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  • DexShell Thermfit NEO Waterproof Gloves review
  • Marin
    Free Member

    The transits will be the remnants of the hippy convoy that moved over if they had Brit plates. I liked the area myself and been round a lot of Spain. Mayb being an aging hippy at heart didn’t put me off.

    Free Member

    A HUGE spliff?

    Free Member

    Great fun hurty teeth though with all that rushing air into your face, keep your mouth closed.

    Free Member

    Nearly 42 now. Had dreadlocks tied up for years. Now have a short cut “style” with more grey by the day which I kinda like. Mine sticks up randomly whatever I do so have just given in and get it cut every few months. I would describe my style as windswept or dontreallycaremuchanymore.

    Free Member

    The same one for weddings and funerals. I only own one though.

    Free Member

    Farts are hillarious.

    Norwegian Hansa lager gives you great farts that smell exactly the same as the beer.

    Once farted over dinner in a restaurant and followed through. It was in Cairo though so pretty much the norm I’d say.

    Free Member

    Off on a tangent, why do dog owners have to pick up dog poo or be fined but cats can dump where they please, mainly on my flower bed till I terrorised all the local cats who find it best to avoid our garden now.

    Free Member

    Conwy Falls cafe is great.
    Petes Eats OK in the week when you really need a huge carb fix.

    Does no one complain anymore except behind a key board. Bought a pack of cakes this week and got home to find they were stale. Tootle back on the bike to the shop and get a refund. We really do not complain enough in the UK. I dont mean moaning on websites I mean face to face complaints.

    Free Member

    Whatever their motives are its a cold and lonely place to die and far too easy to judge others whilst sat in front of a computer. The mountains are stangely addictive and despite meeting lots of knobbish trekking groups in Nepal it is awe inspiring and the Nepalese are amazing. If you were willing to pay for me to join an expedition I’d go back quite happily. I’d say knowing when to turn back is the ultimate skill which can be very hard if you have put everything on the line for your one attempt. May they RIP.

    Free Member

    Six feet tall Bit short of that.

    Muscly, toned and athletic Yes

    Brown eyes No

    Short dark hair Grey

    Smart dress sense Ha!

    A beer / lager drinker No Lager fizzy pish.

    Non smoker Smoe some things.

    Wears smart jeans, shirt and a

    V-neck jumper No

    Gets ready in 17 minutes Way less than that.

    Stylish In my special way.

    Wants a family Wouldn’t say no but not going to happen now.

    Earns £48,000 a year Much less.

    Loves shopping No.

    Eats meat Sometimes.

    Clean shaven Sometimes.

    Smooth chest Yes.

    Watches soaps No.

    Enjoys watching football No.

    Drives an Audi VW Tansporter.

    Educated to degree level Yes.

    Earns more than you Probably not.

    Jokes around and has a laugh Yes.

    Sensitive when you are upset Sometimes.

    Tells you he loves you only when he means it Yes dear.

    Wot a load of tosh. Am I perfect?

    Free Member

    Its what I was riding at the time. Could have been Giant, On One or Claude but twas a quirk of fate how they were all stacked up in the kitchen.

    Free Member

    I had Global and loved them but they all got stolen in Norway, tis a long story, must say I have nowt special now I just keep them super sharp.

    Free Member

    Did this last week and fitted nicely into a VW Transporter.
    If moving and hiring a van get a LWB. Fit more in and less runs to do the move. Just make sure you have help reversing if you are not used to them.

    Free Member

    Some nice climbing near by, decent pubs. The Lizard village bit is awful. I’m sure you will have a lovely time especially if you avoid school holidays.

    Free Member

    Its tricky in L’pool commuting. Just have to ride in the middle of the lane at lights etc. or you do get cut up. Mind you see quite a few cyclists who ride like dicks as well.
    The flashibg front light seems to annoy drunks in town rather a lot.

    Free Member

    Very sad news. I pestered my dad for years as a kid to get a dog and couldn’t understand why he was reluctant as he’d been brought up with dogs. We got one for my 13th birthday and I was deleriously happy. Only found out years later he’d had to take the last two to the vets to be put down and didn’t want to face it again. Hope all works out for the best.

    Free Member

    Big hands and big jaw whoeever they pick.

    Free Member

    Going to see the Giant Girl in Liverpool tonight. Riding Lee Quarry on Saturday. Chillin’ on Sunday.

    Free Member

    My old boss had a place in France he rented out for cash only so tax problems avoided. The U.K. tax office appears to be so rubbish how would they even know. It took me 15 minutes yesterday to explain to them I was no longer self employed so thats why I stopped my contributions.

    Free Member

    Everyone loves you when you’re dead!
    Went to see her live and she just wasn’t that good. Looked like a crack head on a bad day and blown off stage by her backing singers. Me and my mates came out saying that was a bit rubbish. After her death same mates now say how great the gig was. Time for an argument me thinks.

