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  • Bounce, Bags and Bling – Spotted at Sea Otter
  • LordSummerisle
    Free Member

    I have Tom Tom installed on my 2year old HTC Touch Diamond – works great, tho can be a bit laggy when running – but 99% of the time its fine when using it for navigation when driving. But the reason for the lagging is it having to run the graphics/program of TT + the GPS circuit. I tried using a seperate GPS reciever bluetoothed to the phone – and there was no lag.

    Have got the option of Googlemaps which is quicker, but i dont have the voices for directions.

    Installed Tom Tom the missus' HTC Touch2 and it works much quicker (and a bonus too is that the touch2 has a much bigger battery – the diamond was compromised by its 900mA battery)

    There is a lot of apps out for the WM platform – but it is very fragmented. Microsoft have only just taken on the app store idea. But there are alot of useful apps out there either for free or small cost. and is a great site for WM devices.

    Free Member

    I'm liking the look of the HTC HD2. plus it will be upgradable to WM7 when that comes out.

    Free Member

    my f-i-l has been badgering me to join – paid for my installation a year or so ago.

    Free Member

    looking at google.

    the layout is virtually the same. the first row is the main difference, as the parking spaces are now like rows 2 and 3, rather than in in the groups of 6 and 8 as they are on the Ariel image

    Free Member

    if it can wait a till the weekend, i can pop down and photograph it in day light for you. (weekdays i'm away from Rawtenstall during daylight hours)

    in the mean time you could have a look at you might find what your looking for there.

    Free Member

    Yip, mainly been using Opera for around 7 or 8 years now.
    recently used Firefox a little. but still prefer Opera – find it strange when using other browsers and not having the mouse gestures

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I find watching Katie Jane Garside of Queen Adreena scary/disturbing to watch.
    Its almost like watch someone have a breakdown on stage.

    Free Member

    Well 'ahwiles' – a single year is weather when its cold – but i seem to remember it being widely covered that the floods in Cumbria were a sign of 'climate change' but when does it become a climate trend.
    It seems the IPCC's assertion that the earth will warm at 2°C per 100 years was based on the temperature trend from the mid 80s to the mid 90s. And as such they can't understand why the temperature records for the last 10 years show no warming, and have declined when their models show it should have warmed.

    for example

    From: Kevin Trenberth <>
    To: Michael Mann <>
    Subject: Re: BBC U-turn on climate
    Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 08:57:37 -0600
    Cc: Stephen H Schneider <>, Myles Allen <>, peter stott <>, "Philip D. Jones" <>, Benjamin Santer <>, Tom Wigley <>, Thomas R Karl <>, Gavin Schmidt <>, James Hansen <>, Michael Oppenheimer <>

    Hi all
    Well I have my own article on where the heck is global warming? We are asking that here in
    Boulder where we have broken records the past two days for the coldest days on record. We
    had 4 inches of snow. The high the last 2 days was below 30F and the normal is 69F, and it
    smashed the previous records for these days by 10F. The low was about 18F and also a
    record low, well below the previous record low. This is January weather (see the Rockies
    baseball playoff game was canceled on saturday and then played last night in below freezing
    Trenberth, K. E., 2009: An imperative for climate change planning: tracking Earth's global
    energy. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 1, 19-27,
    doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2009.06.001. [1][PDF] (A PDF of the published version can be obtained
    from the author.)
    The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a
    travesty that we can't. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008
    shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing
    system is inadequate.

    That said there is a LOT of nonsense about the PDO. People like CPC are tracking PDO on a
    monthly basis but it is highly correlated with ENSO. Most of what they are seeing is the
    change in ENSO not real PDO. It surely isn't decadal. The PDO is already reversing with
    the switch to El Nino. The PDO index became positive in September for first time since
    Sept 2007. see
    Michael Mann wrote:

    extremely disappointing to see something like this appear on BBC. its particularly odd,
    since climate is usually Richard Black's beat at BBC (and he does a great job). from
    what I can tell, this guy was formerly a weather person at the Met Office.

    We may do something about this on RealClimate, but meanwhile it might be appropriate for
    the Met Office to have a say about this, I might ask Richard Black what's up here?


