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  • The International Variations Of Faff: What Do You Call It?
  • Mal-ec
    Free Member

    Great post. Thanks.

    Free Member

    Touch wood, mines been fine + i've not been particularly careful with it. I think the '10 frames did have a different weld. Get Orange on the case, they seem to genuinely care + want to sort problems out.

    Free Member

    to confuse things I'm a bit over 5' 11" + finally had to admit that the medium Prophet I had was too small, but the large too big. similarly couldn't quite make a medium Rush feel right which is a shame as they are ace. As a guide I find a medium Cotic Soul and 18 Orange ST4 perfect. I guess allot of it is riding preference/style and torso : legs ratio.

    Free Member

    I've worked pretty closely with podiatrists and the 2 perspectives are usually complimentary.
    Depends on the problem, as to how much of either or something else people need.

    Free Member

    Get yourself properly assessed by a chartered physio / podiatrist, (Your GP can refer you if theres no-one recommended locally, usually the local running club will know someone whos good on biomechanics)it could be foot posture/loading/training technique, referred pain or problems from your back as well e.t.c e.t.c.
    FMH's advice to off load the local tissue may well help, but you need to know why that tissue got overloaded to the point where it started to break down in the first place. Turning an acute problem into a chronic one by continuing to do whatever it is that caused this problem isn't going to lead to a world of fun + frolics.

    The evidence to back up eccentric treatment of tendonopathies is reasonable + increasingly recognized, BUT the state of the tendon needs careful assessment + it needs to tailored to the individual.

    Free Member

    Pretty much what Sok said. I recon about 1/3rd of the gp diagnosed "frozen shoulders" we get through are true capsulitis. Allot of the time post immobilization (sling) there is an apparent 'frozen shoulder" that can be encouraged to get going with gentle mobilizing exercises, joint mobilizations and passive stretches, getting the muscles that stabilize your shoulder blade working properly and the small muscles that stabilize the head of your humerus in the socket (rotator cuff) working as well as they can, all can helps to aid recovery.
    BUT it need to be properly diagnosed and as someone who's resisted leaflet + get on with physio for years, I'd be pushing your physio to see if some manual therapy can help. There is a small amount of evidence to say that a steroid injection may help getting it going better earlier, but recovery times vary allot + if it is a true frozen shoulder 18 months is not uncommon. On the positive side if this is the case, once resolved they don't tend to give you lots of on going problems.

    What Andy said about getting in the pool is great advice.

    Free Member

    Doing 1/2 a lap at Mayhem with Mr Fisher chatting / doing an infomertial just behind me was enough to make me never want to buy anything with his name on.

    Free Member

    Perhaps it's cynical of me to think the site (when it's working) is just an opportunity for people to sound off fruitlessly while the Tories rape the welfare state ?
    Of course, but if that can be exploited to achieve something useful or even to push them in that direction, then something more positive may come out of it. No reason why it can't be combined with a Kinder Scout style shindig as well :D

    The Welsh Assembly government don't have a great track record on always making the best decisions, which is why UK wide legislation might offer us a better way forward. Plus I think its now widely accepted that MTBing is good for local economies and the WAG is probably aware of how important MTBing is in Wales.

    Free Member

    Agreed. but it seems like an opportunity to push for change. Theres allot of us + they are looking for low cost ways of keeping us happy.
    The point is Simon that there are increasing numbers of us and trail use conflict in certain areas is increasing, so if we can push to have a right to be there it puts us on an equal footing to argue for sustainable usage.

    Free Member

    How did the Kinesis shape up size wise? Theres a wierd gap their sizing.

    Free Member

    Any other problems? Been thinking about one of these for a project.

    Free Member

    Definitely try before buying. The point of the ST4 IME is that its a fully engaging bike. Not a skill compensator. Its very capable and rewards body english and commitment. Agree with Surfr's comments.
    Depends what your focus in riding is. Its not a super efficient climber, but for example the Dyfi is very doable
    on it if you're riding to haves a scream on the descents, but you're not going to win, especially with super tacky tyres on… One of the best cornering bikes I've ridden.

    Free Member

    Get well soon James.

    Free Member

    I'd have thought medium. I'm 5' 11" + a bit + find Cannodale mediums just too small, + the Larges just too big with standard set ups.

    Free Member

    Looks like small clean + sunny, so dawnies to avoid the crowds.

