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  • Mintel predicts £1 billion new bike sales this year
  • LoveTubs
    Free Member

    Slightly off on a tanget….

    HOW addictive is this DIY LED thing? I mean, I thought geeking around with B&Q halogen bulbs, Plumbing pipes and spare bar clamps was fun but this takes it to a whole new level :wink:

    Thanks to troutie, and the subsequent wave of replies to this (and other) thread(s) I’m lovin it.

    Free Member

    WOW, this tread has tranmogrified!

    We are a funny species, you can turn over a page containing the latest global catastrophe…but dare to question the contents of one’s bag! Anyone taking this thread even remotely seriously should recieve a public birching 8O

    May I add that I found the latter stages/posts particularly amusing, thanks.

    Have Used On Trails

    Tubes x2
    CO2 (if I’m feeling exotic)/pump
    Power link (when I remember to pack em)
    Topeak mini tool (not the penknife type)
    Mini chain tool
    Leaches (patches, as opposed to trackside blood letting)
    Jacket, (if not donned)
    Couple of velcro straps (usually when night riding)

    Have Packed, But Since Ditched


    Have Never Needed

    Rear shock pump
    Sleeping bag
    Silver bag
    first aid kit
    survival shelter
    SAS handbook
    Lofty Wiseman
    Sir Ranulph Fiennes
    Bear Grylls

    ………. :P

    Free Member


    Cracking is not a good thing with carbon, but it may just have been the clear lacquer that made the noise.

    I’ve had carbon road bikes for a few years now, kitted with all carbon bits Ritchey) and my MTB currently sports CNC monkeys and seatstem – trust me when I say that you do not have to torque them up anywhere near what you might consider necessary(compared to alloy. The friction between carbon surfaces is different (assumin ur fitting the bar into a carbon stem?).

    Just nip them up evenly, give it a test ride…jump around on it and I bet u’ll find it’s enough. I’ve never had a carbon failure yet, road or MTB.

    If ur really concerned, feel free to email me :wink:

    Free Member

    I was chatting to a lovely lady during the recent STW northern swimride and apparently one does not buy off the shelf shorts of the ilk you describe.

    Rather, buy an ex-army goretex go outside and cut the legs off in an aggressive manner…to achieve that ‘knarly’ “I don’t venture on tarmac” kind of look that’s SOOO de rigueur :P

    Jokin aside, she had a pair of goretex-y type knickers (road bike term) that seed affective…well the water was running off them rather than soaking in.

    Free Member

    I think the solution will be of the form of MotoX goggles. Where one can rip off a strips (that are layered..up to 5 or 10)of clear plastic as they become caked in mud.

    We could then drop said plastic onto the trail for others to follow, add colour and bingo, trail markers! It’d virtuallt eliminate the need for a Gaymin over-night :lol:

    Free Member

    Someone needs to make em in carbon fibre, not carbon ‘look’ craaap, what about a colour choice….might help to detract the eye??

    Free Member

    I tried the new Topeak rear after I foooked a crudcatcher DIY..erm..mod..

    utter shite, and the ‘quick release’ is about as user friendly as a Lumicycle bar clamp 8O

    I’ve found that they work until it really chucks it down and the puddles become BB deep. Then, if you’re razzing it, they’re virtually useless…get covered/soaked anyways.

    Free Member

    …turbo will shread ur mtb knobbly in just a few mins ….momentum of fly-wheel and or magnetic resistance at the roller….depending on whicy turbo you buy.

    You’ll need a cheap slick, no you don’t need a turbo specific tyre regardless of the trend….2nd wheel and cassette tool handy tho.

    Much easier to go the winter hack-turbo combo route IMO, no farting with MTB.

    Also, once you become conditioned to the turbo take care when getting out of the saddle to practice sprints coz it’s easy to snap spokes.

    Free Member

    Don’t tell anyone this; get yourself an old road bike and a Tacx Flow :wink:

    Free Member

    Flamejob, wtf are you doing carrying all that shite? Are you entering the Paris-Dakar? LOL

    Thought for one min that was a car jack, but I see it’s for the rear shock…you use this on the ride?

    It may seem like I’m digging your bag’s contents (suits you sir) but either I’m putting myself and friends in grave danger or….

    That said, who forgot to pack a power link the other weekend 8O :oops: :mrgreen:

    The above is meant to be ‘tongue in cheek’, just a bit of fun Flamejob.

    EDIT; do I spy a prismatic compass? If it is, then I take all of the above back.

    Free Member

    Never had a prob with either wiggle or CRC in over 8 or so years :wink:

    Free Member

    I in agreement with the ‘Kid in a sweetshop’ statement….I feel like I’m in a virtual Bike LED bike light ‘Wall Street’ scenario….

    Is there no limit to Troutie’s skills, Midas of the light world :wink:

    Just wondering, with all the links within this tread, would anyone (I don’t have the expertise) compile a handy step by step that collates the ‘which bits to buy’ please…if they can?

    Would be awsome.

    Great thread, I’m never going to get my dissertaion off the ground while this sort of thing his hammering along!

    Free Member

    Delete Sheffied, insert Sheffield.

    Free Member

    Great pic singlespeedstu, but that ain’t no green-lane.


    Free Member

    …just opening my lighter fuel….ah,

    I used to race moto-x, yonks ago, on designated tracks..JSUK.

    The underlying point to all this; if it’s legal, and perhaps more importantly, ‘morally acceptable’ (see integrity if you’re unsure) then fair enough…I don’t care for it myself these days but we’re all different.

    To paraphrase the statement ‘we all live on’ (not digging there, it’s just a good lead into my point) provides a clue that, in order there remains ‘TGO’ for all and future STW/ enduro-junkies we need to refrain from ripping up trainstrails (LOL) we ARE NOT allowed on…conservative approach?

