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  • marcus7
    Free Member

    I’d recommend replacing if the grid is clean (easy to clean with kitchen cleaner). The vinyl face pb ones are great and easy to keep clean all our factory is done with these and they last longer and are easy to put holes in etc when you need to you can even hang light stuff from them! look on fleabay as a lot of “left over” stuff is on there from shop fits etc.

    Free Member

    Where abouts? I may have some contacts.

    Free Member

    We use aluminum stencils for smt production and they cost around £150, size is about 2′ x 2′, we do all the cad though which would be £150-200 extra!

    Free Member

    I think he may be referring to modern humans like us who have been around for about 200000 years…..

    Free Member

    For paint spraying you need oil free air which if this is a piston compressor may be an issue without a decent filter/ dryer even if it is just flat white.

    Free Member

    Mail me at

    Free Member

    what size are you after? i have 300mm Mitutoyo sat here in front of me that you can have for the cost of postage, Its not calibrated but works fine oh and its vernier not dial or digital. Oh and its pretty much identical to the one in the pic further up.

    Free Member

    Can we play spot the tool (as it were) extra points for manufacturer, ill start with bottom left a Pedro’s tyre lever! :-)

    Free Member

    WOW, i mean just WOW when you did that, did you expect to self flatten or something?, mind you if its going to look bad you may as well go the whole hog!. only kidding, ive seen worse!, well not much but hey its a peg board so it’ll be covered over with tools, just dont use too many at time ;-)

    Free Member

    Bostich, can’t remember the model but for framing etc its fast and easy, nails are a bit pricey so pick carefully!

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure newey and eyre do Hagar, and personally I never use a second hand unit unless I had no choice.

    Free Member

    Small wire brush from a DIY shop, (tooth brush size), they normally come in packs of three bristle types. workd very well and cheap!

    Free Member

    Where are you based?

    Free Member

    Its times like this that i’m glad we dont have separate money and account is therefore transparent, having said that my wife doesn’t work and so couldn’t contribute financially even if she wanted to. but i must say spending that amount without you noticing seems like a pretty rocky relationship and not open and honest. I’d question whether you will stay together before i got myself into more debt, if you are not 100% then i would probably look for her to take the loading on her half of the house equity ie get it in writing that you own technically more than half the house!. I’m pretty sure there is a legal way of doing this which should at least protect you from her debts!

    Free Member

    I dont get this x% of the population may not know about deloreans etc, If i did not know about something like say the DMC12 then i might do something called “a bit of research” ie find out a bit more about it. I might even go on wiki and type in “Delorean DMC12” to find out more!, i might even search for a delorean dealer to see if i could have a test drive… who knows i might even ask on STW!. What i probably wouldn’t do is try an sign up for a 3 year lease on a car i never heard of, never seen and never driven! still maybe there are lots of people out there that would!

    Free Member

    What ever you do make sure if you have more than one child that the names are either both unusual or both fairly common. Why?, well as a kid my name was relatively unusual (1970’s) but my brothers (chris) was not an unusual name EVERY TIME WE WENT ON HOLIDAY it was impossible to find a key ring/ badge/ book mark or what ever with my name on it! it has scarred me to this day…. :-(

    Free Member

    I misread that and thought it said Lego, imagine my disappointment…

    Free Member

    I’ve never been but my mate rich, (marmoset on here) moved there nearly 2 years ago and would appear to be very happy there!, rides a lot and rows as well, it was the right thing for him to do it would seem. I don’t really understand why you are anti Australia to be honest, have you a bad experience from the past?

    Free Member

    I’ve used one and i’m pretty sure that what i looked like whilst doctoring the floor, I was smiling all the way as it is a joy to use…. ( it works on man rug too BTW )

    Free Member

    Ahh, didn’t see the other thread… sorry about that, anyhoo good luck anyway

    Free Member

    Ours did, and it cost a couple of quid, if you are not sure just ask them before they print them, also be careful that they are not on the old thermal type printer as putting them near a heat source will ruin them!. First child i assume and coming up to 12 weeks?, good luck fella and get some rest…. youll need it :-)

    Free Member

    Yeah don’t get a compressor without a receiver otherwise it will sputter and frustrate! Personally I prefer dual action gravity feed as once you get the hang of it you can be very precise, I’m just looking into full size paint spraying and I’m hoping that its a similar skillset! :-)

    Free Member

    Get a cheap one from a hobby shop and some air cans, if you enjoy it then build up to some decent kit, bit like any “hobby” give it a go but do it cheaply at first!

    Free Member

    Cheers ill check them out, oh and I’m painting circuit boards!

    Free Member

    As ever its a bit complex, ideally i want a gravity feed to spray a two pack epoxy paint, i’m not sure what the viscosity is etc or even the pigment size but i’m using a cheapo mini sized touch up gun at the moment which is ok but i need to be putting more volume down so need a full size gun. I just wanted to know if id be better off with a high or low vol / pressure gun etc so probably could do it over the phone! cheers .

