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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • LoveTubs
    Free Member

    Nope, I never get out. I just lurk on the forums like an addicted deviant.

    + my bushes need replacing :(

    We are the hollow men, we are the stuffed men
    Leaning together, headpiece fill with straw….

    Free Member


    For the last time (year right) you do NOT require support cars when using tubs. The truth is, they are a 1000% easier to fit, during a race or training, than clinchers…how on earth do you think long distance triathlon works? I’ve used tubs for long distance events and training and I can reliably inform that they are p1ss easy to replace.
    You have to pre-stretch em on an old tub rim, again very easy…just swap em round each time ur fettling in the shed. Before race or training, give em a quick lick of tub glue (TBH you can get away with out doing this every time, once there is a fine layer) but the secret is to leave a small section free from glue opposite the valve (on the tub rim) so if you do get a flat (which has never happened to me in 3years, including all my races) you simply locate the none-glued section, rip the mother off the rim, bung on the spare (so easy), beast the CO2 and off.

    If you practice this a couple of times, you can complete the entire process in under 5mins…coz I used to time myself….coz I’m a geek. Then, prior to ur ride or race fold em up and tape em under the seat. The aesthetic takes a while to adjust to, as we all love things to fit into our mini wedge but once you get over that it’s a revelation.

    Agreed, perhaps a little more prep work but, just like going tubeless, once you hone the skills it really is not difficult at all.
    I would never consider racing on clinchers.


    Free Member

    Umm, I was equally surprised…more so with the SRAM aspect as, had it been the case, I might have shelled out for a rear mech upgrade :)

    It does raise the question, why would a new business make such claims in trade that ‘takes no prisoners’??

    Peace and love.

    Free Member

    From the reviews I’ve read, the Eastons scored average on quality and below average on ‘bang for your buck’!

    Other sources state the the Planet – X hand build I believe to be good value for money.

    Strada are scoring well atm, £940 for a pair of 50’s.

    From experience, unless you are dripping with cash, save them for race day only.

    Pm me if you’d like the full story.

    Free Member

    When the hell are you guys going out again, and can I come along 8O

    Free Member

    I’d suggest that 90-95% of all forum content (the bitching stuff) is nothing more than the amygdala hijacking the higher brain. I’d also go as far as to say that folk’s ‘virtual personality’ is a mile from their everyday persona. Take me for instance; I’m kind, loving, generous, a sensitive & considerate lover, bright…very bright actually……

    ….but in the real world?

    Free Member

    Oow….can I come along, never ridden in the either area but really fancy an all day beasting. I need to ‘sully’ my bike in the law of all-day filth, as opposed to it languishing in my shed in all it’s gleeming panache…laughing at the fat student.

    Sorry, i don’t get out much. How far is the howgills ride, from …to please?
    Would give me something to train for :D

    Free Member

    Mavic 819’s = trackpump joy, forget the compressor/CO2 faffing. Valve extensions are a great addition btw.

    I’d bin this whole ghetto sh1te and buy the correct tool for the job, why put yourself through this angst and torment?

    Peace and Love

    Free Member

    Um, I’ve looked at Rapha and IMO there’s nothing that sets it apart from Assos or Gore. In fact, I’m more impressed with my recent Gore stuff that Assos TBH. The Rapha gear seems a tad pretentious and unnecessary, along with the obvious homosexual nuance.

    Free Member

    May I suggest those who havn’t, read ‘In Search of Robert Millar: Unravelling the Mystery Surrounding Britain’s Most Successful Tour De France Cyclist’ do so. It has a thought provoking ‘take’ on cycling/drug taking…things have become tangental since those days with respect ‘simple’ tissue repair and ‘performance enhancement’, but an interesting read nonetheless and one can understand how the ‘spectre’ has evolved.

    Out of all the cycling books I’ve read; the LA’s series and others that include this and the one where the entire book is just one race (can never remember the name) then the latter two are about the best…for me, with Robert Millar topping out. Insidentally, he was years ahead of the game with respect to diet…yet, pooh-poohed by his ‘steak-muncing’ euro-peers.

    Free Member

    …you lot look like your ‘shredding’ where you shouldn’t be?

    If I were to catch you ‘shredding – up’ of ‘off-line’ I’d kick your unskilled and unimpressive asses!

    Free Member

    Have you seen the crazy spider eyes yet…? Just a thought, if I were you I’d wait a little longer and save some cash because (I think, you’ll have to check with him) Troutie might be producing a limited number of his spider eyes (so cool) units (I’m sure I read that on one of his treads…which I believe can/will be interchangeable between bar or helmet.

