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  • TFFT, Gee Atherton Isn’t In The 2024 Red Bull Rampage Men’s Lineup 
  • ling
    Free Member


    My customer came back with a load of junk, but includes a more accurate and detailed revelation that the OP really is not him. He names the OP to me, I believe him on that, at least. So, turns out the OP (aka GeordieMIck00) wanted the car and the customer agreed to act for the OP and represent himself as the person who was taking the car.

    So, the OP is ***NOT*** my customer, although he represents himself as such.

    Now we are getting somewhere. Although I am unsure where.

    As my customer agreed to act for the OP (for whatever reason – possibly bad credit, who knows? – in an accommodation deal), I would say my contract is still with my customer, not the OP.

    So, let’s be clear, the OP has been lying and extremely economical in his information to this forum, and (also) the customer has been lying and extremely economical to me. I guess the moral is, we should not believe what people post! As (as a bare minimum) there was lots of info missing from the OP’s claims. There hangs the question of a potential fraud here, I think.

    At least no-one has the car.

    I’ll still pursue with my customer (who agreed to finance the car for the OP, it turns out… and who I have been communicating with – all message prompts went to my customer email), because this really does get stranger and stranger.

    – Ling

    Free Member

    tiggs121 – Member
    Website alone would make me avoid this lot!

    Sorry it’s a repeat. Take it away Christine!

    Free Member

    For other very stupid customers who can’t use the internet, here is some advice. (CONTAINS SWEARING, BUT CYCLISTS GOOD AT THAT WHEN I OVERTAKE THEM)

    I have advice for ALL situations.

    Thanks Christine:

    Free Member

    doris5000 – Member
    And since when is a rear windscreen wiper an optional extra?????

    Is it to keep your hands warm when you’re pushing it?

    You never seen a Dacia?

    Free Member

    And, for those boring cyclists who say they don’t like my beautiful website… Christine explains to those people… probably the same ones who hate electric bikes… (WARNING: contains nudity):

    Free Member

    A lot of this boils down to the issue that the car had extras. Ya Jun explains about adding extras, for the benefit of stupid customers:

    Free Member

    Thanks Christine… please explain what happens when I get online abuse…

    Baseball bat.

    See? OP is damn lucky!

    Free Member

    Whoever was asking about why the order form isn’t just a web tick box, Christine explains:

    Free Member

    What is unclear or confusing about THIS:


    – Ling

    Free Member

    Jamie – Member

    Here’s MMT on my website, browsing Minis. And I thought they shot LGBTQ people in Oman?, heh…


    Oh, God. Here we go.

    Free Member

    Here’s MMT on my website, browsing Minis. And I thought they shot LGBTQ people in Oman?, heh…

    Free Member

    MTT – Member

    This has been a wonderful read.

    I’m the one in the middle east browsing Mini hatches.

    You are on a Windows PC using Firefox… logged on in Muscat, Oman, and it’s 32 degrees hot.

    I nearly missed you there. Insh’allah!

    – Ling

    Free Member

    funkmasterp – Member

    Hi Ling,

    Where do you stand on the wheel size debate?

    Is tubeless the way forward?

    Do you think that long, low and slack is the future?

    What tyres for a legal pickle?

    These are things you must consider now you’ve created a login.

    Do you have a fancy coffee machine and a log burner, but think log burners should be banned?

    Have you considered weeing in the OP’s shoes or perhaps owning him with a pair of bombers?

    Actually, I do cycle. I have 4x Kalkhoff (?) E-Bikes, 2 of them are the semi-illegal ones-you-really-should-put-a-number-plate-on-but-no-one-ever-does kind. Good quality kit, I think.

    I have 4 because 2 got stolen, then recovered in perfect nick, so now have 4. One more and I could use a different bike Monday-Friday.

    – Ling

    Free Member

    angeldust – Member

    I’ve had a quick read…
    Is that about right?

    About right. But you missed out Pooper’s indignation. Which, apparently, is MOST IMPORTANT!

    – Ling

    Free Member

    Someone just commented on my FB page:

    “Haha, legal advice from a cycle forum. I’ve no time time to read it all, I need to ask about my heart condition on a fishing forum”


    – Ling

    Free Member

    nickc – Member

    I don’t know whether to be impressed or disturbed that the office looks ‘just’ like the website

    Hmmm. I am watching you!

    Please note, when I am sitting at my desk “working”, I am on camera on the top left of my website. I trade on 100% transparency. It reverts to an image if I leave my desk, or don’t type anything.

    Here, I’m reading one of Poop’s posts, you can see it in my face.

