Right, I wasn't sure if that was what you were saying… I know exactly what you mean by pushing the bike away etc, and I do that when I hop and drop, and stuff anyway. Ps, fancy Corby again soon?
Jedi, serious question, you say never pull on the bars? So does that mean that you can do a bunnyhop with just weight shifts? I'm intruiged as I was trying it the other day, and I definitely pull up on the bars a bit, just with tons of body language as well… I can pop into a manual with just a rear weight shift thingy, but not a hop. Im seriously interested if that's how you hop?
I did it for a while, it was good, very brutal, but like everything it deepends on the instructor. I got fed up of constantly training using knives and guns…
Can I reccomend some slightly more, um, less known stuff? For d+b check out d-bridge, instra:mental, consequence, and alex perez. For some quality house, try books shade, Gui borrato, norken, metamatics, and I second pryda…
Nothing in the tenancy agreemant… And it's the same as most student accomodation, I rent a room, and have use of the kitchen etc, don't pay bills etc… I did go mental, good job he wasn't there I believe.
Well project got it right… I a voicemail fro
my l.lord saying he had 'removed my bike. Rushed home to find it in the back alley. Along with a spare frame, forks and 2 tyres. All in around 3 grands worth. He just got a very very abusive phonecall. I'm moving out at the end of the month due to him not liking me keeping my bike in my room. Considering going to the police. I said if he does it again, I will.