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  • Fresh Goods Friday 713 – The Lasting Gasping Winning Edition
  • mansonsoul
    Free Member

    I’ve got a Lightwave G20. I really like it. I think it comes out at 2.4kg, and it is quite spacious. I’ve just been touring around spain and it was solid, even in snow and heavy wind. It fitted in my rear pannier along with a dry bag of clothes, some maps and a pair of sandals. I like that it is free standing for when I camp in FC carparks, 😀 and it is simple to put up and take down. I like the vents on it too. The door opening is a bit awkward in a way, but other than that I really like it.

    I’m not a tent geek particularly, but I think it’s a good un.

    Free Member

    So chiropractors is snake oil is it? I ask because I’ve had intermitent pain in my left knee for a few years now, and am trying to work out who to go and see: physio; chiropractor; podiatrist. I also have èxtremely wide feet and wondered if it could be caused by dodgy feet/ shoes?

    Free Member

    But as an mtber, surely you are gnarr? And if you’re not, you’re either doing it wrong or you work in IT. 😉

    Free Member

    Quick bump for the Daytime crowd before I abandon all hope and hit up CRC? 😥

    Free Member

    Drivers to be required to cycle a minimum of 5 miles a week to maintain their drivers licence. Medical exemptions might apply in some exceptional cases.

    This is a quality idea. Oh and GrahamS, +1

    Free Member

    I’ve just arrived back in Britain after my aborted Spanish-Morocco tour due to knee problems. I used 4 Carradice Super C panniers, which was plenty of space, even with a couple of books and warm winter clothes, spare shoes and a wetsuit.

    As for racks, look at Old Man Mountain for rack mount less rackage, available from Carradice in the UK. They are solid and very awesome.

    Free Member


    I agree with mboy, they go perfectly together. It sounds like you want to spend money on a new bike, not that you need a new bike. It’s your money, but I wouldn’t.

    Free Member

    My Alfine 8 has been perfectly reliable for years now. I had to change the chain and sprocket for the first time last month!

    Free Member

    Have none of you heard of contraception? 😉 Congratulations, and good luck with impending babies STWers!

    Free Member

    Sounds great, go for it. Just be nice, and be truthful about the no strings-ness of it and it will be awesome. I have a friend in an open relationship or three and she loves it. You do have to be unrelentingly truthful to yourself and the other person though.

    Free Member

    I don’t know about making lights but I’d love to hear about the Tout Terrain/Supernova Plug if you’ve used one Rob?

    Free Member

    Fantastic, good luck ir_bandito.

    Free Member

    So are we going to get a lugged FS one day? Would lugs increase stiffness or strength? For someone with no idea how to build a frame, I’m finding it all very interesting.

    Free Member

    If we were to be run into by some idiot in his Corsa I’d much rather my children were in the Volvo than the Golf.

    Safety through superior firepower!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    3 miles? A bicycle or three sounds like a pretty good idea to me.

    Free Member

    I run 34t front ring, 12-36t 10spd cassette on a 30lbs full dud. I’m young and strong ( 8) ) but I think it’d be fine for most people.

    Free Member

    That looks amazing! I’ve never ridden a fat bike but I think it could be great. Haterz gonna hate, but it puts a smile on my face just looking at it let alone riding it.

    Free Member

    Could work well, I quite like the idea. It would be really interesting to try I’m sure. It’s one of those things I feel that could either die a quick death or just explode and in 5 years time be how all trail bikes are designed.

    Free Member

    1 2/8″ ?

    Free Member

    My Gravity Dropper has been hugely transformative for me as well. Like Northwind, I wouldn’t have a mountain bike without one now. I always used to use a QR to lower my saddle for the downs, but now, with a remote, my saddle height is always right like my gear is always right.

    I just ride faster now, without having to stop all the time and without compromising on those sections when I couldn’t be bothered to stop to lower or raise my saddle.

    And I’m not fat or unfit. 😛

    Free Member

    a “sticky” liquid


    This is what heavy Kyrptonite D-Locks were invented for. When I used to live in Glasgow I rode with a great bike steel basket on the front of my bike, so my lock was always to hand for smashing someones car if they threatened my life.

    EDIT: I don’t do this anymore, I prefer to just chill out and remember to breathe.

    Free Member

    Signed. Absolute quality.

    Free Member

    Yes, you’re probably right Ian. I think it may well be only the odd person who is really a rabid motorist, but there is still a lot of car-centric thinking going on. Likewise, there isn’t anyone here who thinks

    central position or two abreast is the way to go 100% of the time.

    is right either. I suppose as someone who rides everywhere all the time, I reject utterly the idea that it is cyclists that are to blame, and believe we need to challenge bad motorists at every opportunity, as long as that won’t put us in danger. I don’t think their behaviour in the video put them in danger. The only thing I criticise them for is meekly saying sorry, not, “**** off you stupid poor driver” or words to that effect 👿

    Free Member

    As has been mentioned above, I’ve noticed lots of cyclist being killed due to inattention, none due to road rage.

