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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • LoveTubs
    Free Member

    During my 100mile days, I carried a coule of spare tubs (why I love them), 3 CO2 carts, tyre levers 10/12 gels,x2gel flasks with energy powder & a light rainproof jack and a few mini mars bars. That’s it, all in the jersy pockets you see, shops and campsites provide the replen needs so no need to go mad with ‘spare’ stuff in a ruc sac.

    Oh, x 2 750 drinks bottles.

    +, you’d defo look a ****t :P :lol:,,,esp. if said ruc-sac didn’t match ur bike, helmet, shoes, oakelys, gloves, bar tape, tyre trim, bib shorts, jacket and mini-wedge 8O

    Free Member

    Um, managed 1500 words……… so yeh, grrrr8 day….yipee!

    :P :wink:

    4 mths, just 4 more mths til the pain stops

    Free Member

    Forgive my delay in getting back;

    Um, good routes…with democracy in mind we’ll have to vote, however the thought of racing the sun (well, the earths motion to be a pedant) adds an extra dimension. Plus, I’ve yet to cycle the Highlands!

    Is this the official kick off 8O?

    x 1 for mcmoonter’s c2c2c

    Free Member

    …return to MTBing too quickly I mean..

    Free Member

    Just don’t compromise the healing process by returning to XC MTBing, the positions (esp) down-hill will definately put stress throught that area: turbo training (during healing phase) in an outstanding recommendation. Yes, physio to sort out the atrophy/ROM/tightness related issues from being in POP and then back to fun and games.

    If you rush it, you can compromise the healing which for the scaphoid can take longer to ‘knit’ when compared to other boney structures.

    Free Member

    Happy days.

    Free Member

    Forgot to mention just one tiny aspect.

    The lumi casing in the pickies above is slightly different to mine. Mine has a slight taper towards the lens end but the switch housing end looks the same. I’m fairly sure I’ll have to stick with using the ‘arse-end’ of the can to fit the 3xcute lens you all mention on account of the diminishing dia. as one proceeds out to the lens end.

    That’ll mean a much thinner heat sink………ummmmm???

    Great fun though, I love geeking with this stuff :P

    Free Member

    Thanks 5theElefant,

    I didn’t explain that very well. My power socket is bang on, no probs and as you say it fits the lumi male pole very well.

    No, its the ‘in-line’ male-female connectos (dual core flex) that I’m using to connect both (separately for servicing)the switch(bar mount) and lamp unit that are poor quality.


    The Driver explaination was very clear Luminous, btw. Thanks for bringing it all together. The How-to pickies are a awesome Votex, nice one.

    Think I’ll go for the XML option (inner child again) when I have the current project nailed.

    Free Member

    Just got back to this post, thanks all for being so helpful :wink:

    In fact, I would go as far to say that this subject has the most supportive experts/hard-core helpers I’ve ever encountered on a forum.

    So, BIG thanks and hugs to you guys (platonically).


    Local electronic shop has provided really cheap in-line connectors (the inner male pole just snapped off while soldering it up?)and plastic sockets that seem very shallow.

    The one’s Lumi use are much better, they seem sturdy and more of a ‘snug’ mate-up 8O :P

    Anyone recommend a supplier?

    Laughing at myslef

    Designed a really accurate circuit diagaram, then got excited and ploughed on without checking things (inner child dominating) and consequently toasted the leds :roll: :evil: :P :D

    Free Member

    I have read that Goodridge sintered pads (for the one’s) last very well, comparabl to the rest…according to the OP.

    Free Member

    Thanks Luminous, once one begins to trawl the threads thing rapidly become confusing. For example I don’t really understand the different drivers (how they ‘effect’ output) however i do understand their function.

    Is this(scroll down to view the pivot mounted unit, nice) the kind of thing you guys have in mind, I personally love the aesthetic of it and would like to follow a similar path.

