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  • Fresh Goods Friday 707: The Spot of Bother Edition
  • madeupname
    Free Member

    Ps chopping tooth up and taking it out in bits if it doesn’t want to come out is a good call…

    It’s better than chopping you up, and you’ll heal faster….

    Free Member

    Don’t overdo the painkillers, especially paracetamol!

    If the effect doesn’t last long enough, alternate ibuprofen with paracetamol, so for example if you take ibuprofen, take paracetamol 3 hours later, then more ibuprofen after another three hours.

    You should find it keeps improving from now on…

    When it’s settled, I’ll send you a bill for the advice :wink:

    Free Member

    umop3pisdn – Member

    They’re all on, posting their Cervelos.

    Keep up man, it’s all about the Pinarellos and matching Sky rapha kit now…

    Free Member

    Lightman & Joeegg – are you dead yet, or feeling better now?

    Free Member

    I’d suggest seeing your dentist, not your doctor…

    Any residual swelling should go down over time; once the tooth is out, any infection should resolve itself.

    Mug of hot water with a teaspoon of salt dissolved in it as a mouthwash will help keep the area clean too. Just tastes pretty poor.

    If the swelling increases, or gets more painful, see a dentist

    Free Member

    25p more she could have a bacon role.

    Is that a euphemism?

    Sounds cheap to me!

    Free Member

    Well, that advice from Cruzcampo has made me buy one from Fastech (not the cheaper one!).

    Just got to wait til Xmas for it to arrive now…

    (@cruzcampo – I will hold you personally responsible when I burn down my house and the light then fails as I ride to get the fire brigade and I cycle into a tree etc etc :wink: )

    Free Member


    Thanks for that.

    It’ll help, and I guess will weed out the ebayers with wrong or mixed design photos…. But I am sure some just copy the photos from the SolarStorm website, and then send you a vaguely similar product!

    I guess that’s the fun of buying from overseas on Ebay…

    Free Member

    cruzcampo – Member

    sounds like a fake, of which there are many. Genuine SSX2 come in a proper coloured box, don’t have phillips screw heads, have a “TM” after the logo not a “R”, very clean silver bevelling around the lights, a firm press clicky switch,

    As above, looking to buy a set of these, any suggestions where I am likely to get a ‘real’ set from? Don’t want to order and then send back if fake…


    Free Member

    motivforz – Member
    Just a word of warning re the solar storms. Bought a set from eBay, colouring not as described (no big deal seeing as it’s going to be used in the dark), battery life very poor, and not entirely waterproof. Plus the emf radiation knocked out my cycle computer interestingly, not when switched off but only when switched on.

    Decided the lights weren’t for me, eBay refund requested, seller agreed to pay return postage as good faulty and required by DSR and sale of goods, then didn’t, apparently forgot about agreeing ( message history in the email itself!) , then didn’t respond further leaving me out of pocket. Finally I contacted eBay and they refunded the return postage and will charge it to the seller, so sorted for me.

    So which ebay seller were they from? Looking at buying a set, and would like to know who to avoid!


    Free Member

    The flesh colour is off putting, but I am more worried about the lady on the left with 3 arms….

    Free Member

    burko73 – Member

    Keith, no probs. The log order email is on the website. Sure we’ll do you a deal…..

    Is that an offer to all STWers?

    Free Member

    just as I finally decide which new cheapy LED light for winter, I cant buy it!

    I’ll change my mind again before I can get back in :(

    Free Member

    Thanks RealMan.

    I’ve never really tried pumping like that, think the tail was flicking about as I was trying to pedal over them to stop losing speed, when proper technique would have kept speed up without pedalling.

    Sadly the trail was miles from home, so can’t easily go back to try it out :(

    Free Member

    Having lived in Pompey, I wouldn’t leave the bikes out of sight… And parking can be a ‘mare in Southsea.

    If off to the IoW, the A Bar pub near the ferry used to be good, if seated in right place can see parking out the front (if parking available).

    You could always whip them off the roof (before someone else does) and lock them to the barriers outside the restaurants by the spinnaker tower, will still be in sight for the meal.

    Micks is a good shout…

    Free Member

    Can I vote to save ‘misunderestimate’ as used by George W Bush?

    But get rid of 24/7 etc….

    Free Member

    Similar to me, I’m saving my zip ties for Kylie….

    Just in case we ever meet, I wouldnt want her to get away

    Free Member

    why did you take the pic in a waiting room?

    Valves/logos, crank angles, gear selection etc etc.

    Don’t worry, I’m just jealous of any new bike :wink:

    Free Member

    Bought a blue Lidl balance bike as above for daughter no 1.

