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  • Video: The Capital Trail in 24 Hours
  • Marin
    Free Member

    Lake District for me.

    Free Member

    Say no to wife beater. Used to drink a LOT years ago and stopped and saved all my boozin money for 6 months then went on a 6 month trip abroad on the cash. It was more fun than drinking thats for sure. Stay determined and off the pop mate, life will be better. There are no happy endings going the other way. I’ve been to mates funerals who proved the point. Dont give up giving up even if you end up on the lash for a night, we all make occasional mistakes.

    Free Member

    Ive got a t4 self semi conversion. Side windows self tinted. Have the 2 seat in the back thats removable. Just left the rear seat belt in situ so can be used still and one is attatched to the seat anyway. Cheaper than selling and buying a new van.

    Free Member

    My Mrs hates my 3 bikes in the kitchen because they are always in front of her bikes. :-)

    Free Member

    Only ever really before I go on holiday on the last couple of rides I do. 42 now and still ride as quick downhill as I did just the downhills aren’t as big. Only one big crash thankfully hitting a sheep and getting knocked out in my late 20’s whilst heli-biking. Going self employed toned it down for a while but then I thought what’s the point cutting back on my weekend warrior action? Back up to speed though I have noticed a lot more people are faster than me these days.

    Free Member

    Paint it with a brush. Much better result. If you insist on trying to be lazy either remove or cover area not to be sprayed very well.Then practice first on something outside unless you are really called Banksy.

    Free Member

    My last meeting was held whilst sitting on a fridge drinking a half pint glass of tea. We sorted it out in time for Popmaster finishing.

    Free Member

    I wear knee shin pad thingies on most rides unless very flat or grassy. Shins stop me going home with lacerated legs if off trailing. Knees because mine are or were knackered. Both because Im self employed. Rode 60k in them on Saturday and they were OK. 661’s. Other knee shin pad thingies are available.

    Free Member

    Very sad and well said Trevor. My sister is a WPC in Cheshire and for the sh~t she takes on a daily basis the pay isn’t that great.

    Free Member

    +1 for bikingandalucia. Nice trails and chilled out accomodation,chilled town,lots of bars and tapas. Good job for you David my painting was rained off today!

    Free Member

    +1 for biking Andalucia, had a week out there a couple of weeks ago with the Mrs and have re-booked for February. Nice trails and very chilled out accomodation.

    Free Member

    I’d say she gets the 15k and no interest. If you have done all the maintenance on the house present her with a bill for that then tell her not to be so silly or you’ll both loose all your money to a robbing solicitor.
    Me and the other half both own our houses but will soon be buying a joint one. We will definately be having a contract drawn up as to who gets what if we break up though that event is unlikely. It would just help to avoid any future problems.
    Hope it all works out. Failing that though shag her sister to get you’re own back…..

    Free Member

    Boys your girls are rubbish. My mrs always puts good music on over telly. Only moans about bikes in the kitchen when mine get in the way of hers. Encourages funky facial growth and never watches soap operas and understands the argument of no I dont want to do that now.

    Free Member

    I’ll happily e-mail quotes to customers rather than a written one so we are both aware of what I have agreed to do. However I don’t advertise my e-mail due to the ridiculous people who think you can quote a job without looking at it or have any idea of the size or state a property is in. For every moan about a tradesman theres an equal one about dopey customers.

    Free Member

    Could a Jack come riding with me?

    I’d say so loddrik mine was taken out on 2 big walks a day and a small one. He still had time to destroy things he didn’t like. My mates JR has just gone blind, still goes for long walks, just follows a small bell my friend puts on his belt. Only thing that slows her down are deep puddles, only time I’ve seen one of the little buggers look worried. They are a bit like Marmite, love ’em or hate ’em.

    Free Member

    Owned a JR for 12 years. He disliked everyone who didn’t live in our house and you would have probably have to of beaten him to death to get a point across that he didn’t agree with. He would try and attack any dog bigger than him and his idea of fetch was get the ball and attack it till it fell to pieces. Only mellowed when he got to be about 11 and all his teeth fell out. He was a great dog.

    Free Member

    Chorizo and mature cheddar cheese with onion chutney in corn tortillas. Getting really distracted though by a super hot fmale BT engineer whose come to fix the pone lines.

    Thats female and phone

    Free Member

    I love horses. No idea why really never had much to do with them. I feel compelled to stop and talk to them when out riding even if the buggers never answer back.

    Free Member

    On One. Very good fun.

    Free Member

    Its a right pain. Had it bad at the start of the year when writing my shopping list was too much. I tried sports remedial massage from these guys luckily my Mrs is doing a course with them. 2 treatments later hand grips forearm etc are ok. Still occasional pain in elbow but not too much to worry about. Its a painful session but worked for me. Still can’t climb much but at least I can work and do my shopping list now.

    Free Member

    Its far easier to chase plumbers or painters than go after large companies who have strong and well paid legal teams to defend themselves. Yes everyone should pay tax but have HSBC or Barclays been called “morally wrong” yet? Apologies if they have. And no I probably don’t declare all my jobs but then I occasionaly like to eat food that doesn’t come off the reduced counter.

    Free Member

    Is it just me who thinks magazines are way expensive. Are there any WH lurkers who read off the shelf and then leave with no purchase.

