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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • makecoldplayhistory
    Free Member

    Yep. Sussed now. Thanks all

    Free Member

    I’ve just realised that I shouldn’t have removed the large bolt from the non-drive side. The extraction tool worked extremely well!

    Free Member

    It’s an M970.

    Free Member

    Thanks all. I ordered the narrow bolts and spacers just in case. I’ve got the tools but went for the superstar anyway.

    Free Member

    I’d just had it lightly serviced (very lazy) and blame but can’t prove it was the guy.

    Free Member

    We are still teaching completely remotely. Live lessons where I share presentations etc in a Google Meet (like Skype).

    Children have cameras on and of course ask and answer questions, discuss topics etc.

    The purpose of recording the lessons is to share them with parents and for the lesson to be accessible if a child has not attended the lessons. This isn’t to share best practice with other members of staff or similar. I would have no problems with that.

    The lessons will be shared to any parent in the school. Every family has a school email account.

    I am uncomfortable with my child’s every interaction being recorded and made available to the parents.

    Free Member

    The lessons will be from the teachers’ perspective which means a grid view of all children with cameras on and their voices / interactions with the teacher all recorded.

    Them being told off. Picking their nose. Giving ridiculous answers etc.

    We are still teaching remotely so every lesson is over Google Meet.

    I am open to being told I’m being ridiculous but, as a teacher and knowing the things your children say to me on a regular basis, I don’t feel it should be made available.

    Case in point:

    Me: what does your Mummy say?

    Child: mummy did too much dancing and is lying next to the toilet

    Record that? Send it to the school community?

    Does GDPR not include things like privacy?

    Of course I’m not an expert on the subject. If I were, I wouldn’t be asking for advice on a bike forum ;)

    Free Member

    I usually have a wallet-sized notebook and A5 notebook in my work bag; both used many times a day.

    ‘My name’s Mike and I have a Moleskine habit.

    Free Member


    Thank you and done!

    Free Member

    My wife went out for the evening and I had lots to do.

    I seem to have had a couple of beers and read 35 pages of a STW thread, 5 pages of a PB thread, PB’s “interview” and an article by Hannah that reminded me that good journalism is worth a couple of quid a month.

    It’s been emotional!

    Free Member

    Thanks all.

    I did feel like I was worrying about nothing.

    Free Member

    They’re for us but is it based on probability? How could we prove it?

    I could show them contracts for our new jobs and onward tickets out of the country but this doesn’t prove they aren’t gifts.

    Free Member

    I will. I get a good lather though. I had the same problem with Proraso soap too.


    Free Member

    Yes, I think you’re being unreasonable although it must cut a bit when one set of grandparents do more than the other.

    Free Member

    Can anyone recommend a razor that doesn’t collect hair and soap in the head. I find I have to take the head apart after every shave and clean the blade; always makes me feel a little nervous. Running under water or sloshing in the sink doesn’t work. I’ve even tried using an old toothbrush to clean it from behind but it doesn’t work too well.

    I currently (and for the last couple of years) use Arko soap, Astra platinums and an EJ DE89.

    Would an open comb be better? Any suggestions?


    Free Member


    Yes, cubic metres. Some of the people I’ve been dealing with say M3, some say CBM (cubic metres) … Confusing.

    @perchy – nearly. I’m a qualified teacher (not maths) now. Moving from Phuket to Riyadh.

    8 cubic metres is only toys, clothing, little bit of kitchen wares, some assorted crap and 2 bikes. No furniture or other bulky stuff.

    Having made up 4 100x50x50cm boxes and stacked them, it seems like a lot.

    We’re moving in to a fully furnished place – even down to towels and linens – so can travel light.

    Thanks again

    Stay tuned for my ‘what fatbike for the desert’ thread :)

    Free Member


    15Gb to 50Gb.

    Thanks a lot

    Free Member

    Showing my age …

    Free Member

    We Rides are good but you reallly can’t beat a trailer for practicality, in my experience.

    The We Ride was good for having the child right in front of you but awkward pedaling position and the weight of the bar were big issues.

    Free Member

    Thanks all.

    It’s to share unit plans, lesson plans and schemes of work with a learning network – teacher work, basically.

