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  • Mental Mondays #9 The yes, we know it’s Tuesday, edition
  • LMT
    Free Member

    As above, contact the police they can come down and just take it as part of an ongoing investigation. We had one the other week a customer complained that someone had hit his car. We aren’t allowed to let the customer see our footage, but our security or managers can review which we did, told him to report it and get the police to investigate as its a hit and run. 2 hrs later a local copper turned up, took a copy of the footage and job done!

    Free Member

    Mines on the roof, crosswinds are not my friend!! only have a little car and the rear tow bar wasn’t an option due to the model of the car. My next car will have a tow bar, or even big enough for me to put the bikes in the car.

    Free Member

    Beggars belief! im torn on this one as i see many beggars, outside the shopping center opposite our store, (not allowed on our land due to charity collections and hassling customers) but you often find they eat better than we do, the one regular who shops at ours always buys a finest sandwich and tea/coffee from the cafe at lunch then in the evening, finest advocado’s and other top of the range stuff, granted its a meal for one, but he eats better than me!

    Ive seen this in many inner city stores ive worked in, i guess i just don’t believe them anymore.

    Free Member

    From 13 to 16, 4 paper rounds, 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening, on a sunday i did all 3 that the newsagent had. Those were stress free days, i do remember on Bank Holidays used to get the call at 2pm to say the papers where in so i could start early!

    16, first proper job was a Data Input Clerk for Electrue they did parts for small electricals, vacs and that sort of thing. Then went back to college so started working for Safeway trolley boy for 12 months then at 17, Checkout Supervisor then Checkout Manager at 19, even though i went to Uni got my degree i stayed in retail, work for Tesco now.

    Its funny when you look back, i remember late shift on friday 4-9 on trollies then 8-12 next day and thats all i used to work, so different these days!

    Free Member

    I wonder where shop working staff go to to complain when they are sworn at?? happens at least 3 times per duty shift for me, normally shoplifters or customers who feel they have been wronged!

    A customer ranted and swore at me 10 times sunday morning at half 10 because we wouldn’t serve him his free makeup with the paper he had brought somewhere else. The reason for his swearing was due to the fact the store was closed!! didn’t open till 11, we opened the doors to let customers use the cafe, big signs and annoucements stating it was browsing time only, or visit the cafe.

    I normally let the guards bounce them out the door!!

    Free Member

    Used to have loads of indie record stores and for one i miss them, im in my 30’s so starting to think about the past, but you can’t beat a saturday afternoon flicking throught the LP’s taking a record up the player, placing it on and the headphones go on and the magic of music. Those days are gone, now you go to itunes click preview, then download its just not the same.

    If you look out on the highstreet the gaming indie stores went first, now the music, whats next?? Treks and other bikes in the corner of Tesco??

    Free Member

    They know we will keep paying, so they can keep upping the cost, its £1.29 round by me at the moment, although there is a shell garage on the way to work still charging £1.21, but the queues round it are stupid it adds 20 mins on my journey to work just to get past it. IIRC there is another price hike scheduled for April as well, can’t wait!

    Free Member

    Got some more in birmingham again, was glad to see the back of it a week ago now its back, only a layer, should be gone by lunch

    Free Member

    They have to give you a bank holiday but they can move them a little, like christmas day and boxing day, our bank holiday was 25th and 27th, while others had 27th and 28th, New years day was 1/1 while again others moved it to the monday. All depends who you work for??

    Forgot to add, where ive worked ive seen the allowance for next year as we have started planning holidays.

    Free Member

    Hoping for a blast round cannock, first chance ive had in ages. Get the feeling it won’t happen though…

    Free Member

    I have a high respect and love for Wolftrax, 1 because in the midlands we have nothing like it, yes cannock is great, but nothing remotely like wolftrax, and secondly my other half is willing to ride the Orange stuff or blue as it used to be. So i get to have a blast on the bike she enjoys a day out on the bike as well, and the food at the cafe is good enough so all in all a good day out.

    When we stopped at Spean bridge my other half wouldn’t even attempt the witches trails or the fireroad routes into Fort William, and when i did the red downhill route, or red route at Nevis range she was having none of it, but Laggan she enjoyed and it means we can both share the fun of being on a bike.

