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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
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    I don’t think anyone’s decided anything, people are just discussing how they personally deal with the fact we live in a very uncertain world.

    Couldn’t agree more.  However,  the words ignorant and stupid come up an awful lot in this thread. How we deal with uncertain and often horrific times, is not the same as judging someone for not knowing something or not wanting to know something that we have decided is important.

    Full Member

    Can I ask what some of you have decided we should be less ignorant of? Is it classical music, Japanese carpentry, the Jarrow march or neo-liberal economics. Or have you decided a narrow band of things you are informed about and think that people who live in a different sphere are stupid.

    Full Member

    Glendale App is not in any app store. Only available from the website. The world’s most accurate aurora app.

    although its currently struggling under heavy traffic.

    Full Member

    correct – you are 100% sure she was insured at the time, for that vehicle and the purpose it was being used for?  There is no dispute from her own insurer about their liability if there is an award made?

    Yes, and daughter has admitted liability. She’s already paid the price by losing her no claims discount.

    The other party was claiming for personal injury but has never submitted evidence to date, and in the meantime called a blame/claim firm.

    Full Member

    Aside from the obvious answer of hoping she’ll get scared and give them free money,

    Exactly that Cougar

    Full Member

    It’s a notice of a claim.

    Any business can fire these out—their purpose is to collect unpaid invoices or debts. It seems they are trying to shortcut the insurance company in the hope my daughter will pay. Not really the fine, upstanding legal service I naively think we have.

    Full Member

    I’ve gotten my head around it now. What I knew as the small claims court is now automated unless you contest it. Its a lot eaiser to deal with.

    Full Member

    20241001_210646 (1)

    Full Member

    Thanks OceanSkipper and Sweaman,

    I agree with you; it’s no different from the letter she received 10 months ago. They are just hoping she will pay. It would never get to court, and if it did, that is why she has insurance. If feel a lot better now – thanks again.

    Full Member

    Thanks Matty – that would be most of the form- there is a template online N1SDT or

    Its the small claims court via the web! You can defend yourself, but it all happens via online forms.

    I’m looking into it. For them to enforce it, it would need to be transferred to a local county court. This system is more for non-payment of invoices and is not suited for disputed claims, which would still need to go to court if not resolved.

    UK debt Expert say

    Established to provide a more streamlined process for dealing with certain types of county court cases, the CCBC enables solicitors and claimants to make bulk claims, typically for debts like unpaid invoices or loans. Its operations hinge on the use of technology to manage cases efficiently, which in turn helps to reduce the time and costs associated with traditional court proceedings.

    As you explore the services offered by the CCBC, you’ll find that this facility is particularly suited for businesses and organisations that deal with high volumes of claims.

    It operates under the same legal framework as the traditional county courts, but its emphasis on electronic processing allows it to serve claimants with greater speed.

    Importantly, while the centre facilitates the initial stages of the claim process electronically, any subsequent hearings related to these claims are transferred to the defendant’s local county court, should they be contested.

    Full Member

    It either has, or it hasn’t.

    Seems it doesn’t need to anymore

    Full Member

    The County Court Business Centre (CCBC) is a specialised part of the county court system in England and Wales designed to handle bulk processing for particular types of claims.

    It is part of the county court system – you either pay up or file a counter claim.

    Full Member

    This hasn’t been to court – in fact, there has been no communication since the threatening letter 10 months ago. The form is an N1SDT, the same as the ones on the .gov site.

    The County Court Business Centre (CCBC) is a specialised part of the county court system in England and Wales designed to handle bulk processing for particular types of claims.

    Full Member

    UPDATE and wisdom needed!

    Ten months after the original post, my daughter today received a letter from the County Court requiring payment to the solicitors. The claim is still in dispute between the two insurers, and last month, my daughter’s insurance company said they were still dealing with it.

    She will be on the phone with her insurers tomorrow morning but I wanted to know if anyone else had a Civil National Business Centre Claim sent to them when insurance companies have not resolved an incident from over two years ago.

    Full Member

    Would you rather have a well thought out “webcast” with decent content or mediocre content delivered in person?

    In my daughters experience these we recorded over a year ago and recycled as they mentioned lockdown being only a year ago!

    She also had revision weeks but no exams that semester.

    We also had to pay accommodation until July but she finished for the summer at the end of April.

    I support university education but they are somewhat taking the p…

    Full Member

    Have *any* of the ‘Top 10 places to visit in X’ authors ever visited the places they write about? Utter tosh usually.

    We got stung at an overpriced chip shop in Cornwall they listed – It had nice views but that was it.