    Free Member

    boblo – Member

    Noticeably, the person showing the most restraint is now the op

    That flower, is utter toffee. The OP has outed himself publicly on this and has now been advised by someone who may, or may not be a solicitor, to stop digging. Ergo, he’s stopped digging. There’s no morality or restraint involved.

    But also, the OP is denying to me in writing, on my transcript of the car order, that he has posted this in the first place. So there is an additional lie, either in the post or to me, on my transcript.

    He said to me at 20:51 last night, after I called him out for lying: “Hi Ling
    Lol that’s not me that’s someone who’s looking for advice on my behalf. I can’t control where they source their advice from. “

    Free Member

    Right, you legal beagles… here is the ACTUAL signed order form the OP signed. Of course, I have deleted any ID info, so Poop doesn’t squeak.

    Bear in mind, Gateshead Trading Standards are very happy with my form, after I specifically asked them a few years ago (they told me it’s the fairest, clearest form they have ever seen), it’s been tested in court a few times, and there is NO additional small print.

    There is a clear big message that accompanies the form, clarifying cancellation costs, and further cautions. I keep records of when a customer reads that message. I’ve already posted that.

    Customers must PRINT on PAPER (!!!), SIGN and then re-scan or photo and re-upload the form to me. I make that boringly difficult, because I don’t want easy “clicks”. I want real orders for cars, so make it hard to do. I deliberately don’t allow web-based car orders, I want a real difficult process, here.

    – Ling

    Free Member

    Poopscoop – Member


    You are still pooping. On your poopbox. Bit boring.

    – Ling

    Free Member

    simon_g – Member

    Fair play to Ling. I’m on my third lease (all from different companies) and it’s been made abundantly clear at the point of signing and returning the order form that once done, the car will be ordered by the dealer and that substantial fees will apply if I cancel.

    Simon, everyone gets the same message regarding the order, automatically. And the same order form (which you will confirm doesn’t have small print, just big warning messages in CAPS). I didn’t single you out for this horrible treatment. However, I’m happy to single you out by sending you a Ling badge or some other spitty and worthless gift, for the truthfully supportive post. :) If only I know who you are… but I don’t. So, no badge. Sorry.

    Free Member

    Here’s what I see on my server:

    Who is in Paris?

    And ***WHO*** is looking at an M4 Convertible? Hmmm. That’s the kind of car I HATE to order, for the very reason of this thread.

    Just for your info, so we can put to bed the conspiracy theories about how I know about this forum thread.

    – Ling

    Free Member

    Poopscoop – Member

    I see Ling,

    Poopscoop, you are talking poop.

    Am I the only person here **NOT** witholding their identity? I am being very upfront and clear and honest.

    You need to climb down off your Poopbox. My dispute is not with you.

    – Ling

    Free Member

    At 8:10 this morning, I messaged the customer who claims he is *NOT* the OP, and said: “Your “friend” is still posting on that Cycle forum. I suggest you tell “him/her” to stop :)”

    The customer read that message one minute later at 08:11, so is on the ball over this stuff, but didn’t reply me.

    Maybe the customer needs to go into a dark room and have a deep conversation with himself, about who is posting what, where… Take a torch and a mirror, is my advice to him.

    – Ling

    Free Member

    Poopscoop – Member

    Ling, you neglected to say why you thought it appropriate to threaten the op (who may or may not be the person you think it to be… Which is bad either way I might add) with revealing their personal data on an open ‘net forum.

    Was that an unwise threat in hindsight or do you still assert that it is perfectly within your companies remit?

    I said: I reserve the right to name and shame if he continues to lie). Well… of couse I still do. I mean, whoever the OP is (he tells me it is not him posting here) was very quick to name *ME*. He could have easily kept it generic, which in turn would have avoided this thread.

    I don’t tend to name and shame, but only yesterday was quite specific (including posting a photo) about a man who tried to defraud me. The Facebook post is here: and the police arrested him and he went to prison.

    I would probably wait until a court rules in my favour before disclosing this customer’s details, I think.

    Free Member

    Oh… but HANG ON!

    It’s not *HIM*, remember?

    Last night he wrote to me “Hi Ling
    Lol that’s not me that’s someone who’s looking for advice on my behalf. I can’t control where they source their advice from.”

    Maybe someone should ask the OP if he is himself, or a friend of himself?

    _ Ling

    Free Member

    geordiemick00 – Member

    For the record I shall be saying no more because this is now in the hands of a solicitor and I’ve been advised not to add anything else until further notice.

