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  • marcus7
    Free Member

    I have to admit i didn’t sleep well last night (which made me late into work), I just don’t really do the whole jumping on someones head thing and bullying is so subjective that for some people its water of a ducks back. I really am not a confrontational guy and i tend to try and explain myself if people misunderstand what i am saying and i really do try to see others point of view. I just felt that there were those who see that as a weakness and somehow that allows them to put the boot in. I will say that i don’t feel bullied but it felt like it was heading that way. PP post is an example of this as he clearly did not read what i had said and then repeatedly tried to get a rise out of me even though the answer was already there. My advice is perhaps people should be less inclined to jump in without considering what has already been written, again i thank those who helped defend me, this really is not what i was expecting of an innocent comment made on a sunday afternoon, it wasn’t my intention to upset people with a non constructive thread but that what it seems to have become.

    Free Member

    Yep my friends and i do take the piss but fortunately we know where piss taking stops and bullying begins so quite amazingly dont do the latter. we also recognise when someone is on a back foot especially when more people pile and invariably the brakes are put on because it not a nice thing to do. now thats easy to do when you are face to face and i appreciate that being on a forum it hard to gauge the situation but im not a kick a bloke when he’s down sort of person and on this site in the past when i’ve recognised my involvement i have apologised, christ i even have asked project in the past about his negative persona as it concerns me that people can get to that situation so quickly. saying its just a bit of fun is always going to be the catch all for those who dont give a shit who they upset (seen it at school and in places i’ve worked) and the number of times its accepted is amazing. but as i say this is drifting way of the original topic into other issues which actually are worth discussing so i suppose it was kind of worth starting!.

    Free Member

    Cheers teasel, I just prefer conversation rather than confrontation, as it turns out STW is not the best place for it…. I guess its why most people i ride with have knocked it on the head. I’m not bailing but after this little episode I’ll definitely be backing off a bit!

    Free Member

    There you go again drac suggesting (in a subtle way) that im some kind of weirdo spying on my neighbour, It wasn’t supposed to be interesting it was just an observation which when its 20 ft from where you are sitting is hard to miss. I dont expect anyone to reply to my posts especially if they are off the top of my head, I also don’t expect to be attacked for not being interesting or relevant. I see a lot of posts on here ( in fact there was a similar post on noise where the poster was not attacked) and it does smack of a clique of people on here who’s first response is to belittle the poster for lots of reasons. I have not been given a fair chance and every time i explained my point i was howled down by people (including you unless you think the Meldrew picture means something else). I am frustrated by it to be honest and i understand how easy it is to be goaded into and argument ( my sympathies with TJ ) I also know that many will be privately say “what a bloody snowflake it only bantz”. I’m a pretty fair person and I’m rarely up for an argument as i prefer to talk to people, which is what i did with bloke across the back and its now sorted. I’m very much of the treat people as you would want to be treated but when you are deliberately backed into a corner sometimes you run out of choices. I will apologise for my post not being a bit more concise but it was on my phone and its a bit of a faff and i tried to expand in further posts but those just got drowned out with noise. It easy to forget that not everyone sees the world like you (evidenced by recent political events) and there are still a lot of folks around with a **** you kind of attitude… perhaps some on here should consider that.

    Free Member

    Well Project insulted me personally yet that was within the the rules apparently and I hate to break it to you Drac but i had a quick look at posts that you have started and believe it or not some of them were not world news… This has just become some weird argument about the mob can sometimes descend here and it sometimes appears that the mods can aid that mentality, i’ve no doubt i’ll continue to get flamed on this by the usual people and i’m now fair game (its only the internet apparently). I would like to thank those that defended me as it can feel a bit like you are being circled, hell i may even get banned for what i’ve said about one mod but at least i said my piece (more than once)

