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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • LoveTubs
    Free Member

    …having said that, I climbed E4 this season with just a little conditioning and a few easy routes to warm up on. Again, quite respectable if I say so myself :P

    Free Member

    If enough of you are interested, I’ll take you out for a 2-day ‘intense’ instructional day in the Peak and teach you what you need. I can also do multi-pitch(summer conditions only) but that’s a bit more and only 1to2.

    I was relatively awesome, F8a+ which isn’t bad for a 12stone lump + onsighted E5 and E6…..put up loads of new routes etc etc.

    Oh, and qualified to do so.

    Usually costs quite a bit but I’ll knock it right down for STW peeps? I think I might be in breech of STW code of conduct atm, so best stop right now…got a bit carried away, sorry.

    Free Member

    Oh, almost forgot my obligatory…..’Fit and forget’ solution!


    Free Member

    Thanks for the info all.

    Monksie, I’ve not done the Goyt scetch I’ll bung my mobile number up in Profile…give us a text when u know where u’ll be?

    Hayfield & Hope sound like a good plan. Like my phone, I’m not sure if I have the confidence to turn up with a lumi-HID (there, I said it) :P It’ll be dark mind.

    nbt I’ll send along my details to ya too if that’s OK?

    Free Member

    Hi Trevor,

    Thanks for your reply, be it bikes or cars (sorry I’m going OT) it’s CRIME you guys are effectively being undermined…in the very time we need you! Big thumbs up from me to your +ve attitude fella.

    *clicks the ‘like’ tab*

    Free Member

    It’s depressing tbh, I can’t believe the sod continued with the act! clearly desperate for the next hit of crack? Trouble is, I’m defo the kind of guy to got batsh!t with a golf club or whatever…..prob to find 6 of the tw*ts round the corner!

    A van (minus the Hope, Fox, Raceface stickers) seems to be another sensible move for transport as bike racks simply advertise the goods (say’s the man whose just purchase one of ere).

    We are, infact, on the cusp of binning the estate to go VW van-tastic.

    Guess all the points are valid, but I feel for you man….as we all do love our bikes.

    Free Member

    If you need an extra person to average out the cost, then give me a shout? Do have any ideas on cost atm? And, would you welcome a strange person on the team…actually if you really are a bunch of honed pro’s then canc all of the above 8O

    Free Member

    Indeed, a most very fine fettle I might add!

    I’m lovin the utilisation of the ‘in situ’ flight deck’ gubbins!

    Free Member

    I’m confused!

    There seems to be Magicshines and ‘Magicshines’ and ebay variants, people selling the lamp unit on their own….copies of the lamp units etc etc.

    Hence, what is the latest most waterproofed and original magic shine lamp please? Was thinking of getting a couple of the lower power versions for my lads bikes while I’m saving up for one of Trouties uber DD’s super-nova units 8O

    Free Member

    DON’T buy one of these! A work colleague of mine purchased a brand new one these things and it was a total heap of unreliable shite. She fought hand and tooth to get a replacement (legal bills) and guess what?…………..

    …………..the 2nd, spanking new one, was just as bad! The garage were nice as pie until she handed over her cash (for the 1st one) then their true colours became apparent!

    Free Member

    I hear you njee, didn’t want to open the ”should I ride a road bike” can of worms :P

    Free Member

    an on-one slot inbred with gears. having raced for years and years, I’m very much of the opinion that fit is more important than frame material or weight. nice to have light weight if it fits mind!

    That is THE best advice I have read on this site for a while. Get this wrong and you’ll be selling your frame to fund the physio treatments later.

    I’ve only experience this mistake in the Trialthon world. I don’t know how prolific it is within MTB but assuming you’ll be putting in time on the turbo and road miles to build speed&power (using the same bike, don’t forget to change that knobbly for the turbo :) ) the same rules should apply.

    Free Member

    What ever you do do not buy a marmot with the gore-esque membrane stuck/glued/melted whatever to the outer shell coz they are shite.

    I wish I’d never parted with my paramo (for walking).

