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  • Machete Gang Targets Mountain Bikers
  • mactheknife
    Full Member

    No i hadnt seen that report, just the singletrack one from Interbike.

    Christ my credit card is going to go into red alert 😀

    Full Member

    No details yet, im putting an order in for a 5 spot and my mate for a sultan, just waiting on word but was told by the shop it would be january at the earliest, more like feb.

    Ill find out for you the size and year etc tonight. But im very sure its a large.

    Full Member

    nbt, yea i did mate, thanks but got my heart set on a 2012.


    Full Member

    Are u after a 2012 one?

    Got a mate who might be selling a 2010.

    Full Member

    Im about to put an order in with them for a 5 spot. Dont think there is anywhere further south, im in Dundee and from hunting round they seem to be the closest.

    Plus loads of mates have got bikes from them 😀

    Full Member

    Nice one, cheers guys, i reckon ill hold on till prices drop, and thanks for the help 😀

    Full Member

    Nope, absolutely bollocky buff in bed, even in deepest darkest winter.

    Too restricting any other way, but the mad other half sometimes wears a dressing gown to bed 😀

    As mad as a box of frogs that one 😛

    Full Member

    The Flying Ox – Member

    84 hours a week, although 1hr lunch and 2x15min tea breaks per day are included in that.

    Tut tut, you are in roughly the same game as me, what about the 2 on 2 off routine, brings that average right down 🙂

    Full Member

    Dexter is fooking amazing, unsurprisingly the books are better.

    Full Member

    Sorry buddy will be away with work then, have a good trip 😀

    Full Member

    Mate some people just have no manners or social awareness.

    From your side of the story you did all you could. Just remember there are an extraordinary amount of oddballs out there 😀

    And if they want to move, have a party 😀

    Full Member

    Watching the Killers on Virgin’s Catch up thingy.

    Awesome live 😀

    Full Member

    Pics needed…..amateur 😀

    Full Member

    After a year of injuries i want to get my running back up to where it was last year.

    Keep the biking going and get some swimming in preparation for some triathlons next year. Thats the goal for the winter and next year 😀

    Full Member

    Ifrider, go on to runnersforum, its a great site and everybody is extremely friendly. As oposed to a mountain biking forum where some people run, you get a great section of runners from people just starting out like yourself to ultramarathon runners and all in between.

    Ref gait analysis, im 35 and have been involved in a lot of sports over the years. I always believed it was a load of old rubbish and designed to get a lot of cash out of niave runners. That was until about a year ago when i started to get a recurring injury in my left calf muscle. After a lot of rest then running again it happened again so i saw a physio.

    Long story short is for some reason my left calf was building a lot of tension due to my running style and i was advised to get analysed.

    So far so good. 3 months on and running regularly with no problems. (fingers crossed)

    But to be honest at your stage i doubt very much you need to do this.

    But honestly try runnersforum. Its a cracking friendly forum. And good luck as running is fun once your body adapts 😀

    Full Member

    In fact if you fancy a night ride down at Dumyat i pass perth going that way, i dont mind picking u up.

    Full Member

    Having to clean the bike every bloody time i take it out at this time of year 👿

    But i thank my lucky stars im in the position to be able to after a honking year of injuries 😀

    Full Member

    Im in forfar so if you want to pop up to dundee ill take you round the sidlaws, or if its been dry for a while then over to pitmedden forest.

    Full Member

    Flipping amazing!!

    Full Member

    Dunno, i lost mine about a year ago, been to spain twice, loads of use in this country and not a sniff of the bolt coming loose of its own accord.

    Full Member

    chomp – if you feel like spreading the love with those books then my email is macmclaren 4 at hotmail dot com

    Many thanks if you do, no worries if u dont buddy 😀

    Full Member

    I have one sitting on my shelf that has not been used in a couple of years, girlfriend used it for the first year of her photography degreee.

    She absolutely loved using it 😀

    Full Member

    coolio, thanks again 🙂

    Full Member

    grevioustim – its acoustic matey, got an electric i mess about with but im concentrating on the acoustic i bought.

    Id like to learn to play with the pick and then decide whether its right for me if u know what i mean.

    Full Member

    Yep i thought it was just a case of practice, practice and more practice.

    Cheers for the replies 😀

    And yep ablolutely love it so far.

    Full Member

    I have one of the Dealextreme ones to go on the bars along with a joystick on the helmet. It does seem to have a very bright spot in the centre of the beam so will have to try and diffuse it a bit.

    Not tried them out in anger yet. Next week hopefully.

    Full Member

    Dry as a bone in scotchland for a change 🙂

    Full Member

    Yep thats what i was asking, i use it on my comp along with spotify, and sync it to my phone. But it adds a couple of random extra albums that for the life of me i cant get rid of. No itunes on the comp. Also deleted them directly off the memory card. Weird 8)

    Full Member

    Yea it might have to be i think, had a lot of good ratings but the wee niggles annoy me 😯

    Full Member


    Full Member

    @lizzz: watch the replay


    Full Member

    freecaster wont load 🙁

    Any other sites that will show it??

    Full Member

    Thats what im hoping for 😀

    Full Member

    Turns out they have a preset limit.

    Which can be set or even turned off.

    Not from what i have read on the net.

    Sony NWZA845B A series Walkman – one of these

    Full Member

    I have a sony jobby but the sound on it was pretty low even when maxed up. Turns out they have a preset limit. Pretty annoying.

    Im just using my HTC hero for everything now with spotify and doubletwist.

    Full Member

    jhw – i recently started learning. I went into a local shop and told the young lad that i had absolutely no clue and what could he recommend. I came out half an hour later with a Walden. So far i absolutely love it.

    try for learning with, the site was recommended to me on here and im loving it.

    Good luck fella 🙂

    Full Member

    Gilesey, will do matey 😀 And thanks again for the help all 😀

    Full Member

    Cheers guys for the input, looks like its dirtschool. 😀

    Full Member

    Never had a problem with mine to be honest, sometimes i cant get the bloody thing off though. 😀

    Full Member

    I have 2 brothers, one is a vet and has always known exactly what he wanted to do. He is one of the happiest guys i know and an inspiration to me in many ways, The other is a complete ditherer and just goes with the flow. He loves his life and with a masters in zoology decided he was bored last year and is now teaching english in vietnam. Me i was very motivated in my chosen careers until about last year when for some reason i hit a plateau and realised that i had finally got to exactly the place i wanted to go and kind of lost interest. I dont think i am as happy as my brothers because of a few choices i have made but… answer to your question it really doesn’t matter about plans. What matters is the happiness that others bring to your life and the happiness you bring to theirs. Live a good life and try to be happy. The rest will hopefully fall into place.

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