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  • Fresh Goods Friday 541 – The Sunn is shining edition!
  • loum
    Free Member

    Teamhurtmore makes a good point about Sarkozy’s probable motives, but iDave makes a lot of sense too.
    I must admit to not reading up enough around what’s going on with this summit, anyone have a good impartial summary link please?

    Free Member

    Rode there Monday and it was mostly fine, bits of mud on the odd trail but not too much.

    Free Member

    BenjiM, Safest way I’ve found to transport eggs is hard boiled.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Not a recomendation , I’ve not bought or used this so I don’t know, but this one’s only £2 here if you’re interested. May be worth a try.

    Free Member

    Icebreaker are ok, and on sale at cotswolds.
    I’d avoid Swobo if I was getting another, the last one shrunk to much.

    Free Member

    You have a lot to say, and in a very angry and abusive manner, but never answered my question. You think its not relevant so I’ll not push it any further if its winding you up so much.
    You’ve repeated your earlier point “prejudice is bad” but you’ve had no argument about that from me.
    However, we’ll have to agree to disagree about the value of you ranting like so towards a stranger who’s just had their tools nicked, but you do seem to be familiar with the daily mail.
    Its a shame but you appear less familiar with Harper Lee’s work , if you honestly believe that in the book that Mayella Ewell was actually raped or that Bob Ewell actually believed that she was.
    Now I’m not going to tell you to “B*@@er off” , as you like to say, but perhaps you should go revisit the book you refferenced (highly recomended), or go for a bike ride like I have this afternoon.

    Free Member

    You have much recent experience of construction work on site?
    It doesn’t sound like it.

    Give the lad a break, if you’ve nothing helpful to say then why bother. your pc critism is not relevant, helpful, or wanted.

    just realised this earlier post from monksie is now on the old page, and is better off at the top of this one. hope no-one minds:

    monksie – Member
    Soooo…….what tools Tony? I have a pretty big hammer drill and a load of drill bits, some gert big and small hammers, spirit levels and a few other bits and pieces you can have to get you earnng again until you can restock. South Manchester based if it’s any good?
    Anybody else want to help the guy out?

    Free Member

    If you’re near brechfa I think its worth a run around Cwm
    Rhaeadr. Only 7km but great fun: bermy, jumpy, and less than an hour :)$FILE/CwmRhaeadrMtBkguide1.pdf

    beaten to it by Float :)
    But he’s right

    Free Member

    can’t we just remove anyone of religion from positions of power? First stipulation of polictics (and sovereignity) no religious types of any sort

    create a big easy to read them/us divide, paint the valid targets and get the go ahead for atrocities

    Its already happening.

    Free Member

    Have a serious look at the history of the last hundred years.
    In most of the wars the agressor has been motivated by the capture of resources, or the strategic capture of land to allow further capture of resources.
    Usually the invaded peoples will rally around the strongest link between themselves: be it common ancestry, nationality, political or religous beliefs.

    In this country, there is a legitimate way to remove people you do not agree with from power. Vote.
    And there is a saying, “In every democracy , the people get the government they deserve.” (Tocqueville)

    We may be safer if we worried more about the production and sale of weapons by the arms manufacturors than imaginary beating rods for use during civilised debate.

    Free Member

    You can hate the Salvation Army all you like, but when it comes to actually spending their income on charitable activity rather than executive pay they are streets ahead of all these others.,12406,1042677,00.html

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Check out your local Millets. Saw some Nike and Adidas int there yesterday and its all 40% off at the mo.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Worth a read. May help balance the books.


    Free Member


    Free Member

    Ride deffensively, assume all indicators are broken, late lane changes will happen , pedestrians will lemming in front of you , get good lights , remember drivers will not see them anyway.
    Don’t get angry with other’s stupidity, remember its better to be alive than right.