    Free Member

    Muddy on Sunday. Off to to ride from Cilcain tomorrow so there will be no mud at all!!

    Free Member

    Got asked in an interview yesterday why I wanted the job. I told them because I didn’t win the lottery on Saturday and I had bills to pay. They rang two hours later and aksed when could I start!
    Bit of a relief. Had to give up on the domestic decorating game. I presume all jobs are being undercut by people signing on as the price people are expecting you to work for is ridiculous.
    I also get to go riding tomorrow as I know I can affoerd to keep putting fuel in the van. Yippeee.

    Free Member

    I do not see why you cannot sign on if you have savings over £4000 if its still that.
    As this is money I have already paid taxes on. If I have nothing I would be able to sign on. It does suggest that if you are on the financial edge you would be better off falling over it when dealing with the government.

    Free Member

    Absolutely and currently live on a lot less. I am self employed though mostly unemployed and being priced out of work by people signing on who can afford to quote lower. It appears to be the usual tory option of tackling the easier targets but personaly I would say yes £26,000 a year is too high unless you have paid into the system for a very long time.

    Free Member

    Homemade potato and leek soup with blue cheese. No work at the moment so plenty of time.

    Free Member

    Small increase if you are paying the bills to cover cost of heating etc.
    I rent out a house and the rent has been the same for 3 years. I make enough out the house and times are tough. As long as the flat is in good condition and all maintenance is kept up to date they have a pretty good deal.

    Free Member

    Guiness of Japan according to my waiter the other night. He was Japanese in a Japanese restaurant he must know!

    Free Member

    Mates just sold a Caddy and bought a t4 so they can sleep in it. I’ve got a t4 and can’t knock it. Had 3 bikes and people in it on Saturday. Easy to drive round town, good for sleeping in and you can still get them at a reasonable price if you but a bare bones one and do all the interior yourself. They hold their value vey well which is more than can be said for most. Road tax is getting a bit steep though.

    Free Member

    Happened to me once on Skye. Local friendly mechanic put a piece of wood across width of back wheel and smacked it with a hammer on both rear wheels. Hey presto release sticking handbrake. Worth a try.

    Free Member

    No sorry just a regular pair of combats. Thats pretty dashing though as 95% on the locals are in black tracksuits.

    Free Member


    Ha ha they were rollups as well. Of course I actually went on a singlespeed with newly fitted full mudguards to protect my rather dashing new trousers.

    Free Member

    What does going down the corner shop on a full susser to buy a pack of fags make you?

    Free Member

    Middle ground I would say if you like bikes and holidays and ever want to leave NZ at any point if you live there.
    Im self employed (though mainly unemployed at the moment). My cash goes on bills, toys and diesel for the van at the moment. I buy stuff if I need it not want it. Grow some veg, looking into a wood burner as I get access to free wood sometimes. Would like chickens but not practical at the moment,trying to find a happy balance. I’ve spent a lot of time in NZ and stayed and worked on lifestyle plots. It was great but I do like to travel and you need money for that as well as bills, van insurance etc.
    Good luck working it out let me know the answer.

    Free Member

    Sorry about your dad. My dad died 15 years ago and I went to see his body to accompany my mum as brother and sister did not want to go. It didn’t look like him in my mind and I found it very unpleasant and upsetting. He looked like a wax model of his former self.
    However in a strange way I’m glad I did as it was a chance to say goodbye to his body.

    Free Member

    They are a pain. Been poisoning them in our loft for months. Find dead ones,goes quiet then starts again.Stuffed all holes with wire wool, poison trays are filled and eaten. Also use sticky boards which I check every day and have then killed about 10 of them over a few months with a brick outside. Given up getting rid of them just keep the numbers down to a minimum.

    Free Member

    If you enjoy it and it keeps you sane why stop? My OH only complains when bikes start living in the kitchen and when I go riding as I cant go climbing with her.

    Free Member

    +1 for silk liner. Stops smells and add a bit more warmth. I reckon if you go to bed v.cold you stay cold. Star jumps at bed time? Can be an awful experience but your body warmth insulates you and the bag. Sorry if the words egg and suck are springing to mind.

    Free Member

    Top Christmas.
    Went to brothers house and family on 23rd. Ate, drank and sang too much on the Wii thingy.
    Christmas Eve digesting food.
    Christmas day my mum sis and in laws came round.
    Boxing day went back to in laws.
    Today been for a ride and cut down a tree.

    Free Member

    Ive got the warmest sleeping bag they make but can’t remember the name now. Kept we warm for 7 weeks in the Khumbu late last year and up to Annapurna base camp.Slept at over 5000m a few times and was toasty. Personally I cant knock it. Cheap compared to other makes and very good. The stuff sack fell apart but it took a lot of abuse. Their bivvy bags and headtorches are also good.
    Even bought some titanium tent pegs but that was heading to the alps and getting very anal about weight issues.

    Free Member


    Hope next year is better for everyone.

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