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  • SQ Lab 6OX Infinergy Ergowave Active 2.1 Saddle review
  • littlegirlbunny
    Free Member


    (the real) littlegirlbunny

    both sadly gone to the big field in the sky

    Free Member

    Yeah, they were useless.

    In the end I gave up and had to bypass the switch so now it just turns on and off – and even then it plays up sometimes.

    I keep thinking about ordering another as most people don't seem to have any problems with them, but tbh, can't be bothered with the hassle if that one plays up as well.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Cheers so much for the input all :)

    I think I'll just keep plodding along trying to get in as many miles as possible then (whilst hoping that work doesn't get any busier than it already is). I miss the long group rides I was doing last year, so hopefully I'll be able to tag along on some again once I am used to the higher mileage. TJ – if that leads to a mid pack finish for me I'll be well happy :)

    Currently I have a weekday urban loop of 10 miles which is 90% off road (on pavement/riverpaths/hidden singletrack/across parks etc…I'll up the mileage on that, possibly by adding more road. I'm not a big fan of playing with traffic though, drivers are too demented. Lucky enough I live in Malvern most of the time so have access to steep off-road terrain from my door…but it doesn't make it easy to get gentle mileage in. Every ride is like interval training here.

    I also run a bit anyway as it's a sure fire way to get in some CV when all I have is 30 mins before work in the morning. I'm not built to be a runner though and tend to get injured easily when running so don't have any plans to increase the small quantity I already do.

    I've thought about a turbo, well, rollers actually – but logistically I haven't the room. I live in the smallest place in the world.

    darrenm – I'll be getting the mag then!

    robdeanhove – good point about the support…I already have a pit-guy with a big beating stick lined up to get me back on the bike. I've only ever done one of these thingies before, and that was a 12 hr at Bristol. I could've really done with support when I bonked BIGTIME on my second from last lap! Good work on winning SITS btw :)

    vinnyeh – it's not easy for me to take the bike on my travels as I tend to work in dodgy areas or derelict buildings/sites and having a bike in the back of the van is just asking to have it stolen. :(

    Free Member

    Them's spafftastic looking jeans

    Free Member

    I like trail centres cos there's no walkers to shake their metal spears at me

    Free Member

    Bloomin snow :x

    Riding in it so slooow, but I do think it's useful training so I just get on with it…..but I really hate the fact that it's not worth the risk of getting stuck on the way to the better trails, or getting caught out on the mountains. We've just rode the same ol same ol local stuff all winter.

    Roll on the summer epics.

    Free Member

    OP – Thanks for spending time writing that up. I'm hoping to get a day's training with Jedi at some point (when work is a little less of a stressfest and I can get a day off!) and this has reassured me it's gonna be worth the time and money. :)

    Free Member

    Congratulations :D

    Free Member

    Tell yourself you don't have to do more than 5 minutes. That act of getting on the bike itself is the challenge. Any riding after that is a bonus. Once you're out I bet those 5 minutes turn into 15 and then into an hour.

    I am a procrastination queen, and yet this always works for me!

    Free Member

    I'd say yes there are other lifeforms

    I'd be 50:50 as to whether they have/maybe will do make it here. We know nothing (except through some poorly tested theories) of the number and extent of space dimensions. For what seems like scientific mumbo-jumbo to us may just be like popping to the cornershop (albeit through a portal) for them. It wasn't that long ago we believed the world was flat, remember. Why should it be any different for space?

    Free Member

    I like fluffy kittens

    Free Member

    The susser is there to sit in the cupboard whilst I take the HT out (or the big suss for DH)

    poor thing :(

    *feels guilty*

    And when I do ride it after being on the HT I always near kill myself through getting carried away because it lets me get away with far to much on the XC stuff I ride.

    In all honesty, I have thought several times about selling the trail susser, but I know as soon as I do, I'll be cursing. And I wouldn't get much for it anyway. I'd certainly not want any other bike for Snowdon Rangers, for example (or if I EVER manage to get up there again the big lakes stuff). I know it's all doable on the HT, but it's gonna be more fun on the susser.

    Free Member

    I don't miss the family members who I am no longer in contact with. All they did was criticise my life choices and make me feel bad for the person I am.

    Free Member

    ginger beer

    Free Member

    Two months ago I'd have said a 2

    Now I'd say an 8

    What's changed? Dunno really – my outlook for sure, but what triggered it to I really don't know.