    Just an observation, apologies if anyone takes it otherwise.

    Oh, just a quick one – was out a couple of winters ago and personally observed an ‘Ape’ ripping capping stones from a Peak District drystone wall to place under the wheels of his ‘SHITE’ Vauxhall Frontera’

    If you are going to drive xc then please speak to someone who’s experienced it over a variety of continents…I’m available free-lance :P

    Free Member

    I do love a sprinkle of ‘Bling’ (more roadie bling tbh) but one can over egg the pudding; for once I’m actually turned off by the aesthetic…insipid, dull and ‘vegetablesque’ spring to my mind :?:

    Free Member

    ..Can’t be arsed with guarentee faffing, wiggle or CRC will be faster.

    I’m done, I promise :P

    Free Member

    … XT chain rings, they’re fine.


    Free Member

    oh, rear block is brand new XTR

    Free Member

    Loads of feedback, thanks all :)

    High(ish) end SRAM; come to think this’ll be the 5th chain I’ve snapped…all MTB, never on road bike.

    I have considered just slapping another power-link, but if it’s gone once then the chances are….????

    Once bitten, so for that reason..SRAM…I’m out.

    XTR + spare pins + power link for back-up it’s gonna be.

    Thanks again for feedback all.


    Free Member

    Hey paulrockliffe

    Withoug googling, can you explain where the term Luddite originates :P

    Fun aspect only, no ‘axe-to-grind’ hidden message :wink:

    Free Member

    Should have searched b4 post,

    …..but I’m bored anyone out there :cry:

    Free Member

    I’ve read about non-union (bones) with this fracture due to patient not resting said digit long enough…

    Free Member

    That image is not representative of owning a bike that one uses ‘full- time’ in all conditions. I’d like to see an extended test, that included a full winter of axle+ deep water and gritstone/schist mix that’s typical of most of our favourite play areas.

    I remain optimistic however :) would love the group-O on, say a cervelo S3 or Van Nick :P 8O

    Free Member

    Yep, 150 to 200max

    Free Member

    I’m so dull, yet I’m compelled to ask/advise that you aren’t going to use that on ur bike?

    Possibly THE worst thing one can do…that and using washing up liquid………dismounts from soap box :P

    Free Member

    This thread is turning out to be a) highly amusing and b) worrisome 8O

    Free Member

    Although the first few KO’s are indeed comical, and yes he was ‘giving it the large’ … i thought it went juuuust a little too far.

    I prefer to sketch :|

    Free Member

    There’s no speeding things along a bit then? I feel like I’ve dropped 50 IQ points overnight.

    …so we’re talking negative numbers atm then? :P

    Free Member

    ..oh, and thanks Smudge for the steer re driver :wink:

    Free Member

    Well, rest assured Trout you’ll have free Physio should you ever need it…if you can wait ’till next May when I finish; don’t keep injury-free till then :wink:

    Give us a shout anytime, if you think I can help.

    Free Member

    Trout, ur too kind :wink:

    I’ll take you up on the offer, but you are defo NOT giving it away..we’ll sort that out via email! Would be great to have a look at…see how the ‘driver’ (I fully understand HID ballasts, link to driver theory/explanation would be great)…erm drives the LEDs.

    Nice one,

    Will email……

    Free Member

    A physiotherapy appointment!

    Free Member

    If you need help, PM me…that’s if this site supports PM’s….erm :?:

    Free Member

    Are you sure about the mud guards? What about the sporty (market hype) SKS versions that are a PoP to fit – via rubberesque bands: I’ve used them for yonks an a few road bikes (including Addict).

    Fit em snugg under the brake unit (can be done) or tight up to it…they’re quite good :)

    Free Member

    A outstandingly damp, yet warm experience.

    I’d like to publicly declare my undying love for Nick (RM Blizz) who towed me along the, funnily enough, tow path back – you can be my wing man any day :)

    I did try to find the cafe for tea and medals but after fudging up the one way a couple of times I lost the will a bit…v sorry as it was defo my round for coffee and cake.

    Ergo Nick, email me with address( and I’ll post up a gift as return for your efforts :)

    Looking forward to meeting up again.


    Free Member

    Nice one, i raced at Tatton back in '08…. really good event, great feel to it. Swimming was/is my weak link, you must 'drink the event in' (if you pardon the pun) as they fly by so quickly….get someone to take loads of phots for you, I really regret not having done so myself.

    Don't forget to use your elbows :twisted:

    Free Member

    Pls excuse me, your welcome to laugh but what and where is the 20mm? Is it the diam. of the stanchions or something like that??

    Free Member

    Hey docrobster, what distance?

    If it's your first open water then …

    Position half to 2/3 back on either the outside or tight inside due to being swum over..horrible the first time, can become a bit of a 'But Fight' kicking in the face, elbows to the nose, goggle removal are all good and sound tactics :wink:

    Keep sighting, nothing worse than 'going for it' and swimming off-line…eats LOADS of time getting back.

    Oh, I'm SO envious..I really am missing the buzz. Good luck, don't forget to smile when you cross the line :wink:

    Free Member


    Kill the motor dude :) I'm not Tri-racing atm due to being skint, having to study and twin bleeding what funds I do manage to fudge together but I'd like to think I'll have another go at IM b4 I'm 50 :lol:

    Sure, some of em are up their own but it's exactly the same with all the sports I've participated in..climbing, skiing, MTBing etc etc etc.

    If you can't laugh at yourself from time to time, then your becomming a boring twit…IMO

    So, not all Tri folk are condescending twurps…now go and wash your hands and get to bed, it's going to be a busy day tomorrow..!

    PS: Have you a Giant, and did we ride in the Peak a while back :?:

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