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  • Orange Stage 7 LE Review: A Jaffa Smasha
  • m1kea
    Free Member

    that’s awesome. good support team essential. he runs a lot of sag in his forks. hardtail so his arse must be taking a pounding…

    He had a ‘Assos creme’ moment at Housdean but I didn’t snap that! 😆

    His support are also pretty tired and speaking with other long distance / duration competitors, it’s vital to have a good crew and that they stay fresh as well.

    Gee them up to if you get out to watch the final 6 hours or so.

    Free Member


    Turning past Jack & Jill

    Coming down to Saddlescombe

    Ricahrd & Josh Ibbett at the Saddlescombe pitstop

    Apparently Josh has done a ride or two himself? 😉

    Strapping up for the climb to Devils Dyke.

    When I left them at 11:30 he was still averaging 7.7mph. Some other guys joined him at that point and I hope others will get out there as well.

    Plus, put your hands in your pockets and donate a bit.

    Free Member

    I popped out to get some snaps

    Richard crossing Southease bridge on the way back

    Pit stop at Housedean Farm on the A27

    Plumpton Bostal

    Free Member

    See my snaps on this thread

    Free Member

    Looks like I can get a demo ride in tomorrow up in that there Surrey Hills.

    Will I blend in with the other weekend warriors?

    Free Member

    There’ll be another load of nutters out on the South Downs tomorrow as its the South Downs Relay running race[/url].

    Sod running up and down those hills!

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    Facile argument. Totally different time/situation.

    Do expand on this as I’m genuinely interested in your point of view.

    As regards Stuxnet, I think it was a very good operation, if not a little too good.

    Free Member

    footflaps – Member

    Seems quite sensible to me – who wants a nuclear capable Iran? Much better write a virus than bomb the f*** out of them.

    [dons Devils Advocate hat]

    As the Yanks have been the only ones to use nuclear weapons in anger, why should we entrust them to make decisions?

    [/and back away slowly]

    Free Member

    Take your time with glue and you don’t get gunked up.

    Of course this only applies to any tub other than Continentals, which I refuse to use any more because they are so f#<kn b’stard tight to fit.

    Free Member

    Never used tub tape as I prefer to trowel on the cement. 🙄

    I think Evans may be the cheapest at the mo –

    Free Member

    surfer – Member

    Daisy Duke off here did a double last year. He was hoping for a sub 24 but 7 punctures in the first 50 miles a couple of tumbles and a problem with his lights meant he missed it by about an hour IIRC.

    Top effort though


    By complete chance I caught Ben that day at about 60 miles. I’d taken 1:40 out of him as we climbed to Truleigh Hill and I was well impressed to read that he had the chops to carry on to finish. I would have certainly bailed well before then.

    Very best of luck to Richard and I sincerely hope he makes it. My best double attempt failed at 15 hours and it is all about the mental will to carry on.

    I completely get why he’s trying the triple.

    Free Member

    Cheers folks

    The importer(?) says they come up a bit small and thinks a Large would be fine for me. I’m 5′ 10″, with a slightly short torso riding an 18″ Explosif and an old medium S Works FSR.

    I’ve got three CF road bikes but still have a lingering concern about crashing a CF MTB, especially an expensive one. That said I’m an old fart roadie and knows my limits, which includes no jumping or screaming down technical trails.

    DruidH you’re possibly the furthest point away from me but thanks for the offer. I’ll see if I can track down someone a bit more local for a test ride.

    Free Member

    I have a Lowepro Toploader Pro 75 in the bag collection but without the harness.

    The included straps don’t lend themselves to a chest fitting so you would need the harness. Having loads of Lowe kit and knowing the quality, I can’t see any usage issues with the chest harness.

    Mind you my Road Runner bag has a rucksack harness but good luck with riding with a fully loaded one.

    Free Member

    Cuprinol Garden Shades are good if not rather expensive. – I spent about a ton on paint spraying my new shed in March.

    Free Member

    Cougar – Member

    Or how about light seconds?

    That’s a bit unwieldy. You want light-nanoseconds, one of those would be about a foot.