    I’m sure that if they were shared as plain text they would be copied and pasted. The same with a PDFs of text.

    By sharing them as images people are much more likely to read them and use them / adapt them rather than copy and paste text and pass it as their own plans.

    I know they could be converted back to text or whatever but it’s an extra step and I doubt many would bother.

    I see it as adding a watermark to a stock image. The image can be cropped or edited but it makes it harder.

    Free Member

    “save as a PDF from Word. Open the PDF in Photoshop or similar. Save each page as a BMP or JPEG. Convert those to a PDF.”

    That’s quite a few clicks for 450 pages!

    I’ll see if I can find a way to automate it.


    Free Member

    From here (Phuket) the recent coup took little more than a meeting with the King. Bloodless like every one before it.

    Lesse Majeste is used by the ruling Junta. The late king didn’t like it.

    The problem isn’t the leaders but Thai culture – the real reason it’s never been invaded or colonised and no one really cares about it.

    Free Member


    I guess we could wait. I’m procrastinating more than anything. By ‘slowing down’, I meant the Macs were beginning to get those spinning rainbow circles for no apparent reason. Honestly, they’re used lightly but a lot. Running to interactive whiteboards or whatever else, they’re usually on most of the time.

    I believe that as we hand back the MBPs, they move to the banks of devices available for student use. These don’t last as long as you’d hope for various reasons.

    We won’t be taking my quite high-spec desktop PC with us so although there won’t be heavy CAD or video editing, there might be occasion for it.

    I can see why knowing whether the school will be running OS or Windows could be beneficial but with Google Drive, G Suite and browser based VLE / school administration etc, it likely won’t be too much of an issue.

    I’m drawn to Mac simply because they do seem to just work. Even my well speced and looked after desktop doesn’t boot as quickly as the MBP and often needs things fiddling with. Just now Chrome was forced to be the on-top Window. Last week the screens wouldn’t come out of stand by when the computer had slept.

    I’ll have a loo around and see what’s available for the money so I can get a better idea of direct comparisons.


    Free Member

    A lifted pick up around here. Outer diameter of the tyres has to be around 4′. Bank of LED lights at the front and rear. Snorkel. Winches. Hi-lift jack. God knows what the lift alone cost.

    It’s rear wheel drive and doesn’t even have a locking diff :)

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies. Well, all except you @maccruiskeen :)

    Daftpunk – I agree however think that anyone who needs to discuss their problems as a badge of honor clearly does have problems and probably should discuss them; maybe not at work, of course.

    Kayla – “I wouldn’t want a visible reminder of it” I get this, but that’s a negative view of your own achievements. Can you put a positive spin on it? The idea of continuing when you could have stopped is a powerful one. You’re winning and that’s amazing. You might not want a tattoo to remind you of that but do remember that when you could have given up, you didn’t.

    There’s a lot to think about. I like the idea of someone who does understand the tattoo to see they’re not alone. However, it would be for me which is why the options were always hidden or usually hidden. If I were after a bigger tattoo then a hidden in plain sight design would appeal. That’s not for me though.

    – mine is more like your wife’s than a big instagramable one.

    Thanks all

    Free Member

    I was born in 84.

    I loved 60s, 70s rock / punk / pop as a young teen before moving on to 90s Indie / Britpop etc

    Punk, ska, two tone, punk rock and similar always permeated and I enjoyed my 3rd wave ska period at uni. Mixed this with country; especially James Taylor. A bit of drum and base, happy hardcore or whatever else when dancing for hours and hours.

    Since then I’ve not had any real preferences. REM, White Stripes, Grateful Dead, James Taylor and Bob Dylan are my favourites with many others coming and going.

    There’s a theme but not too strong.

    Free Member


    Enjoy. It made an awful day for me much more bearable.

    Free Member

    Thanks. It seems very confusing.

    I don’t have any kind of insurance so the one I buy covers the excess and not the actual vehicle. I usually buy the 1 year European one for not much money. I have no idea where I’d stand legally.


    What did they say on the web chat?

    Thanks all

    Free Member

    No advice but good luck.

    Free Member

    I had to have special shoes at prep as my feet are more like hobbit hooves than anything else.

