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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • makecoldplayhistory
    Free Member

    Thanks all.


    Yes, the genitive case.


    It’s considered outsourcing :)

    Free Member


    your unhelpful / you’re unhelpful?



    I agree with you on the whole but you’re assuming that extra information is necessary or desired eg. the method of ruination. A simple (not in the linguistic sense) sentence can meet the writer’s needs with a genitive s.

    Why is the construction clumsy? Why should the fact that lots of people fail mean we should drop something*?

    *see long division

    Free Member

    Free Member

    The worst are the small airports. Derry – Bristol is a nightmare. Old men who think that everything electronic is potential bomb. That’s fine when it’s just you but not when you have 4 tablets, 2 kindles, 4 headphones, 3 phones, 2 charging blocks etc. That was a long 35 minutes!

    Free Member

    gt56 – strange but everyone I’ve spoken to says that the PGCE is by far harder than being a ‘proper’ teacher and speaks disparagingly about those who talk about unmanageable workloads as a teacher.

    It isn’t the workload that shocked me; as I said, I just got a First in my dissertation and a 2:1 overall in my degree whilst being a father to two, a husband and working full time in the AEN department. I think I’m justly proud as well as being demonstrably hard-working and organised.

    The multitude of short-term deadlines did seem overwhelming. I’m used to longer-term targets.

    “As others have said”

    Umm… I hope you don’t teach History. You seem to be the ‘others’.

    Interestingly, I’m not sure if teaching is my dream job. However, I think I’m good at it. I’m married to one and as ex-pats with no interest in repatriation, it suits me and my family.

    Free Member

    Thanks. Noted.

    As always, daunting tasks seem much less daunting when broken down. A long list of Post Its is now down to two. Slow and steady and organised…

    Free Member

    What do you mean by foulest language? A few **** and buggers or when she talks like a surfer from the 90s; gnarly etc?

    I can’t see the sexism.

    Free Member

    Interesting shots. Divides around the world are shocking.

    I lived on the 40th floor of this building – 4 bed, 5 bath, maid’s accommodation etc.

    This is it from another view.

    Free Member

    Very moving!

    Free Member

    Thanks all. You can always depend on STW.

    Punjab MC it is.

    As the first youtube comment said, “This is the song that everyone knows but doesn’t know the name”

    Free Member

    The first answer (or two) had it nailed. It really doesn’t matter if you do PADI or otherwise. It’s far more important that the instructors and subsequent dive leaders are good.

    We did out PADI OW over a decade ago in Indonesia. We did the whole thing there including the theory. It’s easy and a beer on a tropical beach while learning how to use a bottom time calculator is hardly a chore.

    As someone who only dives when they’re on holiday and the water looks warm enough, I’d recommend whichever is more accessible for you. People do get complacent and forget that diving can actually be dangerous but coping with issues is more about experience than the thickness of the textbook you’ve learnt from.

    Mifey and I have done more than 100 dives now (she’s beating me by 10-20) and have coped with a blown octopus, broken fin, broken mask and burst ear drum. PADI and experience prepared us for this perfectly.

    We’ve continued to use PADI for NoX, Advanced OW and

    Free Member

    We live in (rent) a house with 4 wet room bathrooms. 1 is unusable for its purpost as the floor is like an ice-skating rink.

    Make sure the flooring is suitable.

    Free Member

    Wow! She flew in a jet? Very cool.

    Free Member

    ****. Anyone else hungry?

    Free Member

    I agree with chilli or some form of it. Large pieces of meat are also easier as they’re harder to overcook.

    I love a big slab of pork belly. Season with celery salt and wholegrain mustard. Score the skin (bread knives are best) and roast over a low heat.

    Baked potatoes.


    Home made flatbreads.

    Free Member

    You’ve got some good answers but, as someone who’s been an ex pat for a long time, I’ve got to point out that it’s usually easier to get a licence for the country you’re living in. Korea (at a glance) seems the same.

    Free Member


    I don’t know if all ‘spoons are the same but in my nearest one they will take half decent ales off mid-barrel to try and shift the shittier ales, so when the more popular ales are put back on they are stale and on the way out.

    They also don’t clean the draught lines as often or as properly as they should as with the number and length of the lines they have there would be too much wastage, according to staff.


    You clean the lines when changing beers, well, pull them through, anyway.

    Very little beer is wasted in a line clean.

    The allowances for cleaning and wastage are some of the highest that I saw in various companies.

    Free Member

    Don’t let the upbeat music fool you…

    Free Member

    Excellent road riding along the coast, heading East as far as you can. Exmouth – Seaton’s a nice day’s ride.

    Hard tail for either Dartmoor (bit of a drive) or Woodbury common. The common’s right on your doorstep and excellent riding.

    I guess a CX bike would let you do both.

