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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • marko75
    Free Member

    We have a standard Ceed and a SW version and think they are great cars. Previously I had a Golf plus and enjoy the ride in the Ceed more.

    There is a fair amount of badge snobbery out there – but who cares. I can fit my bikes easily into both cars and they are perfect for going to/from work and keeping the family happy on long journeys…..

    whats not to like>

    Free Member

    thanks smudge… will try Billoh. for the base did you use paving slabs or another method?

    Free Member

    A decathlon bike? cheap as chips and good reviews?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Looks like about £50-60 all in – thanks. Getting a profession to do it is £85… oh the decisions

    Free Member

    is this physical vapour deposition? what type of coating do you want to put on there?

    Free Member

    Brant – looks like the stem only comes in 1 size? Can you confirm?

    The reason I ask is that I am 6ft and therefore either going to be med or large…. hmm the decisions we have to make :)

    ps no dates on delivery yet?

    Free Member

    any dates yet?

    Free Member

    I think the getting signed off on the sick for bike riding therapy is a grand idea.

    Constructive dismissal is probably the best form of action to take – this way your reputation stays in tact and you get some satisfaction at the end :)

    good luck

    edit: can you take it a Dictaphone today and record everything

    Free Member

    Rorschach – Member

    how tall are you?

    Free Member

    Ace Components

    but i am not that rich!

    You can get an XT cassette from all terrain for £36 and an slx shifter pair for £30 (ditch the lhs one). A zee FR mech is about £40 so that’s £200 all in

    I have an XT shifter so just saved myself a couple of quid!

    Free Member

    And it’s not about being cool, have you got the legs for it?

    Please no beer – let me be cool! My local track is woburn so running a 32 or 30 NW chainring up front should be fine….. if not I can be cool and walk!

    Over the winter I run SS for the simplicity, tidy bars and simple maintenance. Over the summer I have run 3×10. Now its time to change I figure I would give it a go – if I buy 1×10 + oneup and it doesnt work out for me I can always go back to 3×10 and sell the 42cog on here.

    Free Member

    If you had a plaque at every place that someone died on a road I think people would really sober up their driving?

    Just leave nothing – you dont send flowers to a hospital when someone dies there or even think about leaving a plaque. They are no longer of this world and its a time to rejoice in their life rather grieve over their death!

    Free Member

    Just to spruce this up….. why leave flowers at the side of the road etc…. it distracts motorists leading to more dangerous driving…..


    Free Member

    Ross – I could be interested. but no email in your profile – can you send some pics to me please

    Free Member

    I had the same problem last week with NN and crests. Lost lots of skin on my knuckles and ending up strapping some fingers together as the missus saw they were blue.

    I ended up getting park tools levers (previously used ones which came with my multitool) , bead in well and a bit of effort. It worked but I dread teh puncture in the middle of no where!

    Free Member

    I recently bought a DE razor – can you take those blades on an aircraft?

    Free Member

    dvatchmark – thats our plan. Me with the S4 and the missus the mini (she pefers the smaller phone). I was thinking that there was so little to choose between the phones I would go for the smaller one just to keep in my pocket.

    The sony looks an interesting option


    Free Member

    oldnpastit – i had read the reviews and there are a few differences between the 2 phones but most people (according to the reviews) cant tell the difference between them whist using them.

    Have thought about the s5 but hesitant in using something thats just come out.

    thanks so far for the input – will buy it tomorrow :)

    Free Member

    Went for the blood test and ECG today… bloods been sent off and should get the response next week.

    ECG taken and now being referred to the GP – although I am a lardy chap resting heart rate was 49 (Sinus bradycardia)so will hear back from them soonish

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone – looks like Garmin are the only ones to consider.

    Thanks for the vote for the 200 edge ahwiles – the cost looks very tempting for the friday afternoon ride home :)

    Free Member

    I went for a general check up today and have my ecg/blood tests booked in for thursday.

    Blood pressure normal but gained almost 20kg since 2006 (70.4kg-89.5kg) – I blame getting old and married in that time!

    Free Member

    I have booked in for a check up at my local health centre tomorrow. I am nearing 40 so thanks for the kick in the arse I probably needed!

