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  • Bike Check: Lachlan Blair’s Orange Stage 6 EWS Bike Check
  • Macavity
    Free Member

    Even though titanium is corrosion resistant, titanium will readily combine with oxygen and nitrogen in certain conditions.

    When screwing an aluminium BB cup into a titanium BB shell if the threads are good then grease of any kind will be OK. If the threads are slightly distorted, damaged, out of round etc then there is the possibility of galling.
    Simply, galling is where metals start to behave more like velcro than solid metal.
    Any aluminium BB cup will have some Al oxide (a hard ceramic, abrasive grinding material) on the surface of the threads and this will scrape the surface of the Ti BB threads. The freshly exposed titanium surface that has been scraped, will now want to react with some thing. That some thing will be what ever it is touching.
    The conservation of energy means that the work done in turning even a very slightly tight cup into a BB shell will create heat. This all leads to galling. Titanium is a poor conductor of heat (for a metal) so localised hotspots occur.
    Think of the BB cup as a VERY blunt cutting tool when reading the bit below.
    "Working with Titanium: Titanium is highly reactive and will react with its environment at relatively low temperatures. When it is heated in air, a self-protective, titanium-oxide film, which is very adherent, will form on its exposed surfaces. In many corrosive environments, the film becomes a barrier and, in the absence of abrasion will decrease the corrosion rate."
    "Titanium has a tendency to gall, and its chips can weld to the cutting edges of the tool. This is particularly so once tool wear begins. Sharp tools should be employed at all times and should be replaced before they dull. The feed should not be stopped while the tool and work piece are in moving contact."
    "Titanium has been classified as difficult to machine due to its physical properties. Heat caused by the cutting action does not dissipate quickly because titanium is a poor heat conductor. Titanium has a strong alloying tendency or chemical reactivity with material in the cutting tools which cause galling welding, smearing and rapid destruction of the cutting tool. "

    Still thinking of an aluminium BB cup as a very blunt tap?

    By the way, why do people use copper grease on bikes?

    Molybdenum disulfide comes in various forms: grease, oils and dry (spray on).
    Rocol amongst others do Dry Moly lube, as an aerosol that dries almost like paint.

    But for threaded parts Loctite do a range of thread lock and thread seal.

    Free Member

    Chech that it is the turbo that has given up and not the EGR. Exhaust Gas Recirc valve. Might be worth speaking to Turbo Technics they recon turbos etc.

    Free Member

    Is copper a good conductor?

    Campagnolo Loctite 222 thread lock/seal


    The poor thermal conductivity of titanium also cortributes to the galling problem.

    Free Member

    Finish Line Anti Seize is that not Bostik Never Seize, which is not copper based.

    Campagnolo recommend Loctite 222 Threadseal for BB threads.

    What part of a bike gets up to the temperatures that needs copa slip?

    Free Member

    Far Too Wry

    Free Member

    Copper grease is for high temperature conditions.
    Copper grease, does it not cause galvanic corrision?
    The picture in the OP looks a lot like galling.

    Free Member

    Why do people use Copa Slip / copper grease on bikes?

    Free Member

    When did you notice that there might be a problem?

    Free Member

    Imagine having to true wheels for a living

    Free Member

    How about a wheel truing stand like this one about 1:50 in

    How Raleigh did things about 2:40 in

    Free Member

    "when did Lynskey take over?"

    when the warrantee claims got too much for the frames made under the other names that they used.

    Free Member

    Flooding on most roads will be a problem, and a killer if it freezes.

    Free Member

    UK distributor for VAR is
    JD Whisker Ltd
    Unit 4 – Bridgegate Centre
    Martinfield – Welwyn Garden City
    Tel : 01438 798772
    Fax : 01438 798548

    Free Member

    Go for long walk some where you like, and what a difference it makes. Some people get a dog so they have an excuse to go for long walks. But all you need is some where interesting: up and down some hill(s), through some trees, watch some birds feeding/ flying……. whatever gets your attention takes your mind away from things and …….. justs resets the angry button that seems to have been pressed by accident.

    Free Member

    The times when people talk about lactic acid is when they are talking about sore legs. Legs are sore because legs are sore regardless of lactic acid. The A in DNA is for Acid.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Pensions, are they not Ponzi Schemes?
    A Ponzi scheme is an investment fraud that involves the payment of purported returns to existing investors from funds contributed by new investors. Ponzi scheme organizers often solicit new investors by promising to invest funds in opportunities claimed to generate high returns with little or no risk. In many Ponzi schemes, the fraudsters focus on attracting new money to make promised payments to earlier-stage investors and to use for personal expenses, instead of engaging in any legitimate investment activity.

    Free Member

    When people mention lactic acid are they suggesting that you should drink less milk (there is lactic acid in milk). Or are they trying to make some point about how the body works?
    "The old theory was that lactic acid makes the muscles more acidic which causes them to hurt and burn and interferes with their ability to contract, so you feel tired. Now researchers have shown that muscles contact more efficiently when lactic acid accumulates in them. Electric currents cause muscles to contract. This electricity is generated by cell membranes causing potassium to move inside cells and chloride ions to stay outside. With vigorous exercise, potassium ions accumulate outside cells. As large amounts of potassium ions accumulate outside cells, electricity is not generated and the cells cannot contract. Another ion called chloride accumulates outside cells and prevents potassium from getting back inside cells. Lactic acid removes the chloride, so it is easier for potassium to get back inside cells. Therefore lactic acid increases the ratio of potassium inside cells to the amount outside, and this helps the muscle contract with more efficiency."

    Free Member

    stretching exercises can help.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Get a copy of Scotland the Best by Peter Irvine

    Free Member

    Waterproof shorts …..Incontinence pants?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    To use cable levers with hydraulic disc caliper there are:


    HOPE remote reservoirs

    Free Member

    Moly slip grease or Oregon red fluid grease

    Free Member

    Carbon fibre (the high modulus stuff at least) is stiffer than steel, aluminium and titanium. Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic CFRP

    Free Member

    Unfortunately this is not really going do much for your case but, if you have nothing else then you can quote:

    "the provision and maintenance of a working e nvironment for his employees that is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe, without risks to health, and adequate as regards facilities and arrangements for their welfare at work "
    The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
    Section 2 General duties of employers to their employees

    Free Member

    It would be difficult to dent down tube on a Slingshot.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    Cif (Jif)
    Bilt Hamber do Auto Clay for paint work.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Great potential… as an estate agent would say.

    Free Member

    Did someone mention bike in car?

    Free Member

    Sometimes a blast down the motorway, for a car that has been used mostly in town can sort the problem.

    Free Member

    Why carbon fibre?

    Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic (at least the High Modulus stuff) is stiffer than most materials. Glass Reinforced Plastic is not so stiff.

    Free Member

    Constructive dismissal

    Employers are reluctant to give either good or bad references, for fear of being sued. Some large employers will do no more than state that are particular person was employed by them.

    Free Member

    80% of bishops take The Times
    the other 20% pay

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