    Shop bike rides on Thursday evenings and Friday mornings from Knobblies if you’re after a group.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies.

    I was running late so a motorbike commute today but will have a look at exactly what my hand position is on the hoods.

    I think it’s quite like your video slowster but maybe with my hands rotated in a tiny bit so that the knuckle is on the hood.

    I say it feels like bruising and it does but very mild. There’s no pain in the joint and it’s only really a little sore when I get back on the bike. There’s no tingling or any pain from movement so it’s annoying as opposed to worrying. I  think trying to move things so its the palm / base of my thumb taking more pressure so that the knuckle isn’t touching sounds best. I think the hoods might be slightly downward facing. I’ll check. It says you should never do this but not why not. Any ideas?

    Re. my hands. They’re best described as a dinner plate with 5 sausage fingers overhanging the edges.


    Free Member

    I really dislike them but I’m not entirely sure why.

    I’m very competitive but handle being beaten when it’s skill / fitness fairly well (it’s something I’m working on). I feel cheated when it isn’t a level playing field.

    The other aspect is wondering where the boundaries lie. As batteries get better, the max speed may stay the same but the ability to use that power for hours seems to be eating away at proper riding. Where you’re exhausted and vaguely lost and wet and your legs hurt and you’re spinning the 50t ring but it all feels worth it when you finish …

    Free Member

    This from Nite Ize. It’s great.

    Free Member

    you remember when all this was maroon and beige!

    Free Member

    Had mine done about 3 years ago. Soon enough after our second was born. Not that there’s anything wrong with him but we knew that 2 was a good number.

    I walked like John Wayne for a couple of days but I had kenoids removed from my ballsack at the same time. I had the tubes tied and a good section cut away. I was sure I was done wanting babies and wanted to avoid any need for a second op or having a surprise baby.

    Riding a motorbike to the hospital was a bad idea. I could ride it home, just putting a foot down was pretty sore.

    Within a week I was on the mountain bike.

    I think worst part was handing over a ‘cup’ to the nurse for testing post-op.

    Free Member

    Is this thread not a little self-selecting?

    Free Member

    If you sell it to him then yes, you should. Informally of course but as others said, mentioning you keeping ownership until the final payment and him being responsible for maintenance.

    My parents did something similar when I was about 13 and folded a rear bike wheel. They paid for it and I had to pay them back each week from my paper round money. I was allowed 2 missed (late) payments but until I’d paid in full, they could take it back. I think it was a good idea. Taught me a bit about responsibility and money-management.

    Alternatively, tell him it’s a bit of a lemon and you don’t want to lumber him with it.

    Free Member

    All of them hedley? Are you a girl?

    An interesting tidbit. I lost my virginity to a girl called Kayleigh, named after the Marilion song.

    For me,

    All My Best Friends Are Metalheads – Less Than Jake. I can’t help but jump around when I hear it.

    Sweet Baby James, Fire and Rain, Carolina in My Mind, Bar Tender’s Blues – James Taylor. All make me open a bottle of red, drink it and get all sombre and awake late at night and feel like taking up smoking again.

    Jolene – Dolly Parton. Probably the greatest song ever written. I’ve never been cheated on or jealous in a relationship but the lyrics get to me.

    You Don’t Know What Love Is – White Stripes. I don’t know exactly what’s good about this, I just listen in silence. There’s something magical.

    White Moon – White Stripes. I’ve never seen emotion from a singer in the same way. I don’t know what emotion it raises but it gets me. I don’t have a better word than ‘shocked’ every time I listen to it.

    Free Member

    BadlyWiredDog – no. I can’t replicate it. Even when it’s just happened then back-pedalling a few degrees and pedalling again can’t reproduce it.

    PMJ & SillyOldMan – wouldn’t this mean consistency? It does feel like the old rounded square-taper issue but it isn’t consistent.

    atlaz – 1. maybe. 2. maybe. 3. – I hadn’t thought of that. I’ll check but I don’t think it is. It’s definitely from the LH side.

    Free Member

    The other sentence didn’t make sense without me clarifying what you meant.

    The company will think you’re mental if …

    If rape must involve a penis.

    If the definition of rape is outdated.

    If a thread about women on bikes has moved on to rape stats and accusations of misogyny, the patriarchy and other [off] topics.

    Free Member

    Are you doubting the definition of rape Dez?

    Free Member


    In the UK, rape must be by a penis. Therefore women can’t rape. Men can be victims but women can’t commit the crime.

    No idea what this has to do with riding bikes though …

    Free Member

    “I am in no way denying the existence of inequality of opportunity”

    Are you saying that we don’t have equality of opportunity?

    Free Member


    I agree to an extent. Routines, family / time / financial pressures make a difference.

    I work at an expensive school. Often fathers drop children off on their way to work. I guess they’re likely to be at the top of their professions and not clocking on – off. Flexitime and judged on results.

