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  • Mental Mondays #4 Crossword & puzzles by Hannah
  • marcus7
    Free Member

    Mate of mine does a lot of hunting and its (from what he says) really good, however, if you are a novice then dont expect to roll up and start taking pot shots! they guy you are with will literally call the shots and that means you wont necessarily get a chance. you also will probably have to show you are a good enough shot to get a kill. He reckons the stalking is the bigger part and he loves that part. His first kill was like nothing else he has done (really into all sorts of field sports) purely due to the effort involved. couldn't be bothered me self (just go the butchers!).

    Free Member

    Ta, I was thinking about the YHA.

    Free Member

    Bruk, yes i am!! thank god for that, I was going to start looking at RF sheilding, ferrite loops all shorts of stuff which i knew had nowt to do with it!. cheers i'll leave it for now

    Free Member

    A&F gear does tend to be big in my experience, the hoodie i have is a medium and like a tent! and i'm no slim jim!.

    Free Member

    Personally i wouldn't touch a piston compressor if the reciever wont be up to the job , i found they pulse and in some applications can cause problems, problem is I guess you are going to be using single phase so will be limited to that type as vane and screw compressors are generally bigger (i dont like vane either). 10 bar is quite high as well and could you run a lower pressure? if you can you may be able to improve the cfm as it generally proportional. Oh and don't let it run dry they dont like it!

    Free Member

    It's a pgo speedster and french, and very ugly, and i dont like it or her for thet matter. mind you i love 356 speedsters so no wonder.

    Free Member

    Use of the word "hun" as in "OK C U L8R HUN"..arrrrrhh!

    Free Member

    Dunno, but clearly some kind of crappy 356 speedser lookey like, needs burning…

    Free Member

    happened on my bora, the caliper on a rear disc has pistons which self adjust on a screw thread which is connected to the handbrake cable, they can seize. you can tell by taking the caliper out (remove the pads) and rotate the piston ( you may need a special tool to do this) it should rotate either direction freely…..sound like a pain in the ****? well not really but if you arn't sure the get it to the garage!!!

    Free Member

    were they very hot or smelled of hot oil? if so they are probably binding, this will reduce your fuel consumption ( think how hard its is to ride with a brake binding!). can be caused by alsorts and depends on manufacturer and type so from the sounds of it you need to get it to a garage….

    Free Member

    Charlie and Lola are driving me mad…its bad enough for my daughter to worship them but my wife has bought just about all the merchandise (and there is loads). “daddy can we watch charlie and lola?” not at four in the morning now bog off back to bed….
    Green ballon club is bilge and as for “its our world” song, makes me want to burn a tyre….

    Free Member

    As far a I remember fleece is polypropylene or similar, cant be dyed as its plastic (can bleach and stain with some chemicals) the colour is a pigment added at the manufacturing stage which is very colour fast.

    Free Member

    Scotster, ive got a two year old and a 8 month old so i do know what you mean (we had to remove the clock from her room “because it tickied toooo loud!), I’d sugest leaving the door open and placing the fan on the landing, pointing to the door, it worked in the past for us.

    Free Member

    I’ve bought loads of portables for work in the past and they usually come with hot air vent kit that will fit on your window to ensure reasonable heat exchange, they work ok but you get what you pay for so the control is not as good as a commercial unit. Also you have to drain the condensate rugularly of the switch themselves off!. I’ve looked at one for the house but to be honest if you set up a fan to shift the air around you’ll be suprised at the difference. The other option is to get one of those B&Q airforce wall mounted units although any aircon guy will tell you them they are rubbish….

    Free Member

    Saw it a few months back over delamere and could not belive my eyes (even checked on the web to make sure it was around the area). was truely awesome and was glad to see it got its cash needed to keep it in the air…

    Free Member

    Dont get me wrong tape does work but in my experience if you put too much pressure on then you run the risk of pulling off what you’ve taped to or ragging the tape or even leaving adhesive residues. Its like anything, with experience your results improve and what ever method you employ will work out (i just cant use the tape for tossers line at work tomorrow!).

    Free Member

    “tape is for tossers” i like that and will attempt to use it myself in general conversation!, I know what you mean though, and in my experience its not the best unless you are using it on a really smooth stable surface. also some cheaper tapes bleed really easily and you should take them off really quickly after youve painted. There are also several grades of tape which can are supposed to be left on for certain amounts of time. BUT iv’e gone free hand and use decorators wipes or similar if it goes pear shaped, seems easier, cleaner and quicker (well for me anyway)

    Free Member

    Oh, maybe not then….sorry but as far as i know (well everyone I know that has one) they use them to “access” DS games off tinternet, (check out the rom sites). BTW I have neither a DS or any type of R4 gizmo….but I know someone who does….

    Free Member

    Because people dont “back up” on r4 ds cards?!!?!!? I guess you are just kidding though….

    Free Member

    6%…who’d have thought it…..anyone who knows me i guess….

    Free Member

    My last one for some time……I may well ride there for old times sake…

    Free Member

    The wild geese, no bird on earth would like it i reckon and the call signs of “broad sword” and “danny boy” say it all….