    Or, attoParsecs – one of those is about 3cm. Then we could measure speed in attoParsecs per nanofortnight.


    So if I “+1” this comment, what’s that work out as? 😉

    And if you’re a IT bod who reads The Register, you’ll know they have their own Standards Converter

    Free Member


    Have you been there before?

    If not, This part of Turkey is very hilly. Turn Terrain on Google Maps and you’ll see what I mean!

    The Lycian Way is a long distance path in the area and I believe you can cycle quite a bit of it.

    I’ve just been looking on Garmin Connect and putting a custom search for all cycling events over the past 365 days. A fair few routes come up including the recent tour of Turkey.

    Last September was very warm, with higher than average temps. Expect it to be in the late 70’s F

    Free Member

    composite – Member

    I would put the bladder in an alpkit dry bag anyway.

    Good man. Didn’t want anyone fubaring up their kit 8)

    Can I also recommend Whorehouse Express Wex Photographic for any purchase. They have a Lowepro sale on atm though I’ve also seen unbadged Lowe kit on the bay of fleas for very good prices.

    Free Member

    Cordless Recip saws FTW

    Got one in a 18v set and it’s been very useful. Old shed cut up, tree pruning, you name it.

    Free Member

    And the locals are out to rip you off at every turn, never assume that an ‘all inclusive day trip’ won’t cost you at least double the initial price in food/water pistols/etc. And the police are corrupt, they wouldn’t give a crime number for a non-crime (lost property) but were happy enough to ask for 150euros round the back door to expidite gettign one, and they randomly stop the tourist coaches/jeeps so make sure you have passport/visa* and your seatbelt on. and keep you hands in your pockets and don’t make eye contact or conversation with anyone in the fakes market.

    *they don’t give change at the imigration desk, if 2 of you go through and the first hands over 40euro then the other 20 magicaly disapeers.

    Damn, in all the years we’ve been going to Turkey, I’ve never encountered any of the above. Perhaps you were just lucky? 🙄

    Not done any riding there but that coast is very spectacular (read steep) and I’m sure there would be some cracking riding.

    As for Marmaris, the best things about it imo are the road out or watching it disappear whilst sitting on a gulet drinking Efes.

    Free Member

    Isn’t wood measured before it dries out and shrinks? Or something.

    Probably something like that but I’ve never worked out how a nominal 2″ (50mm) thickness can be 44 or 47mm.

    Anyhoo I reckon we should follow the ancient Egyptian lead and go back to base 12, as it appears that they originally devised the 24 hour day.

    Or how about light seconds? 🙄 😉 😀

    Free Member

    composite – Member

    Do you reckon you could get a bladder in the laptop bit?

    Quick worse case scenario for you. What happens if you get a leak and end up with a bag of electronics and water / sticky energy juice?


    You might also want to look at something like the Lowepro Slingshots. Amongst other times I use one for skiing.

    Free Member

    Distance & Speed = Miles (Per Hour)
    Weight = usually decimal
    Measurement = probably 50/50 between imperial and metric. A 8 X 4 sheet of material is much easier to say than 2440 X 1220
    (Don’t get me started on measurements of wood which is a bastardised rounding of converted imperial sizes :roll:)
    Volume = either or

    Free Member

    Drop Gary & Sarah a line at as I know Gary’s quite handy on MTBs

    Free Member

    The Southern Yeti – Member

    m1kea – is yours the new style soft one??

    Err don’t know. I guess that like Dibbs, mine won’t be a premium one.

    Free Member

    IIRC my Norbar is 3/8″

    Got it through a local Buck & Hickman branch

    Free Member

    Taff – Member

    m1kea… I want your shed… that is all

    Lol so do I!

    I’ve still got to finish insulating it and then run lights and power.

    Oh to have a garage…………

    Free Member


    Agree with what you say but I think I’m right in saying mikey74 has a pretty good idea of what he’s after (from experience).

    For someone who’s new to the saddle swapping game then yes the Spesh system can give you an idea on what to look for.