    I’ve used my gore….goretex bike wear jacket about 10 times now (which I hated paying £100 for…for a sheet of bloooody plastic)and it’s done the job well. TBH I’m sure alterntive and equally performing jackets are available….I think Barbour should bring back their really old Hacking jacket, the one without a liner….they pack right down to nowt and would be fashionable atm 8O :roll:

    Free Member

    I used to run loads round plym bridge area; I’m not sure where exactly the trails are planned to be cut but if it’s the area close to the road running in from the airport direction then I can’t see what the fuss is all about?

    The really beautiful stuff is further up near the Dewerstone/Shaw (drool) Prior etc.

    Free Member

    Yep, bigyinn’s spot on Steve, the megarange comes with that wopping cog (relative) as standard I for one had reservations to it’s buttery scale. Yet, it snicks up from 2nd to 1st without so much as a complaint.

    Bushwacked, shame about the Islabike as they are lovely. But it’s great fun to fettle, and like your young-un mine were happy as larry with them.

    Yeah, the bash ring wasn’t planned but the guy (Brendan) who turned it added that feature, it’s not as thick as it looks due to it being turned inwards to accommodate the spider – I could quite get into the ‘home-brew’ look, it has a hint of what Hope had a few years back? Would like something similar on mine :P

    Free Member

    I apologise if my original post came across smug. My intention was only to pass on some info/inspiration to others who can’t afford an islabike, or in my case 2 of them.

    Folks are more than welcome to borrow the taps and bits I have.
    I don’t personally know the lads who helped me, but they deserve a mention because they were so helpful.
    I didn’t mean to offend.

    Free Member

    There’s an entire thread devoted to this topic over on TriTalk – kona qualifying times have been achieved by folks using ‘home-brew’. Very interesting reading and instructions.

    Free Member

    Just got back from work……

    Phew, not me being a tight git then? PaulD, are you stating you have a 22t that would fit the old deore 5 bolt (SG) then? 50 buck is still very expensive…or are you pulling my plonker :P

    Not trying to be funny, I’m just unsure if your joking or not?

    Any advice welcomed, cheers mate.


    Free Member

    On a slight tanget..

    Have a ‘look’ at the recent safety glasses, you’ll be surprised at how cool they are and, for £7 – £9 a pair they’re spot-on for winter mud fests.

    Free Member

    Aye up, would you folk mind if tagged along for the day …. if I can obtain a day pass?

    Free Member

    Used overshoes = toe cover popped up and off a few times, PITA while night riding as first indication is cold ..erm toes! Didn’t want to start that glue faffing so bined that method.

    Purchased these = fantastic….until it’s raining/huge puddle action; no good for MTB IMO.

    Purchased these = infinitely better, very happy with them.

    Free Member


    Since the only thing remaining was to replace the cassette…I replaced the cassette…and guess what happened? Miles and miles of silky smooth – crispy quick gear changing sex.

    I’ll never buy a Ti cassette again.

    I am rubbish btw.


    Free Member


    I’m on the cusp of parting with hard earned to a set of p2 evos (my xts starting to show wear)…ummm.

    Thanks for posting, I’m guessing these are pre-evo version?

    Free Member

    If it’s any help to you; google ‘tapering+triathlon’ this should yeild loads of stuff for ya. Gen, folks tend to begin their taper from 2 to 4 weeks out from their main event (but yours is an entire week, so will differ from just single event. + will all depend on what trg you’ve done etc.

    I hate you btw…france, italy…mi dispatchi pour vous (sp?)!

    FYI I might be cycling…erm, round ladybower next week so there!

    Have an awesome time buddy :-)

    Free Member

    +1 Cones, I like doing it but can’t help feeling that things have moved on!
    +1 for the front mech.
    Not suffered the dogy doo prob on mine, but the lads bikes during the learning at the park phase :evil:

    Free Member

    Klunk, you were faster on the trigger. Was just about to say there was a thread on the exact topic a while back :P

    Free Member

    I can’t believe I’ve been driving through Calver, unaware of the Cotic Presence…I’m such a slender appendage at times. I wonder if they do finance…that way I could make sneak payments to get past the wife’s HOSAS?

