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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • lotto
    Free Member

    Sorry, yes a knife. Something along the lines of a Spyderco UK penknife but British.

    Free Member

    Are there any good UK manufacturers using British steel for an EDC?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Truss forks and 29×3.0 may blow your mind. 🤩

    Free Member

    That’s good to know. I had no idea about replacement cartridges.

    Free Member

    Lol. Advantages of a birthday/Fathers Day indulgence for me, but yes, they are expensive.

    Free Member

    No pics sorry. I like to be away from it all when out on the hills. Just found out too that he is not a Whippet but a retired racing greyhound. I assumed he was a whippet because he is so small. I like the idea of a contact number in his collar.

    Free Member

    I decided to go for it. We covered two Munro’s and a Corbett. (Narnain, Ime, Arthur in that order). Around 9 miles in just less than 7 hours. I was prepared to turn back if things got too much, but no need, he loved it and I saw no ill effects. Off the lead all day.Initially way out in front but settled to 6 feet all around. No jacket required but I had it with me. I took his dry meal and treats. Loved the treats but not interested in his main meal at any point. He had one of my corn beef sandwiches and seemed happy with that. Back home now and he has scoffed his dinner and seems content in bed. It was nice walking with a dog. He goes back to his owner in a few weeks but I can see me collecting him in the future for more walks together.

    Free Member

    He is well exercised daily on a lead ( total 2 hours per day) Twice a week he gets off for around an hour each time. If I went a big walk would drinking  river water  etc be ok? What snacks? Take his own dry meal or dog snacks ? There is a pet4homes near me, would they be good for nutrition advice etc. I’ve ended up with him as ‘I like to exercise lots’ and truth be told, I’m excited to have a companion.

    Free Member

    Farmers are worried about their health too during Covid-19. The number of people accesing fields has increased dramatically. An increase in people touching gates for lock/unlocking, climbing styles etc has them worried they could contact the virus this way as they too access the same gates/styles for access to livestock checks etc. Seems a valid reason to me for just employing a bit of common sense at the minute rather than refer to rulebooks and rights.

    Free Member

    That’s an amazing link CountZero. Good to see there is a lot of old skills being utilised. Certainly paying for the quality though. I wonder how weather proof it really is?

    Free Member

    Thanks Stox. I’ve ordered from GlenCroft. Seem like a great little British company. I’m happy that it is all British wool and made in the UK.

    Free Member

    Something like a Dachstein jumper but lighter ideally.

    Free Member

    G-SHOCK Sport GBD-H1000 with Heart Rate Monitor and GPS. Can’t wait to see one of these in the flesh. Could be a good rival to the Garmin Instinct.

    Free Member

    Good views ✅ good toilets✅takes dogs✅

    Loads and loads of space to walk dogs. Kids play park. Secluded beaches with caves nearby and a very good restaurant.



    Free Member

    Does anyone use an arm band HRM? If so how do you find it for accuracy compared to a chest strap?

    Free Member

    Kenny Stuart will be passing on his knowledge and experience.

    Great to see

    Free Member

    Why don’t you ask him? If it is something he really wants to do I’m sure you would go along with it to ensure that he remembers it. His suggestion may even surprise you, you could even end up looking forward to something new. Better than picking something he may be a bit meh about, only participating to keep you happy.

    Free Member

    Never had a gearbox bike but have used Rohloff. Super low maintenance. I never found it draggy. Would give you more frame options perhaps? I never experienced the phenomenon of all the weight being felt at the back either. I’m a recreational rider rather than someone looking for performance advantages though.

    Free Member

    Tells me what I wanted to know, 👍

    I’d be genuinely interested to hear what you now know.

    Honestly, you come across as very academic and it would be good to hear your learnings.

    But for my sake, please refrain from your use of dialect, or has this request let you know even more about me? 🙄

    Free Member

    Make Scotland independent

    That chance has gone with the referendum result?

    In a world where this fact is forgotten, then an independent Scotland wishes to join the EU. (No mention of a referendum here to make sure that’s what the population want) appears to me like frying pan to the fire, but the SNP do like somebody else to blame, so this situation would appeal to their party of protest attitude.

    Free Member

    Awa and parrot your trite & meaningless sound bites elsewhere

    This just comes across as bitterness at not getting the referendum result your way. As expected from someone with the maturity to level insults from behind a keyboard;

    Haud yer wheest, ya heid the baw

    Paraphrasing Scottish dialect serves what purpose in your opinion?

    Free Member

    Where was this condition detailed and signed for? I’ll tell you, it wasn’t, it’s a similar ‘condition’ to ‘stay in the union or your out of Europe’….

