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  • New Affordable Shimano ESSA, Short Reach Levers, and Cross Compatibility
  • m1kea
    Free Member

    With regards hot foot, I’m the other way. I’ve been using Look pedals for over 20 years on my road bikes and originally SPDs on the MTB’s but I’ve been on Egg shoeeaters for the past four years.

    I’ve never suffered with hot foot when MTBing but occasionally do with the road.


    Anyhoo, as someone with four pairs of road shoes and two pairs of MTB,I’d say stick with MTB shoes and pedals.

    Free Member

    1 X 10 enough for the Big Dog Mr W?

    Free Member

    I was going to get some nosh at Buddies last year but it was rammed with plissheads at 4am and I didn’t fancy my chances of having a bike when I got out.

    It’s almost spooky that the weather forecast is looking to be very similar.

    Free Member

    I dipped on to Alex and Carl’s local forum this morning and saw the carnage thread which was a tad concerning. This video looks proper nasty though big props to Alex for posting it.

    I freely admit to having no skilz, especially with this jumps/drops malarky but having tried to hang on to these guys around the local trails, I know they’re not complete newbie idiots.

    Persona may have valid points but the presentation was somewhat lacking. 🙄

    Get well soon fellas 🙂

    Free Member


    Tried very hard to rustle up some more competition in the female class, but in the end the organisers kindly let me change category and race against the men. Turned out to be a good move M1kea

    Nice one Emma 8)

    Now, what is it about Rye Wheelers that you churn out excellent endurance racers? – I’m thinking of Bronwin’s efforts at the 2011 National 24 TT.

    Free Member

    bommer – Member

    Turning left on red lights would be a start

    +1 If the Yanks can cope with such things, we should be able to.

    Free Member


    Thanks m1kea…. ….you must be quite local to me as i’m just down the road in Crawley Down.

    I’m not that local to you but have a look at your ride last Wednesday and check some of the Strava top 10’s 😉

    Free Member

    Nice one Baz.

    Here’s my waffly write up for our club site

    I took some 1st lap snaps on ‘The Cake Run’ and I’ll see if I got any of you. LMK a suitable email address if interested.

    Free Member


    Where you solo or in a team?

    As a roadie the fire track suited me 😉 but yes it would have been nicer to have had some more twisty bits to ride through.

    I guess the trail rebuilding and amount of help available would have dictated the course layout?

    Had to laugh that the fastest solo rider was ‘male vet’ Emma Cutler 😀

    Free Member

    What an excellent event and thanks very much to the Bedgebury Boars for all their hard work.

    There wasn’t a lot of competitors which was a shame but it did make it a bit more of a ‘family affair’. The prize presentations appeared to have most riders there which was nice.

    I’ve only done D2D which is obviously a different kettle of fish both in terms of scale and the type of riding.

    Insomnia used parts of the ‘red route’ which were pucker single track trails and a hoot on every lap. The interconnecting fire roads were dull but a necessary evil to get you back up the hills. They were mainly drags but certainly sapping in places.

    We were blessed with balmy conditions and DUST! which was great. Had it have been wetter and mushier I suspect the fire roads would have been more welcome to recover on.

    This is now a must do event for me and I hope they get more takers next year.

    Free Member


    seven punctures? erm… what tyres?

    Clown wheel ones
    / 29ers / err not very good ones

    Free Member


    That time was the out lap of my 2nd failed SDD attempt. All the times I’ve done the W – E route have been with others and we’ve generally been out on the trail 12+ hours.

    Might have a solo go on the back of the BHF ride in a couple of weeks time.

    Last time I hooked onto a part of that was when DaisyDuke did his nightmare SDD ride. When I caught him at 60 miles he’d had seven punctures! 😯

    Serious kudos to him for persevering with that 8)

    Free Member

    Definitely can’t beat sunrise full stop.

    I’ve ridden the 09, 11 and 12 D2D’s, all of which have had their own ‘unique’ conditions so this weekend should be a treat.

    Free Member


    If your name is an indication of your abilities then fair play to you if you can do the lot in 8 hours 8)

    Best I’ve ever managed one way is 10:47 elapsed Ebo – Winch (at night).

    Conditions are good but the forecast (for Shoreham)indicates an easterly wind, which is not really what you want.

    Have a good un

    Free Member

    Our reccie of the course route turned into a bit of a mess but it’s down early sections of the red route and back up ‘fire roads’ to link the sections up. 🙂

    Looking forward to it though doing a ‘night race’ where it’ll be light come 4am is going to be weird.

