Well, i think its a shame that he has wasted his life… I'm 22 myself, and there is no way that he wouldnt have known what the alchohol was doing to him… We had talks at school about the dangers of drugs and alchohol, and whilst this may not have been the case for him, it's hardly a little known fact. I know people who at the age of 13, 14 15, etc drank alot, an ex of mine admitted she was starting to rely on alchohol at the age of 14. But all of those people had the sense to realise they were slowly poisoning themselves, and stopped, whilst this guy didnt.
So in my opinion, if you are foolish enough to drink to the extent that this guy did, then you are going to get what is coming to you. It would be nice as someone else said if organs grew on trees. But then there would be a whole new problem of people living far beyond their natural lives…