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    Edge 520, autocorrect…

    Free Member

    It’s an old edge 250 not sure it can be locked? I had recently wiped it as it’s all on strava and seems daft on both so only about 5-6 rides on it. Strava I have privacy zones but yep in future start the clock a bit futher away.

    Free Member

    I’ve been using the canals for years, through lockdown getting bigger rides in, much bigger, there’s a few ranging around 60 miles. We have a great network, but there’s obv a areas to be aware of.

    I’ve met some great people during lockdown and it’s been a lifesaver but it appears it’s just not safe in certain areas.

    After talking to the police this morning, this isn’t an isolated incident and it wasn’t public knowledge that recently there’s been a few at the same point.

    Free Member

    It won’t, but will question where I ride and when a bit more. The canals during lockdown have been a lifeline, that’s gone now.

    Free Member

    Hi yep it was by the ackers trust over canal bridge, jumped out just as the side of it.

    Free Member

    Yep it was small Heath on the canal just by the ackers trust, one jumped out in front of me and before I realised it his mate was behind me taking swings at me with a massive spanner. Apparently on Twitter you can’t describe them as 2 Asian males, who as I found out had backup just on the bridge so 4 in total.

    Free Member

    That’s a bit of a concern. Guessing no way of knowing if that’s happened via the garmin connect app.

    Free Member

    Garmin only works gps of ride is ended and it’s uploaded via phone Bluetooth so guessing if they try that it will
    Automatically go to my strava? And at least give me an idea of where it might be.

    Police very quick on the scene but obv too late.

    Free Member

    With the Grealish stuff, the fans are more annoyed at the statement last year my club my home stuff but purslow made it clear Jack wanted the release clause and he wanted to go the previous year, that’s annoyed a few. I feel Purslow threw Jack under the bus and while it’s great to see the club being open and honest I think we didn’t need to know. Lots of references to Benteke who never said any of that he just wanted to go every season as he thought he was going to Arsenal when he first signed.

    I hope Jack does well and the Villa team look better equipped this season, some very good buys and more to come, not relying on Jack every game means others will step up which took time last season when he was injured. Would love to see a cup run and maybe finish 6th…

    I’m a season ticket holder and missed the football last year, was lucky to get a ticket for the last game of the season and when I was sat there it just hit me how much I’ve missed football, I go on my own but there’s a good group round me, kept in touch via WhatsApp be good to see some familiar faces soon!

    FFP I thought they had parked it for a few seasons due to covid, allowing owners to invest to clear debt and invest for after covid. I could be wrong but while others are shouting about Man City other teams are doing the same, until we sold Grealish villa have invested £100m each year since promotion and again on target this season to spend that sort of money again. Grealish money will balance the books if FFP is an issue.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a rail and pretty much the same run it in eco almost all the time, I don’t need an emtb, but got it at start of last lockdown, the trails are 30miles away I can eco along the canals blast round the forests then ride home doing 80 miles on the emtb so it’s that benefit, also it’s bigger travel and tbh I miss it when I go back to my stumpy.

    Free Member

    Sounds simple but whenever I travel with the bikes, wherever we stay always check the rack and bikes can be stored somewhere safe, and when at services one of us always stays with the car/bikes, got caught a few years back when someone tried at the services on way to FOD they didn’t get anything we spotted them on the way back to the car.

    Free Member

    Don’t get much hate at cannock, well you do on Facebook groups etc…but in the trials it’s often “give us a tow” I’ve said before on the fireroad climbs I now do #ecoclimb which is great for the legs. If it’s a singletrack climb I tend to hold back, when I catch up with others I just switch the ebike off and pedal up as normal. I don’t ride at peak traffic times, I tend to go during the week early morning so can ride round without seeing anyone.

    Free Member

    I ride mine like I ride a normal bike, quite often people will say look he is sweating buckets must be unfit on that ebike 😂

    Use the motor like additional gears and ride it hard. I don’t get when I see others out in full jackets and trousers I’m in shorts and T-shirt as normal.

    I like the fact I can session stuff and I’ve found it breaks the mental link to the legs, so one week I will do 25 miles of trails on the emtb and then the following week slower I will do the same on the non emtb. It’s a mental thing pushing past my legs and my head saying I’ve done enough.

    Free Member

    Midges at GT no issues, flies omg they stalk you from buzzards nest upwards, everytime I stopped I got swamped by the buggers, when I looked behind as I cycled up the fire road they just kept coming!