    Or I could tell you that on 15 October, 2012, the Edinburgh Agreement was signed by Mr Salmond and Prime Minister David Cameron. The Agreement ensured that the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood was able to deliver a referendum that met the highest standards of fairness, transparency and propriety. Here was the lost opportunity not to be bound by ‘Once in a lifetime’ statement.

    Edinburgh Agreement.

    Free Member

    Then I’d suggest that perhaps your prejudices are coming into play. I’m not a fan boy by any stretch but I’ve rarely seen her caught out, unprepared or on the back foot.

    You should watch the November 2019 Andrew Neil interview. Good examples of her being caught out, unprepared and on the back foot.

    Free Member

    Yep, Scotland in the EU is exactly like being in the UK. Who can forget the EU telling the UK they couldn’t have a referendum to leave and the long, drawn-out legal battles that followed.

    Who could forget the ‘Once in a lifetime’ 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum. If the SNP are such astute politicians, then perhaps they should have had more attention to detail regards having future referendums. Again to the OP point, shoulder some responsibility towards the situation they find themselves in now due to their lack of foresight.  They agreed to referendum  conditions, but they would rather bleat, moan and blame Westminster for their current situation.

    Free Member

    Totally agree with your appraisal sadmadalan.

    Free Member

    What are these bad things our European masters have done to us? Is this just an abstract concept in your mind

    I never said European masters have done anything to ‘us’ ? I’m saying the SNP could possibly exchange what they espouse as control by a third party for possibly the same situation within the EU, thus the SNP would continue the rhetoric of Scotland being behest of others and continuing to fail to accept  responsibility in support of the OP observations. My personal view is that whatever form an independent Scotland was to achieve then the SNP would be very unlikely to stay in power. In the long term at least, as other political parties and polices may become more attractive under different leadership and direction.

    Free Member

    Are you spouting that pish knowing it’s bollocks or just repeating the bollocks you’ve been told in complete ignorance? The latter is slightly more forgivable.

    No I don’t believe I’m ‘spouting pish’ if my understanding of this colloquial term is correct.  Countries which are currently applying for EU membership but are outside the criteria, again let’s use deficlet’s v GDP for example, have to compromise for entry. The EU negotiate the use of the Euro as compromise for entry where acceptance requirements are  not met, with good economic reasoning for this in a country that has established that it cannot control it’s debt. I’m not saying being in the Euro currency is a negative choice or even a term of  acceptance that would be leveraged and accepted by the SNP,  just  that the SNP could perhaps not have full independent control in leaving the UK to join the EU, thus would continue their constant rhetoric of Scotland’s woes being of other establishments control or lack of. These were my examples to support  the OP in their observations of the SNP not liking to accept responsibility. I was not giving my views on an independent Scotland’s political landscape, just giving possible scenarios as to where I support the OP in that the SNP do not like to shoulder responsibility.

    Free Member

    No they don’t like taking responsibility, much happier to continually blame Westminster for all the problems in Scotland. I wonder if in their much sought after utopian ‘independent’ nation,the one where they are somehow magically back in the EU regardless of facts like the ever increasing  budget deficit exceeding 3% of GDP, forced to accept the Euro as the default currency etc, that theme would continue with constant beration of their new European masters. I think it would. So often wonder why they want independence when the reality seems like everything they shout about being oppressed in now would continue in other forms within the EU. I’m not sure they want independence at all, they seem a party who argue for the sake of argument, with no clear idea of how they’d actually go about enacting positive policy changes.

    Free Member

    Hoy Bonaly 24. Comes with rigid/suspension, disks or vees. Pays your money and take your pick.

    Free Member

    This is what you are looking for.

    The new bible

    Free Member

    I’ve a MM 2.6×29 up front,  what do people have out back?I due a replacement. Currently on WTB Breakout. All natural mountain bike stuff. No trail centres, will use forest roads and tarmac though to get to where I need to be. Fancy Specialized this time, no idea why, never had one but seem to get good reviews from mates.

    Free Member

    Cool. Got an image but how do I add text to the same post?I using my phone.

    Free Member

    Ben A'an

    Free Member

    Just need to learn how to display images now. I don’t have a third party hosting account. I use Google photos.

    Free Member

    Yee ha.

    Free Member

    Copy the text then in the box above click the “ symbol and paste the text. Then press return twice.

    Test. 🙉

    Free Member

    Marking sticks, tape, tools, food and water. Something like a Patagonia Nano Air maybe for when stopped. Was really looking for something that would do from valley to summit, hence Paramo. Hate exchanging layers.

    Free Member

    And that is my bind. I don’t have the room or could carry an extra layer or two weight wise with the equipment we carry into the hill.

    Free Member

    It is the soft quiet material I like too. I’m thinking maybe of wearing the Paramo and having one of those Jackets in a Pack type things on stand by to keep the worst of it off me if the heavens really open and the wind begins to howl.

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