    Free Member

    Anyone else riding this weekend?

    Had a blat around on Weds and aside from a few tiny little puddles, it was looking good.

    Free Member

    In a word, NO.

    Also found that ‘Duty Free’ mecca, Dubai, to not be that competitive when we transited through there a few years ago.

    Free Member


    For scenery a couple of days based in North Conway – Horrible place basically one long row of shops but cheap motels and next to the White Mountains/Mount Washington, Drive the Kancamagus Highway, Flume Gorge/ Franconia Notch all nearby, as above the foliage should be impressive at that time of year.

    We stay in North Conway each year when we ski so know the area quite well.

    Love the area and it’s very scenic. However Fall is THE peak season for this area so the roads and hotels will be busy.

    Early Sept might be too early for the foliage though.

    Free Member


    That’s brilliant in it’s stupidity 😆

    Who honestly thought putting that type of sign in that location was anything other than a world class face palm fail?

    Free Member


    See, I have the opposite problem. It’s my birthday soon and seeing as I don’t really consider being born as a particularly big achievement I would be entirely happy to ignore the whole sorry spectacle….

    …I’ve tried to explain, over the course of many years, that the present I really want is for no mention to be made of the birthday, but it doesn’t compute.

    I’m very similar and really cba with the whole thing. I keep meaning to sort out a pressie suggestion but IIRC this year will be the fourth bday I’ve not done so.

    Interestingly I didn’t sort out a pressie for Mrs A this year and the matter has gone by the way side without much of a murmur.

    We’re going to hit 25 years this year so that may or may not make a difference in our whole approach / relationship.

    Free Member

    Mr Woppit

    Sorry, that’s too subtle for me. Care to explain?

    We all know many cycle paths are a bureaucrats box ticking exercise and some of the painted paths in Crawley are truly sh1t.

    Free Member

    If you’re happy with the shifting I’d say save yourself the strip down time (unless you like bike tinkering).

    Free Member

    Sorry, I forgot to mention that I did ride down the ramp. No Look cleated road shoe mincing was required, and neither did I crash :lol:.

    However my point was the design isn’t exactly bike friendly. The steps empty out on to a fast DC junction and less confident cyclists might be put off by such things.

    Free Member

    Can’t believe no one has suggested a pearl necklace………..

    Free Member

    My regular Thetford D2D partner and I have suckered another clubmate in to ride.

    He’s not got much off road experience so it might be interesting (for him) 👿

    Free Member

    As a lefty I’ve always run my front brakes on the left hand lever. My warped logic is if I need to indicate a right turn on the road, I have better (braking) control with my ‘strong hand’ – no sniggering at the back.

    Free Member

    I had the bearings changed in one of my sets of Rovals. Spesh said you need a custom press for them so I just sent them to Spesh’s HQ in Chessington.

    Couple days turnaround and about £30 IIRC

    Free Member

    I was involved with the 2011 national 24 hour TT where Wilko utterly smashed his previous event record.

    The course was seriously sporting and many of us said beforehand that a 480 mile / 20mph avg ride was going to take some doing.

    I was the pushing off man and Andy started without his pointy hat (late technical issue). He got that sorted and then did the first 100 miles in 3:56.

    Talking at the presentation dinner 6 months later, he reckoned he stopped for a total of 45 secs during the whole event! – We didn’t ask about comfort breaks……

    This is one of my fav shots from the event.

    I took that around 1:30 AM in Henfield High St.

    541 miles in a day is just insane.

    Free Member

    Then do the proper London to Brighton Off Road with the BHF in September.

    Or the night version next month, which is much more interesting and has less people.

    As a charidee money raising event I’m sure the day ride is great but as a cycle ride, it’s chock full of people on bikes, as opposed to cyclists.

    It goes through my town and forks the roads up all day.

    Free Member

    Got home after last week’s club run to find I’d lost one 33 mins earlier. As luck would have it I’d actually ridden back along that segment so got it back.

    I also created a segment a while ago that finished just the other side of a normally closed gate. – It was open when I created the segment so in the interests of fair play I shortened it so that others had a chance. I’m now 14 secs behind the leader 🙄 😆

    Free Member

    This weight is before paint and “mechanization”,

    Lol. I reckon I could make a carbon frame that’s under 400g*

    * before addition of matrix, paint, mechanisation

    This is what it looks like

    Brilliant 😆

    On the subject of Cervelos, one of my LBS tried their hardest to get me to buy a P3 but I refused because the world and his goat ride them. Ended up with a mid range basic Argon which IS my fastest bike.

