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  • Stolen! Frameworks Racing’s Van Full of Gear and Bikes
  • mansonsoul
    Free Member

    I can see the need for shock clearance, but beyond that, why use more metal than necessary? Greater length of tube, and I’m sure it could be thinner gauge and be the same strength if if it was straighter?

    You see, I agree with you nedrapier, I’m normally a fan of straight tubes, simplicity, purposefulness. Yet seeing that Kona, it instantly hit me as a strong awesome looking bike: it made me want it. It took me a while to work out why I liked it.

    I’ve realised a big part of it is the raw, no stickers, no logos, plain metalness of it. If Kona (or any company, really) had the balls to keep their bikes like that, I think there’s a whole load of people out there who would be really drawn to that, and it would give a company that image of rough and ready bike-tool-gear, if you know what I mean.

    Free Member

    This happened to me on my commute yesterday. Opposite lane completely blocked by parked cars, and a bloke in a BMW decided I should give way to a car when he wanted to travel in my unobstructed lane when I was already half way down the section. I just rode in the middle of the lane. He realised when I made no effort to slow that he was going to have to give way. He did, and I smiled nicely thinking “what a tosser”.

    Free Member

    Oh yes Coyote, that Entourage has pushed me over the edge: I AM going to raw my Cannondale, because it looks so amazing.

    Free Member

    Kona are amazing. They are still producing some bikes that the biking world needs. And this prototype Entourage is one of the nicest looking bikes I’ve seen in ages:

    Free Member

    Hurrah, group hugs!

    Free Member

    I’ve just left Glasgow, but I used to work opposite ibrox. It was awful when there was a match on, and when there was an old firm match it was just horrendous. I’m very much an outsider to all this, but I do just wish people everywhere could just calm down and be civil at least. One thing I do laugh at is the ‘riot’ that happened in kelvingrove park on the royal wedding. A few dozen people were arrested and there were a few FPN’s issued. Old Firm games have hundreds of both every single time. Old Firm games are riots! 😆

    Free Member

    Insane. Like much that the Tories do, it will help businesses to further shaft their workers.

    Free Member

    It’s amazing and soon enough all FS bikes will use it, it just makes sense.

    Free Member

    My favourite kitchen knife has cinelli cork tape handle

    That’s a fantastic idea!

    Free Member

    Oh god, I just ordered some parts from them!

    Free Member

    My girlfriend of 6yrs broke up with me a few months back, saying much the same things. A couple of months before that we were happy and talking of moving somewhere new and out of our city, into the hills. I still think of her every day, but it’s getting easier. I don’t spontaneously burst into tears anymore. Take care of your self.

    Free Member

    I’m 172cm tall and weigh 62kgs. I’m pretty skinny but strong for my weight I reckon. I always need to get the smallest men’s clothes. I’ve always been able to eat as much as I can and not put on any weight. I’m a vegetarian though, not that I was heavier when I are meat.

    EDIT: I can’t believe some people weigh nearly twice what I do, I can’t even imagine what that feels like. But don’t misunderstand, it’s always good to see people out and about on bikes.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a MRP Lopes on my Prophet, running 10 speed. I’ve found it really good. Seems quiet and obviously won’t let the chain fall off. For the extra few grams, knowing your chain won’t ever come off is great.

    Free Member

    Is this a clever way of advertising your bike here too?

    Free Member

    But surely having a happy Mum and Dad living separately is better than an unhappy Mum and Dad living together?

    Free Member

    I read a book on polyamory a while back, as a friend was in an open relationship, and I wanted to know more about that idea that you can love many people. The book was called “The Ethical Slut” IIRC. One of the core ideas behind it was that multiple partnerships are ethical, and can be loving and fulfilling, as long as they are consensual with everyone involved. The OPs is not consensual as your wife doesn’t know about this other relationship.

    I don’t know how I feel about lovers and wives and multiple relationships, but I do know that I would advise taking your time and really coming to some firm resolution, and trying to talk that through as calmly as possible with everyone involved: wife and lover.

    Free Member

    Didnt cannondale make a righty rear swingarm once, I’m sure I remember seeing a photo in a mag of that?