    Free Member

    Nope, still reading this and really am quite suprised by some of the responses on here. I always thought that the most STW posters were kind of thoughtful and considerate on most issues. my question was i found it odd that he waited all day to start a job when it appeared that he could have done it earlier. Drac piled in and that appeared to green light everyone saying what they liked about what i’d said which essentially said **** you you moany **** he can do what he likes you NIMBY turd. I initially didn’t understand the response as its not what i said. I then made (as i am now) the classic mistake of getting involved and some sensed blood/sport in making the best comment. I’ve been on here a long time and seen this before so i should know better and i admit i was a bit upset that i was berated for asking a simple question. I kind of know now what its like to be baited on people on here as i’m not a keyboard warrior nor a big hitter, but i’d like to think i can on occasion contribute, it has put me off i must say. I would also say that a few years back i think i fell into the baiting trap myself and felt like a bit of a shit afterward and decided it wasn’t a good thing to do as you dont know who the poster is and how it could affect them (having seen what happend to Kaesae). I’m not it that situation but it does make me think a bit more these days. Sorry for the ramble carry on….

    Free Member

    Nope, bear in mind our gardens back onto each other he wasn’t out at all, I know this as I was in the garden painting the fence. Yes he could have been doing stuff inside but as I have tried to say it was strange that he started at that time as I would have done that first if it were me. From my own experience I will garantee that someone will complain as they did about me when I moved some bricks on a sat morning which I told him about when he was doing the planning stuff. He will properly piss off some round here if he works primarily at weekends.

    Free Member

    I cant resist…. Which is a failing of mine but thanks drac for making my point….. If he had been doing it all day id understand! 8)

    Free Member

    This will be the last post as i getting into a no win situation but for the hard of thinking the full sentence is that i found it strange which i’ve tried to expand on that its not the digging but the odd time to start which is of course my opinion. but as I said the low rent smart arses and low level bullies are gathering so there’s no point in posting any more. :roll:
    Edit: Thanks again teasel one less STW hyena! :D
    Edit: proof below! i actually was waiting for it though its not my favourite gif…..pat on that back for being first though! :wink:

    Free Member

    Hammerite, same here mate but he has been there all day then suddenly decided to make a start, in my book after 4pm if the mrs asks then she can do one (unless i’ve already said id do it). but of course the smart arse pack on here love nothing more than to spin what you say and once the pack gets big enough then they really get to fever pitch, it a bit sad to see a mod getting in on the action but mild bullying of posters on here does seem to be getting more common which is why you see the same posters here time and again. hey ho lesson learned. :|

    Free Member

    Thanks Project appreciate your insight :roll: If only i was a cheerful chappie like you……

    Free Member

    Oh he hasn’t used a mixer yet… he poured the foundation yesterday, In my defence I noticed because they ready mix truck blocked the entrance to our entire estate road and we as well as a fair few others couldn’t get out… You are right though I’m a proper nimby… :wink:.

    Free Member

    You may be right but I am reminded that I was reported by a neighbour when I moved some bricks by hand when I had my building work done. I guess I am on my own in thinking that 4pm Sunday start time is not what builders normally do.

    Free Member

    Right sorry my mistake, he’s a fekkin DUP supporter (just to keep things trend) so let’s give him a flaming….

    Free Member

    Not sure I was trying to be insightful, he’s been in all day and waits till now to crack on, I may do my grass at this time as it will be dry but I can’t see why he’s waited ( digger has been here all weekend).

    Free Member

    True it just seems a strange time to start…..

    Free Member

    Our Samsonite cases are well over 20 years old and show not signs giving up. I honestly can’t see me buying replacements!. We got them in an unusual colour which is a great idea when you need to get them of the conveyor!… I got them from Cheshire oaks outlet shop so they were quite cheap as well!

    Free Member

    Hmmm mine started at £50k ended up at about £120k…… Got quite at bit done though….. :cry:

    Free Member

    Gold label finished off with a bottle of ouzo……

    Free Member

    This reminds me of an incident a few years back outside our office, there were roadworks which closed the road down to one lane with traffic lights at each end maybe 300 m apart. As usual there were the amber gamblers and a few red light jumpers but nothing that unusual… Until one day a guy in a jag thought he would jump the lights from the left when the right hand direction had already gone green and cars were in the lane. He was about 50 m in when he came head to head with a black bmw. We saw all of this due to him blowing his horn, flashing his lights etc and making MANY gestures the guys in the BM. We nearly died with laughter when they responded with flashing blue lights and directed him to our car park and watched as he tried to talk his way out of it!…..