    On Oct 12, 2009, at 2:32 AM, Stephen H Schneider wrote:

    Hi all. Any of you want to explain decadal natural variability and signal to noise and
    sampling errors to this new "IPCC Lead Author" from the BBC? As we enter an El Nino year
    and as soon, as the sunspots get over their temporary–presumed–vacation worth a few
    tenths of a Watt per meter squared reduced forcing, there will likely be another dramatic
    upward spike like 1992-2000.
    I heard someone–Mike Schlesinger maybe??–was willing to bet
    alot of money on it happening in next 5 years?? Meanwhile the past 10 years of global mean
    temperature trend stasis still saw what, 9 of the warmest in reconstructed 1000 year record
    and Greenland and the sea ice of the North in big retreat?? Some of you observational folks
    probably do need to straighten this out as my student suggests below. Such "fun", Cheers,
    Stephen H. Schneider
    Melvin and Joan Lane Professor for Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies,
    Professor, Department of Biology and
    Senior Fellow, Woods Institute for the Environment
    Mailing address:
    Yang & Yamazaki Environment & Energy Building – MC 4205
    473 Via Ortega
    Ph: 650 725 9978
    F: 650 725 4387
    —– Forwarded Message —–
    From: "Narasimha D. Rao" <[3]>
    To: "Stephen H Schneider" <[4]>
    Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 10:25:53 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
    Subject: BBC U-turn on climate
    You may be aware of this already. Paul Hudson, BBC's reporter on climate change, on Friday
    wrote that there's been no warming since 1998, and that pacific oscillations will force
    cooling for the next 20-30 years. It is not outrageously biased in presentation as are
    other skeptics' views.


    BBC has significant influence on public opinion outside the US.

    Do you think this merits an op-ed response in the BBC from a scientist?


    PhD Candidate,
    Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER)
    Stanford University
    Tel: 415-812-7560

    Michael E. Mann
    Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC)
    Department of Meteorology Phone: (814) 863-4075
    503 Walker Building FAX: (814) 865-3663
    The Pennsylvania State University email: [7]
    University Park, PA 16802-5013
    website: [8]
    "Dire Predictions" book site:

    Kevin E. Trenberth e-mail: [10]
    Climate Analysis Section, [11]
    P. O. Box 3000, (303) 497 1318
    Boulder, CO 80307 (303) 497 1333 (fax)

    Street address: 1850 Table Mesa Drive, Boulder, CO 80305



    note also that Schneider, who earlier was linked to as showing that sun spots have no effect on the climate is there emailing to say that with no sunspots theres a few watts less forcing

    10 years ago we had articles like this saying

    Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

    Free Member

    ah, i'm sorry – i wasn't aware i had to post up all of the several decades of research that question the MMCC theory!

    Free Member

    to go with some examples.

    the research of Professor David H. Douglass[/url]

    one such example of how the MMCC try to suppress what they view as damaging or skeptical research is this paper: here with its addendum here

    with an explanation of those from the CRU and others trying to discredit any work which questions the MMCC belief here

    This is an explanation of the background to the Hockey Stick – and how it is based on flawed maths – and how the attempt to show Mcintyre as getting his sums wrong, subsequently showed him to be correct.
    This is important as much of the IPCC 3rd assessment was based on Manns hockey stick graph.

    and a follow up to that was the Yamal data – explained here

    Which included data from "the most influential tree in the world" YAD061 Data

    Don't forget recently Russian Climatologists accusing the Hadley Climate Research Unit Temperature UK (HadCRUT) survey of cherry picking data from the Russian temperature centers – not for lack of data – but because they didn't show any warming.

    unprecidented warming?

    i could go on – theres lots out there to go on.

    Free Member

    You suggest the whole theory (house of cards) is built on a single study?

    Back to that old 'I see a single dot on a chart and I'll extrapolate that to fit my prejudice' issue again aren't we


    Free Member

    i dont think anyone 'denys' the climate changes since its been doing that for around 4.5 billion years.

    Were alot of people are is that they remain sceptical of the AGW position and the whole 'its all our fault, there isnt any other reason for it'

    i was skeptical before the leaking of the emails and Harryreadme text, but i remember ever more skeptical that the theory – especially when the whole house of cards relies on the bad science such as published by Micheal Mann et al (the hokey stick graph is a joke)

    Free Member

    just from a quick look at the end of my lunch hour, but some comment on the Benestad & Schmidt paper here[/url]

    Free Member

    couldnt see the laut one, link didnt work for me.

    Free Member

    debunking the debunking…

    Link 1

    Link 2

    Link 3

    Free Member

    Throughout the mid/late Quaternary interglacial periods have lasted ~10 thousand years, separated by much longer glacials of about 100ka. The current interglacial started ~12ka ago, so that would suggest the Earth should start getting colder any time now.

    ahhh so its the fault of those pesky Romans 2000 years ago who stopped the earth heading back into an Ice Age.

    Free Member

    And also LOTR Twin Towers (the extended version with the DTS track)

    has the two sides of surroud – such as in the stables or Rohan – a horse whinnying over your shoulder, the tinkling of someone cleaning the leather over the other. the occasional shuffling of feet on the cobbles/straw.
    ie. the gentler side of surround which make you feel more in the scene.

    to the Battle of Helms Deep – when the rain starts hammering down on the armour

    Free Member

    Certainly in rock – touring seems to be the way of life, and one thats returning.