    The beam shots are off the planet tbh and if I were buying again (have a lumi hid that cost loads way back when) I’d be gunning for one of em…I can’t imagine a better set up, esp if trout can make the baby spider bit modular…Ooooow, now there’s an idea. Trout, I’m your product development consultant!

    Free Member

    …the post went all pete-tong,,,stw told me the tread was too old to reply to and so I didn’t bother finishing it and yet…..the initial slides are here??

    I reposted on one of trouties but I can’f find that either? Must stop the late night STW sessions.

    ..wait…found it, with beam shots too. I hi-jacked Trouties Spider-Eyes thread. BTW, how amazing is that XML unit??

    Free Member

    Thread Hi-jack, sorry :P

    Troutie, you’re not the only one who’s been ‘beavering away’ since last winter! Yep, it’s me again but I’m back with the finished article ….your little bast’d :roll:

    Before I bore you even more I just want to say those spider-eyes units are the dogs, the output/performance is staggering….and I thought my Lumi HID was impressive LAUGH OUT LOUD.

    Toutie, the SUGRU was a massive success, from waterproofing plugs & sockets, insulating soldered wires, ‘forging’ mounting stubs and moulding bar switch housings. It’s SO easy to work with, yet easy to remove with a Stanley knife.

    Here it all is then, your old unit re-vamped

    The sugru-tastic bar switch

    OOooowww, the running light

    Beam shots, bit rubbish tbh.

    I tried to position the main beam area 4/5metres away. The climbing frame is 37metres away and the garden is 42.


    Little Bast’d

    Loved making it, dispite the huge time to do so… Well, thanks Troutie and BCT …..looking forward to upgrading the Lumi can to XML love :twisted:

    Free Member

    The Little One is Ready :)

    Since last winter I’ve been chipping away at this project; typically 15 to 30 mins on a Sat morning whilst the lads watch The Octonauts on iplayer at 6:30 am. After some design re-thinks, 2 toasted drivers (boy have I learned about insulation)…it’s done.

    Troutie, the SUGRU was/is absolutely FANTATIC… I used it extensively from insulating soldered wires, creating lead trunking, waterproofing the plug-lead junctions and ‘forging’ the mounting stubs….it’s totally awesome. What’s even better, it’s p1ss easy to remove; when dry, with a Stanley knife.

    OT: Found a thread re the trout thinking of leaving the light market….shame.

    Can’t wait for…..erm…..the evenings to draw in….. I’m running away, right now….

    The Componets

    The Bar Switch ‘Moulding’

    Free Member

    I want to live in ur shed…that’s so good, awesome in fact :)

    Free Member

    …for the pedants, the Beast was on another outing :roll:

    Free Member


    After my virgin outing (without stans fluid) and ‘burping’ off my front tyre I’ve never had a flat. I was out 3 days ago hammering it (on the downhill bits) around the Kinder Circuit (not a sole was out btw, bone dry too???? wtf?) many rocks and drop offs (rush up descent) and Jacob’s….no probs…the ‘Beast’ (as boring as it is…it’s a democracy)…not a prob.

    So for me, I just can’t see the why or the need?

    Just for completeness, I carry a ‘proper’ tubless repair kit + a spare tube just in case…I like to have a plan b) and plan c).

    Free Member

    The Hollow Men

    Free Member

    Lovely machine, but I hope you ‘banged their desk’ regarding the missing chainrings?


    Free Member

    That is going to work your glutes BIG time, and Hamys…might get one to bal my ‘classic’ biking :P

    Free Member

    Are you 100% it’s the rear hub? I experienced a creeking sound that turned out to be an over-tightened (shop) and so broken BB… the point being that the noise didn’t sound like it was coming from the BB area. You might be experiencing expanding contact points (heat building up) which cool down and contract while you lube up…perhaps.

    The other vexing issues, resulting in similar characteristics that you’re currently experiencing, have been LBS setting up 10sp ultegra on a 9spd FH WITHOUT the shim! A handful of mechanics couldn’t sort work it out either so I did it myself after a quick Google sesh.
    Bit OT but trying to think outside the box for you…that wasn’t meant to sound condescending if it reads that way.

    Hope you get it sorted, these things drive me to distraction too.

    Free Member

    Er excuse me, but haven’t you forgotten someone…of fish-like proportions?

    Free Member

    Gels are the dog’s bollox for racing and long all day training rides; great for stuffing up the leg of your lycra for quick access (dark side, predominantly)

    For any other scenario, I prefer cake of the fruity variety.

