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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • LoveTubs
    Free Member

    Actually, if you have one of these and some C02, you’re back riding a lot quicker than the dude with inner tubes –

    These kits are great. Just don’t make the schoolboy error of not checking the tube of glue for it drying out over the 3year period since you last used it.

    Only a numpty would do that……… :}

    Free Member

    How about the Locum consultants who are paid quite honestly ‘out of space’ wages who are also partners in private practices. I know some conduct fantastic work, of which I can only dream of but when you see the ‘coin’ some are pulling, alongside their peers and other healthcare professional working extended/out of hours it is disproportional – made even more painful when the situation arises where they consultant/reg ect consistently relies upon the ‘blue-collar’ workers when the pressure is on!

    Not everyone, but I can assure you their are jaw dropping wages being paid out, and other areas stretched to DANGEROUS limits – I have evidence to back that up!

    Free Member

    …..I love this site, I’m now happy again.

    EDIT: Last leds I worked with were the XMLs, are Q5s older then?

    Free Member


    If my life situation were different, I’d make that x3 people out that day :)

    Enjoy it while it last mate.

    Free Member

    That is sh!te, I too would have given you a shout – we’re not all egotistical, vacant morons…..or even worse, French 8O

    Cheap, very cheap :roll: :roll:

    Free Member

    I haven’t got round (or fancy) to using strava??

    It’ll be and OS map sheet No then a string of grid refs with brief description. Prob get to it sometime tomorrow if that’s any good to you?

    Free Member


    I have an outstanding 4+ hour route that takes in Leith hill and essentially circumnavigates Dorking – it packs in some really good single track and surprisingly cheeky (I mean challenging, not footpaths) downhill sections. I’ll attempt to map it up for ya if you really fancy giving it a bash; loads of choice to cut it down if you’re short on time.


    Free Member

    I haven’t got time to fully go into this (post up research etc) atm as I’ve gotta nip out but I would advise against cold stretching. If you feel the need to warm up that is fine, but consider the muscle groups range of movement (so no need for Kung-fu style kicks etc)needed to cycle. Easy jogging with some upper body pre-event warm up exercise (not straight into smashing yourself) should do the trick.
    If you are not racing, then simply start of over the first few miles in a ‘take it easy’ mode.

    What is by far the most important aspect, more so than stretching, is muscle group balance. We all know about it, but how many on here actively go to the gym and selectively condition the antagonistic muscle groups?

    Hands up who gets a low-back ache on steep climbs? When was the last time you properly trained your core and front chain (not the metal thing that makes the wheels turn :P ) Agreed, a bit of a sweeping example but you get my point?

    I can be approached for more detail at £50 per hour, £00.00 to STW members :wink:

    Free Member

    I haven’t got time to fully go into this (post up research etc) atm as I’ve gotta nip out but I would advise against cold stretching. If you feel the need to warm up that is fine, but consider the muscle groups range of movement (so no need for Kung-fu style kicks etc)needed to cycle. Easy jogging with some upper body pre-event warm up exercise (not straight into smashing yourself) should do the trick.
    If you are not racing, then simply start of over the first few miles in a ‘take it easy’ mode.

    What is by far the most important aspect, more so than stretching, is muscle group balance. We all know about it, but how many on here actively go to the gym and selectively condition the antagonistic muscle groups?

    Hands up who gets a low-back ache on steep climbs? When was the last time you properly trained your core and front chain (not the metal thing that makes the wheels turn :P ) Agreed, a bit of a sweeping example but you get my point?

    I can be approached for more detail at £50 per hour, £00.00 to STW members :wink:

    Free Member

    Me,but I don’t actually get out on it without the children so I’m always over-biked…for now !

    Free Member

    I too would steer towards the Ribble.

    Free Member

    PS: I’ve the tools and contacts if you go ahead with it :)

    Free Member

    Get anything with a degree of quality and retro fit a granny ring and shortened crank arms on the front with a mega-range on the rear; you’ll be very surprised at what they’ll get up. I did just this, it cost about £150 to do two bikes, worth every penny as you can ‘do’ trail centres which opens up more fun than the typical round the lake type stuff.

    Free Member

    Get anything with a degree of quality and retro fit a granny ring and shortened crank arms on the front with a mega-range on the rear; you’ll be very surprised at what they’ll get up. I did just this, it cost about £150 to do two bikes, worth every penny as you can ‘do’ trail centres which opens up more fun than the typical round the lake type stuff.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the suggestions; I made such a hash of the interview that I fudged off the rest of the day, I just couldn’t stop thinking about my rubbish answers…painful (for the panel)in extremis.

    However, I will use your advice over the next week or so; would be great to hook up with peeps if interested.

    Peace and love.