    Free Member

    Nice little 2' wave tonight after work. Looking OK for a dawnie tomorrow.

    Lets keep the bickering that has ruined most surf forums off here eh?

    Free Member

    Waves yesterday? There's been knack all worth getting wet for up here (North Pembrokeshire) for what seems like ages now. Still dry tails.
    Did you used to post on MSW Mat?

    Free Member

    GWS. Sounds nasty.

    Free Member

    Likewise. Enjoyed riding it, up + down the technical stuff.
    It doesn't excel at fireroad grinding especially with sticky tyres, but as I wasn't going to beat Mr Craig, thought having fun was the priority. The ST4 always seems to give you an extra helping of that.

    Free Member

    Orange St4 + Super tacky Minions = steady grind up the fireroads + canning it on the descents.
    Felt harder than singlespeeding it in previous years. Way more fun than having fast rolling/climbing tyres that are sketchy on the descents.
    Bike was perfect, as it often is :-)

    Free Member

    No. If you get into a real fight get right up close (he might be a competent and heavy puncher)

    You will not be able to "get up close" to any serious martial artist, they will read your intention + it will be over.

    Free Member

    Do you have any evidence to back that up, Mal ec? I've heard it mentioned before but it seems unlikely and doesn't match my experience.

    Treated a few snowboarders with forearm fractures who were wearing braces. They almost certainly avoided having really nasty compound colles fractures by wearing the braces. Theres some evidence out there to suggest that wrist braces reduce the likelihood of soft tissue injuries and as part of your confidence building rehab, they'll be likely to help a fair bit.

    Free Member

    Placebo, but placebos are good. Anything substantial enough to reduce the risk of fracturing your wrist is going to transfer the load further up your forearm + move the risk of fracture up there, avoiding the joint.

    Free Member


    Rubber queens might be a bit of a squeeze. They used the big measuring stick for them buggers.

    Free Member

    Ardent 2.25's here too, 'bout right.

    Free Member

    Very different bike to the Trance, much more involving + fun IMHO, but it depends what you want.

    Free Member

    It's not an XC whippet born to climb / be efficient in covering miles, but it climbs and pedals well. So though you could do one of the more tedious Meridas happily on it, its not designed with that as it's raison d'etre. Equally its not a 5" sofa ride skill compensater.
    What it seems to be is a full engaging low slung speed merchant that responds to being pushed hard and railed into the turns hard, like really hard.
    Wide bars, short stem, maxled 120 forks fast grippy tyres with good side knobage seem to bring out the best in it IMHO.
    Well worth seeking out a test ride somewhere with hoon potential, Afan, Brechfa, Gisburn.

    Free Member

    Thats great, thanks. I'll have a trawl through that lot.
    That Islabike looks good, but beyond NHS wages :cry:.

    Free Member

    I think he may be teasing.

    Free Member

    I know, gutted. No time to fire an entry in at work, pegged it home to find its full :x

    Free Member

    Test rode the Azure + its one of the worst FS bikes i've ridden in years.

    Free Member

    Ace. Always wondered about your username BA Nana.

    Crass were a massive influence on me back in the day.

    Free Member

    Seen lots more tendon problems / plantar fasciitis in forefoot striker runners. HTH :wink:.

    Free Member

    Just backing up what Gary Lake + Surfr said. I've found my ST4 to be a properly engaging bike, that rides fast through the singletrack + on the descents and is surprisingly good in the air. Much prefer it to the Prophet it replaced.

    Free Member

    5' 11" + a bit, ride a Medium + it fits perfectly. Use U-turn Revs mostly at 115-120 with them on 130 for sustained/ steep descents + occasionally wound down to 90 mm for long tedious sit down climbs that are reasonably steep. ACE bike.

    Free Member

    What CHL said. I've recently been round this particular roundabout + came to the same conclusions.

    Free Member

    When riding or surfing, 8/10 especially if in good company. 4/10 most of the rest of the time.
    This is the source of most of my problems.

    Free Member

    The key is pacing yourself, really careful build up, with good recovery nutrition, hydration, rest and strategies.

    Free Member

    Orange ST4? Still in the honeymoon stages with mine, but loving it. Feels very capable + fast.

    Free Member

    Just for the sake of anyone with a similar problem.
    Bled the system, worked fine, then began to fade again. Found a tiny crack in the reservoir cover that meant the system was losing compression. Put a different cover on + brakes work a treat.
    Thanks again folks.

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