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  • Single Speed World Champs 2023. Why?
  • lodious
    Free Member

    Westones are nice basses, that would be a good buy IMHO.

    Free Member

    Just heard a track from the Xx on 6 music…sounded pretty good to me, singer had a great voice.

    Free Member

    I've been using Sony Vegas for a few months, I like it. Dunno how it compares with the competition, most of these programs have demo versions you can try for a month to see if you like them.

    Free Member

    Your website looks good too marsdenman :-)

    Free Member

    I'm located in the East Midlands.

    Free Member

    Do independent photographers do the staging bit where you can put on some tunes and take in items from home to relax the kids? I've had some pretty bad experiences from photographers (mainly at weddings), the Venture thing looked like something the kids might enjoy (my daughter will deliberately spoil shots if she knows she's having her picture taken)

    Free Member

    He did, London.

    Free Member

    I really like the mellow stuff on physical graffiti best, like in the light and down by the seaside. Amazing band though.

    Free Member

    Maximum Ballon (David Sitek's (TVOTR's main man) dance project.

    Free Member

    Hell yeah. PM sent!

    Free Member

    I've seen a lot of americans/brits struggle to play irishmen, but Colin is the first irishman who has struggled to play an irishman ;-)

    Free Member

    I thought it was good film ruined by Colin Farrell's total lack of acting skills.

    Free Member

    You used to be able to tell (sometimes) by default voicemail message which network a phone was with, although that means phoning them at 2:00am to make sure they don't pickup :-)

    Free Member

    Because some of us make the choice to not use tax avoidance/evasion techniquies so that we pay our fair share.

    How quaint!

    Free Member

    Earl, I think you make some very valid points. Many of the preinstalled windows setups (which include horribly virus checkers and tons of preinstalled junk) make even powerful computers work slowly.

    Although Windows 7 had good reviews on release, I think that they have to be taken in context of the fact Vista was so bad, reality is, for everyday use, Win 7 still uses a lot more resource than XP.

    Free Member

    From memory, I think you specify a folder, and it scans everything under it.

    Free Member

    AVAST…..i'd personally avoid Norton like the plauge.

    Free Member

    If you live near nottingham, i've got an ip4000 you can have FOC.

    Free Member

    £140 after missing the last train from London to Nottingham :-(

    Free Member

    I've stayed at 6 of the Eurocamp sites in France, never been to a bad one, so I don't think it's really worth making a specific recommendation, as I think they are all really good. They are not that cheap, and the holidays were hard work, but really enjoyed them.

    Free Member

    Is the company Peak 42?

    Free Member

    Panasonic GH-1 is an interesting camera, not strictly a DSLR, but arguably the best implemented movie mode for most users and flip out screens are brilliant for getting shots of the kids. Mathers of Lancashire have them for a good price w/cashback offer from panasonic.

    Free Member

    Easily do-able with the OU.

    Free Member

    Personally I found Taylor's a bit bright, I prefer the Martin sound. S&P have a good rep, so if you like it, I'd go for it. Makes more sense to start with a cheaper guitar, then as you get more into it, you can change if you want something different.

    The only decent acoustic guitar shop I know vaguly near Northampton is Sheehans(?) in Leicester, but I have not been there in years, so don't know what it's like at the moment.

    Free Member

    Excellent bread every time. Follow the instructions. Simples.


    I had problems with wholemeal loaves, but it's because I was cutting back on the salt. If I follow the instructions, I get a perfect loaf every time. (I use a Panasonic BTW)

    Free Member

    I compared Adam A7's/Genelec 8020/8030 and KRK V4's. Personally I liked the Adam's best, followed by the Genelec's, with KRK's a fair distance behind.

    Free Member

    I found even though I only wanted cover for two weeks, it was cheaper upgrade my car insurance to a better policy and get the annual breakdown cover thrown in than to pay for two weeks specific cover. Also, the most expensive policy did not charge a c.£20 fee for motoring in Europe (this is going back a few years though)

    Free Member

    Unfair perhaps, but if somone 'owns' a Fluke, I naturally assume it's stolen from work ;-)

    Free Member

    +1 for not getting one, one thing babys are good at is getting attention ;-).

    Free Member

    I'd avoid 3 network, it was pretty much unusable for me.

    Free Member

    need new strings now. Can you still get Ernie Ball 9-42s?


    Free Member

    Just checked out Ivan ''boogaloo joe'' Jones on youtube…nice! (meant in the nicest way ;-)

    Free Member

    I play Bass and geetar, and very basic drums…but count me in!

    Free Member

    Is Mr Dodds going to get the ball rolling again?

    Free Member

    That's a nice looking Tele!

    Free Member

    CG, if you don't mind putting up with looking at my kids, there's a bit of me doing some blusey playing on this…

    Guitar was a 335 into a Cornell tweed combo.

    Free Member

    Fooking hell big dummy, good post!

    Free Member

    I dont have a problem with people spending whatever on hifi gear, but the UK 'hifi' industry boils my piss….some examples…

    Going back 20 years, a friend of mine spend c3K on a Linn based system from a well regarded HiFi shop in the North West of england. He liked it, and was thinking of upgradng. He when back to the same dealer a year later, who had fallen out with Linn and did not stock it…Naim was now the only hifi for 'real' music lovers…Linn 'keeps the music locked in'. So my friend junked his Linn gear and replaced it with Naim. It sounded unlistenable, and dispite several 'setup' visits, he was never happy with it. Turns out that he needed an additional power supply, otherwise it can 'sound a bit harsh' Think it cost c.£350, slight improvement, but still not happy. Ahh, there is a better PSU, but it's c.£800, so he bought that….slight improvment but still not happy. His hifi went into storage sometime after that, and as far as I know, it's still there.

    Last year I phoned a 'well regarded' dealer in the east midlands about an external DAC as my UK made CD player had broken after 7 years and the company could no longer supply transports (so 2K's worth of CD player down the shitter for the sake of a £15 transport). The owner of this shop had previously come over to tune up my lovely british hifi…spent two hours on it, during which I had to listen to a constant stream of psudoscience bullshit. The hifi sounded like shit…he had not realised the subwoofer was out of phase with the main speakers. So this guy has been telling me how great value a 2K PSU upgrade is, but he can't tell that the subwoofer is out of phase….a clown…total clown.
    Anyways, when I phoned about this DAC, the guy who answered the phone said they were no longer stocking them as they don't really have a proper UK importer and they don't make any money on them. I asked if they were any good, and he said (and this is verbatim) 'yes, a few of the guys who work in the shop have sold their Naim CD555(?)'s because they thought the DAC was better'. The DAC is a tenth of the cost of the Naim CD player, but because there is no margin, the shop flogs the Naim, not the DAC. Does this sound like an industry trying to give clients who love music value for money?

    Hifi dealers have been telling customers that UK hifi is the only hifi that sounds good for years….it's not true, there is loads of good gear out there, which sounds different, but is ridiculed by the british hifi industry.

    Free Member

    British hifi is a total joke, the dealers, the sound quality, the manufacturers, the fanbois. I'm a big advocate of British industry, but I would love Linn and Naim to go bust after the fleecing of the British public for the last 20 years.

    Free Member

    Klunk, I love that sg:)

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