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  • marcus7
    Free Member

    Errr is chood7 also neilferther?… I’m confused.. not two accounts I hope….

    Free Member

    Try the roofbox company, i’d get a liner with a lip and a bag as well, the liner will stop liquids from getting to the carpet (muddy water etc) and the bag will protect the rest.

    Free Member

    I know monumental mason and yes people do pick headstones before they die apparently, in fact go to any graveyard and you’ll see stones with space for additional names (usually husbands/wives). nowt wrong with being prepared I suppose….

    Free Member

    my HTC one went really hot this morning, I turned off off and on and it seems ok now, not that I know what caused it….

    Free Member

    Violent? really? i been going out in chester since the late 80’s and can’t ever remember it being violent, in fact at this time of year its OK as there are loads of tourists about!. I’d rather you didn’t pee in the rows as it smells horrible but other than that its OK!. having said that i mostly go in the daytime as i’m getting old…. but i do take clients out there from time to time for meals etc and have always returned unscathed.

    Free Member

    Guy sat next to me said ( well laughed ) that you should scrap it… too many about aparently :-), he’s into this sort of stuff and says no special tools just lots of blocksof wood which in your case should not be an issue… sorry not much help but he said its a bit of a bugger…

    Free Member

    Its been a long time coming, and i doubt it will be stopped, having a road off the switchback (see proper local me ;-) ) doesn’t seem like a good idea to me though. As for job creation in a rural setting, well id argue that most villages around there are populated by commuters into chester etc and fairly well off and that unemployment is relatively low. It could be argued that the area being considered is outside the area visited by the majority of people ( its about as far away from the main car parks as you can get ). Its mainly guys at the skills area and general mountain bikers that go to the area and some locals with dogs etc. I guess thats why its a subject on here. personally id rather it was not happening and not for any NIMBY reasons its just that i like it as it is, having said that there are plenty of other places to go round there and id probably ride primrose more.

    Free Member

    Yeah i though that as i wrote it….! but seriously go on a normal day, they should have no issue with this and you can really see what is happening!

    Free Member

    Thanks AA, i dont think that be the case at our school as its in a rural area so would find it difficult to manipulate catchments (i reckon). the reason for going to an academy ( so we were told) was because it was a relatively affluent area and the school was unlikely to secure any additional funding / grants do to very few “premium” pupils. I’m not so sure myself but on that basis the schools funding has remained the same, i dont know what the future brings but i honestly hope your prediction is wrong!. Oh and its an OFSTED “outstanding” school ;-) ( i had no idea when we moved there) but i’m fairly involved with the school and the teachers and i am generally impressed with the quality of education there. My advice would be go to the school on a normal day and have look round, you “gut” feeling will tell you way more than any table will, watch the kids in the playground and the type of games they play…. it will tell you a lot!

    Free Member

    Race it? is he mad? it should be in a ferris beuler style garage in a forest… good on him if he does put it on a track its what it was made for… please dont crash it, i would be upset…

    Free Member

    That actual car???!!! jesus thats a nice looking bit of kit, even the battery looks cool, i need a lie down…. :-)

    Free Member

    I’ve never slipped on my decking even in ice and snow, in fact the stone paving was far worse and it was part of the reason i replaced it, as long as its kept clean and treated it is fine, the grooves are to keep pooling water to a minimum and should create drianage channels if fitted correctly. I did it myself and it took about 4 weekends and was more expensive than i had expected, also use the longest lengths you can get to reduce joints which are a pain, hidden fasteners are a good idea too!.

    Free Member

    AA, i know you said you would not get into it but what about academies?, ours has just changed to one in the last year and i’ve not seen a difference.

    Free Member

    Is horse ownership / riding a tory thing?

    Free Member

    Been a couple of times and thought it was OK, but it was in the winter and snow covered a lot of it!, I was working so didnt see that much but i did try some of that fermented fish stuff and that was amazingly nasty!. not much help other than that! :-)

    Free Member

    saw it yesterday at zefferilis… I fell asleep… was it good???? :-)

    Free Member

    I turned up with spikes and a set of blocks (i knew the school would not have any ) and this was frowned upon!. Nah avoid like the plague IMO no win situation, come first and youve taken it to seriously come last and you are not trying!. sit back and maintain a mocking smile whilst “injured” its for the best. :-)

    Free Member

    On here a couple of months ago a fella ( who i think is now banned! ) was after a vernier, i had a spare so offered it to him for the cost of postage, he got back to me and offered £20 to my fave charity so i binned off the postal cost. not my act by the way but his as he had no reason to do that which i was impressed with!. Nice bit of Karma to him ( even though hes banned!) :-)

    Free Member

    I’m in the bath on a HTC one, all I can say is that it’s a big step up from my desire s!, seriously it’s flippin lovely to use and I’m not disappointed :-)

    Free Member

    I couldn’t do that, I’d be too knackered climbing the ladder :-)

    Free Member

    it’s a 30 zone and I NEVER speed on it…. I’m not saying it shouldn’t have a speed check in fact I laughed last time I saw someone being stopped by an unmarked skoda :-) about 100m from the sign that TELLS YOU THAT YOU ARE SPEEDING! :-)

    Free Member

    we use one ( because we have to) but I doubt we need another!I’ll ask at work just in case but I doubt it!

    Free Member

    I have to travel the A55 so see the traffic Taliban a lot… :-) well actually more on the minor roads ( manor lane near the Airbus factory has seen many a speed trap…) take care out there kids… ;-)

    Free Member

    I’ve got a Kamei Husky XL (i think) from the roofbox company (next day delivery!) and i have to say its been great if a little bit big! And its pretty waterproof (tested on a two hour drive to the lakes in very heavy rain!)

