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  • Government Prepares To Favour Motorists – Again
  • marcus7
    Free Member

    Now i am confused…. not for the first time… :-)

    Free Member

    Err where from???

    Free Member

    If you know what the previous mechanic did (which by the sounds of it you do) why dont tell the guys at the new garage what he did?, it would mean that they could go straight to the problem?. Ultimately that would save you time and thus money although personally i’d get shut and save the hassle.

    Free Member

    I can’t quite work out how they manage this as I was under the impression that venturi generator and educators need relatively high pressure injection, how this is done purely by blowing seems to unlikely. still it appears to work so maybe the internals are very clever. also I’d question the robustness of the material to be that flexible, I’d guess it to be a bit pricey!

    Free Member

    What you see sells as it were, and kitchens/ bathrooms are key, do the boiler by all means but unless the electrics are shot then leave them. Most people will make a decision within a few minutes of entering your house so will concentrate on its cosmetics first. People these days want space and so anything that makes it look bigger inside is a good thing and if you have a garden make sure its tidy (and ideally look easy to look after). I say this after 12 months of looking for a new house and giving up..!

    Free Member

    I’ve installed industrial units (erbo) using Jacob flanged pipe and never had an issue… probably overkill for a house but they pretty much bomb proof and other than replacing the dust bags are maintenance free. I’d guess the main advantage is that it can all be a bit more heavy duty as weight is not an issue and thus won’t wear out.

    Free Member

    I am off to church actually, what’s the problem with that?.

    Free Member

    generous…. :-)

    Free Member

    I was 35 with our first and im 42 now, i dont reckon its any harder than if you are in your 20s, having said that i do miss my sleep :-). youll be fine as long as you dont mind a complete change to your life!

    Free Member

    I shouldn’t say this but in the past two years I’ve only had one bad day at work (more like about two hours), sorry but I love my job… :-)

    Free Member

    “critical path” really? no one will die you know… :-)

    Free Member

    is this a boy thing?, I’ve got two girls who are the same age gap and they never get physical, the odd row about who’s hogging the glitter but that’s about it!

    Free Member

    yep not really news… although I’d be careful about making threats on the internet ( especially on this forum)….

    Free Member

    I used to do reduction years ago as a student at Sainsburys and was absolute anarchy!, to the point we stopped doing it on the shop floor, people would buy anything with a yellow sticker on it!

    Free Member

    you like xytronic stuff then?. we’ve been looking for some more iron and did look at them. mostly we paste and then reflow. it would be handy to have something to handle big old heat sinking inductors on singles

    Free Member

    :-) yep can attest to that… still better than a splash from a solder leveller though, ( down inside a boot!)

    Free Member

    when you say proper solder you mean the solder that now cannot be used in almost all electronics (a very few exceptions) and in my experience lead free is no harder to use… ;-)

    Free Member

    First of all dont get a cheap gas iron, you cant control the heat anywhere near well enough and with modern lead free solders you need higher temps but with good control otherwise yould burn everything. get a cheapish electric on from maplin and youll at least be able to control it to some extent. soldering properly requires skill and practice so i wouldnt go in on something you actually want to start with. get an old cd player or what ever and practice. laminate construction and component size have a part to play and will dictate what you need to use in terms of tips etc. for desoldering i personally prefer wick rather than suckers but its up to you.

    Free Member

    How on earth can sorEEn rhyme with LaurEn? seriously?

    Free Member

    only two things, celery…what is the point?? and salad cream the name alone makes no sense , apart from that i’ll eat or at least try owt (I like a bit of fermented fish me).

    Free Member

    normally they are on a spring tensioner as the drum gets hot it gets bigger, take off the existing belt and you’ll find it gone shiny with the heat and less grippy. get some fine wet and dry paper and give it à scrub in soapy water and pop it back on, it should work! ( did on mine). if it doesn’t then it’s cost you nowt! :-)
    edit just read above, oops

    Free Member

    I’m using one at the moment so i’m gonna say yes, the better and acurate the drawings the less hassle with the builders imo. for reference its cost us a grand up to now to get the plans in with the council and will find out next week. having said that the building work is going to be around £80k and is relatively complex so getting someone in make sense for us.

