its not fallen off yet :wink:) Not as practical as my old Berlingo but few cars are.
    Think of it as a Golf with a better view out that drives really nice.

    Free Member

    I would guess they would just bring the Army in to cover for those who did strike (don’t think they would all strike, think what this did to the miners… bit of irony there) they would have little public support as everyone is under the kosh at the moment and I bet most policemen voted tory so they got whats coming to them :wink:.

    Free Member

    one upside of listening on the radio is you can’t see just how fugly (excluding the Macca’s) these new cars are.
    There really should be some regulation about this, a fugly rule…

    Free Member

    listening to it on the radio, sounds like interesting weather 😐

    Free Member

    Had the same when my dad died, stuff like that brings it home i guess. You’ll get past it though, most people do, go out and enjoy yourself its all you can do. 😉

    Free Member

    I got two speeding fines within a week, both on roads i don’t use often and quite late at night with little traffic on them, 34 in a 30 and 46 in a 40, shi! happens. 😀
    What sticks in my claw though is the police did sweet f.a when i was run over when out on my bike by a hit and run driver. 👿
    P.s. hit and run happened within half a mile of a speed camera.

    Free Member

    Una Stubbs… 😀

    Free Member

    The majority of procedures are successful and yes there will always be a few that fail but that is true of any with any operation init!
    And as regards five years live span, well i think you would be very unlucky to find yourself in that situation.
    You got to be optimistic about it, how you approach this mentally is key to a good recovery as you probably know already… chin up mate and good luck 😉

    Free Member

    friend at work had it done must be five years or more ago, had a quick recovery and has had no problems, quite a sporty guy to.
    They recon they last 20 years or more now don’t they, how long have you been having problems?

    Free Member

    Sometimes when the system is hot things that leak stop leaking (cos of expansion in joints n stuff) when its cold they open up and the water seeps away. Could be a possible explanation, have a good look around the system when its cold.

    Free Member

    I’ve got the 1.2 with the DSG in a Yeti, great little engine, although dragging around the Yeti’s body the mpg drops a bit, 35ish. Still quite quite nippy though 😉 and very refined,

    Free Member

    I’ve had two, a total of seven years of driving about in them.
    Very reliable, only one problem in all that time and quite economical 40-45mpg (2 litre turbo diesel)
    Comfortable but driving position doesn’t suit everyone.
    Not very fast but not as bad to punt around as you’d think.
    Great mountain bike car just as shame they got more expensive to buy new, still cheap second hand though 😉

    Free Member

    Yes, any footage would be great. My son did it, came 4th :-), bit of a trip from our house so didn’t see the race which is a bit of a bugger 🙁
    Oh and as regards urban slum dd i’d be more than happy to live there, very friendly place for a city, snob.

    Free Member

    We could argue till the cows come home about the Thatcher and I guess thats a big part of her legacy she really divided people. At the time I couldn’t believe how she got re elected but the labour party was out of sink with the way people thought (I was a member at the time) and the only way it could get in to power was to nick the tories polices which says it all really, you get what you vote for and we wanted a thatcher goverment and its polices and still do.

    Free Member

    Test drove four and the other really good one (well in the way it drove, steered, braked and rode) was a 2.5.
    Wife felt really comfortable driving it having the tip box and I don’t find it spoils the experience for me as I quite like the uninterupted surge of acceleration you get with autos, also it works great in in manual mode.
    So my advice is don’t get to hung up on engine size, go for what feels good to drive. Yes its a bit of a lottery so have some money set aside and it wont be to painful if something does let you down.
    Good Luck!

    Free Member

    It was exactly this thinking which lead me to buy a 12 year old one with a 2.7 engine a few weeks ago,
    can’t keep out of it and every chance I get the hoods down, even when its not that warm its snug in there.
    Wife loves it, got a tiptronic so she would drive it and it works great.
    Might not be for everyone and some big bills are bound to happen but you only live once and the howl it makes when you’re chasing down the red line… 😉

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