    Full Member

    We have (restricted) legal access to nicotine and alcohol, which also raises taxes which “could” be used to help with rehab and wider issues.

    There are costs to the NHS, society and the environment too.

    Full Member

    We used to get through the the Baltics states. It was great – prioritised the Eurovelo and quiet roads. If you ‘buy a coffee’ for the developer you can download GPX or push to Garmin etc.

    Full Member

    So sorry to read this. What a headache! I can’t offer much advice on the insurance, although we are paying a stupid amount a month with a pet plan now our pooch is 12. However, we have found asking the vet for a paper prescription and then either buying it online (we use pet drugs online) or from the pharmacy if it’s licenced for humans, our local pharmacy dispenses for us – is much cheaper, £ 7/month vs over £100 from the vets. The vet still charges us £11 to write the prescription, but it’s still miles cheaper.

    We started this when they tried to charge us £16 for a single paracetamol. I do hope your dog is okay.

    Full Member

    The island of Djurgarden (home to the ABBA museum and Vasamuseet). Hire some bikes at the tourist information just as you get across the bridge for 2 hours and stop at Rosendals Tradgard  Gardens for coffee and a bun (Fika). Riding a bike around takes about an hour, so there is plenty of time for coffee.

    Full Member

    I want it to be more like the Hunger Games…

    Full Member

    I’ve not had chain suck for a while. I did have my freehub / cassette pushing the chain forward when I stopped pedalling. Solved with a jolly good clean.

    Full Member

    The latest episode of the Streets Ahead podcast features some positive rumblings from Louise Haigh MP, Secretary of State for Transport. In an interview, she openly discusses how an effective active travel infrastructure will increase the health and well-being of the population (and save the NHS a load of cash). The proof will be in the delivery, of course.

    Full Member

    I find it mildly amusing that a MTB website/ forum has a thread dedicated to the best ‘all round’ road rider

    Is this a MTB forum? It’s more diverse than that, surely.

    Full Member

    No too much of an issue for me. I get an email to say my parcel has been delivered and two or three days later it is.

    Full Member

    Well that’s pretty unanimous. Thank you everyone.

    Full Member

    Thanks Cookeaa. I didn’t realise the were options. That’s all very helpful.

    Full Member

    Of course I own more than one bike, although its not so much of a issue on gravel bike – at least for the riding I do.

    Full Member

    Birth rates are now 1.6/woman (down from 1.9 ten years ago), add in a bit of net migration.

    The number of babies born is dropping each year in most areas of the UK so we may be near peak population.

    Full Member

    Wordle 1,081 4/6


    Can’t pretend it was anything but luck

    Full Member

    Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl when it goes to the toilet?

    Because the p is silent

    I am told that Michelle Pfeifer also has a silent P

    Full Member

    The sensible option would be to buy disposable vapes and wait till the ban comes in, then sell them outside the school gates, basic free market economics innit,

    I can’t readily find the reference, but I remember a minister saying schools were too important not to make use of the benefits of market forces. I think this is probably what he meant.

    Full Member

    Thank you.

    I just wondered if it saves your employer 13% on their on costs for NI and pension contributions, then that will mean a smaller pot come retirement day. Not sure how to factor this in to the savings.

    Full Member

    There are a number of plagiarism rewriters out there now. Just upload a paper and off you go. 

    Your school will need to have an AI policy soon, but as always the students are one step ahead. 

    I would say as there are questions about the essay you also need something under controlled conditions to compare. 

    Full Member

    Thank you, everyone

    Your input has stopped her worrying. Her insurers have confirmed they are disputing the settlement amount (due to lack of medical evidence) and have assured her they are dealing.

    All the advice from here was very reassuring for her and, therefore, for me.

    Thank you

    Full Member

    A friend named her two rabbits Pie and Stew, but the vets refused to register them under those names.

    Full Member

    Presumably those of you taking the mick out of the charidee walkers have never climbed any of the mountains and driven there under your steam, contributed to the congestion and footfall, etc?

    I’ve contributed to climate change too, I hope that doesn’t stop me having an opinion.

    I do get your point, but aren’t we all hypocrites.

    Full Member

    5) Organise a new challenge combining 3 peaks with tough mudder and have fun!


    Add in pallets of single use plastic water bottles at the summit.

    Full Member

    An inspiration and a lesson. Thanks for sharing.

    Full Member

    I’m in. Fabulous idea. – 5k run/walk tonight.

    Stood on the sad step this morning and it read 19st on the nose. Spent 10 mins of lunch planning a ride for the weekend. Details and progress to follow.

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