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  • makkag
    Free Member

    true tom no worries, and again im not nitpicking , honey b – not trying to be negative , i really feel that you lot have done a great job with what you have and its just not me is all .. the last trail at the end of the monkey i think ?? was great nice bit of flow and speed just wanted a few more of that for the pedal mashing .. That said im one man and it was sure busy enough so ya’ll must be doing something right & if you guys are doing that with limited funding kudos to you all .. i live in hertfordshire and sure wish it was on my doorstep.. They were all right about those breaking bumps though !!! allthough i hear you may be getting a rubble donation !

    Free Member

    lol endura & orange. no did not go back just bounced and got on with it. did not realise for about half hour i love singletrack for the above reason , i reunited someone with their cateye after a swinley ride after advertising on here & now my glasses maybee on the way back !

    Free Member

    genius imho – His voice is the band , no doubt slash , izzy n duff contributed but if anyone else sung those songs it would not be the same. and you cant say that about the rest of them , i went to the gnr concert in 2005 ish at wembley and as soon as i heard “do you know where the f*ck you are” from axl that was all that mattered ..

    Free Member

    dont mind pedeling up tom not in the slightest , just did not feel the reward was there for all the effort is all .. pedal up groan , go down grin … again im giving my opinion and i guess we all like different things just thought that some of the downs could have had more is all.. but to give ballance to it my mate who who drove loves XC, he thought it was great. i like free speed from gravity i guess . maybee im just jellous im nowhere quick enough on the ups as i am on the downs.. and im bloody slow on the downs ..

    Free Member

    got one for my mums 50th birthday — went down very well with all – expensive though , think i still have leftovers in the chest freezer

    Free Member

    holy thread resurrection batman . but thanks to buzz , milkie n stevie , the angle is much better and the rattle has been banished , went to cannock today .. had my doubts about the mounting but it is much better .. shame the footage was so slow .. not a cannock fan but thats another story .. oh and after buying the anti vibration thingie from ebay i found mine !! so if any of you lads need one im happy to post it to you !

    Free Member

    love my havocs at full length gnarrr

    Free Member

    Yeah man good call if you know any goodgreat secret trails that are off the beaten track and you really think you could wow me id be interested in doing a day with you ! im out on the 15th July in les gets

    Free Member

    just been told got 4 weeks work left then find another job !! , no commitments so have emailed .. bit about going up hills worries me though big bloody hills in the Alps !!!

    Free Member

    i stayed here this weekend 1 mile from centre , lovely people clean B&B worth a call but may be booked .. also have lots of camping available

    Free Member

    Lucky buggers , im looking forward to my go and its still 2 months away !

    Free Member

    cheers pal , i went ahead and brought the little rubbber thing meantioned above off ebay !

    Free Member

    Top man many thanks just brought one off ebay ! , i wanted to try a few new mounts & will give the handlebar one a go , id assume that it would also fit a seatpost as well ??

    Free Member

    Yeah that annoys the shite outa me – do you mean the housing buckle on the camera unit ??

    Cheers Buzz will have a read through the awfull instructions and work that out – cant justify a mudguard though, spoil the bikes look dunnit !!! :D

    Free Member

    Sorry to Hijack
    difficult one this im somewhere at the oposite end of the issue . but I have been friends with this woman for years and we have allways had a thing. she is smart, sucessfull (70k a year job) Interesting , Kind, caring giving & would make good wife material .she wants to get together propperly but i have an issue. She is far from unatractive, but she is a little overweight and heavier set, call me shallow but i just dont get that sexual spark from her and that worries me, so much so that have actualy got the droop whilst engaged in it with her.

    I have allways had relationships with Slim or Skinny women thats what floats my boat. I could have a great life with this lady but i Just dont fancy her ..and for me good sex is a huge part of any sucessfull relationship ..

    Dont know weather to just be straight with her or **** it off !

    Free Member

    Thanks! You cant please all the people all of the time :-), I like’s my House Music !

    Free Member


    Free Member

    that drop sure scared the crap outa me for a bit

    Free Member

    thanks for the tip milkie will give that a bash next time .. yeah saw the glasses go after my little moment , nomeone may have a free pair , luckly id left my jawbones at home and brought a cheap pair at CYB bike shop the day before or i would not have been a happy bunny !