    I'm planning to embrace the good times whilst they are here :)

    Free Member



    Free Member

    Free Member

    Awesome :D

    Free Member

    I do loads of miles and see stupid stuff all the time (business men in top end motors having road rage with each other is pretty commonplace), but TBH the scary incidents are those involving lorries. Two particularly stand out for me. I was doing 50 in a 50 limit – one of those areas that used to be dual carraigeway and has since been reduced to one carriage way with the aid of hatching and red tarmac. Next thing I know a foreign artic is flying past me – there's no way he was limited, he must have been doing 70 mile an hour – straight across the hatching. An articulated lorry doing those kind of speeds coming into a residential area and accident blackspot doesn't bare thinking about .

    Plus, of course, the lorry drivers that don't notice the queue of traffic in front. I've seen numerous near misses (including evasive hard shoulder action) which I probably wouldn't consider as being the worst examples of driving…if I hadn't seen the results of a crash on the A14 where one didn't miss. The cab of the 7.5 tonner between the two artics was about 30 cm wide and I'm certain the emergency services looking underneath weren't talking to the (former) occupant. :(

    Free Member

    feetfirst are awesome – my resoles have been superb on both pairs

    Free Member

    And I've just broken up with her and I'm utterly devastated. Romance f*****g sucks.


    Free Member

    Free Member

    are you dead yet?

    Free Member

    New bike

    Well, more specifically, upgrading from my 4" XC Kona (starter bike) to the Marin Attack 18 months ago

    …I know it's not the bike, it's the rider that matters blah blah blah…

    Complete tosh. As soon as I got out on it it opened up a whole new world of descending.

    It's the bike that matters….FACT!

    Free Member

    Then getting married is pretty meaningless. On the one hand you could say getting married shows committment, but it doesn't really as it's easy to get out of. On the other side you could say being married means people tend to stay together even when it isn't working out, just because they're stuck there.

    I'd say telling someone you are in love with them, living together and wanting to spend time together shows commitment in the here and now…

    ….getting married shows faith that you genuinely believe it's gonna go the distance.

    So if you don't need to know the other person really believes it's gonna work out either because a) you don't think it will either (and let's be honest, it's difficult not to be cynical about relationships) or b) because you genuinely don't care about the future and 'take life as it comes' then you don't need to get married.

    Well, unless you are religious I guess.

    Takes all sorts.

    Free Member

    Blimy, I didn't think men that believed in marriage still existed 8O

    Free Member

    OP – good question. It's not an easy one to answer. Guess it's a bit like that old chestnut of 'what is love'…you knows it, but putting it into words is something else completely!

    Personally, romance is definitely not about being given gifts (unless there has been real thought behind them) (or it's a new DH bike :P ).

    It's more about being made to feel wanted….so to be grabbed and kissed passionately in public, brought a cup of tea in bed in the morning, being allowed to be who I am without criticism….that's romance for me.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Thanks again for the recommendations – I'll pass them on to be looked into.

    The Sanity Assassin – Member

    You rang?

    Uh huh

    Help please, help

    I'd be happy with the seeing the look on their faces when you knock on the door :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Thanks for the feedback :)

    Business is consultancy with some money tied up in groundworks/lab analysis on each job. The debts range in age – but some are going back around 18 months+.

    Prolly looking at 3 months worth of turnover in debt size (estimated). I try not to get involved with the business side of things, tbh, I like to stay on the technical side, but being ripped off by clients affects all of us.

    We have already tried one debt collection agency, but it appears they took their payment and have been mostly non-contactable since. :roll:

    Free Member

    I got told I looked like Helen Hunt once. I wish!

    Free Member

    I love my Chammy. It's just pure unadulterated fun.

    Free Member

    on the doorsteps we have:

    death valley
    staggered steps
    hitchcock (causes vertigo – it's really narrow and perched right on the edge of the hill!)
    oak apple

    and in Brum – tesco value run (really is like a 'value' version of a bike trail)

    Free Member

    I do it too :(

    Automatically stick my knee out and try and lean with the bike.

    Ah **** it – cornering is the least of my worries in the bad habits department. :roll:

    Free Member

    Misses him without a doubt.

    Although I agree about that Milton chappy *chuckles at a field full of carrots*

    Free Member

    I definitely have not partied hard enough.

    I would live a vastly more daring teenage life if I could go back now.

    Free Member

    5'3" and 8st 4lb – about reet IMHO

    *eats toast*

    Free Member

    I've been vegan for 15 years this year…

    …and about as far from chilled as you are likely to get in a small female package (although do seem to be mellowing with age!) :lol:

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