    There are also a good number of mothers who take their children to school and leave their cars parked so that they can head off on a ride after drop off.

    Maybe working hours or commuting or salaries are sexist.

    Free Member

    The article’s trite nonsense.

    “Sometimes, when I’ve been out cycling on my own, I’ve had male drivers shout at me as they’re overtaking,” said the 45-year-old British Cycling Breeze Champion. “I’ve been told to ‘read the Highway Code’ and ‘get off the road’. I’ve also been sworn at. “I’ve even had ‘keep pedalling, nearly there’ – from a male cyclist. They wouldn’t have said it to another man, it’s so patronising and uncalled for.

    “All I want to do is ride my bike and I don’t think I should have to put up with abuse from other – mainly male – road users, just because I’m a woman.”

    I’ve had all those comments. It has nothing to do with her being a woman. She has a chip on her shoulder and is divisive.

    “Women tend to be more concerned about safety than men,” said Ms Pidd. “And those fears are perfectly rational. Roads aren’t safe for cyclists – you need to be confident to go on the roads.”

    I read last year that aircon is sexist. Are roads sexist too?

    “sometimes it’s really mean. Stuff like ‘thunder thighs’.”

    or MAMIL? I wonder why there’s no MAWIL in common parlance.

    Other comments about new groups being cliquey or riders being put off because they weren’t good at sports at school or are worried about their base fitness aren’t only applicable to women either. They’re possibly more applicable to men who tend to be more competitive and more worried about underperformance, IMO.

    Of course if women want to organise exclusive events then good for them. I hope they’re not the same ones complaining about the lack of a womens category at an enduro event though.

    However, if issues are to be taken seriously they shouldn’t be obfuscated. The only one mentioned here is the woman being slapped on the arse by a motorbike rider.

    Free Member

    Well, he’s no Hitchens :-)

    Free Member

    Haha – it’s back.

    Does this make Branson the good or bad guy or now less appealing to ‘both sides’?


    Do you think everybody is entitled to a platform

    I think that there are some institutions who should absolutely be giving platforms to most opinions. Branson and his company don’t need to give people platforms but universities shouldn’t deplatform because of protests.

    are there no views you think so abhorrent that speakers shouldn’t be extended an invite?

    Very few and none have been in the DM since the 40s. 5thElephant gave the example of Nick Griffin on Question Time. He well and truly hung himself with the rope he was given. Unless you’re advocating actual harm on someone (or a group) then I’m very much in the ‘sticks and stones…’ camp. I find theists of all denominations worrying but think the best thing you can do with them is put them in front of a camera with a Hitchens or a Dawkins.

    You do realise it is possible to have liberal opinions which aren’t just for show?

    It depends on what you mean by ‘liberal’ but I’m so cynical I do wonder.

    Godwin’s Law you fool!!!!!!!! ( :) smile as I like you but you’re a fool for heading in that direction in any argument)

    Free Member

    I’m late to the party but do have one question I’d love answered.

    Genesis and the creation story is provably false as is the Garden of Eden etc. Taking this to be proven, why was Jesus killed to absolve people of sins first brought into the world when Eve ate the fruit.

    My second question but with a much more debatable answer is, if Christians get to pick and choose which parts of the bible to take literally, which to disregard and which to take as gospel (pun intended), where is the difference with being completely agnostic, anti-theist etc? If I’m given 1,000 contrasting laws to live by and I get to choose which are important, I’m no different to a theist who does the same with their book. The important difference is that I’ve chosen to live according to certain self-imposed principles and I don’t have any of the drawbacks of religion.

    Free Member

    Growing up I’ve seen / use cast iron in Agas as well as slow cookers. Results-wise I think Dutch ovens are a little better but the ease of using a slow cooker is fantastic. Coming home to cooked food and a great smell is awesome. Pressure cookers are somewhere between the two wrt results.

    All 3 have their place and all 3 are worth owning.

    Breadmakers are fine for a month or two, gather dust for a year or 2 and are then sold.

    Do think about getting an Instantpot. The best of all worlds (except bread).

    Free Member

    Feel free to email me.

    makecold …

    Got lots of tips for different areas and if there’s anywhere you have thought about I’ve no doubt friends of mine will have been even if we haven’t.

    Chang Rai / Mai are great. Esan is too. My main advice on what you have said is don’t plan on too much time in BK. Not worth it. You can see 90%% of what you want in two long-full days.

    Free Member

    Deplatforming (is that a word) by certain insistutions is wrong. Controversial people or opinions aren’t necessarily wrong and I disagree with universities deplatforming like Berkley did to Richard Dawkins or was attempted at Cardiff Uni on Germaine Greer.

    It’s a race to virtue signal and to take offence at everything.

    Virgin’s banning is a cynical PR stunt and feigned hatred of The Mail is getting a little embarrassing too.

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