    Free Member

    If they are anything like the The Ones, then bleeding is well easy once you get the ‘knack’ You have to let go of all previous experience (hope, hayes etc) and accept that it’s very different. In fact, it’s actually very simple and easy to do. If the brakes a brand new then even easier, if on the bike I recommend using those plastic clips that can easily be removed to position the lever body in a vice to correctly orientate (frees up a hand too).

    Then it really is just attach a syringe to each end of the system, with a bit of fluid in each, and push-pul unil all the air is out. I tend to remove the lever body from the vice (or jig) to change it’s orientation, give it a few taps etc, then a few more push-pulling of the fluid to finish off with a little over pressure before replacing the grub screw…not too much, just a very gentle ‘there you go’ :wink:

    As you put a little pressure into the system (with the bottom now closed) be sure to give the lever a couple of very short (2-4mm) squeezes.

    Did mine yonks ago, still bang on just don’t expect the organic pads to last past the car part :P

    Free Member

    A bit ‘sad’ looking, but the Zefals seem to have solved the problem – I’d plump for those on the grounds that you only chew on doggy doo once in you life 8O

    Free Member

    EDIT01: Okay, perhaps a little OTT, but recycled eastern block (if you by-pass the tangential pun) military hardware Ti nonetheless!

    Free Member

    EDIT: There is Ti and there is cheap, radio-active Ti !!! Would I lie to you?

    Free Member

    Having owned carbon and steel roadbikes; I’d defo be going Ti for my next frame…no brainer for me.

    Free Member

    I have to disagree, McIntyre is spot on. I have young children and this is my life in a nutshell.

    Those singlies out their, choosing your matching pants and waterproofs for sundays ride……. you have no idea :lol:

    Free Member

    KZP, what did get fixed? Mine’s a rather odd anterior SLAP (which is a kind of contradiction in terms, but it’s labral).

    Bl&&&& Fudge Cake if that frame had been a medium, I’d have snapped ur arm off (if you pardon the pun?) :mrgreen: :roll:

    Free Member

    They are going to sell loads :)

    What is diquieting; I had a dream last night about test riding a soul?? How freaky?

    I was p!ssed off this morning, contemplating an up and coming shoulder op. That vid has just lifted me up loads; it for me that vid sums/epitomises everything I love about mountain biking fun, fun with extra fun on top. I’m sure they can run the same links with a 26 soul, bit too much trail centre but I still loved it.

    Free Member


    Dude, can you advise? I’m running hope P2 Evos on standard QR; am I correct that this combo can easily be upgraded to run those ‘more beefy’ 10/12mm (??) straight through QR jobs? If so, do you happen to have a ‘How To’ linky.


    Free Member



    Free Member

    I have friends who have been abroad to cycle most of the trans alp bits using your exact same set-up. They have returned at least 4 or 5 times since I’ve known them and never once have they even mentioned their gearing.

    However they did convey how awesome a time they had! Just don’t let the chain sit on the granny ring on the way down I guess – standard drills.

    Wish I were going :(

    Free Member

    Considering the facts, assuming they are accurate.

    This is utterly unacceptable, no excuse can be made i.e. handing it over to another mechanic and assumptions that it would be completed …etc etc. You are paying them for a service that includes an element of ‘Duty of Care’ to you. Imagine extending that logic to, for arguments sake, a reputable car dealership….the M3 disc pads failed because they handed the job over at tea break…utter rubbish.

    If you had injured yourself, regardless of which leg we might collectively pull (it’s forum life), a solicitor would take them to the cleaners BIG TIME! You might want to consider paying the 30/40 bob to have it ‘rammed up em’.
    Good luck with it.

    Free Member

    Ha…Baum Corretto, remindes me of ‘Walls Cornetto’…for that reason, I’m out 8O

    Free Member

    Lightweight wheels, London banker target then! They are very pretty bikes tho.

    Last night, I went from lusting after a cervelo SLC-Sl to a Lynskey. On that note, why are their brushed frame more expensive; is it the technique…is it done by hand?

    Free Member

    I try to blend bike, its sub-schemes, through to my cycling clothing. God forbid anyone who might mix, say, assos with gore for example.

    It’s all about looking good, forget performance! Have you been living in a cave?


    Free Member

    I agree, very retro and yet, contemporary….the perfect combo. Shame those wheels will not see much life with everyday use; sunny sunday or race meet only :)

    Free Member

    Ha, I love these threads….kitchen is SO the place to fettle!

    I’m also loving the Damien Hirst-esque shots of bikes in varying stages of ‘life’ – perhaps we could start a separate thread dedicated to this niche genre??

    Free Member

    … my haste to get something down I neglected to discuss cadence & power. Again, apologies for not reading the above…………

    Clearly, it depends on what your ultimate goal is. But it remains that power is King (let’s not do the power to wt ratio just yet) however it can be delivered (as we all know) by either churning a massive gear or high rpm.