    Free Member

    This bike has really got under my skin, not sure why either as I don’t think they’re that special…yet I’m besotted! Sadly, it’ll be for my wife and not me :cry:

    Perhaps it’s all about the classic lines?

    Free Member

    It’s back, woo hoo :)

    Free Member

    I’m not going there, as this is clearly a trap?

    Free Member

    This thread has made my day, honestly….it’s like therapy.

    But soft, what light through yonder window breaks, tis my formula bleeding method! Anyone suffering this need not, it’s all about constructing a jig (2 b 1 wood is what u need)…walk in the park. I changed the front hose (cos I cut the original too short) and it’s bang on…I have to back off the bite point! I’ve found that you don’t need to spend days removing all the bubbles, I do this about 3 to 4 times. It’s all about the final reservoir fill.

    I’m using little finger for braking atm…happy days.

    Down side, I thing the stopping power is fudging my forks 8O

    Free Member


    I really do want a dropper seatpost, read the test the other month and it would seem they do suffer from quite a few wear-probs? Esp a transverse ‘play’?

    Just wondering what you guys have to say, considering you’ve put them through some serious REAL testing.


    Free Member

    Ok, I concede … I’d probably bottle it and bung a spare tube in :roll:

    Free Member

    Battery life/power i guess, not sure on size:power ratio needed to cope with the forces. I could make a fag-packet calculation for you….I’m that bored atm!

    Free Member

    I haven’t raced (yet) on my mtb anyway, but I’ve been running 819’s with stans fluid now for …wow over 6 years (where does it all go).

    Personally, I would not trust a bodged DIY rim, but that’s your choice.
    Since learning how to ‘seat’ tubeless correctly (and there is a distinct difference) and using stans fluid I have not punctured in that time – granted I only get out on the thing approximately 15 times per year.
    For my outings, I carry a spare tube, CO2 x3, A box of the tubeless specific repair kit (with bogies) and a pump – never needed to use it on my bike. Places ridden have been ‘The Chase’, ‘Hamsterly Woods’, Dark & White peak with downhill knarly action….oh and ‘The Brennin’.
    I’m not attempting to be patronising or condescending, just attempting to convey if your set-up is solid, then go for it.
    If I were racing on a short circuit, I’d go with just a couple of bogies and the specific tool (hardly any room required for these), a reliable and adjustable Co2 valve (not the mini one, which is utter shite as I found out during my early tri races). I use the very small one with an adjustable orange dial, can’t remember the make, sorry. Anyway, you’d fit it all into an old sunglasses pouch easily, with room for other stuff if you fancied.

    If you’re near Sheffield/Chesterfield you can borrow my wheelset if you wish.
    Post back with how it went.


    Free Member

    Oh dear, would you like to talk about it?

    Free Member

    I too have not seen that before! Where did it occur Esoterica?

    Seriously, that guy must have been traumatised? Respect to him for getting back on with it…asuming he did.

    Free Member


    Couple of years back I purchased a winter hack with down-tube shifter convinced I wouldn’t need anything ‘fancy’ for commuting etc. How wrong, I wondered how I ever survived negotiating obstacles such as the Meadow Head round-about, or Whittington Moor (AKA Exocet junction) round-about…or any other form of traffic management for that matter. After a few crappy changes ‘on the fly’ I chickened out and purchased a really old (yet kinda cool) pair of 7sp sti shifters – best thing I ever did….love riding it now….well turboing coz it’s cold outside now….and rainy.

    Then again, I’m a wimp!

    Free Member

    Eye up Chris,

    Forget my request to hold back a couple of minis – after reading this thread make that a tripple cutie and a mini.

    I have to say that is a very compact and aesthetically pleasing lamp unit – I must have one.

    To the borrowers (of the cutie)

    Can we have more beam shots please?



    Free Member

    it is indeed different, I’d love to give it a test ride :P

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