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  • Campus: New Video From Danny MacAskill
  • markcdo
    Free Member

    thanks, mark

    Free Member

    Monkeychild has a point, I'm sure we've all seemed like idiots to other drivers at some time or other. still no need to sit in outside lane if road is clear, however I get pretty pi**ed off when people flash me, particularly if they've only been there a second or two – I have mirrors, I generally know you're there !! In some countries, Germany for example, flashing is the norm and everyone does it and everyone usually moves out of the way as soon as it is safe to do so, it's not "the norm" here though, hence people get annoyed with it.

    I too have had several "experiences" (of a driving nature) with BMW drivers, usually way too fast, usually impatient, one was reading work documents whilst driving (for several miles), which was ok 'cos he's really important! Worst one was whilst driving north on A1 I was in outside lane, a reasonable distance behind vehicle in front, doing a steady 75 – (keeping pace with traffic) lots of taffic in both lanes so nowhere to go, and this nob pulls right up my a**e and stays there for several miles, clearly trying to bully me out of the way, he could not go anywhere as both lanes were very busy so whats the point. I just stayed put for ages and eventually slowed down, this just made him undertake (recklessly I might add) and then he pulled in front of me and slammed his anchors on, do these people see themselves or their business meeting as that important?

    nothing is worth risking life for…muppets

    Free Member

    Thanks all, the usual mix of useful info and useless but amusing stuff!

    orange and awh – I am a real man, hence did not see requirement to read instructions – no real men do that. I'd much rather lose my rag and throw expensive parts at the garage wall!

    tracker1972 – my mate had similar scenario with rhythm/jones xr, very easy to change, "bonty" have obviously sorted their stupid rim profile.

    Horatio – you may well be correct, damn you!

    Free Member

    Fair point Mike, I'll wait another couple of days before torching his house !

    Free Member

    It's a simple case of checking the angle of dangle, which is directly proportionate to the heat of the beat, if the urge is constant.

    Or use the broom thing as above, sound like a winner.

    Free Member

    Black Lab eh?

    Smother the little tinker in vaseline and call him Tarka.

    Hope this helps.

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    Free Member

    Hard or easy? I thought the whole point of event like this was the personal challenge, at least for us non-pro types. I rode the “hard” option every lap and enjoyed it (particularly the “nice on mate” from the marshalls) – surely all teams actually “competing” – should have to all take the same route, although I suppose common sense would dictate easier=quicker so anyone racing will take the short route.

    Much to my dissapointment nearly all riders were taking easy route by the end of the race, I thought we were all hardcore bikers?

    I thought it was a good, challenging course, good effort to all involved.

    Regarding fenced off areas, yes it is a bit anti-social but i wish we had done it, we (our team) were all in bed trying to get a decent nights kip when at about midnight on friday a gang of students rocked up and proceeded to erect a small shanty town next to our tent, complete with car headlights on, engines running and loud music for at least an hour, once they did eventually finish buggering around they got a couple of crates of beer out and proceeded to “get on it”, at no time was any conideration given to any neighbouring campers. They also proceeded to place their bike maintenance area just outside our tent – and I mean just outside, we’re talking inches. They also blocked our two vehicles in. Eventually I had to tell them we needed some space, and to move their bikes – I don’t mind students but if that’s the future of our country – I despair.

    Free Member

    Stayed there for a couple of days before Transrockies in 05, nice people, couple of decent bike shops, loads of places to stay for all budgets and some seriously technical riding, much seems to be well hidden but locals/shops will point you in the right direction. Bikepark – not sure, wasn’t looking but there must be stuff like that there somewhere.

    I’d go back tomorrow you lucky b*****d !!

    Free Member

    I’m not eggxactly sure.

    Free Member

    Backhander, it is indeed me, now at 33 EOD, living the biking dream in flat, boring Essex. Seanoc – yes an Engr, all the best looking people are!

    Free Member

    After skimming through all the above I’ve come to 2 conclusions;

    A. Most people on this forum have too much time on their hands (except me)
    B. Dyna-ti was correct
    3. All politicians are lying muppets, why not throw the BNP into the mix to liven the place up a bit.

    Free Member

    bruneep – I’ve been in the army for 18 years, if all I had to think about was “holding a gun” I’d have got bored and left long ago. It is actually an interesting,varied and rewarding career – granted there is a bit of “take the rough with the smooth”.

    Would I join at 38 with 2 kids, only if I knew my wife could handle being thrown into a completely different, sometimes lonely and often very worrying life. Also depends on your “trade” within the army – you really do not want to be anywhere near the front line joining at that age…..

    shooterman, mail me if you like and I’ll bore you to death, sorry, give any advice I can.

    Free Member

    Nice route, I used to ride all those areas regularly – then I had to move to “mountainous” Essex with work, and it sucks ass !!!!!!!

    Free Member

    probably both mate, although some wierdo’s like flat bars….

    Free Member

    OK, I’m not a scientist or anything but I am a Military arctic survival instructor and one of our golden rules is never to sleep in a vehicle if there is a tent available, possibly for some of the reasons hot fiat says.
    I am talking about severely cold conditions here (-15 and below), my personal experience (several trips to Norway) would tell me to go for the tent every time. as an example, I once broke down in a BV oversnow vehicle and had to wait a day for recovery, it was fookin orrible! as for a bottle of water never freezing in a vehicle, seen it several times.

    A lot will also depend on what you are sleeping, i.e. how well insulated you are fom the ground otherwise your body will always try to heat up it’s suroundings or anything it is in contact with. This could include a car interior which is designed to be heated, not to insulate.

    This probably hasn’t helped at all but I feel better now.

    Free Member

    Have to agree with njee, of all the people I regularly meet, be it running, the odd road ride or on some trail somewhere by far the most ignorant twunts are “young” downhill/freeride types. Usually seen on a £4k bike that they clearly didn’t buy (daddy did), making poor excuses for not actually riding anything remotely technical or dangerous, dropping rubbish and abusing anyone with less than 6 inches – of travel, obviously.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Motorex “Semi-bath” stuff, bottle cost about £5 couple of years ago, apply a couple of drops after each ride, cycle forks up and down, wipe of excess keeps ’em sweet – lasts forever too.

    But that finish line stuff prob just as good !!

    Free Member

    Thanks all, no don’t really need new brakes, running juicy 5’s which are scruffy/battered and bruised but work well, and would agree with general faffing (although not often) required with xt hubs.

    May check merlin again to see if they have any combo’s with Hope hubs.

    Free Member

    Rode at all 3 locations wek before last, Penmachno was very wet, trail not draining too well. CYB and Marin both fine, just a little dampness here and there.

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