    Free Member

    sounds a bit like my last trip to afan mate did w2 and finished on zigzags , sun had gone down and it was just hold on and scream time .. but to be fair there was not a 300 m drop to my right !

    Free Member

    yup chest , its angled back as far as the mount allows , so gonna have to have a bit of a play with harness , or consider mounting else where as i know what you mean ..highly recomend it , we were pushed for time as were on the way home from C Y B or would have pedaled up and done it again!

    Free Member

    oh its also uploaded in 720p so change up the format if its a bit fuzzy

    Free Member

    yerp rode climach-x yesterday as well, deserted in carpark when we got there only one other van Proberbly poster above all open .. have to say its final decents easily put it up there with the best that i have ridden .. – will try and get some video uploaded tonight , but go easy twas my first time on it and took it a little easy as you sure as shit could get caught out in a few places !!

    Free Member

    cro-mo spoon

    Free Member

    Friday – drive to cannock in morning – One loop Then On to Coed y Brenin for first time , Plot up few beers & Food

    Saturday – Beast / Beer / Spurs on laptop & Beer and Food

    Sunday – Cli-Machx for first time & then drive back to london

    Monday Sleep/Talk to mother about Right to buy on her flat / Private job

    Tuesday – Quit Job !! Sorted !

    Free Member

    snow at the tops but dont know how log its been there , Id imagine you could do some road though ,

    Free Member

    Dogtag are good

    Free Member

    2nd Drunken Master – my personal fave !

    Free Member

    I went from a 100mm HT to a 5 spot never go back. Found a great 2nd
    hand Frame , used most of my XT drive and brakes of the HT , Got new forks ,new set of Flows on Pro 2’s and I have a little slce of awesome .. Great way to keep the cost down if you can salvage anything .. also taught me a lot about the mechanical side of things and parts.

    Build cost me 1470 total

    Free Member

    Just Checked Les Gets Morzine Lifts only open till the 9th Sept and they are the last ones General PDS lifts will be closed !

    Your only gonna get a few days Lift assited in .. I head over to Les gets/morzine first and then get back for a few days at the lake !

    Free Member

    Id agree with your man above .. First time i went to les gets i was on a 100mm HT and i had no trouble on anything up to all reds i did , I was bit battered around but there were plenty of chicken runs if you did not fancy growing wings .

    Id sugest you get up to Les Gets Morzine area (As there will still be people in some numbers) and take the lifts there … not sure when the wider PPDS lifts close this year (think you will be in time) but you can easily go exploring .. hell id sugest doing the PPDS route if you can as its a great intro to the area for when you come back the year after !

    Free Member

    Went Solo last year as had no play buddies and was a bit last minute, Stayed in Les Gets with Alpine elements and had a ball, Went out exploring on my own in the mornings and then met up with other riders over lunch and played train ..all i will say is i did stick to relitively well used trails and did not push when i was on my own , just in case ..
    Im out in Les Gets again 15th 22nd July with a few fella’s some XC some Gnarrcore- happy for you to tag-along as well !

    Free Member

    Not sure but happy to pay postage if you keep them on the off chance !

    Free Member

    Cool mate that would be great – drop me a line & i will send you may address .. many thanks .. Do you want some money to cover postage !

    Free Member

    cool That would be great

    Free Member

    I currently cover the US markets and one i hate allthough not exactly bullshit bingo is.

    Thanks for reaching out ! / Im just reaching out / lets reach out..
    ad infinitum..

    Does my head in !

    Free Member

    Yeah Id second that Bergamo is a lovely place not sure its more than a days worth though there is a direct train to Varenna from there though !

    Free Member

    honestly , not a great city you can do the main parts in a day and its expensive .. i would sugest getting a train up to lake Como and spending an evening there .. i know the place there very well my friend runs a hostel on the lake in a place called mennagio – one of my most beautiful places in the world !

    Let me know if you need any further info .. all this is 1 hour away from Milan !

    Free Member

    I have more than enough bike related tat in my garage as it is thank you very much without giving me other ideas !!

    My best mates first MTB was a Peugeot , still has it !

    Free Member

    knew someone would be along that knew ! i have no clue about road bikes as i was on a bmx .. but you never know !!

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