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  • Orbea Laufey H-LTD review
  • Mal-ec
    Free Member

    I’d be one of those. Do a search loads of old threads discussing this.
    I’ve yet to find anything the 2011 frame doesn’t do better than the 2010 one.
    Don’t recognize the reviews in the mags as an accurate representation of what it it can do, whereas the reviews of the older frame design love it….
    Its not particularly light, but its a great trail bike, that is properly fun to ride hard, so needs bolt through fork, wide bars/short stem + proper tyres IMHO.

    Oh and wished I was on a Five for 0% of the riding I’ve done in the last year.

    Free Member

    Cross is all about the pain.

    Free Member

    Look at how much they go for 2nd hand, then see if you could get something you’d be happier with for the dosh.

    Free Member

    Very nicely done.

    Free Member

    That makes sense GW.

    Free Member

    Was surprised when I had a quick play on Shaggy’s On-One prototype, how well it handled + accelerated. Didn’t feel like the leaden lump I was expecting at all, really quite fun.
    Made me think allot since about how they could open up a different sort of riding. Kind of like cross bikes, wrong but fun.

    Would still like to know how they handle proper boggy / winter filth.

    Free Member

    Been running a couple of sets tubeless for a while. The kit is a PITA to fit, but mine have worked brilliantly.
    Fit is proper tight. Run various Maxxis UST/non-UST, Rubber queens. But you need man’s tyre levers + had a couple of sidewall tears that have been ride enders which has made me question my Minion/crossmark combo.

    Free Member

    Do these cope with being used tubeless?

    Free Member

    Nice sunset surf tonight. Was stunning.

    Free Member

    Will depend to a certain extent on weather. But

    …timed sections using the Gorlech trail and other singletrack sections you may not know exist in this great forest.

    . Pretty sure awesomeness will be included.

    Free Member

    Do a search on here over the last year or so + there’s a lot of discussions about this.
    The 2011 ST4 is quite different and betterer IMHO than the 2010 models.
    FWIW I’ve ridden mine fairly hard off, over + down everything I could on my Prophet, but faster + with a wider grin.

    Free Member

    Do a search on here + you’ll get various opinions of both bikes.
    I like the ST4 as a trail bike + find 5’s overkill (Don’t ride anything over 3′ drops, big jumps, proper DH course stuff). Be worth trying as many different bikes as you can + trust what feels right for you, reviews are just other peoples opinions.

    Free Member

    Remember Brant (the king of viral marketing) is now back at On One. And On One are about to go into the Fatbike market. Expect more snow forecasts…

    Free Member

    Its easy to put allot of pressure on yourself, “I’ve spent allot of time/money/effort into this bike thing, so I should damn well be enjoying it.” When I riding starts to feel like a chore I tend to step off the gas a bit + concentrate on something else, (surfing usually, which is way more fickle, so inevitably drift back to riding more). Making an effort to ride with friends somewhere different or setting yourself some fun goals has helped me in the past. Think the social side of riding is really important. Set up a daft biking WE with mates.

    Free Member

    Ben got it M’afraid Mr Duck.

    Free Member

    Another one here, if anyone wants it.

    Free Member

    Only got a 29 front wheel these days, but Mud X for proper mud. FR-3 for rocks roots + the rest.

    Free Member

    So what are they like on boggy moorland stuff? Do they make the gloop ridable without carving it up, or just sink irretrievably?

    Free Member

    Used Dr Cannondale before, fast efficient + helpful if not bargainful.

    Free Member

    Sure you are right, be interested to ride Cy’s take on 29ers.

    Free Member

    Rode one for about 6 months mostly rigid geared, but also set up in semi-monstercross mode + for a bit with bouncy forks.

    Allot of my local riding is very stop/start, sharp up + down, with the fun bits containing corners that are fine to get a 26″ and 69er round but frustratingly too tight for that 29er. If I was riding more open flowing trails, would have probly persevered.

    At just under 6′ always found 69er’s a better option. Really like the long contact patch + rollability over roots / moderate rocks / cutup, hoofed, braking bumped dry mud up front. But then having acceleration + a tight rear end on the bike.

    Free Member

    Be interested to hear how they compare gripwise to Minion 2.35 DHF supertacky’s on the front, as I have leart to really trust these + don’t want to loose leanability.
    Why don’t maxxis make a 2.35 super tacky folding Minion anymore?? Ace front tyre, a UST one would be perfect… Would a Barron do a similar job?

    Free Member

    Ben is a top bloke.

    Free Member

    I’m same size + had similar problems. Tried to make Cannondales fit but mediums feel too short + larges feel like gates. But medium Soul, and 18″ Orange ST4 fit really nicely.

    Similar to you I live somewhere without decent LBS’s to try stuff, but found that even though on paper there may not be much to choose between different bikes, 10 minutes of sitting on one can show up the difference between something you’re going to have to get all long stem + layback seatpost with + something that fits. Worth making the effort to travel to try, better than wasting money on a frame thats never going to be right.

    Free Member

    These days makes me feel like I’m going to have a heart attack on the 1st climb.

    Free Member

    Always been dead helpful when I’ve been after obscure bits. Great bike shop.

    Free Member

    Having recently wrestled a bell air rail back in to produce a saddle that creaks like an arthritic gimp on a rusty pogo sick. I’ll not be bothering again. If you do try, get it on youtube as a warning to others.

    Free Member

    Great 2 hours of cheek this morning. Fox, ravens, sparrowhawk for company, no other humans. Back in time to cook pancakes for the family breakfast.

    Free Member

    May have something you are interested in. Drop me a line.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately due to everyone having too many other commitments, its been postponed for the time being. There will be one but its likely to be next year sometime. Will keep you posted on here.

    Free Member

    5’11+ a bit and an 18″ ST4 + 50mm stem fits perfectly, (as does amedium Cotic Soul if that helps?).

    Free Member

    On the same bike, with similar forks, I’m pretty sure I can feel some difference.
    The main thing this does, like using a super tacky front tyre, Is make me commit more.
    Not sure of any real world difference other than that, for my level of riding. But after a couple of near misses with QR’s I’m a convert.

    Free Member

    Brant has been very honest tried to sort things out, prevent future problems + coming on here to take the flack. Think that deserves respect. Hope you get sorted Bended.

    Free Member

    Good luck in the interviews BTW.

    Free Member

    Excited that there may just be enough swell left to get a cheeky after work surf in. Riding Sat + Sun + building up the 69er. Happy days.

    Free Member

    Got one as well if someone wants it. will email out when I get home.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Similarly crap, often muddy roads in west Wales, 28mm gatorskins are great for most of the year. 23’s just too puncture prone + don’t give the rims enough protection. Something you can fit guards on for winter is good.
    I’ve recently gone back to a cross bike + what you gain for what you lose is a good trade off for me.

    If you’re in Sheff give Cy Cotic a shout, >x< or Roadrat are your local options.

    Free Member

    Most of the above makes sense, not wholly convinced about the chocolate sausage…

    I’m always slower home due to headwind, over-all height gain and doing a physical job = I’m more knackered. Hydration also makes a big difference. Making sure I keep well hydrated all day rather than forgetting + necking a load before heading home makes allot of difference.

    Free Member

    even before the schools had broken up it was busy during the day. Whether you’d get grief from the day trippers I don’t know, but some parts are quite narrow and unless you wanted to seriously annoy folks by blasting through I reckon it’d be a bit annoying to ride.

    Coastal path is very cheeky at this time of year. Getting into conflict is fairly likely.

    Preselis are damp again.
    Brechfa not too far away.

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