    As a starting point for your sessions, aim to maintain a background rpm of between 80-90. Once your body (mind more importantly) becomes conditioned to that output you can then start playing with power increase whilst maintaining that background rate. Ok, you/we can play with other sessions that target pure power, pure recover etc but that’s a whole different book.

    You/we/I could all improve our cycling sessions by achieving and maintaining a sound background power output; I use 60mins as I have found this period of effort relates/synergises to a ‘typical’ MTB day out……I don’t get many.

    Hugs, kisses.

    Free Member

    Again, not had time to read all of the above. FORGET using HR for bike training, it is not directly related to performance.

    You need to train using Watts (power); that is the bottom line, racing (or training) is all about power output over time of race followed by how well you can recover from that: the latter is somewhat of a ‘function’ of your prep.

    Granted, you can obtain a max HR for your age and use this to monitor that you’re not going OTT in each session and then correlate your HR improvements against power gains; no problem with that.

    Bottom line, train on HR alone, then prepare to fail/miss your objective.

    Free Member

    I’ve not read any of the above, so apologies if my bit’s been done. Good friend of mine, she’s a very keen biker (road, mtb), has found the WSD bikes (if that’s what ur thinking) are not worth it. She simply can’t tell the difference between correctly sized ‘normal’ frames. To back this up, Cervelo don’t do WSD geometry; there’s a really good youtube interview with them on this…might a competive cyclist one actually.

    So any frame correctly fitted is the way forward; if it’s good enough for Cervelo then that’s proof enough for me.

    Kisses and hugs.


    Free Member

    Oh, and there was I hoping for a fun read loosely based upon a Lord of the Rings word-play.

    3 bikes to Elven Kings, who ride but the fairest of evenings.
    7 to the Northern Dwarves, who are obsessed with building trails.
    9 Ti 29’rs to the race of Londoners, who above all desire attention.

    C’mon, this must have legs………..

    Free Member

    A very simple start is to remove the hidden or extra sugar your consuming. None in tea or coffee for starters. Porridge with fruit (ummm strawberries and blueberries) for breaky (none of the processed rubbish such as cheerios etc) and cut the bread right down too.

    No butter or cheese on your jacket spuds, crème fraîche (control with a teaspoon, 1 or 2 only) with olives or a little pesto can work.
    Forget pizza, café latte, muffins, tarts, yoghurts, crisps.

    Put your frying pan in the bin now.

    If you need to graze, graze on fruit.

    Plenty of H2O.

    You can have one cake per week, before the ride is best.

    Enjoy :wink:

    PS: I went from just under 12st (my fighting wt) in Oct. ’12 to 13st in Jan FFS – based on that observation…..I hate Christmas.

    Free Member

    I remember having the exact same conversation with a cycling friend of mine about Lancy boy back in 2000/2001.

    Is it not the case that in order to compete with everyone else one is forced to dope; as we all would if our families depended on our earnings.

    I would.

    Free Member

    This is the first time I have ever been drawn into this type of debate, as more often than not they tend to descent into bun fight. Anyway……………………………

    I believe the OP was being genuine and simply demonstrated a little humanity, which in turn was taken and used out of context. I ride loads, mostly with my children these days, but I’ve put my ‘time’ into road cycling with loads of long distance tri training miles and have been ‘privy’ to plenty of jaw-dropping ‘events’ and a cavalier attitude from every cycling genre over the years.

    Cyclists (me too) need to accept and deal with the fact that there are heaps and heaps of vehicles on the roads and they will continue to ‘breed’ exponentially. Some riders, not all, but some might benefit from the addition of a few ‘reality drops’ in their pre-race bidons. For the majority (I’m assuming) this isn’t the Alps it’s either a busy A or B road, or a jam-packed ‘retreat’ such as the Peak or something. I have found the best approach to be the defensive-aggressive.

    Defensive, for example would not be winding up an entire que of drivers by religiously sticking to an antiquated ride two abreast law ….yes, we have the right but it means nothing to the capitalist bully boy (or girl, Oh yes I’ve seen plenty of girl on bike action too) who’s going to ram us – would we all walk up to a bull and pull it’s nose hair out? Discretion is the key, I fancy?

    Aggressive, as in fluro-bib/pac cover and/or mini-helmet lamp to compliment the bar lamp (great in a thick traffic, no pun intended , scenario). Occupying the correct position in the road, especially at/on roundabouts and engaging drivers visually i.e. not wearing dark lenes during rush-hour commuting: there’s loads one can do and still look great/match …..sorry, that’s my tri days coming to the fore.

    For drivers to yield and give us the respect we crave, we must be squeaky-clean. Which means, not persisting in all those things (and there are many) that inflame our ‘relationship’.

    Unfair, definitely, but they are the dominant and stronger ‘species’ out on the savannah.

    Take it or leave it darlings. Oh, had a great ride with my lads today btw :wink:

    Keep on trucking! XX

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