    Midges I got 12 bites but I reckon it was along the river as I took a leisurely cycle with the OH one afternoon and they all appeared when we got back to the b&b, I was up there Monday – Thursday this week.

    Free Member

    Shared on a Twitter bike chat group, quite a few ride glentress, hope you find it.

    Free Member

    It varies, I’m selling a carbon ht at the moment plus wheelset but will take standard 29, priced up to sell possibly at the max I will get and had quite a few offers half of what it’s worth, so prices might be right but people aren’t necessarily buying.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t worry, I do very little mileage my rear discs are always rusty, the car is 8 years old now, I had the discs/pads replaced last year as the garage advice was there close to knackered and had warped, a few months later new discs showing signs of rust. If i get 8 years out of these then I will be happy enough.

    Free Member

    Had mine yesterday, felt ok yesterday afternoon, usual Sunday routine, bed by 8 as I work at 4am.

    Woke up at 1am shivering felt very cold, winter duvet on the bed still so shouldn’t of been cold, went to move and ache all over. Napped till 4am called work to say I won’t be in, napped till 7am now got hot flushes…felt like a migraine light sensitive and heavy headache. Went back to sleep, got up at 10am still feeling pretty crap, hope this passes..

    I’m not aware that I’ve had covid in the last year, been told the side effects are due to me already having an immune response. Hope the second shot isn’t as bad in a few weeks.

    Free Member

    Jab invite came through last night, still too young for the nhs service so taking the doctors referral, private nhs working together in parts of Birmingham, happy to get on the books before the forecasted shortage, wasn’t expecting to get it for a month yet.

    Free Member

    My OH is 42 and got her invite today, we have no idea why…I’m older just about, she has no medical conditions, it’s a bit odd..

    Free Member

    Supermarkets are tough and ran very tight, I’ve said before I work for tesco, I’m a manager for stock control and admin, we have a tablet which defines job task and hours allowed for said task, we have to work to that. Some days it’s tough, I used to enjoy my job, seriously it was fun you had time to work with your team, help them progress or just generally be there if they needed anything. Nowadays supermarkets have got rid of night replenishment, proper bakeries have gone, self serve is more prominent and blimey covid, I have no idea how many long term guys haven’t just walked. It’s been and continues to be a drain day to day.

    Sometimes you have to switch off and just go into fill mode, last week when it went pear shaped I think I worked solid for 8 hrs filling which is the last thing I should be doing, but the shop takes priority.

    If it helps pay the bills and fits your life it can be fun it can get great! But currently I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

    Free Member

    I’m the wrong side of Birmingham to go to Cannock, I miss it a lot, road biking just doesn’t do it for me, hoping March 29th local travel for exercise hopefully!

    Free Member

    It’s taken me 2 weeks to get past the receptionist, didn’t believe I had hayfever 2 weeks ago and my eyes where on fire. Even after I told her I had meds on repeat I needed the eye drops the doctor previous year said I couldn’t have anymore i should buy over the counter…pharmacist told me I needed to the ones I had been prescribed the year before, so caught in a daily tug of war, in the end I told the receptionist I had called every day for 2 weeks and she agreed I had, so I ended up threatening to sit on the doctors car until I got a call, got a call that day and eye drops and he asked why I didn’t call earlier….now have them on repeat.

    It’s been tough, dentist on the other hand never stopped have had 2 check ups during covid.

    Free Member

    Yep pretty much locked down to bham city Center riding, found some additional canal routes I haven’t rode before and just generally whizzing through the empty city Center is fun, although get a few odd looks bouncing down the steps at bullring..hs2 is playing havoc with my escapes back to the canal as everyday they move the path 🤣

    Been using my commuter bike which is an Orange Speedworks, one of the original ones so it’s more mtb than hybrid, but it’s perfect for this type of biking, it’s a lousy commuter due to no mudguards but city adventures it’s good fun!

    Free Member

    Mine started when I was 39….crazy that it just started one year. Nothing changed that I’m aware of, I’m hoping it will go away one day just like it appeared.

    Free Member

    Had to take second tablet…almost…

    Free Member

    Been much easier today, think the meds are kicking in, admittedly i resigned to getting an early night last night to rest my eyes as they where in bits and fighting the urge to not rub them so sleeping was the best bet.