    Good! That’s the advice I gave him last night: “I suggest you take better legal advice than the Singletrack forum. I advise Citizens Advice or a Solicitor. Make sure you print, and show them THE WHOLE TRANSCRIPT and the signed order form, and your Singletrack comments.”

    He’s already added enough to his hole. Stopping digging, is a good idea, TBH.


    Free Member

    jonnyboi – Member
    Ling should diversify into online bike sales.

    I diversified into Harleys a few years ago, and look what happened:

    petefromearth – Member
    Someone put up a link to her website so I’m guessing she could see all the traffic coming from STW


    martinhutch – Member
    Too slow, Bob…

    martinhutch – Member
    Would be unsurprised to see Ling pop up on this thread. Which would be entertaining.
    And just to clear up any confusion,

    “After I got 27 emails, Tweets and FB messages from you within 10 minutes”
    Does not refer to me!

    Of course you didn’t email me etc. I was having fun…

    vickypea – Member
    Interesting but why would you ‘work on trust’ rather than ask for a deposit?

    I understand it’s unusual, but when customers are genuine, it works really well, as 99% don’t cancel. It’s when they order a big car and then just cancel (and lie to me) when it goes wrong.

    If I just adsorbed all costs, then in truth, like insurance fraud, every genuine customer pays as prices have to go up to accommodate the dodgy ones.

    Poopscoop – Member

    She was obviously simply alerted by a member (I’m assuming, rather sadly) that someone dared to contest her companies policy and she joined up in the late hours of last night. Her scouring is obviously done for her perhaps?

    I have:
    a) Google Alerts and the OP specified my company.
    b)I monitor my server, so I get messages like this: “REFERRER ALERT:
    There have been 5 or more visits from this referrer over the last 15 minutes!”
    c) I check visitors (esp. when jumps in visitors), so can see who is on my website and the referring page.

    It’s not rocket science…

    zanelad – Member
    The OP’s gone very quiet. What’s the betting he regrets posting about this now

    I’m liking Ling though.

    I created this situation, just for your pure entertainment. Pay as you view, please :)

    cloudnine – Member
    I’m really quite impressed by ling’s skills with the quote function.

    I have been trained to click appropriate buttons.

    sr0093193 – Member
    14 day cooling off period. Legally entitled to cancel without penalty. You can write what you like in the paperwork; he cant sign away his legal rights, and it would be classed as an unfair contract term.

    14 days ON THE FINANCE. You think Skoda’s factory in Kvasiny, Czech Republic, will cancel a car within 14-days?

    This post shows the modern disease: an example is that someone thinks they can order a specced £30k+ car and have no consequences. People need to accept IT’S A BIG THING TO ORDER, and get a grip.

    Poopscoop – Member
    Mrs/Miss ling,
    I forgot you joined the forum tonight at the behest of social media chums, as a car dealer, not cyclist. Leaser/dealer… semantics. YES, WE KNOW A CAR IS THE BIG METAL THING by the way.

    I’m trying to make clear the differentiation between a finance agreement and a car. They are quite separate.

    aracer – Member
    ling » So, there are 2 things
    1) the car.
    2) the finance.

    Which are inextricably linked – you cancel one, you cancel the other,

    That’s true in a way (ie you cancel the finance as you are legally entitled to do and then you can’t fund the car, so implicitly the car is cancelled too. However, there are COSTS in CANCELLING THE CAR.

    In any case, this customer did not cancel the finance, he cancelled the car, as he has admitted. His “ploy” as he outlined foolishly was to claim he didn’t like the T&Cs of the finance and cancel it in the future, to cause the cancelling of the car to seem a by-product of that.

    That could be regarded as fraudulent. The way he describes it in the post, implies he will overcome the car charge he clearly knows about by lying about the finance suitability. That’s very close to fraudulent behaviour. At the very least it’s wrong. And he will not get away with that.

    Poopscoop – Member

    You owe £4 million for the cars you don’t own at the moment then why is £500 (plus VAT) so desperately important to your business model?

    I don’t owe £4 million. I have no contingent liability. What I do have is the honour of standing on my word, to the suppliers.

    Poopscoop – Member

    He/she didn’t set out to lose you £500(plus vat) and possibly used your company as you previously showed great customer service. Why prove him wrong in that choice?

    But he lied about the cancellation and his paperwork, on this forum! To you and others. Letting people who lie get away with their clear responsibilities isn’t GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE. It’s doing a dis-service to other more genuine customers who will end up subsidising the OP’s behaviour. But… they won’t need to subsidise it, because he will pay, if not before, then after a Small Claims Court claim.