    Warning, most gels require a ‘healthy’ intake of water (not with energy drink in it) – I used to race with water in one bottle, power drink in the other and that combo works very well.

    Also, I’d side-step the ones containing aspartame, granted some research states that it’s harmless yet others claim otherwise. For me, every time I drink artificially (esp. aspartame) sweetened drinks I start coughing and my heart arrhythmia intensifies.


    EDIT: Jelly Babies are awesome, but a nightmare when wet…sticky mess in your speed-suit 8O

    Free Member

    OOoow I’m So tempted to ditch the DIY and join in if I can…what time u meeting up?

    Free Member

    do you have email, nothing in ur profile

    Free Member

    Is all that really fun? Looks like the art of masochism to me…but then again, I am old now and prefer my pipe and slippers :P

    Free Member

    Fookin hell that was me that was, until children’s birthday invite…anyone want to buy a rocky, A1 cond.

    Free Member

    Fair enought dear fellow, but might I suggest the sigma wireless cadence (circa 2007/8, think it had product code beginning with 16…..) job, been flawless for me rain come shine :wink:

    Free Member

    Use a 100mm long hex key.
    Arrange the bike so that the long arm of the hex key is horizontal.
    Hang a 620g weight off the end of it.
    That’s 6.2Nm that is. Or somewhere near.

    Pedant warning :roll: :P

    Free Member

    Beautifully constructed, the shifter lugs are perfection…no evidence of braze…which is especially difficult to achieve.

    What’s even better; the fact that the chavs wouldn’t have a clue as to its pedigree :wink:

    Although I have to agree with carlosg, it’s just too ‘Quality Street’ for me.

    Free Member

    Having said that, the phots of DavidM and team are superb :wink:

    Free Member


    I was walking my bike down (ahem, rode some sections”)and stopped to take a couple of pics. Is that classed as “contrived”

    sorry mi old china, didn’t explain myslef…no the actual photo but the constructed stone path. I’ll have to get up there and try it tho, perhaps I’m getting old 8O

    Free Member

    I’m not that taken by the phots to be honest, it looks too contrived…I assume it’s better ‘in the flesh’?

    I’ve been aching to ride up in the lakes, but the route seem to echo the peaks don’t ya think? Not so ‘away’ but just next to it all?

    I’m open to advice :P

    Free Member

    I can’t remember where I read about this (might have been a Tri mag) but there’s company producing extremely light (yep, bit of an oxymoron that) steel frames from a new grade of ….steel. From what I recall there realy wasn’t a huge difference between the weights of the steel and alloy/titanium frames! 8O Yes, I was shocked too….if and when I have the cash, after my cervelo S2 and P2C purchase(s)I’m gonna have one………….so not in this lifetime then :P

    Free Member

    Bank is p1$$ easy….

    …..when ur fit…..

    ….on a carbon featherweight :P

    Not done Riber tho,

    The key is to stay in the saddle and maintain a high cadence….I’d fail up there atm btw tbh :(

    Free Member

    I always feel obliged to repeat my carbon warning/info blurb in threads like these……..

    My very first carbon torque experience resulted with internal cracking ergo risk if delaminating and inevitable trip to the bin!
    Others will disagree with me, but carbon servicing is a ‘black’ art and following different EM guidelines will end in expensive tears.

    You’ll be very surprise and how little torque you’ll need to clamp things up, the classic being the carbon frame and carbon seat post.

    I might add that all my carbon ‘fettling’ was gained in the road bike world.

    My advice would be to tweak things up, then test ride on the flat over short course with tools. This approach will rapidly develop your carbon ‘touch’ and you then ‘feel’ when it’s tight…

    The innuendo within the above is limitless :roll:

    Free Member

    Justice is served – that’s for your ‘one ride only BB’!

    Free Member

    After the last couple of weeks I’ve had, I’m praying for that to happen to me….pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase…make my day :evil:

    Immature= ‘tick’
    Childish= ‘tick’
    Cost me time inside and my job = ‘tick’

    Worth it = no, but oh the perverse gratification of grinding his face along the street….PROFANITY-DESCRIPTIVE-NOUN.

    Free Member

    If you know what ur looking for, ebay can be great..though it pains me to say so.

    I purchased a ‘hack’ there, which has turned out to be and outstanding bike, I mean the now serviced wheels actually out-spin my Bonty carbon 45’s on DT Swiss hubs FFS!!! I actually love the old thing to bits…in a retro kind of way :)

    I don’t have much time atm but I’ll help you if you like.


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