    Free Member

    Assuming you paid the VAT here then no worries….

    Free Member

    Blazin is right, paired cables do not a ring main make!, If the MCB hasn’t tripped then its unlikely that its a vermin problem, if the first socket is working but non of the others then it probably a fault in that socket….hard to tell without checking. Having said all of that if you dont know your beans and also are certain of how its wired dont do owt and gat a spark in, electrocuting yourself is not to bad but burning the house down……

    Free Member

    Knowing hollywood gibson will become american….and the dog will be called chalky….and it set off from pearl harbour…somehow it will still be true

    Free Member

    Nice one, didn’t know the date was today but you know what, regardless of the actual effectiveness of those raids I have nothing but admiration for those blokes. I reckon its pretty difficult for most of us to comprehend what challenges they faced and having read some stuff on much of the development of the technology and the requirements of the raid I’m impressed to say the least…..good on ya Julian..

    Free Member

    Is it me or is there a bimonthy saga about the merits of a henry against dyson (often tag teamed with sebo & miele). Really, some people seem to actually hate Dysons, I mean not just not rate them I mean actually wishing them harm!. IMO its a bit horses for courses, I’ve got both and use them for different stuff, dyson (10 years old no problems) for the house and the henry for garage and DIY in the house. I dont use the henry on carpets because it doesn’t have a beater/ brush and I’m sure it helps (or at least makes it easier). the Henry is great for sawdust and the like. I cannot believe that there is THAT much difference though with all uprights which use the same type of vacuum technology.

    Free Member

    worst thing is they are the sort of numpties we do employ…..

    Free Member

    The bike factory, chester!!!never have parts I need, i see why now!!

    Free Member

    We had a bit of a talk about this in our management meeting today as to how his is affecting our company generally, strangely we all did not think it was not that bad!. now in fairness we are in electronics manufacture and came to the conclusion that its been so bad for us for so long that this hasn’t been that noticable! To qualify that, 10 years ago there were 400+ companies like us in the UK, now probably about 50. The Chinese have killed us and we survive by being good at what we do (most of the time). What this has really meant is that we react VERY quickly to our market and can “cut our cloth” when needed. A good example was us going to a four day week, it took us less than a week to restructure our production (no job losses and no drop in pay), the savings were due to reduced power and water use and being a bit more hard arsed with our customers. We’ve seen a reduction in business but we will just deal with it, we have to. What we see now has been a long time coming and this forum has spoken about it before it all kicked off (house prices, buying stuff you don’t really need, blah, blah). I personally have put enough cash aside to cover me for a good while if it goes belly up, could have bought a flash motor but decided that it probably won’t feed my kids. Not being smug just been in this potential position for a long time….

    Free Member

    Go to B&Q (or similar) and have a look in the adhesives section, there’s loads of epoxy type metals and adhesives, I used some of there own brand epoxy metal on a sst tank at work and its been fine for 6+ months!

    Free Member

    Train, although where is the interview?, I travelled this a lot years ago and the train was fast and easy whereas by car is the pig of travelling one of the pennine routes which is a chore…

    Free Member

    Did it 18 months ago, it was hell, was forced to do this due to having to work in spain for a week, If you like bingo and low end live entertainment then go for it and the food (well thats what they called it) was all a bit las vegas (all you can eat bilge). I had to travel with a work geezer that i didn’t have much in common with and our conversation dried up after the first twelve hours so that may taint my view…. Even the crew we spoke to said that “you have to put in a lot of effort to make a ship this bad”. Was glad to get off at bilbao….on a more positive note the cabin had us in stitches as to how small they were!.

    Free Member

    Hmmmm puking wife??, something you want to tell us??…

    Free Member

    Kip, anyone who needs a DH rig in delamere needs help! nice one liner though :wink:, delamere is a regular ride and if you about the area on a monday night your welcome to join us!

    Free Member

    Kip, I live in Kelsall and so am probably south of you… Bottom line is you are a northener, simple way to know is you don’t watch or have any interest is midlands tonight news do you?! NO its NORTH WEST TONIGHT! Hurrah case solved!

    Free Member

    I’ve stayed at the hilton and the wellington and they were what i expected, poor relatively speaking, but no worse that london or paris…but they are well located and getting to the tourist places is easy. plan to only sleep in the hotel and it don’t much matter, I loved the place by the way if only for the experience (both good and bad!)

    Free Member

    Yup, my yamaha runs all me stuff although im sure those that know would say that you should run an amp separately….

    Free Member

    Just bought an Erbo from Germany for work, not very mobile but will rarely have problems, its a a bit pricey and uses a fair bit of electric but will outlast owt you can buy from currys :wink:..

    Free Member

    I’m not certain but on my Hotpoint dw, i had a fault code which i cant now recall which was the water level safety switch in the base. essentially if the machine floods into the base of the machine there is a float switch which stops the machine from running. pull off the bottom cover and feel inside the the pressed steel frame, if its full of water then drain it with a sponge (soak it up!) it takes a while but does work!,having said that it may not but it is easy to check!.

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