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  • Issue 148 Old Trails, New Tools
  • lodious
    Free Member

    Anybody translate this into english….

    "Lv how tha coppas say shit reet they r killers aswel take raoul 4 example they cud of getin off the twatin lazy arses nd did sumit about it nd tha neva nd tha **** taisered him forcin him t pul tha trigger rip raoul m8 does any 1 no wen the FUNERAL IS EHH"

    …ahhh bless.

    Free Member

    Sweet Mr Womble!

    Free Member

    Mr Womble, do you have any pic's of the 335's?

    Free Member

    Whoever designed the revised Autotrader website wants shooting…a classic example of breaking something that didn't need fixing.

    Free Member

    Just checked out the Martina Topley Bird CD…she has an amazing voice which really shines through with the stripped back production.

    …added to basket!

    Free Member

    I'm pretty ragged off with ebay /paypal, but when I've tried classifieds, even trying to sell dirt cheap, nobody is interested. I always ebay at £1, no reserve, so I know it's going to sell within a week.

    Free Member

    The Spanish is very good, Spice valley is a quality indian. Il (El?) Torro is OK but overpriced and v. busy.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    freddyg, what was the traffic like getting out? I was there on Sat. and it took and hour and a half to get in! We left as my 4 year old was tired and so we missed most of the best stuff!

    Free Member

    It sucks, i'm in the same boat….100%+ve feedback, but still withhold my money. IMHO paypal now stacks the odds far too much in favour of the buyer.

    Free Member

    Exile on main st.

    Free Member

    I don't agree with everything you say Mr Bunny, but quality rantage!

    Free Member

    TJ, at what point during the 30 years doing what you do did you realise you were not meeting your salary expectations ;-)

    Free Member

    Spiral Dog Anchor's could also solve the problem of 'What to do with the kids when i'm out riding' ;-)

    Free Member

    Car is full of kid's stuff, I could lock it to one of the alloys though.

    Free Member

    Sputnik…tell me you didn't kick the wife out to keep the bike dry ;-)

    Free Member

    Make way for Ozzy….

    Free Member

    Think there are low and high pressure versions (for canisters or bottles)

    Free Member

    Steve winwood on bbc4.

    Free Member

    Good work Mr Nutt…don't think you have to worry too much about mastering those ;-)

    Free Member

    I'm glad the times is pushing ahead with charging, even if its only to make AA Gill realise that people won't pay a penny for the self important waffle he writes.

    Free Member

    Used them a few years ago, very impressed.

    Free Member

    I recently sold a Nokia N85 to Mazuma(?). Got a fair bit more than recent ones have sold for on ebay, even before taking account of the paypal/selling fees. It was a very quick service, had the dosh within a week of selling it.

    Also bear in mind that ebay is very stacked against sellers these days. I can't see why anyone would use ebay over trading in?

    Free Member

    So good we named our daughter Amelie!

    Thinking of doing the same (should she be female) …fantasic film too!

    Free Member

    Stayed here in SF, thought it was good…

    Free Member

    Offset mortgage has been the best thing we ever did (financially speaking). They are simple to understand, so you don't need all the BS from IFA's. They encourage chipping away, and as stated above, small payments make a big difference.

    No need for complicated investment portfolios…pay down debt's and have the security of owning your house.

    Free Member

    Can we include amp's?

    Free Member

    Nice work samuri, great pic.

    Free Member

    I fell off my bike and hurt my ribs (dunno if any broke?). Hurt like hell for 3 months. Finally got better and slipped getting out of the bath, landed on my ribs…another 3 months of pain :-(

    Free Member

    No problems here, I love it!

    Free Member

    Personally, after my experience with a N85 i'd give Nokia a wide berth for another year or two (or forever?), while they catchup with iPhone/HTC.

    Reason (2) you cited (i've always had Nokia's) is the only thing which has kept that company going for some time. Maps on the Desire work great.

    Free Member

    Never been a fan, but from what I saw last night, I was really impressed with his integrity, the guy's got balls.

    Free Member

    Panny G1 is on end of line sale at the moment for £350…could be a good buy?

    Free Member

    if I had to use a compact I'd probably just not bother


    Free Member

    Dude, I empathise with your plight. I think it's something that most male parents (myself included) have been through. It feels horrible… the loss of control, the crossing of boundaries which feel so crucial to maintain , the feeling of betrayal by your partner if she sides with an opinion outside the family unit which you are trying hard to build. Throw in a lack of sleep, the fact your world is upside down and your going up a steep learning curve with parenthood and it's a heady mix.
    It's a bummer, but the fact is, it's a continuum. Just like water evaporates to form clouds which fall as rain, like the moon pulls on tide, like night follows day, mother in law's will express an opinion, which at a very basic level wives will want to respond to.
    Your wife tolerates it without saying anything because her mothers opinion, like it or not, will carry a lot of sway at a very basic human level. It might go on forever, but now is not the time to worry about that. Most likely outcome is that in 6 months time, things will have moved on. You and your wife will have more confidence, be better rested, your daughter will be dishing out smiles which will lighten up your life. What your going through is hard, but it gets a lot easier, and quickly.
    Your not over reacting, I remember pulling into a lay-by on the way to work and repeatedly punching the steering wheel to try to vent some anger at my parents in law's inference. But the fact is, there is nothing you can do about it, so vent on this forum, feel murderous thoughts when your out riding, and put up with the shit like every other male parent ;-)

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the suggestions, Kona TC, dunno how old your kids are, but things appear to have got pretty highly regulated in the past 7-8 years. It sounds like we might be able to manage with the mondeo, but a Smax (or similar) might be better long term?

    Free Member

    sounds like you need the snip…….

    I don't think that will make much difference now? 8O

    Free Member

    A male friend of mine got a residential couse in learning how to butcher a pig for his 40th. You get to keep the meat and have money saving skills for life. Unusual, but I'd have quite fancied it!

    Free Member

    Grum…you have skillz my friend ;-) Very nice pic's.

    Free Member

    TBH (speaking as a contactor), it's not just the money which I prefer. Less politics, I don't do unpaid overtime and I don't think it offers less security. When companies are going down, do you really want to be working there? IMHO the threat of redundancy has a far worse impact on people than actually being made redundant.

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