    Oh and I gather the P5 is a bit of a porker on the scales.

    Anyhoo back on topic. I think we’ve come to a conclusion that Steveo’s current frame is OK but there is scope for tweaking the geometry. Definitely worth trying a lower stem and also different lengths.

    A bike fit might help but I’d also suggest riding with some old hand roadie mates and see if they spot anything obvious with your pedalling.

    Free Member

    -100 for the use of the (American) word period, instead of the ENGLISH term full stop.

    Now what were you ranting about? 😉

    Free Member

    A friend thinks his Defy is a little slack for racing

    Reminds me of this:

    Note the first comment is from someone know knows a bit about bikes

    There’s a bit of a myth about racing bikes needing to be super fast steering.

    I don’t doubt Mr B knows what he’s talking about but that doesn’t stop folk from having an opinion on what works for them.

    I looked at the Defy but based upon the geometries of my current bikes, and what I wanted from a ‘race’ frame, the TCR had a better geometry for me.

    I love spending money, especially other people’s, but if Steveo wants to keep the wallet in check, there’s possibly nothing to gain from changing frames.

    Free Member

    I’ve recently splashed for a TCR Advanced SL frame and have been thoroughly impressed with the ride qualities. Stiff and quick to accelerate and surprisingly comfortable on our kwality roads.

    I have over the years built up a literal shed load of old frames ranging from 531 steelies, a Pianrello alu, my old Ti TT frame and most recently, a just retired CF frame.

    A friend thinks his Defy is a little slack for racing but based on my experience, you’ll be pressed to notice a difference. As others have said, tweaking the geometry can make quite a lot of difference. Don’t discount in line seat posts where possible, as they bring you forward and sharpen the seat angle up.

    If you’re going to regularly ride over 19mph then aero wheels can and do make a difference imo. The trade off is more investment for what can at times be a difficult to discern improvement; – deep section wheels can be a real handful in high cross winds for example.

    However don’t forget the bling / smile to your face factor which is difficult to put a price on.

    I’d look at 30 – 60 mm deep CF wheels and treat them as a Sunday best / investment option. Tubs arguably give the best ride but certainly aren’t the easiest wheels to live with when it comes to cost and maintenance.

    Free Member

    wordnumb – Member

    Metro to Zeytinburnu, tram to Sirkeci, ferry to Kadikoy.
    With a travel team like that who needs extraordinary rendition flights?

    Sounds like a plan but I’d avoid the tram if you have luggage and travel in peak times, as they can be very busy.


    We’ve only been for long weekends but you can pack a lot in. The European side / Golden Horn is touristy because most of the key sites are there. It’s all very walkable but certainly not flat.

    Free Member

    Back when I was fitter I was either brilliant at pacing myself, or not pushing hard enough on the shorter distances. I can’t decide which though I’m leaning towards the latter.

    I’ve ridden splits for 50’s faster than single 25’s and 100’s at 25 pace plus a couple of mins per segment…….

    If you’ve not done many 25’s and depending upon the course, how about riding to an average speed and see how that goes? If you’ve managed 20 miles at 25mph then you should be able to wind it up for the final 5.

    Free Member

    +1 to ferries. Any city that has ferries to get you around is somewhere worth looking at. – Sydney is another place that springs to mind.

    Just had a look on Google maps and if your Holiday Grim is the one to the north of Ataturk, it is in the @rse end of nowhere (relatively speaking)

    Free Member

    As rus295 says, you’re on a very slippery slope to Festooning yourself with kit.

    I added a Dust Deputy Ultimate to my Mini this year. What with the Fes 50mm hose kit, I’ve now got a £700 vacuum cleaner 😯 🙄

    Oh and the Makita RP2301 1/2[/url] router fits the Fes rails with the Mak guide rail adapter.

    Free Member

    Been to Istanbul a couple of times.

    There isn’t a direct train in from Ataturk but you do have a combination of tube and overground tram.

    We’ve stayed very close to the Topkapi Palace and IIRC the taxi from the airport along Kennedy Caddesi was about 45 mins. Hopefully that’ll give you a clue about the roads in Istanbul…………..

    Hopefully someone with more experience will be along but I wouldn’t be surprised if this turns into a 60 min+ trip in rush hour.

    Istanbul is a fab city if you like history

    Free Member

    Touch wood, my 705 is still ticking along so I don’t need to change that.


    That’s my understanding though the run time sounds like this might not be a goer

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