    Lemmey has been touring for the last 30 years or so.

    Saxon only pause to record a new album, then its back of the road.

    Nightwish and Turisas (Finnish bands) have both just completed virtually 2 years of solid touring – occasional breaks here and there – but otherwise on the road.

    Blaze Bayley – former front man of Iron Maiden has also just done a good 18months of touring (there was an unfortunate period in the summer of 2008 while Blaze's wife was seriously ill in hospital which curtained any touring), the band finished the tour, then headed into the studio to record the next album, then back out to do some more dates, back to the studio for mixing, back on the road. a short break now till the album's release date then the next tour starts – and all done with out any record label support, but the album financed to a certain amount by pre-sales of the album. same with the live album/DVD they did last christmas – 500 pre sales funded the recording, the pre sales with its limited edition version of the DVD sold out.

    at grass roots level – touring is how the bands get on. It used to be what a band had to do to make money, tour as much as possible – the cost of the show is paid by the ticket sales and the profit comes from the sale of merch at the show.

    Free Member

    We had a van run into the back of us just before Christmas 08 on the motorway.

    Since it was a clear case of the 3rd party at fault (motorway came to a stop, he had been looking in his mirrors to change lane, and didn’t see the traffic stopping quickly) which he admitted at the scene.

    We used the accident management option, run by a chap on Pistonheads, this meant we could take the car to the bodyshop we wanted (the car was already booked in at that bodyshop/garage for some other work so it saved the hassle of having to rearrange that work – as the car’s MOT ran out during the period between the accident and the repair work being approved.) so the rust, plus accident damage was fixed in one go and came back with an MOT. We didn’t have to shell out our excess from our own insurance, just had to pay for the work that wasn’t part of the accident damage, had the work done by an MX5 specialist who we trusted, and got a hire car too. The AMC dropped the hire car off, and took our car to the bodyshop, then when the work was complete, brought our car back and picked up the hire car.

    I believe the law in a 100% 3rd party fault claim – the one hit should be put back in the position they where before the accident – ie. Their car should be repaired, provided the cost is reasonable (ie the car isn’t a total write off) and they are allowed to claim reasonable costs for a replacement hire car while theirs is being repaired. (I think the figure I was told was about £30 or 40 a day in hire charges – but I can’t remember)

    Free Member

    Oulton Park

    A Plaque for a good friend at a Hillclimb

    Monaco GP Trophy on display at Brawn GP

    Lee Quarry – awaiting the start of the race

    Silverstone – World Series, Clio Cup

    Portmeirion – Watch House's private patio guarded by canons

    Free Member

    keep an eye out on Money saving expert (or Npower) as Npower do a thing of £1 per roll of rockwool insulation.

    Free Member

    this from Aldi's wine buyer blog last year

    10.12.2008, Wineblog
    Christmas Comes But Once a Year

    Christmas comes but once a year – unless of course you are a retail buyer. Then Christmas wash up begins in January, ideas form in February, are crystallised in March and bought in April. Packaging design starts in May, finishes in June and approved in July. Production starts in August, finishes in September with delivery in October. Panic in November and hopefully satisfaction of a job well done in December.

    When I ponder what to serve people at Christmas the pressure is on, as all of my friends and family expect me to deliver something special. We haven’t made the final decision on our Christmas menu yet but the day will start with bucks fizz made with our Veuve Monsigny Champagne- it is the one day of the year when a drink before midday is entirely acceptable.

    Before we sit to dinner we will share a glass of Carlin Premier Cru Champagne which will also serve as an accompaniment to our starters for the slower drinkers. Pouilly Fumé or Sancerre will follow as we generally have a light seafood dish and as we are very traditional, to accompany turkey I will take the Chateau Soussans Margaux which is perfect with all the trimmings.

    With Christmas pudding I will offer either St Amandus Eiswein or Chateau Romer Du Hayet Sauternes. My preference is the Sauternes but both are delicious. If anybody has room for cheese and biscuits the Sauternes will do very well but as the night darkens and the room seems cosier, Fletchers Tawny Port is the most wonderful wine for this setting. Later on we will serve mince pies and for those with the stamina a refreshing glass of Camoli Moscato Spumante.


    A very Merry Christmas to you all and thank you very much for staying with my blog this year!


    Danny Gibson, Wine Buying Director

    Free Member

    theres a very nice oz chardonney for £3 in lidl. tis very nice. tried it over the weekend with our roast chicken

    Free Member

    Lagavulin – if you can find it that cheap

    or 2 bottles of the 12y.o. speyside whiskey 'Ben Bracken' in Lidl

    Ben Bracken is indeed a 12 year old Speyside malt, called Tamnavulin. Tamnavulin distillery closed down about 5 years ago and Whyte & Mackay Ltd the former owners of Tamnavulin sold a load of casks of Tamnavulin to Lidl supermarket and they now sell it under the name "Ben Bracken".