    Free Member

    Basically you can add software to the existing core wii software also allows the wii to be used as a dvd player, and for the pirates out there the wii will then play copied games, thus enabling games to be downloaded via pc, copied to disc and played on the wii.

    In short the console is hacked and you can do whatever you want with it, nintendo do often send down updates to stop hackers and this may corrupt your wii rendering it useless.

    Free Member

    Currently just the one, its my do it all steel hardtail, Orange P7 with 120mm travel, slx groupset does the job for me.

    Free Member

    VW Sorroco, not the new version the the late 90’s one

    Free Member

    Some routers require a hardline to setup before going wireless. I had to do this with my BT router, when i changed to a belkin it just connected wireless with no effort.

    Free Member

    I prefer Roses, but so do the ethnic community in the store i work in, take a pallet out, turn round damn things empty!! keep seeing trollies full of them leaving the store, sweets that is!!

    Not sure what the difference is between roses and the other sweets but Pac’s an ethnic supermarket sells the big tins all year round.

    Free Member

    Lanzarote for end of feb for me, not cheap as the other half wouldn’t let me. So having the Gold holiday experience again, but on the other hand i will be getting some biking in and no arguements about spending time on the bike, as the other half will be relaxing by the pool.

    Free Member

    £1.21 per litre local to me, was £1.17 a couple of days ago, going to be stupid prices again.

    Free Member

    If you brought it today would do back to the store and do a turkey smelling dump on the customer service desk! obv ask for a refund and some gesture of goodwill before you take it to the local EHO with proof of purchase.

    Or do what one customer did to me in the week, demand free shopping for life, just because she found 1 yoghurt on the shelf with the previous days life, she hadn’t even brought it, stupid woman!

    Free Member

    So funny! when Lord Sugar said “your full of ****” laughed so much!!

    Free Member

    Balls, i brought this today before it went back up in price, doh!

    Free Member

    I think early adoptors will pay for having the tech first. The stumbling point for me is the price, its the cost of a wii, and if you don’t have an xbox to start with, then it mounts up.

    I’ve had a play on one at work and at a mates house, for solo play would probably pass, but as a family toy might get one next christmas instead.

    Free Member

    Quote “I just read the fb vs Jordan thread, can’t believe it got closed just because a mod thought it would probably go downhill. “

    I thought some of us did downhill biking??

    Free Member

    Strange sense of deja vu, im sure we had this topic last year?? all i can say is currently its an amazing cafe, second to CL as the muffin is top class there, hope the high standards continue. Good luck to the new bus venture!

    Free Member

    We agreed £50 thats loads less than previous years, just enough to get a token present, as posted on another thread, holiday end of feb that comes first.

    Free Member

    Im having fun and games with my landlord at the moment, over little things, its annoying when the property was managed by an external company any issues where sorted straight away but now the landlord manages himself, it takes forever to get things sorted.

    Currently we have no fridge as its broke, been without for 3 weeks, its part of the rental agreement that a fridge would be supplied and replaced if broke, but still no replacement. His excuse today was that he couldn’t find one that fits in the gap, i said ok will have a look and txt him links, i found 4 in the space of 5 mins, so ive txt him the details. Still waiting, i have said to him if we don’t get it sorted this week, i would take it from next months rent and sort it myself, he wasn’t too happy but promised he would sort it out.

    Free Member

    Nothing this year, just token presents between me and the other half, main reason is we are off on holiday end of feb so everything is going towards that, hoping for sun, sea, sand and mtb’ing!! on dry dusty trails, well thats the plan. :-)

    Free Member

    We have no snow, still no snow, its a shame would really like to have some! just so i can pictures like the one above!

    Whats with the mod’s editting, not seen that before.

    Free Member

    Kill them all off, and finish it for good!! bores me to tears, would be great to see someone nuke the street!

    Free Member

    We got our 2 year old niece a scoot last year, she loves it, although it was in bright pink so may of had something to do with it. Also great fun down ramps in cities as i had a blast!!

    The only snag we had was even with the smaller seatpost, she was too little to use the bike for the first few months but now she is on it and it comes everywhere.

