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  • Fresh Goods Friday 682 – The Gripping Tape Edition
  • mansonsoul
    Free Member

    Hear hear elfinsafety.

    Free Member

    No, but the motor car was one of the main reasons it was seen to be a good idea to scrap most of the network.

    Free Member

    I sometimes go through red lights. I would say about 90% of the time I don't.

    However, I would say near 100% of motorists break the lay most every time they drive, by speeding. So really, along with all the deaths and pollution and maiming, the fracturing of communities, the out of town shopping centres and the destruction of our once great railway network, I hardly think the motorist can claim the moral high ground?

    Free Member

    I booked my tickets at the GFT tonight, I think it'll be great. This is OT, but… I saw a film there called Beautiful Kate and it was great, I really recommend it. It was Australian, set in a little outback place, and it felt all claustrophobic despite it being in the massive outback. Great film.

    Free Member

    I used to work as a guide in Bolivia, and there was one ride we did that started at 5400m, then descended all day to 1000m at the edges of the Amazon. That's the highest I've ever been, and it was amazing.

    Climbing terrifies me and I'd never do it!

    Free Member

    Vital statistics: 32:16


    Stoked on Single

    Free Member

    What about a SS road bike that could later be made into an Alfine one? Then you could get the bike now cheaper, then save up for those Versa shifters and the new back wheel?

    Free Member

    it would be like banning everyone who has ever been caught speeding from driving

    But that would be brill wouldn't it? Think how many lives would be saved, and how much more pressure there would be for better public transport and bike lanes?

    Free Member

    Munque-chick: thanks for the link, and telling me about what you did, it was really useful.

    I've almost been thinking of just buying the unlocked phone from Apple, then getting a sim only deal. I'd rather have a large upfront cost and then the flexibility of moving and spending as much as I like later.

    But I didn't realise Tesco did mobiles!

    Free Member

    So is there any consensus on which deal or network to get? I find all the options pretty confusing. I'm pay as you go with O2 at the moment, is it a good idea to stick with that to get the iphone?

    Free Member

    And they wonder why people download movies!!!

    Thank god for the Bay eh? I only ever go on Orange Wednesdays anymore. My partner is a student, so you pay for one student ticket which works out as a few quid each then another few quid for some nibbles from the supermarket. Sorted.

    Free Member

    Birkenstocks rule. Shaped like your feet, super comfy.

    Free Member

    That's the problem though isn't it? You can't compete with other people because you have no experience. You have no experience because no one will offer you any.

    Wait! Why not work for nothing and that'll look good on your CV! Then maybe we can give you a job because you'll have some experience on your CV! Genius!

    Free Member

    Internships are disgusting. Why should anyone be expected to work an office job for nothing? These companies use your labour for free, then have no compunction about waving goodbye to you at the end without a job? How can you afford to do an internship?

    Free Member

    You're probably right trail_rat. It just pains me as it seems like the technology is all there, just waiting to have the dots joined up.

    Free Member

    I saw Seth Lakeman maybe 6 years ago at Sheep Music, playing in a tiny tent in front of a couple of dozen people. His set was amazing, and he's really friendly too.

    Free Member

    I think the yellow arrows in the woods have been redone, as I found them (mostly) quite visible. A few more certainly wouldn't go amiss in that section though, as I rode for a 100m down what I thought was the 'singletrack', but turned out in fact to be a chance line without any sticks on, and led to a bog…

    Free Member

    I think these sort of shenanigans really show up the inadequacies of the deraillieur (sp?) Rather than fannying around with tiny cogs, why not use a hub gear style system, centrally mounted. Now a six speed hub gear isn't that heavy, and from what that article is saying, weight is not the primary consideration for this bodge, it is ground clearance. So, a gearbox system would be great for that.
    Build it Shimano, and they will buy in massive quantities! Please!

    Free Member

    I was just there actually, spent a few days riding there on my singlespeed, so you'll be fine on whatever bike.

    The routes on the arran bike club website are ace. The Clauchland hills are fantastic, the 35km classic route was fun. It's not a trail centre, so an OS map is a good idea, though I had no problem making my way around. There are great views and I swam in Lamlash Bay halfway round one of the rides. I love Arran, it is such an awesome place, have a great time!