    Free Member

    Eco warrior! not really, to be honest i’m just grown up enough to know that the world doesn’t owe me anything and i have some responsabilities, i dont really mind cheeky trail building but like most things you have to consider thier impact on the other users of the area. but hey as long as the mud self repairs itself who cares ;-)

    Free Member

    Self repairing mud! Gotta get me some of that!

    Free Member

    Not the best car i’ve had but ive just picked up 10 2.5m arris rails 8 packs of 1.5m feather board and 4 1.8m fence posts oh and 2 bags of concrete all inside the car!. for carrying stuff its great without being too big. i’ve the 1.6 petrol (dont ask its awful and underpowered) and the clutch slips when cold. also the door electrics can be a bit fragile. lastly the front visibility around the a pillars is a bit crap but if you ask me if id buy another then yeah but it would be a diesel or bigger petrol i can live with its other faults. I do use it by the way as a 7 seater and it is very easy to use.

    Free Member

    we do really good geological maps, well, maps in general especially when you look at how the original ordinance survey was done….

    Free Member

    Thanks for tha THX good to see you entering into the spirit!, i dont actually think most people (on here) actually think we are “inherently” better than anyone else and i got the impression that it was supposed to be a bit tongue in cheek. I like this country and i like its many and varied faults, why? beacuse i’ve learnt to accept some things for what they are and life really isn’t fair or just of even fun a lot of the time. On balence though i think that this country does a lot of things well and i love it for that. I certainly know the history of this country and its often murky past but living in the past is not what lifes about. Oh and i’m not getting into and arguement BTW as my cup of tea is getting cold and my biscuits wont dunk correctly if too cold. ;-)

    Free Member

    for me id like to put a thumbs up for the NHS, the mrs has just been in for 4 days and they’ve sorted out her illness (well nearly). at no point did i have to worry about her level of care and whether it would bankrupt us, she had ultrasounds, xrays, ct scans and MRI scans as well as pain relief etc, if i were in the US uninsured god knows what that would have meant. also i like:
    countryside (lakes peaks etc) primarily because its fantastic and most places are likely to kill you if you get it wrong.
    community, well at least the one i lve in where pretty much everyone says hello!.
    sense of humour ( you have to have it when you ride like me )
    Finally that perfect summer evening when theres no wind and the sun is warm, sat with family and friends eating and drinking and not wanting to be anywhere ele!

    Free Member

    Hi lifer, I’m so sorry I didn’t get back to you, ive had a nightmare week, firstly work problems on Mon /Tue and then my wife was rushed into hospital an wed and I had loads to sort with the kids etc . She only came out today and its the first time I’ve even thought about stw!. My laptop is still at work and I don’t normally us my phone so its a bit of a cockup! I’ll email you on Monday to confirm the details but as ever the best laid plans get screwed by life. Again sorry for not getting back to you I’m not the sort of person to mess people about, cheers Marcus.

    Free Member

    Barrel nipple
    Grease nipple
    40 grit
    Linear thrust bearing
    King ping
    Ring splitter
    You could buy a car for that…
    Bogalata (a word made up by my father on a Greek holiday referring to the location of the toilets)

    Free Member

    Yeah the flange is threaded to suit, if can wait till monday i’ll find out for you….

    Free Member

    Right just been in and the closest match i can find is 20mm long barrel nipple and flange (like in the pic) Its too small by a couple of mm but could easily be shimmed with a couple of strips of drinks can wrapped round. cost is around £13 excluding the cost of delivery, if you want one (or more) then i’ll talk to the lads there to see what the delivery would be. cheers

    Free Member

    Ahhh i see what you are doing! in that case i might suggest you use a railing clamp as you wont need to thread the tube! and its generally cheaper. bear with me and ill look into it.

    Free Member

    Try collister and glover ( in fact i’m just about to go there so if you know what you need in terms of size i’ll get you a cost! I’ll need the thread size of the flange, hole number and PCD and what do you want it made from also would you be able to tread the pipe?

    Free Member

    Mmmmm Krispy kreme, the slagging off on here is all i need to know that i’m right to like them… although i do look like homer simpson clutching his heart after having one….

    Free Member

    Normally i would give anyone the benefit of the doubt but from his own statement it makes no sense at all, maybe it happend as he says but it just doesnt seem plausable. It may well be the case in SA that its a bit shoot first etc but as far as i can tell he lived in a secure, gated, patrolled estate and im guessing that there would be armed guards on the scene within minutes. Surely he just had to sit outside or even fired a warning shot rather than blindly shooting. Its just very odd and his version of events does not “seem” to be the way i would expect someone to behave. Having said all that he is still innocent and so we’ll have to see!

    Free Member


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