    Free Member

    Your wife needs to talk to HR, NOT get the other man to request a move.
    HR will give more credence to the first party to speak to them, and her version of what has happened must be reported first. Do not trust this scumbag to admit to anything, he will lie to protect himself at work as he does at home and work will become (at best) a lot more complicated for her.
    From what has been said, these comments and suggestions were unwanted and unwarranted, and constitute harrassement. Your wife must complain strongly and ensure she is not being driven about after dark by a delusional pervert who thinks she would give up everything to be with him. He has previous and can not be trusted.
    She has nothing to lose by making a formal complaint but everything if she does not. After what has happened, if your wife does not do this then you need to question whether there is some part of the story you do not yet know about.

    Free Member

    +1 Riding Giants.
    More about the watching rather than the listening, if that makes any sense. Awsome footage.
    Slightly different, Adam Curtiss has made some interesting stuff. Usually quite a rambling watch with loads of random interesting topics loosely related by a common underlying theme. The latest was “All watched over by machines of loving grace” but some of the earlier work was probably better.

    Free Member

    thought this would be an ice-cream thread :(

    Free Member

    She stole my milk when I was at school.
    Maggie Thatcher – Milk Snatcher.

    Free Member

    I saw some chickpea spageti in Waitrose the other day, in the fridge pasta section. Wasn’t cheap (about 1.60) but might help with one of those cravings.

    Free Member

    How can people be offended at someone saying “Clarkson should be sacked”.
    Its not like anyone’s suggested he should be shot.
    Lighten up.

    Free Member

    Got them too.
    All “record Top Gear” since the shoot the strikers thread.
    Preffered the old Bravisimo ones.

    Free Member

    “He’s not even a real hamster”
    its on an earlier page

    Free Member

    Clarkson’s lucky he’s not brown with a beard,
    Or a teenager with a facebook account and a liking for free riot trainers.

    Free Member

    Before you start buying carboot bike spares have alook at the stolen bikes threads on here and have a think

    Free Member

    I find it easiest to plot off road courses on
    I was having probs uploading to the unit recently but sorted now (thanks Water).
    Have a play about on their website on course creater (particularlly the “cycle” map), you’ll pick it up easy, then just drag and drop the gpx file :)
    Other similar sites worth a look are , trailzilla , bikehike.
    The key advantage is the use of openstreetmap (free) with detailed bridleways, cyclepaths, etc.
    Garminconnect can plot couses , but like you said, the detail isn’t there on the online map. Probably due to OS license costs.
    I’m sure I’ve not had problems with turns off road, but I’ll check again tomorrow.

    Free Member

    Thank you, that worked fine. Just dragged the gpx to the new files folder and it was available as a course when I disconnected it and switched on. Exactly what I wanted, thanks again.
    Sorry that didn’t help you. Its not something I’ve had a problem with tbh. With “turn guidance” on and orientation set as track up it buzzes as it approaches a junction and shows a big pink arrow indicating which way to go.

    Free Member

    Like jota, I think I’d want the fork to rebound quicker.
    Wouldn’t want the front to dive down an d become to steep, over the handlebars.
    Likewise, but opposite, for the rear. Wouldn’t be to bothered about it “sitting down” into its travel but would be more concerned if it sprang back to quickly.
    If the forks Quicker then its safer IMO.

    Free Member

    Thanks Water. will try that later today.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I’ve been following most of this thread and would just like to thank the posters for generally keeping it very good natured, non-agressive, and interesting. “Keep up the good work”
    Particular thanks to those that have refferenced outside sources such as Thich Nhat Hanh, Lennox, and Hitchens as this has led to some very interesting further reading.

    Free Member

    I have one too. you can change the course colour line:
    Once a course is selected, press the settings (wrench shape) button on the screen and then go to “line colour”. hope this helps.

    Overall, its a great unit with the OS maps (zoomable so very readable),good on and off road, and it does alarm if you go off course. and using garmin connect to follow other peoples’ courses is fine.

    However , lately I’ve been having problems with uploading courses that I have plotted out myself. Always used “bikeroutetoaster” and it was working great until the last update to the garmin communicator plug-in but I’m now not able to upload these courses (or the unit isn’t recognising them). Hopefully someone else will be along to explain a better way of uploading self-plotted courses.

    Free Member

    The public reaction against the NOTW ended that rag.
    Nothing to stop something similar happening again.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Cougar :)

    Free Member

    If atheists had much more important issues, would so many be posting on this thread?

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