    If you like malts such as Glen Deveron, Glenlivet, Tormore or Glen Ord then you will probably like this.

    Free Member

    60s – Fleetwood mac – Albatross
    70s – Rickwakeman's Six wives of Henry VIII
    80s – Iron Maiden – Transylvainia
    90s – Jean Micheal Jarre – Chronology IV
    00s – Nightwish – Last of the Wilds

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Any comment on the graph?

    its very pretty… lots of colours 🙂

    Free Member

    direct link to the article.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    YOU NEED TO BUY IT if you haev any faith in idependent music!

    in that case get NoFX's 'The Decline' or 'Dinosaurs will die'
    Since NoFX music label 'Fat Wreck Chords' is run by their bassist

    or on the UK front – Blaze Bayley's last single 'Robot' (Self released, recording funded by the fans)

    Free Member

    doesnt suprise me 🙂 above SI1 it starts to get very hard to see inclusions, unless your in the habit of carrying around a loupe. 🙂
    SI1/VS2 is a good comprise between not having visible inclusions, and the increase in the cost of the stone.

    With colour, alot of times, it comes down to how well its cut as to how well it hides it colour.

    poorly cut stones dont reflect as much light back to the viewer so they look darker, and as a consequence show the colour of the stone up more.
    I've seen J colour stones that are cut like the one above, look less coloured than a G graded stone that wasnt well cut.

    The great thing about going to a store is being able to have that selection in front of you to compare.

    In the real word, greasy finger prints and dust/dirt on the diamond will make the diamond duller

    Free Member

    just for reference.

    Blue Nile is a very large company, origonaly started in the US, but now has a UK website.

    All the stones listed on their website, bar their 'Blue Nile Signature Ideals' are not in house stones, but they are part of the virtual lists.
    This list is available to virtually all jewelers which sign up to the list. (see qualitydiamonds, diamondgeezer) plus alot of high street retailers. so prices for the same stone can be compared.
    The problem is because the retailer doesn't have the stone in house, they can't tell you much about it, other than the info they have from the list. The diamonds can be called in for a short period.

    Blue Nile do whats called 'drop shipping' they take your order, which is passed onto the warehouse which has the stone, which ships it to the setter, which sets the stone in the ring, then it is sent on to the purchaser.

    I prefer to work with vendors which have their stones in stock, in house – this avoids the occasional problem where 2 different vendors have sold the same stone, from the same list (but because the list isnt updated immediately) you run into a problem where one person will be disappointed.

    Plus the guys i work with alot also have exclusive rights with cutting houses in Antwerp which produce diamonds cut to their specification. By which i mean get the top marks from the Grading Labs.
    I work alot with a chap called Brian Gavin, who is a 5th generation diamond cutter,
    this is one of his stones:

    Vendors like Brian,, Good Old, all have a policy of a life time buy back on their branded stones – of around 70% of the original price of the stone should you have need to sell it, and because of the US culture of trading up your engagement ring over a couples lifetime, they also have 100% trade in price against a new stone.

    oh and my experience of Goldsmiths is the sales reps know more about the finance package than they do about the diamonds they are selling. 😆

    Free Member

    With all these experience days,
    when they say 'you get 3 laps driving a…' i wonder does that mean out lap. fast lap, in lap.
    or out lap, 3 fast laps, in lap

    Free Member

    The Damned – Curtain Call

    good call… can you taste the grit between your teeth?

    Free Member

    Bourbon in Lidl is £10 a 70cl bottle – just as nice as Jim Bean/Jack D (if not nicer considering the bottle didnt last 24hrs…. oops)

    Free Member

    i had it earlier this year, after my brother in law brought his 3 infected children round to a BBQ, dispite being told not to, as his dad, nor me have had CP.

    bar chair!

    Free Member

    The Damned 'Smash It Up'

    eh? great song(s) yes, but blistering soulful guitar solo?

    ahhh… think 'Smash it up' part 1… the just the guitar and bass playing together to begin with, later joined by the drums…

    Part 2 kicks in when Mr. Vanian screams 'smash it up!'

    Free Member

    Pink floyds 'Shine on You Crazy Diamond'
    Dire Straits ' Money for nothing' 'Romeo and Juliet' 'sultans of swing' and 'On Every Street'
    Deep Purple 'Child in time'
    The Damned ' Smash It Up'
    Pearl Jam 'Yellow Ledbetter'

    Free Member

    Yes on Sunday at Manc Apollo
    Hawkwind and The Crazy World of Arthur Brown @ manc Academy
    Wolfsbane & Quireboys @ JBs in Dudley

    Blaze Bayley next year in February

    Apparition @ The Rigger, Newcastle in April

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