    So, you’re saying I should go for the x 3 XML with ‘Cute'(?)optic, along with ‘Buck’ h6flex driver ???? (sum the parts up for me, pls….take the pain away ) :lol:

    I can’t wait to get cracking in it, it’ll be summer mine…by the time it’s done so you have to wait until October for beam shots….exciting times :roll: :D

    PS: Cree for the XML’s??

    Free Member

    Troutie, do you mean this kind of set up (scroll down to pickies)

    Free Member

    Troutie, tripple XML to be found via google?


    Free Member

    For info, the lumi HID cell is in fact 14.8volts.

    I really don’t want to over complicate the hid conversion with adding extra resistors….I’ve had little success with this arrangement so far.

    ..unless it truly is simple to piece together.

    An off-on will do,

    cheers :)

    Free Member

    Thanks very much all, some great info just need read through it all….oops, there goes another good assignment grade :)

    Hey Troutie,

    Just so ya know, the mini is looking ‘real pretty’, like I said I only get a few mins each week to work on it but she’s nearly done.

    I’ve incorporated a little plastic jnk box where all 3 leads meet (sockets) with a blue LED ‘running lamp’.

    I’m running simple SPST switch at the bar (close to shifters) but here’s where the SUGRU is gonne feature whereby I’m going to mount a dropped white led just below the surface of a moulded housing to achieve the background ‘glow’ effect i was seeking. Just want to hit the extra lumens for switch back type action.

    Will feed back.

    PS: Only 5 weeks of clinical placement remains :)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Right, just when you all thought this thread was over I’ve finally soldered it all together (all work = no play time) :(

    So, picture the scene. Gathered my family round the kitchen table to witness the illumination extravaganza …after months of unnecessary faffing and deliberation :D :D ……………………………….

    ….nothing :oops: :cry:

    I would have settled for at least a flicker, fizz, bang or ‘chip toasting’ but a resounding void of inactivity?

    1) Anyone have 3 spare LED’s, I’m using a Lumi Li-ion pack (centre –ve)
    2) A replacement (new) driver.
    3) Do the maplin switches (little red ones) have a min-voltage?


    PS: I am gonna do this…..before next winter

    Free Member

    Will you please stop organising Pootle trips on day I can’t get away :(

    Have yet another fun day, swines!


    Free Member

    Um, they look a bit to knarly for me. However I do like their front mech, it all looks a bit too Motocross mind you? Are they as smooth as the Bit S, shifting wise?

    Free Member

    WCA YGM :)

    Free Member

    Why don’t you pay me to take you both multi-pitch rock climbing in wales for the day?



    Free Member

    Ooow, just found this thread, yummy….

    sun makes one rotation in approx. 26(ish) days, which is it’s ‘Period'(T) Our period is 1 in 24 hrs.

    Period of sun then, T = 1 x 24days, = 648hrs = 38880 mins = 2332800s.

    We know that T= 1/freq (Hz), so Sun’s freq = 1/T, = 1/2332800s, = 4.3 x 10-7 Hz (slow).

    Now, angular velocity omega (w)= 2xpixf. So for the sun,….

    w = 2×3.14x(4.3×10^-7), from above, = 2.7×10-6 Hz….

    Finally, w= v/r, r is sun’s radius = 6.96×10^8 m

    v= wxr, = 2.7×10^-6 (Hz) x 6.96×10^8, = …….

    188 (rounded up) meters per second.

    So, when your looking (through correct glasses) at the sun imagine that a point on it’s equator is moving 170 times faster than a top sprinter (100m in 10seconds = 10ms)

    Roughly speaking, 170 to 180 times faster than this guy

    Free Member

    NO NO NO, utterly grim! Look at the horrible GTesque tube joinery??

    Beauty =

    Free Member

    Penis ext’n spring to mind? Seats look like those adorning an Austin Cambridge!

    Free Member

    No probs.

    Free Member

    Thanks for that, didn’t expect a reply…nice one.