    Free Member

    As if on topic:

    I believe this fella knows about this sort of thing!

    Free Member

    It’s funny you say that about the plug because i nicked it off something else!. It’s a proper 70’s machine, dark brown plastic and can be wall mounted!. Will try it with some pukka coffee soon and use it at work!!

    Free Member

    Just tried it…. Not the worst I’ve tasted….. A bit like coffee filtered through wet cardboard….

    Free Member

    It’s Lyons original blend ( made in Great Britain… So it should be fine… I’m going to open it now…..

    Free Member

    Just an update as i have not fixed it quite yet in respsonse to cougar, this install was only 3 years ago and was changed as we needed to change the way the machine operated , the PC (dell) was installed and new control software for the S7 was installed at a cost of £12000, so you can imagine the cost of updating to siemens latest PLC offering would be, and you would surprised at the number of relatively new machines that run old OS systems (the one running warp is 7 years old). its a private company by the way (mine actually so leaving isn’t really an option…) :lol:

    Free Member

    I’ve changed the battery to no effect…. As for using XP, unfortunately it has to be this as it drives a simatic s7 plc which needs to be run in XP. The PC was actually supplied as win7 and had to be changed back. It’s a 15 yr old machine with all the electronics from that era(s7 was discontinued years ago) we have kit here using warp because the manufacturer considers it stable for the software they wrote!!! Btw the software we run on it is wonderware along with the s7… Total pita to be honest but there you go…

    Free Member

    I know XP is no longer supported so i’m hoping that they will allow it to be re-activated, it is OEM by the way.

    Free Member

    You might well be right I’m not sure how this has been configured as it was supplied with the machine, it seems odd that its asking this but i’ll persevere!.

    Free Member

    Yep tried that, if i remove all the hardware excluding the hard drive it just craps out, yet if i plug the same hard drive into another PC it boots up but then asks for the licence to be activated. I’d assumed that the mother board would have the licence stored within the BIOS somewhere which would stop you from moving the hard drive from the PC, don’t know if that’s the case but I cant think of anything else!

    Free Member

    These days doing R&D in power electronics and other “projects” in conjunction with several universities, bit different to working for the big industrial players but working on completely new concepts is very rewarding AND we get a decent IP share at last!.

    Free Member

    More than most people here at a guess….

    Free Member

    Yep, remember looking for deposit bottles as a kid (had to have the screw top to get the 10p) also had a fish van, meat van, grocery van, rag and bone man! Also, ( as i dont drink these days ) do they still have a “mr cockle” round the pubs these days? crab sticks after several pints was always a fave!

    Free Member

    it probably is within permitted development as you say although in the back of my mind im sure there is an issue if the window overlooks an adjoining property and that they would have to use obscured glass and there is some issue with the window opening. Talk to your local planning as they will be able to tell you what the local “rules” are.

    Free Member

    :D just about to say that….

    Free Member

    Did you actually read fishas post TJ?? :? or does your dislike of certain posters on here cloud your judgement that much?.

    Free Member

    All done, my wife insists on it being the first week in December…. Oh and it’s on fb too yay me….

    Free Member

    I suspect some people don’t afford LEGO the respect it deserves…. When i have constructed the LEGO I allow my children full viewing rights, they are only 8 and 10 so cannot be trusted with the building at this time. I did look into some courses for them or maybe private tutoring but there doesn’t seem to be much around…

    Free Member

    This also brings up the subject of storage a parts, i use those multi compartment parts boxes and segregate by colour per box (then part type in the box. Works well but you need quite a lot of boxes! (will need even more after Christmas!). I’ve not solved the manual issue or what to do with the original boxes which are now in the loft. I really need to sort the LEGO room but its proving a bit of pain, how do people fix base plates etc etc??.

    Free Member

    Not that it really matters but I own a PCB assembly company and shown this to our senior assembly engineer…. He’s not normally a sweary bloke!! :lol: 8O

    Free Member

    OK best thing to do is put some fresh solder onto the pad/leg then use the braid to remove the lot, also wetting the braid with fresh solder can help.

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