    Hear, hear. I was taken out by a motorist pulling out of junction, broad daylight. He didn’t even slow down as he approached the give way lines, he just went. After I’d picked myself up from the ground and was screaming “WATDAFUCK MAN, WATDAFUCK!” he said “Smidsy.”

    By and large, I really don’t think it’s our fault as cyclists that we get run over. It’s the impatient, aggressive, careless and reckless motorists. It is motorists that need to be lectured to, not cyclists. And it sickens me slightly that so many motor-apologists on here are so keen to be doing the anti-bike lecturing.

    Free Member

    Hallelujah! 🙂

    Free Member

    GrahamS, sorry, I’m clearly not making myself clear, I have self-flaggelated in repentance.

    I’ve decided cyclists two abreast is awesome, and those dudes seem to me to be perfectly in the right.

    Free Member

    I CBA with the more technical arguments, but I just want to say…

    **** the motorists, they’re giving us asthma, air and noise pollution, obesity, out of town shopping centres and Jeremy Clarkson.

    Cyclists give nothing but joy, love and firm toned legs, and thats a beautiful thing. If they can drive sat two abreast taking up the whole lane all the **** ing time, then so can we cyclists.

    It’s not self-righteousness, it’s just righteousness, and we are the people of the future, those mother **** just need to get that into their motorised skulls.


    Free Member

    awesome post. there are so many things that are good about it, it’s difficult to know where to begin the praise.

    *Blushes* *Flutters eyelashes*

    Free Member

    I’m in the nay camp, the main reason why people ride two abreast is to chat, not a safe thing to do in my book.

    Why isn’t chatting a safe thing to do? Don’t people in cars get to sit two abreast chatting?

    Free Member

    I really like mine, but there are a few things it can’t do, it’s my only computer and so I’m selling it at the moment in the classifieds if you want to take a look…

    Free Member

    It’s funny reading Bikebiz talk about 29ers, and even in that article, all saying that a big part if it is about buying new bikes. Frankly, Dirt has always annoyed me with the focus on speed as a measurement of a good bike. Unless you are a racer (which I suppose a lot of Dirt readers are tbf) it is fun not speed that I’d the critical thing. And I really think it is the maneurverability (sp?) of a bike that makes it fun. I am yet to be convinced by any test rides I’ve had of 29ers that they can be pushed around as easily as a 26er. I suppose I come from a bmx background, so I expect a different level of rider input than many mtbers maybe?

    Free Member

    I don’t really like these aggressive arguments but I thought I’d chip in a point, gently.

    I saw a documentary with Patagonia founder Yyvon Chouniard and he said at one point something along the lines of: “if you’re going forward towards a cliff what do you do? Do you keep going forwards off the cliff, or do you turn 180degrees and keep going forward?”

    I think we need to reimagine our society with less energy and see it not as going backwards but as going forwards in a different direction. I don’t know enough about energy sources to say about nuclear, but I just hope I can make a difference in my personal life, and that there are scientists working objectively on what will be good for our survival and our planet. Peace, all.

    Free Member

    This is something that doers my head in too. Why can’t I reserve my bike when I book online, why must I just hope there is still space until I can go to the station, collect my tickets and then hopefully reserve a bike?

    Combined with their opaque and apparently arbitrairy fare structure, it’s almost like they want people to drive…

    Free Member

    None at all for me, personally. It’d all marketing I think. 1.5″ would be way cooler in that respect as well.

    Free Member

    Soma_rich, you shouldn’t have to feel threatened or get covered in mud cycling off road to get to work. Remember you stand shoulder to shoulder with thousands of others who have been terrified or maimed by motorists: with people whose loved ones have been mown down; with environmentalists; parents; doctors and others who want motor traffic to slow down and be safer and more respectful.

    Free Member

    Nah, just ride where you want, when you want. As long as you’re not sawing down trees or stealing sheep or whatever then sod the farmer or landowner.

    Free Member

    Join the UK Bicycle Embassy, the CTC, write to your MP, keep riding all the time, accept your growing radicalisation, organise, join others and start protesting on those dangerous roads. Stay strong.

    Free Member

    Big LOL to all the heroes who say its all about technique. More grip is more grip. You could be, I don’t know, Sam Hill say, and have awesome technique but still go better in sticky rubber shoes. More grip is more grip, it’s always good boyos. Just because you’re riding gods doesnt mean you ride slicks, does it? No, you ride the grippiest mofo tyres you can because more grip is more grip.

    Free Member

    I always used to think that bike shops were going to die out with the Internet’s cheap prices and how to guides. But since I’ve been working as a mechanic in a shop, I have been amazed just how incompetent soooo many people are. People who outwardly seem intelligent and discerning, but who seem unable to do even the easiest puncture repair correctly. And I think that’s fine really. I think bikes are easy to repair, but it’s good for my future employment if it seems like voodoo to other people! 😀

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