    She loved it, now daughter no 2 loves it, £25 for hours of fun.

    For the price of a takeaway, you can’t go wrong!

    Free Member

    But did she cry when she won/lost/every time the camera was on her?

    Amazing machine on a bike though

    Free Member

    May have answered my own question.

    So that’s tonight wasted as I relive my youth…. And still try to break the runes

    Free Member

    Jekyll, Are they your scanned versions or are they online somewhere?

    Brings back distant memories of my youth, pining for Pace with purple bits….

    Free Member

    that’ll be nothing once they’ve privatised Royal Mail…

    Free Member

    That’s my bike she’s leaning on

    …and I’m lurking in the crowd behind.]

    Is that not Joanna Rowsell, not Sarah Storey? The photo link even has Rowsell’s name in it!

    Shame people can’t recognise the Storeys a year after the Games

    Free Member

    For the New Forest I imagine it will fund more leaflets showing existing cycle tracks (not joined up…) and more No Cycling signs everywhere else…

    Inevitably funding like this is spent by people who don’t ride, and only put cycle paths or signs up to access Gov’t funding (bung routes down side roads/cycle paths on pavements with constant give ways signs etc etc etc).

    Oh well, at least it’ll give Clarkson something to rant about where his road/fag tax goes…

    Free Member

    Thanks guys….

    Time to get the credit card out!

    Free Member

    If limited for space….

    Or if you have a bigger room….


    Free Member

    If you were properly hydrated you could have put it out with your own hose and saved the fire brigade a trip out….

    Free Member

    I like that you managed to get a frame to match your garage door…

    Red, blue and gold on an orange frame? Could you not sneak some green/purple on there somewhere as well?

    Free Member

    +1 KMC powerlinks…Think you can get a pack of 10 from vanilla bikes for a tenner.

    Edit – actually 7.99!

    That’s a pack of 2, not 10….

    The 10 refers to 10 speed… Otherwise it’s a bargain!

    Free Member

    Braking or even backing off throttle will make the bike run wide…

    If he had adequate grip, should have gone for tighter turn with more gas. (Unless he was a novice/numpty and had already stuffed up his line and was going to crash anyway!). If that had been the back of a car the biker would have suffered more, should consider if they are competent enough to be out on twisty roads…

    Hope the cyclist is ok….

    Free Member

    Mine were looking less than straight when I got the bike (second hand) so I bent them straight and they’ve survived so far…

    I assume from Brant’s reply there are no spares? An extra strip of stiff metal on the outside may reinforce it, bodging something from the chain tugs is a bit more complex.

    Anyone else got any ideas, or already ‘fixed’ theirs?

    Free Member

    So i shouldn’t go for a run past his car in the dark with my car keys in my hand then?

    A squirt of DOT brake fluid may make a prettier pattern…

    Of course I am joking, and when he wakes to find his car covered in mineral oil, he’ll just be really confused…

    Free Member


    Sceptical anything will change tho’!

    Free Member

    Bought a set from CRC a week or two ago, came boxed with blanking plates and cables…. Did I get lucky?

    As to the OP, yes they can

    Free Member

    For postage and a bottle of beer you can borrow my octalink crank puller…

    But it’s prob cheaper to buy one, or if you support your LBS they will prob do it for very little indeed…

    Free Member

    Do you think the charity ride that Jens Voight is doing here in 2 weeks or so will raise as many complaints? Paying cyclists set off in groups for him to ride with (and presumably attack each group of MAMILs whilst shouting ‘Shut Up Legs’ as he catches the group in front) will be bigger bunches for motorists to aim at drive round and curse

    Free Member

    My bike commute to and from work includes part of this ride (near Brockenhurst).

    I support the idea of more cycling, only thing that pi$$es me of is the huge amount of gel wrappers that appear that weekend. If you can carry it halfway round, don’t bloody drop it after you use it! And there seem to be shed loads within 5 miles of the finish, where it is too late to have a major effect….

    But the local hysteria/vitriol amazes me, when every day riding too and from work someone will usually drive too close/ force me off the road/ swear at me… Maybe I should take photos?

    Free Member

    I imagine you might have trouble getting it to fit flush

    (I’m on my own here, aren’t I ?)


    As shifters aren’t symmetrical, doubt it’ll fit…

    Free Member

    yes and yes…

    upgrade, no real reason except to do more fettling…

    and you can get bar mount pair or RH only from ChainReaction, and probably elsewhere.

    I only know as I am halfway doing the same as you are thinking of…

    Next question will be do you want a clutch mech or not?

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