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  • Les Gets World Cup DH results, report and highlights vids
  • makkag
    Free Member

    I’m just about to lease another company car £384 pcm but cant decide on the color is this thread an appropriate place to ask for opinions ?

    Same as the doors to the summer house on your appropriately priced 7 bed Surrey mansion by all accounts according to some on here

    Or that of the shit hole scrapper of a bike you should be riding

    Well it is an Audi !!

    But seriously ive spent just over 29 days in hours in the drivers seat of my last one in 2.75 years and expect the same again .. im happy to pay a bit more to sit in something i like and is comfortable than say shave 125 pCM a month off that and run a perfectly capable golf etc

    Free Member

    made me a better man undoubtedly first 6 months were touch and go though !

    Free Member

    I’m renovating a bathroom and all tradesmen of note have advised this is the best option for my floor and they have all had it installed rather than tiled ! .. got some samples and looks flimsy to me but their professional opinion is partially what im paying for right ?

    Free Member

    I’m just about to lease another company car £384 pcm but cant decide on the color is this thread an appropriate place to ask for opinions ? :-)

    Free Member

    I had one for 6 years , nothing would shift it after loosing half a nail playing football . Id given up on the filing painting with curanail for 6 months and then got aggressive with it (every day filing re-apliying and trimming) and wore the Vicks and sock method of a night.

    Its gone .. nails a bit wonky mind and started to ingrow a bit but some electrical cutters and a warm bath sorted that ..

    Hopefully i can wear flipflops and speedo’s with pride again this year !

    Free Member

    Not got that one but god how my old gortex ones make things easier – Warm Dry Feet make winter life so much better !

    Free Member

    Swimming – I fractured my spine after biking accident 2 years ago and met a c7/6 fused patient in physio.. he swore by swimming helping him recover faster and stronger. I hated swimming and really had to build up slowly but now its part of my routine and keeps the pain at bay more effectively than anything else i do. Get some lessons vary the stroke and buy some waterproof headphones.. it can get boring without some tunes

    Free Member

    I’d Do the beast but cut out Pink heffer/big doug etc by skipping through the Forrest road cutting from post 79/117 and then doing the shortcut to the addams family.. best ride in the park IMHO and cuts out most of the crap

    Free Member

    25/30 a week on just food tops maybe a bit more if i take my son out for a treat – single guy 3 meals a week on 2.5 yo – batch cook a lot .. Big Big Pots of Veggie curry/ Chili/Spag Bog/Thai Curry etc from fresh All lunches for office pre prepped and frozen if out on business its expended so get my takeaway/eat out fix from there.

    Big mortgage on three bed house and debts to repay have changed my food habits massively

    Free Member

    im 39 and still go out .. good friend is a DJ which helps .. not into the little fella’s anymore and frankly am amazed at how Mashed people get. I have a chuckle and thank god there were no camera phones in my day (Although i am on a Helter Skelter video !) Last time i got a bit squiffy was at hospitality this year in fins-bury park – ended up talking about conkers with MC Foxy and half of Roni Size orchestra over a bottle of gin we “found” backstage.

    Looking forward to Goldie and the heritage orchestra at the roundhouse this Sunday.. bit more like it.

    Free Member

    No soldier you were born to die !

    Free Member

    I stopped using mine as i had a tendency to crash when i had it on .. but definitely on the whole the vids were boring .. I however wish id have remembered it for a few trails out in verbier this year .. as it was the bestiest and fastist id ridden Spanish and Vortex .. before i crashed

    Free Member

    It started poorly – 2.5 Yo throwing up on me .. stuck him on the wee ride and did 10 miles in the fresh air looking at gliders which perked him and me up. Lunch at mothers with niece and sister , Followed later by Gym , Sauna and then Dinner watching Grand Prix .. not half bad

    Free Member

    Fab off to see it Friday evening

    Free Member

    Going to ride off the canyon drop at rampage on my e-bike!!!

    But seriously 39 Recently separated 24 years left on a mortgage I’m paying £1035 pcm on solely. Another 15/20k needs to go into house before its done.

    Cashed out because of above purchase and frantically putting all I can into fixing property up and now paying off credit cards .. owe mother 7.5k – will have this all done by next year.

    Only pension I have is historic and good NEST one running now ..

    Hoping for Shares and sale of the business I am in 10 Years

    Will – over pay mortgage and downsize once older (3 Bed)

    Free Member

    Went to see it again last night after viewing on release date and it impressed me much more .. I think I was able to enjoy the visuals and celebreality of it all much more. The visuals and sound are simply stunning in a decent cinema and it’s so rare that this kind of film gets made any more.

    It’s not going to earn a great deal in comparison with budget sure, its target demographic is very small and run time too long for the masses but as a piece of art (which is what a movie is right) it’s right up there.
    I’m going to give it another rewatch whilst it’s still on a bloody big screen and suggest that anyone else does as Blu Ray and 7.1 in your home still will not do it justice.

    One of those rare times belief has been suspended for 2.75 hours and I have come away with all sorts of questions about how and what else happens in a fictional reality.

    I’m fortunate (I guess) that i get to go to the cinema effectively gratis twice a week, but if you can id urge you to give it another go .. it’s either much or even better second time around given your position on first viewing. Besides you will have to wait a long time for a rerelease on the big screen!

    Free Member

    stress balls worked well for us !