    Free Member

    I can see you haven’t taken my advice to beat up your tenant so……
    If you are moving away and cannot do the work on the house it will cost you even more to run and therefore less profit. Go onto Rightmove etc. and see what houses nearby are really selling for not what you would like to get.
    I’d say rent still as after years of working overseas myself I quite like the idea of having a home even if I don’t live in it and you will get a decent tenant eventually.
    However if you are on a forum looking for advice it may be time to sell, cover your loses and look for a high interest account with any profit you may walk away with….. or burn it down, claim the insurance and fix that pesky tenant.

    Free Member

    It is not legal and landlords have gone to jail for it.

    Harrassment is a serious offense and taken seriously.

    I rent properties

    I have no idea if this is legal

    Oh dear I am a criminal. If so then I am happy to accept that tag. If by having a tenant in my house who doesn’t pay any rent and I knock on the door and ask where it is whilst passing is considerd harrasment then so be it.

    Sounds like bad luck to me Renton as you are keeping the house up.I offerd to drop rent for one very nice tenant who was struggling as have been in that position myself but I stand by take the piss out of piss takers. I have to pay my bils so can others. Best of luck.

    Free Member

    0 debt apart from mortgage. There is a very good reason people wish to lend you money. If you can’t suss that one out put your head in the oven now.

    Free Member

    Evict them asap. If they are genuine they are still a plank and will be no end of trouble but se sounds like a financial disaster.
    Call your agency every hour and ask for a progress report. As a nation we are too polite and moan at the wrong people, constantly moan at the right ones and things happen. Go and knck on the door and ask where the rent money is and do not deviate from conversation line of where is my money. Cause your tenant the same stress they are causing you. And no I have no idea if this is legal but so what.
    I would say you have been very unlucky a I rent properties and so far have only had good tenants. If you have no real choice of agencies self rent it.
    Also without being rude is the house in tip top condition? Shabby houses attract shabby renters.

    Free Member

    Camp anywhere you like, the Nogs don’t seem to mind as long as your away from buildings. As a previous poster said look out for long tunnels, they do like burrowing through mountains and some dont allow bikes. Traffic is great compared to the UK. Beautiful place and great people. The ferry from Newcastle is well and truely off.

    Free Member

    No television and blu ray will never make you’re life better unless you are a fat slug who never goes out and has an aversion to fruit and vegetables.

    Free Member

    Aw you chavster. Keep the photo print intact on the wall and just paper it round the pillar(if its part of the wall) to keep the image intact all the way. Looks more sensible and the pillar if its in the middle does not dirupt it overly. Scenary you can get away with but buildings for example would be too inconsistant.
    If you cant wallpaper though make sure you get a decent person in to do it as any visible seams on the paper would look rubbish. Prints on wide viynl may be a better option to have custom made.
    As a decoratr I would have to say far too many houses are very bland. Big flower prints gained popularity as the ecenomy started going to crap. Peolpe begin looking at houses as a home rather than an investment to sell and move on which is the way to lok at the space we live in. Anyway things to do, must put the kettle on.

    Free Member

    I ride with the mrs. She’s very slow uphill but very fast down. Some rides its a no as its out with mates on a boys thing. Just arrange the rides to suit really.

    Free Member

    Have a big print up my stairs and like it a lot.
    Does that make me a Chav or you a snob?

    Free Member

    If you like bikes get another one. I have 2 “good” bikes and a crap commuter-supermarket bike. Would like a good about town bike and have the bits but I know it will get nicked so its staying in pieces.
    The police are well under resourced. A friend of mine is a beat copper and their manning levels are 50% down on last year and virtually all are being drafted to London for the Olympics so expecting a local crime wave.

    Free Member

    In BKK get on a river bus and just ride to the end of the line and come back. Great views and people watching. Check out the larger food markets very interesting. Floating market strictly for the tourist now I’d say. Walk off down any side street that is not full of tourists to enjoy the views. Big fixie scene in BKK, bit of internet trawling could get you a ride round the city with them.
    In Chang Mai last year, great sport climbing at crazy horse Buttress, guides and transport available just google.
    Looked like some v.good bikig as well. Downhill and cross country again just google. Cant offer any recomendations as was on end of an 8 month trip and skint when I got there. Check out the bikes first cheap operators will give you the old posties bike to ride and you get what you pay for.

    Free Member

    Id say leaving certain qualifications off is O.K. I work as a painter (leading nicely to my next post) but never bother mentioning a BA(Hons) in History. I went to University when it was freeish and did it because I loved the subject not to get a job out of it.
    However if the subject comes up I’ll happily admit my sordid educational past.

    Free Member

    The PO are killing themselves. Last year I had post redirection paid for a year. No letter was ever re-directed and the PO after lots of complaining from me basically said “tough titty were not responsible are you cant do anything about it”
    My big brother who works for a very large internet based company called the PO in to a meeting about late deliveries and getting a better service and was told like it or lump it. He or they lumped it and moved to private companies loosing the PO millions.
    I really do not want to see another company privatised but in my experience they are rubbish and expensive.

    Free Member

    Reaching 42 in one piece.

    Free Member

    What a long argument. Hurray for the fly past. Why not celebrate that as a nation we stood togethor instead of being our usual devisive selves and as a war it was about the only one really worth fighting. Waving a flag doesn’t always mean youre a right wing nut job and why not celebrate past history as it always repeats itself if only we weren’t too dumb or arrogant to listen.

    Free Member

    Thank chaps. I do prefer Lanjaron but what the hell, I’l be glad to be back.

    Free Member

    Huarray. I told the Mrs we could save money by going to the bar!

    Free Member

    Midgies seems to be getting worse in Wales. Had no problem with tics in past couple of years.

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