    Free Member

    not much to add other than I do know that you ain’t proper Cheshire unless you have a place there…. :-) ideally with a boat as well….

    Free Member

    you really have to love STW, the op makes a comment on the reported finding of a mammoth and we end up in a numbers argument over bison in north america! I’m waiting to see some graphs before I decide which is right.

    Free Member

    right ray of sunshine aren’t you project? :-) done PROPERLY they are a great way to cook, it’s just that people rush them and generally have them way to hot, its a bit like trying to cook all your food in the oven at once at 280?!. take your time and it’s great ( gonna set mine up as a smoker next weekend :-) ). And to be honest my friends are neither noisy or show offs which is why I like them ( plus we usually only have a few people round)

    Free Member

    A question… has this been tried anywhere else in the world? and if so what were the results?. I cant fathom the reasoning behind this and it does look not well thought out, even listening to the minister this morning on the radio i felt non the wiser. It seems like a pretty extreme experiment to me but im not going to dismiss it on that basis alone. There appeared to be talk of reducing numbers in the test areas by 5000 which in the grand scheme of things doesnt seem a huge number ( and i dont want to get into the numbers game thanks). I kind of like the grumpy badger and would rather not see them culled but if it can prove the case either way then perhaps its a worthwhile nasty pill to swallow ( please dont start on the godwins for goodness sake). Oh and for the record yes i eat meat and i do live in the country and i have hit a badger on my bike (i lost and he was VERY ANGRY! :-) )

    Free Member

    err most young earth creationists say the earth is only 6000 years old so this doesn’t help… :-)

    Free Member

    I must say my phone nav is a bit hit and miss, the chap giving directions is very well spoken though and he doesn’t cope well Welsh names… I think I’d get a tom tom if you really need one.

    Free Member

    I’m suprised they have seized after a couple of weeks, the problem you have is not having the free space because when they do let go then the car is likely to launch!. I’m assuming that they are drums on the back that have siezed on the hand brake?. if so ( and if you can see ) pull on the hand brake a couple of times to make sure the cable has not jammed and then give the drum a whack ( take the wheels off and support properly) If its an old car or the brakes are “old” then this should sort it. If they are disc or its the fronts then the same method applies. Oh and the obvious way to work out which is seized is to jack up the wheel and try to rotate it!.

    Free Member

    Kaesea to the forum… :-)

    Free Member

    can’t say I love mine and the 1.6 is underpowered, BUT it has been reliable and is great for lugging stuff around build quality ain’t great but for £10k you really can’t go wrong!

    Free Member

    the good thing with those little dc power supplies is they are great for anodising stuff :-)

    Free Member

    Yep, earning all the money, doing all diy (never use trades excluding gas) so a lot of work, put up with nagging about getting a new house, cooking my own dinner and washing up, fairly endless list…. she out this morning in chester have coffee with a friend then off to lunch this afternoon at another friends…. god its a hard life for some…. :-)

    Free Member

    Err sorry guys i think you are confusing this genuine wrestling (supported by genuine grapple fans) with the american stuff, I know this to be true because my nan said so whilst eating frazzles and drinking tip top. Them were the days….

    Free Member

    Yep just got a Honda 537hrx and its brill, you do need a bigish lawn tho!, I’m reckoning it will outlast me!

    Free Member

    Yep tablet pc for me as the mrs bizarrely gets annoyed if I suggest I go upstairs to watch something else, god she watches some bilge…. :-)

    Free Member

    I dont normally post on political stuff but this guy is a pillock, he goes on about nimbys etc being the problem but its sinmply not the case. Where i live we are pretty much under seige from developers trying to build on green belt, now i know that it can be seen as nimbyism but its simply not the case. taylor wimpy want to build 90 houses in the village average price? near enough £300,000! WTF! who does that serve? certainly not the people struggling to get a house!. We have a small village school that is always oversubscibed and the access to the site would be a joke. on top of that there has already been consent to Bloor homes for 30 house (same sort of cost) and one or two small (around 10 homes) in or near the village. This is not an isolated case as near enough all the surrounding villages are having the same so the long term sustainabilty has to be questioned. I’ve no issue with small developments on green belt which serve the whole community (sensible range of property) but this has nothing to do with housing and everything to do with money. If you want a house round here at the moment then you better be in the £100k income bracket which is madness. To be honest where i live there is not a lot of local work so most people commute which in turn means that lower paid jobs are less viable so people on lower income are not likely to want to live here anyway so basically they are not being served in terms of housing either way. Housing near centres of work would be far more vaulable but of course ther is less margin in low cost housing so why bother. It makes me angry for some of my family who will never (if they choose) own thier own home or even be able to choose where they live. I count myself luck to have bought a house before the boom and rode the wave but if i hear one more parent inthe playground banging on about how much they have “made” on thier house i’m going to slap them YOU DID NOWT BUT BE LUCKY. Even though i would rather there wasn’t a price adjustment down i’d accept and live with it as i dont feel i have some right to the equity anyway. sorry incoherent rant dunno what i mean but i stand by the gove is a pillock statement…. :-)

    Free Member

    The one on the left looks more dodgy as its more like the pump badge, on the bottles I’ve got (well empty) you can’t see his hands, that said they are older and may have changed now, I find it hard to believe someone would go to the trouble myself, its not a massive brand and is guess sales are relatively small (dunno as mine were a present). So it probably would not be worth it.

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