    Free Member

    I like booze way to much but finally realized its destructive and a crutch for stress . Weekend regret – missed sunny day rides etc . fortunately i’ve managed to start to get on top of it and dramatically cut down this year now my home life is a bit more settled (Split with Ex / Kid involved / living at mums whilst i brought house) I managed my longest ever dry period in (memory 3 weeks) just last month – Had a bit of a blowout at a festival last week VIP Free Booze backstage etc – that could have resulted in me loosing my licence/job/house as i lost house keys but had car key on me .. slept in car for 4 hours then drove .. would have been over the limit. Alcohol takes away all my sensibility and rationality so need to cut .. I did have 6 Golden ales over the weekend (4 Saturday and 2 sunday) after the day was done and that needs to be my limit from now on.

    Free Member

    U2’s still fly live missions and that’s definitely a U2 some longevity for something that first flew in 55 .. Shows just how good the Skunk Works were back in the day !

    Free Member

    Got me a bit of a thing for a belter – Drummer – Cara Gee season 2 is excellent

    Free Member

    Not a roofer but dont need to be to say that’s propper S**T and needs sorting

    and yes its why you have a damp wall !

    Free Member

    warped disk would be my bet – sounds similar to something i experienced years back on a mk 4 golf

    Free Member

    If You want to race as me on the sunday inbox me i have a spare i cant make it unfortunately

    Free Member

    That Was err … Mega fair play James

    Free Member

    Forgive the link I am looking at something like this

    Appreciate this is ebay and i’m looking to source from elsewhere

    Nick do you have anything like this in store ?

    Free Member

    I just got a cracking deal (New Customer) 18 Month Contract basic sky q and tv package + unlimited fibre + Pay as you go phone and line rental 36 quid all in

    I was only interested in the fibre and asked for sky freesat card to use some old equipment but this tempted me to use it all

    Not using it yet so cant be of much help though :}

    Free Member

    I’ve been stressed over house purchase , work , breakup and generally being worn out after a difficult year for the business and everything else. hardly any biking as all my gear is in storage for last 8 months. Just done 4 days in north Wales taking in Stiniog in the wet , snowdon in the damp , and CYB in glorious sunshine .. im healed, going back tomorrow positive as you like and going to tear life a new one

    Free Member

    Cant help but interested as up that way this weekend and never been

    Free Member

    Cheapest on the listings 2nd link – with the saving buy me one

    There is a used or 2nd in CEX (Top Listing) for £300 with warranty

    Free Member

    wow bookmarking above post – verbier this year but Finale ligure on the list for next and that looks stunning !

    Free Member

    I tried the expanse a while back and didn’t get into it. However the Recent TV adaptation got me wanting to know more and i have zipped through them all – Standard of writing isnt particularly great but its a good story . 1st Series of TV Show a good place to start . Happily send any media you need up on a USB if you’d like , just PM Me

    Free Member

    Brysons a great shout,

    I spend a lot of time in a car so audiobooks are my friend.

    Do you like Scifi ? if so the expanse set of audiobooks are pretty good and you dont have to have 100% concentration

    Ready Player one i found a good audiobook (Its quite a youthfull book with loads of 80’s references however)

    Bernard Corwells saxon stories also translate well if you like vikings/ that period

    The Irvine welsh books narrated by Tam dean Burn are great and if you want to avoid the filth/trainspotting type – try A decent Ride .. I was laughing my tits off (Which may be what you need)

    should be of some assistance , stay strong and remember



    Free Member

    Thanks , thats the ex’s oldest sorted for new lids … bargain tastic

    Free Member

    I think you have amalgamated two peoples comments into one. I see your point but its not the one I am trying to make.
    I am saying the world may indeed be going to shite but i don’t fear it..whats the point as deaths going to happen to me at some point anyway. Spending time in fear of that might happen seems a waste to me.

    To Quote Harvey Mackay

    “Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.”

    Free Member

    But also be aware and informed. The world is going this way because people stopped caring and allowed the sort of idiots in charge now to drift in a fill the gaps left by reason and debate

    Absolutely be aware and informed – but I am sad to say the world has gone this way rather than going and there really is little we can do about it. If we do the research it all points to an impending apocalypse of some kind. environmental, overpopulation or nuclear/terrorist threat take your pick. I therefore am just going to obey consume and conform whilst enjoying what pleasures I can and hopefully set my son up to do the same .. The Fear game is not one I subscribe to I haven’t got enough time left to waste on it !

    Free Member

    Stop living in fear … its not like we get out of here alive anyway . go ride your bike and look at the pretty scenery while you can :]

    Free Member

    THe lakes ? Como especially

    Free Member

    Just back from 2 b2b hour classes. Love em for winter training and the 1500 calories as well . There’s no way I’d do that distance on turbo and find the classes motivation . If your instructors **** there a proper ball ache though . Fortunately I have the choice of two local gyms that my membership covers and have 4 different instructors doing the 5 sessions I currently manage a week so music and routines are mixed up more which keeps it fresh

    Free Member

    Malmasion any good anymore – used to stay there a fair bit on business as handy for the train

    Worsley park Marriot nice as well if you wanted somewhere on the outskirts – however all of my usage is business

    Free Member

    Been with a 9 and 13 year old and enough riding out there to keep erveryone occupied. as per the norm greens and blues are a step up from home remember they are graded dh, some nice enduro trails as well. The bonus was all the other activities were free . Bag jumps, hop jumping , boats on lake etc so plenty to do when dads away and keeps cost down. Also you can take a trip up to the glacier and if timed right a summer ski or snowboard is possible. Negatives are its high so can be quite cold and fail to reach 17-20 degrees , it’s above tree line so not quite as pretty as other resorts & and whilst the trails were OK for a week for a half competent me they wouldn’t make me go back just for them. Whole package is hard to beat though

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