    Free Member

    Do we have a street name, so I can google map it and go there and try?

    Free Member

    There you go slugfarm.

    Free Member

    One of the things I like most about cycling is the independence it offers. The mechanics of bikes are pretty simple and most of the tools common and not too expensive. I think a lot of bike shops don't offer enough to support them. The amazon style online dealers combined with a network of cycling friends is better than an lbs in my opinion.

    Free Member

    As a cyclist, women drivers terrify me a lot less often than male drivers. In my experience, they are more respectful, slower, more considerate and less likely to kill me or hurl abuse at me.

    Free Member

    I've noticed this. It's amazing how few people are aware of what is going on around them and are surprised when you ride up to them (not even from behind!). It doesn't bother me though, there are so many people using the park, it's inevitable I suppose.

    Free Member

    Never has a new cassette sounded so, well, filthy.

    Free Member

    I just spent ages on the Kingdom Bike project website. Amazing! I can't believe I've never heard of them before, they look great.

    Free Member

    This is one reason I like singlespeeds. With some good quality tyres and a simple reliable fork and disks, you have a bike that will last well and be easy to maintain. Supposing you can resist temptation to fiddle and upgrade.

    I think the idea that cycling seems to have become more expensive is actually a problem of expectations. Our ideas of what constitutes a good bike have risen ever higher, while our wallets, unsurprisingly, have not. Maybe we should learn to be happy with what we have, and campaign for better public transport to the trail centres?

    Free Member

    mainly its not what we use its how we ride it……..

    What, badly?

    Free Member

    Awake, I think because he saw their faces. And because I wanted a happy ending!

    It is an amazing film, I loved every minute of it.

    Free Member

    Everyone in a car is selfish though aren't they? I mean, almost every car driver breaks the law by speeding. Most car trips are short, easily cycle-able distances and have only 1 person in the car, while spewing pollutants and killing thousands every year. Hardly a considerate way to move around town at all, is it really?

    Free Member

    I can't believe we live in a society where these people get elected. Elected! By the people!

    Free Member

    I heard an interview on the radio this morning with the woman presenting that. I will watch it when it comes on iplayer, but I must admit the woman spouted off all the same old stuff about lycra, sore bums and 'mens' bikes without a dropped top tube like a 'ladies' bike, and that always makes me think it'll be rubbish. I hope not though, because its a great topic.

    Free Member

    I've always just bought tools as and when I needed them. I bought high quality ones. That way, I spread out the cost of buying good ones over many years, and now have a fairly comprehensive set of high quality tools.

    You could always lend some to your mate?

    Free Member

    I am a huge advocate of simplicity. I think you, or indeed anyone, would benefit from a bike they like riding and can cope in any conditions. How interested are you in being the fastest rider on the fastest bike? Or would you rather "suffer" being a little slower by having a jack of all trades bike, that could still be just as fun to ride?

    One bike is simpler and cheaper, and you can forget about it till it breaks. It's up to you to decide what compromises you want to make on that bike.

    But maybe N plus 1 is always right, what do I know! 😉

    Free Member

    There are some sickos around aren't there?

    I think a lot of these issues come about because land access hasn't been debated sensibly in England and Wales. The archaic ROW system combined with the massive overcrowding on our island means pressure on our wild spaces is pretty intense in many areas.

    That's not to excuse what happened there, just to say that as a society we need to think about this stuff.

    Free Member

    that's fine coffeeking, but like everyone says, make sure you get video or pics up so we can spectate vicariously!

    Free Member

    I live in Glasgow, and I don't have much need of my teeth, I'll give it a go.

    Free Member

    Xavier Rudd

    Aussie didge/guitar/foot drum/hippy/surfy/dream music.

    Free Member

    Paul, Still, Bob, I'm going to email carradice too. They seem like just the right people, as the frame bags are essentially the modern mountain version of their saddle bags. If quite a few of us get in contact maybe it could happen.

    Free Member

    I'm still saving for some Revelate ones. If someone in the UK produced ones of a similar standard, I feel like it could really open up the floodgates as far as what sort of rides people could do.

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