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  • Details of the new Santa Cruz Hightower 4
  • lordmerchant
    Free Member

    I can honestly say that I have never had any problems with on-one (or planet X)sites and have ordered loads.

    Free Member

    one buff for ya head, another round ya neck to pulled uover ya nose.All the insulation you could want even in deepest darkest winter!

    Free Member

    I use Shimano MW81 gore tex boots, with a neoprene overboot from planet x and a pair of merino soscks. Completely dry, totally warm.

    Free Member

    A mile from crook in co durham

    Free Member

    Ride more and do LOTS of cardio work. I started doing insanity workouts 3 week ago, road average has gone from 15-16mph to 18-20mph

    Free Member

    were having exact same issue with our new puppy, Saluki/Greyhound cross. Very interesting to read some of these replies…


    Free Member

    Certainly will Martin, will most likely be first week of August. Will keep updated.

    Free Member

    Great advice butcher, luckily I live very nearby to Stanhope and ride a lot of the hills you mentioned pretty regularly. Hopefully that will give me an edge.

    Free Member

    happened to me t’other day, hit a pothole at approx 40mph tube popped like a gun and snapped a spoke. Absolutely shit myself. Luckily I’m not dead.

    Free Member

    @tinman yeah teaching staff have it easy, the constant scrutiny of Ofsted, the constant scrutiny of parents, the constant stream of planning, assessment, review, planning assessment review. The constant stream of piss from Michael Goves mouth trying to scape-goat the lot of us!

    Dealing with the dramas of parents lives, referring their children to psychologists, to educational psychologists to occupational therapists for issues that could be resolved by good parenting, but is that the parents fault, **** no that’s the teachers fault as well.

    Get your head out of your arse, teaching is not a cake walk it is bluddy hard work and if you tried it you would be grateful for the holidays and the pension, I’ve sodding earned mine!

    If you begrudge me my perks and holidays and if the job is so easy, I’ll tell you what I tell everybody RETRAIN and become a teacher, then see it from the other side.

    Free Member

    they indeed are, bought one to “supplement” my mtb riding, it is now my default bike for commuting and for fun, getting over 200 miles a week in on it lately. Love it.

    Free Member

    hate this argument, there is no such thing as “road tax” in the uk, the tax is a levy on vehicle emissions.

    Free Member

    advice?…don’t do it.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Biffy Clyro used to be good, with albums like blackened sky, vertigo of bliss and infinity land. I heard their latest album the other day and it was **** terrible pop shit.

    Free Member

    whatevers on the cheap theyre all the bloody same IMO

    Free Member

    I had this for ages on a pc runnign windows 7, every file i downloaded or used a flash drive was corrupt, after trying everything the problem ended up being dodgy RAM…something to consider?

    Free Member

    Ive got an awesome lego cowboy fort, fort legorado iirc, its up in my attic, no way I’d ever part with it but saw one on fleabay recently and went for £45!!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    use em all year front and rear, love em – great for hammering tight corners i reckon.

    Free Member

    I’d like to add that I have have noticed (generally) folding tyres are easier to remove in puncture situations, i.e. I can usually get em off without tyre levers.

    Free Member

    oh right, didn’t want to sound prickish was genuinely interested.

    Free Member

    I’m not trolling here at all..but why?

    Free Member

    i just been getting a zesty 314 for 2k from evans..bargain

    Free Member

    would not say it is repeatedly, infact I have refrained from doing so because of the bleeding issues. She gets plenty of exercise, the biking is infact a tiny percent of the total.

    Free Member

    How does the pound for pound bit come into this? are you dividing top speed by weight to calculate a value?

    yeah, I also heard this bit of info..infact it’s on my tea coaster so it must be true!!

    Free Member

    @swisstim, Holly is not a pure-bred whippet my partner and I think she is a cross with either a lurcher or a greyhound. Having said that she is rather small. You have a point about a straight line she is as fast as stink, but when cornering or turning at speed she turns in an enormous arc. Trained Holly for riding in much the same way as you mentioned bridleways and woodlands walk rides before going off-road proper. She obeys very well for the most part, but all of that tends to go out of the window if she gets scent of a rabbit, there has been many a ride when we’ve come home with a rabbit…infact she got hold of a rabbit the other day and it was riddle with mixie!

    just to show her size heres a pic of her next to me (myself looking particularly dopey in this one)

    Free Member

    thanks for the input swisstim, I do a couple of runs a week with Holly and this has no effect on her pads at all (probably because she’s running at 1/50 her usual speed!)

    Free Member

    @wilko, yeah really is great to ride with and as you say, no matter how fast I go I cannot touch her, even full pelt in big ring/big ring downhill cannot get close!

    Free Member

    @jota LOL
    Have only ever ridden with Holly so dont have much to compare to, but she is fantastic as a running dog, she stays fairly close – until she spies a rabbit or grouse and gives chase always comes back when called though. As I mentioned earlier, main problem is speed she gives it 110% all the time, so lots of water and swimming breaks for her to keep coll and hydrated.

    Free Member

    lol @ wwaswas – I thought that too, I told my OH that if i kept at it her feet would toughen up, but after a year or so, still no dice!

    Free Member

    had to get in on the action, here is my dog Holly (whipped/grey hound cross – we think!)

    beach fun

    4×4 mode

    Free Member

    had a stupid crash last week and managed to fracture a couple of ribs and have very very sore muscles accross my chest. Worst part is I have a brand new lapierre zesty sat in the kitchen. Everytime I cock a leg over it and have a spin it’s agony!! To help recover I have tarted bike up with a few upgrades and had a good sort out of spares and old components..made myself £100 so far!!

    Free Member

    I had this happen other day, I just held em still with a flat point screwdriver until they were reasonably tight, then took screwdriver out and torqued up.

    Free Member

    usually don’t take anything other than standard pump, tube etc. However last Sunday had a BIG off on a local loop I have rode a billion times before. Had to ride home with busted ribs, knee shoulder and arm, moral of the story is I should join the real world and get a bluddy mobile. Spent the rest of the night in A&E. Worst part is I got a brand new zesty 314 this week and everytime I try to ride it’s bluddy agony!:( 🙁 🙁

    Free Member

    helmets are a hot potato….I work as a cycling instructor in primary schools, and depending on which LEA a particular schools falls under the children may or may not have to wear a helmet. For example if I work within my own county I as the instructor MUST wear my helmet, but the children DO NOT have to, but if I work within a neighbouring county ALL children AND myself must wear a helmet. Even though I am aware of research that’s shows helmets may not necessarily offer protection in an accident, I always urge my trainees to wear a helmet, and I never use my bike without one.

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