    As for the brake, ive never seen her use it so guess not that important.

    Free Member

    They were featured on the gadget show about a year ago, look great fun, but no subsitute for the real thing.

    Free Member

    Whats annoying is we have no snow!! well not proper snow, yet schools are closed, if i can get to work, the lazy kids and teachers can get to school!!

    They make out its a major problem as yes probably is in some area’s but not everywhere. We had a bad year last year, the local councils should of learnt that and have robust plans to suceed this year.

    Free Member

    Only single speed?!

    Free Member

    Ref Project:

    Bags are an issue, the main reason is we changed suppliers, the new ones are stronger, there was a watchdog report 8 weeks ago? and the end result was new stronger bags.

    The other issue is customers refuse to buy bags for life or even use the free bags again, if more did this then the free bags would be more available for those ad-hoc unplanned trips to the shops. As it stands customers refuse to re-use, which is daft as a few weeks ago most stores gave away thousands of bags for life, but very few have been re-used.

    Free Member

    Of course not, i meant within my job role, in the past ive been reviewed purely on sales, and like for like growth etc.. now i can score red in KPI’s but if my Leadership skills and community work is green i can score an overall green review.

    Thats what i meant by changed, sales will always be on the company agenda.

    Free Member

    Might get flamed here but here goes:

    I work for Tesco, im a Line Manager, my last 2 positions have been in new stores both opposed by the local community.

    The first is a big Extra, the community opposed it to the point on opening day no one went into the store until dinner time, store was open 4 hours before the first customer went in. Now the store is a massive success. The contractors and Tesco, promised to rebuild the high street, this was achieved through having a free car-park next to the high street, re-pathing and building a new town square. Built a by-pass instructed by the council to take the bulk of the traffic round the store. Madness i thought when i went there, if the traffic went up the high street it would of moved more trade to the town.

    The second new store a smaller superstore, the one i currently work is was opposed for nearly 20 years!! Finally the council granted permission to build the store but even though the Car park was built on the old playing fields, the football pitches left behind have all 8 been relaid, 2 of them are now all weather pitches with under soil heating, and 1 of them is an astro-turf style pitch. Tesco built the changing rooms and also redeveloped the high street, building several new shops, and re-pathing the entire cross section of where the store is.

    As a team of managers we do work in the community and that makes the store the place it is, i know its daft but local fairs based on our carpark, car boots, we go to schools and plant vegetable plots, take hampers to retirement homes etc. I feel we make the store and make it work in the community. We even took the local residents who heavily opposed the store on a tour of the store before we opened, they met our management team we talked about our vision for the future and what we could offer 9 months after opening we invited them back and all but a couple agreed the store was actually good for the community.

    Our team are made up of 75% staff who had been out of work for more than 12 months, and who where claiming benefits, our management team are 50% local to the store. Its a new direction, im not saying what they do is right, but we try to make a difference. I know some might flame me for the above, and i know i don’t have a proper job, but i do feel that retail has changed and its not all about sales anymore, the work we do in the community is just as important.

    Free Member

    -10 in birmingham this morning, can’t even remember the last time it was this cold!

    Free Member

    If you use the skp sports player app then no, as sky have emailed all users saying that the new OS isn’t currently compatable with the app. So no sky sports for about a week.

    Would generally wait a couple of weeks to let the apps catch up.

    Free Member

    Worth checking out or they seem to have a good reputation for advice.

    As others have said CCCS are good, but they can take a month to sort things out. The rules on Bankruptcy change as of Dec 1st, as currently it is easier to do BR than an IVA, which is currently seen as the harder way to pay back a percentage of the debt.

    Yes the IVA company takes a percentage to deal with the proceedure, but they are the barrier between creditors and debtor and once proceedings take place the creditors have to abide by the rules of the IVA.

    My experience is zero, but i do have an ex who went through this, and while its tough and i repeat very tough to get through, you do get the satisfaction of a debt free bank balance, and in 5 years time the rest of the debt is written off.

    Would highly recommend investigating the resources and use the above links as they will help. Always go in prepared!

    Free Member

    Half a cm in birmingham lol! suppose traffic will be its usual standstill at the slightest sign of anything more.

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