    That said I think I clocked up 20 years of riding before I tried such a system. Similarly I had my first bike fit last year and all it did was confirm what I already knew.

    Free Member

    I’ve had a SLR T1 (TT/Tri) saddle on the TT wagon for 5+ years and it’s very comfy. The nose has a lot of padding which is ideal for riding on the rivet.

    Free Member

    [touch wood]

    Mine’s been going strong for nearly 3 years. Did have to replace the battery a couple of years ago iirc.

    There, that’s put the kiss of death on it.

    Free Member

    I CBA to unlock/move the collection and the new shed is still being worked on.

    New Argon TT wagon

    Ambrosio Celcius – old summer bike?

    Felt F4 Best? Summer bike

    2002 S Works FSR and 2004 Explosif with newly decommissioned Omega Ti TT frame

    Enigma Etape Winter wagon. Had it a year and might get round to wrapping the bars 🙄

    Wide view

    Round the in-laws are 7 other frames / bikes in various stages of decomposition

    Free Member

    I’ve done a number of time trials on the old Spesh FSR set to full bounce mode and 2.1 Razors.

    Last one was this 10 miler. I’m usually 6 mins or so quicker on the TT wagon on this course.

    Free Member

    Good to see the old Flites are well regarded by others.

    Do you specifically need a cut out? I only ask as I brought a Spesh Alias a while back and it feels like it’s collapsed a bit. I have a feeling the lack of ‘body’ has caused this.

    Been replaced with an Aliante

    Free Member

    loum – Member

    Keep the kona

    Oh I will and hell I might even finally get round to resurrecting the 94 Cindercone I have buried round the In-laws.

    But the lure of Shiny is calling.

    Free Member

    njee20 – Member

    – Would it be bad form to turn up for a road ride on a hardtail?

    Not if you can keep up and aren’t holding anyone up. If you are slowing the ride down (but you have a road bike you could have ridden) then you’re a bit of a prat IMO.

    Sorry, I meant to add a tongue in cheek smiley.

    Of course, I’d not take any delight in ripping someone’s legs off whilst politely smiling at the same time……….

    Free Member

    SDD is so last year

    It’s the triple you need to aim for now;

    Good to see someone trying for more 8) though ultra distance riding isn’t exactly new.

    Two of the Lewes Wanderers competed in the National Championship 24 hour time trial in Sussex last year and Paul Gibbons went on to finally complete the double 4 weeks later. Peter Baker, along with many other long distance riders, completed the 1200Km Paris – Brest – Paris. Pete clocked up over 20,000 miles last year!

    Free Member

    My new guvnor “rides a bike” and drives a Q7 ( :roll:).

    He has admitted to not being very fit and if the topic comes up, I’ll ensure he gets a good understanding of what’s required to ride at a decent pace.

    – Would it be bad form to turn up for a road ride on a hardtail?

    Free Member

    reggiegasket – Member


    Have been very reliable on the ‘best’ road bike.

    I have a pair of the Easton EC90 TT (56mm) tubs for the TT wagon and like these a lot. Obviously not for everyday riding but I’ve found Easton kit to be reliable so it might also be worth looking at their shallow rim offerings?

    And what about everyone’s current favourite, Enve?

    Free Member


    1:20 to get over the start line? Damn, I must have been at the front, having to only wait 20 mins to get to the start line.


    As a race organiser, I know marshals / helpers are worth their weight in gold and having been involved in last year’s National 24 hour time trial in Sussex, I know it takes a lot of (unseen) effort from dedicated individuals.

    I said hello / thanks to every marshal I saw but please pass on my thanks again.

    Free Member

    Doing the whole route in a day is very achievable and that’s without mentioning the SDD[/url] .

    Unless you really fancy paying someone to do the organisational donkey work, DIY is a no brainer imo.

    Free Member

    news to me that we went the wrong way – i was following the masses rather than the signs for 90% of it!

    Ditto for the London leg, where I was slightly uncomfortable with the number of riders and ‘making full use of the road’.

    Being a country bumpkin solo rider, all the bright lights of the big city were a bit much 😉

    Might have to get some folks together to do it again as a group ride.

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