    Shimano tend to be broad as do Airwalk. Admittedly they’re more MTB’ey but worth exploring.

    Free Member


    The best we’ve found is £18. About significant% increase on the cost of the hire for a month.

    Free Member

    Yep, a testosterone dump which has an effect on brain (and other physical) development. For example, male brains are larger than female brains at birth by ~10-15% but that’s because they shrink at a faster rate. I’m not sure socialisation is predictive (hint, it can’t be, by definition).

    Testosterone Rex by Fine is an interesting read. She’s great at finding holes in shit experiments but doesn’t prove any of her own assertions.

    I honestly think it’s arrogance to view humans as so different to all the other animals with sex-based differences to be above such things. It’s sad that, as a human race, we expect some classes to be the same. People accept that there are multiple intelligences and that some people will lack in all 9 or excel in certain areas but the idea that men and women could distinguish themselves in distinct areas (at a population level) really makes some hysterical.

    We accept (through observation as much as research) that there is difference in races or sexes in physical ability – look at an NFL team or a marathon or a rugby team or an Olympic swimming pool but it seems moronic to me when sex-differences in outcome are explained as bad men oppressing women.

    Free Member

    Men and women have different:

    eyes / sight
    physical responses to stimuli
    muscle density
    type of muscle (fast / slow twitch)
    organs (sexual as well as relative sizes of others)

    and, importantly, brain structure.

    The differences in brain structure appear around mid-gestation i.e before feminists can blame “the patriarchy” / nurture. Admittedly I’m no neuroscientist, but how can we possibly expect brain function in sexes to be due to nurture when brains are so physically different before socialisation plays a role. I think the ‘woke’ bias of academia partially to blame.

    It seems foolish and completely in the face of Occam’s Razor to suggest that despite this myriad of differences, we must think the same or that differences can only be due to socialisation. Maybe not foolish – I think that some find it hard to conflate difference in outcome with sex-based mental differences. The whole ‘poor women as the oppressed sex’ argument falls apart if you acknowledge that men may be innately better at some things and vice versa. I especially love it when the women feminists who deny innate gender (the ones who rightfully complain about trans people competing in sports) put their heads in the sand when it comes to suggestions that at a population level, men and women will best each other in different areas because of biology.

    We’ve spent millions and millions of years of evolution being ‘bred’ for different roles. It seems eminently likely that we will excel at these different roles. It’s a social construct (and a failing one) to aim for equality of outcome. We aren’t the same and therefore, statistics with large numbers will show biases of sex or gender or race or what have you.

    Free Member

    Bloody love spuds.

    Yesterday the refectory had gnocchi and mash. I wasn’t sure. I went for it. Amazing combo!

    Free Member


    A pensioner saying they’d defend themselves against thugs (in their twenties) is threatening violence?

    Yes. That’s the situation you described. My point is that she was allowed to speak despite there now apparently being threats of violence from both sides (according to you and no reason to doubt it).

    However, Angelos wasn’t allowed to speak as he couldn’t be protected. I think that’s called victim blaming.


    Maybe as a man it’s not really your place to be defining what is and isn’t misogynistic. Just a thought…

    Why? An appeal to authority if ever there were. Only women can define mysogyny? I know so f-ing stupid women.

    Free Member


    Exactly. She was allowed to speak and even threatened violence.

    However, the white guy was deplatformed because he couldn’t be protected.


    “Alternatively, you could say that those people have also exercised their free speech rights to decide they don’t want to give space to those with intolerant views? ”

    No, because it isn’t their space. They used the threat of violence to control the Uni’s space. There’s a difference between me deciding to not have Fox News on my TV but then ensuring (with threats) that you don’t have it on your TV either.

    Free Member


    I think the issue I, and others take, is that the platform is removed because a vocal minority want censorship of views they disagree with. Often the censorship seems to come from threats of violence. A protestor’s veto?

    It’s no wonder younger generations are quite so delicate when they resort to such measures to ensure they never hear an opposing viewpoint and where universities, rather than being places to examine various views, disallow certain speakers because protestors threaten their safety and have trigger warnings before lectures.

    Can you imagine the uproar if a black lesbian was stopped from coming to speak because of “security concerns”? Would you be angry? I would.

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