    Hoping to not need a second tablet today…a few hours to go…

    Free Member

    Those using fexofendine do you find it doesn’t last the day? First year it did but last few years I’ve got 8hrs before getting symptoms again, resorting to taking a supermarket hayfever tablet later in the day, dr has said that’s normal when I asked him last year.

    Free Member

    Many thanks! Pre-ordered, I’m hoping it won’t need it again as it’s been good since but always handy to have!

    Free Member

    I’ve got hayfever tablets on repeat prescription, I’ve got 2 dymista from last year I managed to get a couple extra by complaining in the summer but doctor advised me nhs would no longer do these unless I went to a nose clinic…so only over the counter stuff once I run out as no chance of a referral with covid going on.

    Free Member

    Midlands based and the itchy eyes started over a week ago….

    Had to take the train earlier 30 mins with a face covering was torture, sneezing and eyes just streaming and that’s after a tablet.

    I’ve had it earlier a couple of years ago, just hoping I can resist rubbing my eyes so far so good..

    Free Member

    As others have said dealer is key and that there good, my local Trek dealer isn’t too good, but I got my bike from Blazing Bikes who are awesome! They delivered the bike to home and the issues I’ve had they have offered to fix there and then when I got there, about 40 mile drive from home so still localish…

    I’ve got a Trek Rail and I love it! It’s such a well planted good bike, yes it’s a fitness replacement as I found out earlier when I took my stumpy out instead of the ebike poor legs..

    The issues I’ve had are the front chainring locking bolt came off, currently there isn’t a tool you can buy so it had to go back to the dealer.

    The software updates you can’t do yourself while the speshi levo I’ve been told you can? Other than that it’s a great bike you have to plan an ebike ride unless you keep the battery fully charged. Mine sits at 20% unless I’m going out then charge it day before but like today an impulse ride I can’t use it as it’s not charged.

    Free Member

    Probably not the answer your after but to be honest I would just get a covid test one of those lateral ones most cities have walk-in ones get the result in an hour and drive myself. Yes it’s out of the bubble rules but safer for all involved.

    Free Member

    Not sure if the teachers vaccine is up to the schools? I have a couple of friends who are teachers and have had the vaccine, early 30’s no health conditions, also have one friend who is a science teacher and she refused to have it…guess it’s personal choice.

    Free Member

    Mines stored in the house, insurance insisted on it.

    Battery fires?? Not sure that would be an issue, trek has a cut off when it’s changed and most of us leave mobiles charging longer than they need to be. My battery is kept off the bike and separate the room, if I’m charging it’s when I’m home as first time I didn’t think it would cut out but it did.

    Free Member

    Which is an issue as they don’t know, we regularly have the police in work, so I asked 2 of them what they thought about travel 30 miles to exercise, first one said no problem he knew there’s no where close by to mountain bike so it’s understandable plus going solo riding solo it’s low risk, second officer said he would fine as it’s clearly not local…so 2 officers same force on same shift together 2 different outcomes.

    Free Member

    The rules in England differ to the other home nations taken from British cycling (below) although it’s a grey area and the threat of fines from local police is do you risk it or not, been told police at Stile Cop Cannock today doing checks and fines again.

    There is no definition of ‘local area’ within either the regulations or the guidance. The guidance advises people to avoid travelling outside of their village, town or the part of a city where they live. It also states that they can travel a short distance within their local area in order to exercise, though, again, the distance is not defined.

    Free Member

    You right no time limit or no rule of not driving for exercise but we were told to stay local, for me that’s birmingham city Center not driving to Cannock, it’s been widely publicised in papers and Facebook pages that Stafford police fining anyone driving a car thats parked at the chase that’s not registered locally, now I guess if you could prove you lived local then you could get away with it, but again as they have just said stay local it’s a grey area so to keep within the rules i stay at home no driving to Cannock to mtb, as much as I want to.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately nearest place isn’t local so it’s towpaths or road and really didn’t fancy Road ride on a Saturday afternoon.

    Free Member

    Just came back from a canal towpath ride, it’s almost mtb trails….no it’s not, but I agree with the previous comments about erosion from walkers and increased footfall, the towpath from 4 miles out from the city is terrible…muddy, wet and it goes pretty far back to the fences which is new. All the mud etc has come from the sides as people step across to social distance pass etc…it was horrible out..

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