    Free Member

    Does this really matter about the weight of a bike? I have always wondered the effect of the weight of the bike compared to the weight of a <chubby like me> rider.

    I have been considering a 456 (or more likely a 45650) as a fun bike compared to FS XC bike – I weigh 90kgs and havent prescribed to the weigh weeny theory due to my obvious lack of will power to eat less. This thread makes me doubt that….. anyone else with a ‘larger frame’ find much difference between a couple of kgs on a bike?

    Free Member

    Hey kids, don’t image search Krocodil.

    – Guess what I did……

    Good advice though – that shit is just plain ugly.

    Free Member

    maxtorque – I am nursing a semi over that bike – its beautiful!

    Free Member

    I too want one of these…. its frustrating!

    Free Member

    thisisnotaspoon – Member
    Only on STW.

    OP: I’m thinking of going to Greece for a beach holliday.

    Response: Have you considdered Wales?

    To be fair – the cycling in Wales is better than in Greece…. if only the weather was!

    Free Member

    We have a golf plus 1.9TD that we are thinking of selling if you are interested.

    My wife also likes to ride tall in a car due to back problems – but an increasing family means another estate!

    Free Member

    Snowjunkie – thanks for the advice. The canyon was great for BPW but I am a little precious about it! Was thinking that a LTHT or a DH bike would allow me to have some fun at my local trails (woburn and possible aston hill).

    Will keep on thinking (is it possible not want for more bikes) and follow this thread with some interest.

    Free Member

    I too am approaching my mid life crisis. Visited BPW last week on a Canyon xc8 and loved it. Was thinking of going half way with a on one 45650B but could be tempted to go the whole way and get a dh bike….. will watch this thread – thanks!

    Free Member

    Crevice and Pitting corrosion are more likely on Al. Extruded Al is more susceptible to something call stress-corrosion cracking – but this would be highly unlikely in bikes. If the bike is made from a 6000 grade Al alloys then it should have better corrosion resistance (Mg and Si added).

    Chlorine from road salt (NaCl), some cleaning agents etc. it particularly nasty when it mixes with water and forms HCl – although the passivating oxide layer on Al is very good – Cl ions can degrade it.

    For nerdy people – use SiC paper on some Al and then measure the electrical resistance……. then wait 30 seconds and look at the resistance….. thats the Al2O3 film forming :)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    the unit, the wire, spooks, rome, house of cards, ncis, 24, tinker-tailor-solider-spy – all great.

    House of cards bar far the best series

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member
    So then it becomes stuff based on a rumour, or gossip. Then the girl with short hair or they guy who works as a hairdresser and has a pink shirt on.

    I am not a hair dresser but have my pink ‘management’ shirts…. better tell the wife that I need to go into the closet! :)

    For those who are a fan of George Takei he is advocating a ban of Arizona link

    In it he says: “And maybe you just never learn. In 1989, you voted down recognition of the Martin Luther King holiday, and as a result, conventions and tourists boycotted the state, and the NFL moved the Superbowl to Pasadena. That was a $500 million mistake.”

    Free Member

    Living in South Wales for 10 years and not riding until in my mid 30’s in Milton Keynes

    Free Member

    Has it this morning. No info back from surgical team yet but sent home without crutches and told to take it easy for a week and then get back to light exercise. No limits on extension or bending, put weight on it as much as feels safe but don’t sit for hours at a desk, no exercise for a week or two but bring it in slowly and see hw it goes.

    Its amazing how much medical advice changes. I have had 3.

    One when I was 8 years old – 3 days in hospital. One when I was 16 – 3 days in hospital. Final one when I was 28 (10 years ago) – turn up in the morning, surgery, physio asks me to walk up some stairs after recovery – discharged in the afternoon with light duties. Its been all good since but left leg is no where near as powerful as right leg.

    Free Member

    How tall is she?


    Think I will give her a comfy saddle for the SS and see if over the next few months she takes to riding as much as I do!.. Then she gets her own bike :)

    Free Member

    keep being postive – you are in the best place. Keep feeding/sleeping while you can. Your missus and little one need you at your best/most positive!

    Free Member

    Most places in MK are pretty decent. Look at crime rates on property websites to doubley check. – Willen probably a good shout. But there is some free parking around I think

    The red ways are an excellent way to get about MK…

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