    Free Member

    He came across as a complete arse this morning, i thought he may tone down his views just a little but in he actually toned them up!. i think the interviewer was so suprised by his stance that he didn’t know where to go. Humf would have given him a harder time i reckon. the problem is of course people will start to agree with him if there is no counter to his argument and for that the BBC should be ashamed.

    Free Member

    just been listening on the radio about this and was amazed at the amount of postal workers attacked, the communications union even commissioned a report on it!. in fairness they reckon it should be the same as death by dangerous driving for fatal attacks and the same as death by careless driving for serious injuries which would be 14 yrs and 4 yrs ( if I remember correctly). no mention was made of breeds etc or indeed ‘types of owner’, so I guess it would apply to all.

    Free Member

    soldermasking some samples ready for silver plating and modifying a lab oven to allow better temperature control… how ace is that…

    Free Member

    I have no useful contribution to make…..

    Free Member

    ok I’ll fess up the Mrs has just spent that on a new kitchen/utility and downstairs bathroom and I’d rather have spent it on a car… :-( still at least I can now get boiling water on demand apparently…

    Free Member

    what’s the payement on a pcp for £30k?? im no professional but I bet its a lot!!, funny how as you get older and could buy it cash you really don’t see the point.. ;-) I prefer potato wedges to chips btw… :-)

    Free Member

    “Young professional couple” eh? what does that actually mean? do they have certain physical differences to non professional couples? or is this a ” i can buy a £30K car” troll… not sure will keep watch on this one…. ;-)

    Free Member

    Just avoid the le mans area and steer clear of TG repeats on DAVE and you’ll be reet, I assume you have cancelled the lamborghini hire for the week you pesky brit…. :-)

    Free Member

    Go for it….. ah takes me back…..

    Free Member

    Its a pretty serious accusation to make that a british tv show is/ was soley responsible for and increase in road traffic accidents in another country. Have you (beyond your posts here) made this public or indeed have the french government made the same accusation?. If any of these accidents were fatal then surly TG and/or the BBC should be held to account and possibly face criminal charges. I dont read french papers and therefore have no idea what was reported and the supporting evidence i assume they have, but id say that if they have not persued this then they are are guilty as the alleged culprits. I’ve watched TG for years and it does have good and bad shows but i cant ever remember it being proven that it was the cause of an increase of RTA due to a single episode. Just to be clear edukator what you are saying is the due to a single episode of TG there was a provable link to an increase in RTA in France? and that the proof (lets not suggest that media reports are proof because they are not) comes from a reliable source ( lets say something like the French version of the HSE). I dont want graphs of anything fancy just a reliable unbaised source.

    Free Member

    almost certainly cutting speed / feed rate, your old bit will be a bit blunt and not grab the wood so much to induce chatter, try running the drill faster or slow down the feed rate or drill a run into harder wood to blunt the tool a bit!. now as a caveat I would say my experience is mostly in composites and metal drilling!

    Free Member

    I just got my accountants estimate…. bit of a nasty suprise! I knew i would owe £X in january but didnt know they would like an additional %50 of this as a forward payment on projected earnings!.. ouch. My advise is get an accountant, it’ll cost about £300 and will save you from potentially nasty suprises/bills!.

    Free Member

    Fast n loud is where its at…… :-)

    Free Member

    you never did rich… and when will that be?? it’s a fair drive from Perth…

    Free Member

    I don’t know why but the name mountbatten makes me think of battenberg… might have nip to the co-op for some now with a nice cup of tea.
    carry on btw :-)

    Free Member

    Yeah, easy two adults in front, two adults one child back and on child in a flip up seat leaving room for two cases (as long as they aren’t gigantic!). In fact in some ways it better than the voyager which is bigger!.

    Free Member

    jive, you sure you don’t know kaesea… working on a joint project…

    Free Member

    you can weld pretty much any plastic and abs is well suited to welding, it’s expensive kit so unless you are serious then glue it, if you use a polyofin primer then superglue can work. you can get proper plastic adhesives but they can be expensive, I generally weld as I reckon it’s more robust than glue but it depends on the type of joint you are doing as well. what’s the application?

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