    Free Member

    Druidh, there are such things as pure accidents, where there genuinely is no one at fault and nothing could be done. I think thats pretty rare though, mostly people die because someone **** up, breaks the law (speeding, stopping distance, negligence, due care blah blah).

    Free Member

    Pity the media and the wider public don’t as well, and appreciate the reason behind that language choice. And slow down, calm down and take more care while they’re at it too.

    Free Member

    From Road Peace:

    Crashes are still seen as unfortunate ‘accidents’, instead of preventable collisions
    Society tolerates road death and disability as an acceptable price to pay for increased motorisation and convenience
    Crash victims do not have the same rights or support as other victims of crime or trauma.

    That gets it for me. Road deaths may not be caused intentionally but I would argue they are often caused by negligence and illegality. ‘Accident’ removes that sense of responsibility.

    Free Member

    Why does the BBC article call it an accident and then go on to say they are still trying to find out the exact circumstances? I’m with Road Peace on this one, road fatalities all too often aren’t accidents, they happen for a reason. There is a reason Sweden, Holland etc have safer roads than us here, and it’s not because they are ‘luckier’.

    Free Member

    They are however, as left as we get, in British politics.

    Except they’re not. If you have real lefty principles, vote for one of the several real lefty parties. People self limiting their choices to the ‘main’ two/three is what limits our political system to a two and a half party system.

    Free Member

    Right, so what scales do I need to get to accurately weigh my 150mm bike? Seriously. 😳

    Free Member

    I use this headset in my Prophet to run a set of tapered Revelations. It works very well, and the bearings have been lasting well. 1.5″ headtubes are great to me, because they give you the greatest flexibility: you can run any forks.

    I’m afraid I don’t know anything about angle adjusting headsets.

    Free Member

    I just bought that Christ on a bike tee, amazing.


    I like American girls.
    Based on an extensive survey of err…three in 31 years, they like indie rock, smell lovely like coconut and melon and kiss like they mean it.

    That’s the bestest thing I’ve read on here for ages… *swoons*

    Free Member

    Yeah, I definitely will, that sounds great. It’ll be quite a change from Glasgow, I’m really looking forward to it.

    Free Member

    Bummer, I’d have loved to go on this ride. I’m moving down to Devon at the beginning of May, it would have been great to meet and ride. On the off chance, anybody need a lodger/flatmate or know of a 1 bed to rent in the Chudleigh area?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    As above, though the special tool does work very well.

    Free Member

    Finisterre merino, best pants in the world.

    Free Member

    Which part do you have trouble believing?

    I bet it’s this bit:

    reckon Hill would still be in with a chance of winning on certain tracks on 80.

    Free Member

    unless you spend your life on mpora.

    And even if you do, there’s an app for that – I watch loads of mpora videos on my iPhone.

    Free Member

    Amazing geekery lads, top marks! 😀

    Free Member

    With all due respect, wtf are you talking about?

    +1 ?

    Free Member

    I’ve just done what z1ppy suggested: I got a bargain Prophet SL, stuck a RP23 on it and now have a super fun, slack 140mm bike. The frame was cheap, the paint is a bit rough so I’m thinking of rawing it, but it’s a great bike.

    Free Member

    I’d like one. So when some fayt narsty probably racist* cabbie starts banging on about ‘you don’t pay road tax’, I can point to it and say ‘yes I do, look!’ And point to it, before riding off leaving him utterly confuddled.

    But that’s not a good idea surely, as then in future whenever he sees a bike without a tax disk on it he’ll run them off the road screaming “tax dodger scum!”

    Free Member

    I pull the stickers off my rims, and frankly I wish tyres didn’t have logos at all…

    Free Member

    Graham, I love the idea of the government banning peanuts!

    Out with peanuts, in with cycling! Hurrah!

    Free Member

    It’s so depressing, this sort of thing. As you say akira, society is blind to all the death, maiming and injury caused by motor vehicles, blind to the pollution and noise, blind to the social destruction and urban and rural dislocation caused by the car.

    When will our society see?

    Cyclists are denigrated for being ‘self-righteous’, but **** me, haven’t we got a lot of valid things to be righteous about!?

    Free Member

    No you’re not, they are impossible. I can do most any tyre with my hands, but a bonty won’t go on for love nor money. Or maybe I’m feeble too. 😕

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