    Do you think they could handle XC over Lakes & Peaks?

    Free Member

    laughing at that buzz-lightyear :) Which leads nicely into would you give up all your ‘MTB fun’ for the right woman…which I essentially have, now we’re 4 8O

    Free Member

    I can’t comment, but +1 for their frame….Uuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmm.

    Free Member

    My take on it all,

    I love buying expensive gear because (usually) high quality materials outlast or out-perform cheap rubbish: Halfords GT & Cervelo S2, Dura-ace or Raceface, Gore jackets or peter storm, Icebreaker or Aldi ‘knitting’…that kind of thing. I agree there are exceptions but one catches one’s drift.

    Aesthetics, why the hell not? I like to think of it as an alternative form of art. My bike is quite understated (I’m going for subtle matching) but some of the guys/gals really bling-it-up – I love it, sign of character and individualism.

    On the clean bike issue, my bike always receives a royal wash and buff for two reasons, 1) I’m anal, and 2) I once returned from a ride years ago to find a whopping crack where the seat-tube weld meets the BB (cheap Claude Butler). Just imagine taking that out again with mud all over it! A&E please sir, don’t spare the horses.


    Free Member

    I’m also considering XT servo wave with XTR caliper units as the XTR grey will match my hope skewers, headdoc, seatclamp, front disc and soon to be updated hubs – vain & unnecessary, absolutely :)

    However, just been reading how the XT caliper ‘sports’ a cam-link gizmo that increases the leverage. Think I’m getting a bit confused here, can I assume that the XT & XTR caliper units are essentially the same, or does the XT caliper have a gizmo that works/synchs inconjuction with the servo-wave XT reservoir unit?

    Advice/abuse welcomed.

    Free Member

    Wifey’s shifts never fall on a Sat…never…

    …..yep, you guessed it :cry: It would appear that a Peaks Pootle isn’t meant to be.

    And I was going to bake this yummy flap jack to hand out, ya make it with condensed milk, extra nuts and fruit n stuff, bit of honey and bung it in the oven….SO good….alas!

    Free Member

    I promise this’ll be my last entry to the thread. I’ll not be purchasing these, but oh how pretty? Step aside Megan Fox 8O

    Free Member

    Cheers all, XT’s with the 2nd wave system it is. TJ, believe me I’ve followed every HOW TO threat, youtube on how to centralise, with or without shims.

    Apologies for repeating myslef earlier with the ‘last chapter’ comment.

    Funny, I’ll default straight to shimano for all group-o related stuff…that said I’m very impressed with Hope’s BB (nice bit of turning that)…but I’ve been drawn to the ‘exotic’ in search of the holy brakes.

    The answer was under my very nose :)

    As previously stated, will post back with how it goes…for the greater good of mankind

    Free Member

    What I find disturbing is the fact he’s wearing shorts?

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the feedback, I’m still laughing at the STFU squealing comment… I feel your pain :)

    Yeah, just got back from researching Avids…loads of folks mention the tight disc clearance issue.

    I so wanted my Hopes to be the final chapter; supporting the brit industry, but it’s looking like the the ‘Big S’ has won the day……..again.

    Groupo wise, does it run SLX, XT then XTR?

    Probably go for the XTR if I can stretch it, I’ll feedback after initial thrash.
    Thanks again for advice.

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the feedback, I’m still laughing at the STFU squealing comment… I feel your pain :)

    Yeah, just got back from researching Avids…loads of folks mention the tight disc clearance issue.

    I so wanted my Hopes to be the final chapter; supporting the brit industry, but it’s looking like the the ‘Big S’ has won the day……..again.

    Probably go for the XTR if I can stretch it, I’ll feedback after initial thrash.
    Thanks again for advice.

    Free Member

    Great comments, the search continues :)

    Free Member

    My pants are bulging at the thought, prepare for bike porn!

    When/if I can find a job after graduation, this’ll be the one :)

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