    I believe that the OP began this discussion in good faith it seems but if the owner of this company knows exactly who the OP is then talk directly to him/her rather than calling the person out on a biking forum for goodness sakes.

    I have, last night. His very strange response was to deny it was him who posted it. It was a “friend” apparently. He told me at 20:51 yesterday “Lol that’s not me that’s someone who’s looking for advice on my behalf. I can’t control where they source their advice from.”

    So the Op is lying in so many ways, it’s hard to unravel it. Some people are just like that. I’m not.

    – Ling

    Free Member

    Before I go to bed, I’ll explain in a different way:

    We all agree it’s a car on finance, right? Right.

    So, there are 2 things

    1) the car.

    2) the finance.

    The finance simply pays for the car, and is fully protected by consumer rights etc.

    But after agreeing the finance in principle, one needs to get grubby hands on a new car. This is hard, try it yourself without passing any money over! This might be a car in dealer stock (rare), one in pipeline, ie on a boat or at the docks…(fairly common), or factory order (very common these days as dealers hate cars in stock). So the tit is pressed and the car is ordered from the factory.

    Now, to get a car to a dealer, someone needs to commit to it, because when ordered it WILL arrive (can’t say “don’t build that one” to the factory), and when it arrives it WILL have to be paid for. Dealers pay for the cars.

    All that is before anyone gets paid out for the finance, and the customer can cancel the finance on a whim… maybe rightly so.

    So, to order cars (THE BIG METAL THING, STUPID), someone has to take some responsibility, and I share that with the dealer. Normally, a dealer would ask a customer for a hefty deposit to order a spangly Skoda Superb, as it can’t be re-sold to a minicab company, they want basic cars. Having a tinselly Superb aka. a Christmas Tree in the showroom puts them in a cold sweat. But that applies to most cars as dealers are cowards.

    So, if someone asks me to order a car, regardless of how it’s paid for, I’ll say “I won’t rape you for £££ deposit, we can do it on trust… but cancel it and there is a charge, maybe as much as £500+vat. If you don’t want to do that, don’t sign the order form”

    Is that a bit more clear??? Is it fair???

    I have over £4 million of new cars on order. Me, just little me. From Gateshead. Dealers have to know I stand on my car orders.


    Free Member

    RichPenny – Member
    Go for it

    You are suckerin’ me in for a ban. I can feel it.

    Hope the mods do you for honey trapping me.

    Don’t worry, it’ll all wait :)

    Free Member

    Maybe it would help the legal minds here, if I published a FULL TRANSCRIPT of the whole transaction, plus HD images of all documentation. He and I have all of that to hand.

    Mods, will you allow that to be published here?


    Free Member

    km79 – Member
    The website is great, I love the madness.


    bruneep – Member
    On my 2nd car from them. Cheapest lease I could get, zero problems.

    Good boy. I won’t punish YOU, then. :)

    mattyfez – Member

    Hi, I’m a Nigerian Prince, I need your bank details, big monies!

    Except I’m yellow, not black. Pay attention, nit.

    BoardinBob – Member

    When I leased her prices were by far the cheapest. Lowest up front payment by far and lowest monthly payments. There is absolutely no con going on

    Thanks BoardinBob. a small spitty gift is in the post :)

    legend – Member

    The quality of info on her site is certainly higher than the info in your post

    Grassy ass as they say in Catalonia at the moment.

    Jamie – Member
    It’s nothing like Brighthouse.

    He was confused because my website is bright and I live in it, heh.

    BoardinBob – Member

    Except it’s one of the biggest private car leasing sites in the UK. Hugely successful. Ive leased from Ling. It might look garish but the site is very clever and unbelievably easy to use and completely transparent about costs etc.

    I’ll upgrade you to a large spitty gift if you’re not careful.

    Greybeard – Member
    I didn’t realise from the OP that this is a lease, not a purchase. I think the Consumer Contracts Regs still apply, but I’m not sure.

    They apply to the finance transaction, we are talking about the ordering of a £30,000 car, (ie the chunky metal thing). On Oct 16th, I said to him, as he was wittering about it: “Yes the dealer has secured: Skoda Superb 2.0, TDI, 16v, 150bhp, Sportline, Hatchback, 5 door, 1968cc, Diesel, DSG Automatic, Black Magic Metallic Paint, Extras: Rear LED lights, ISOFIX on Front passenger seats, Front and Rear Parking sensors, Rear Window Wiper.”, he replied 15 mins later: “Excellent! Really pleased.”

    blitz – Member
    If she sues surely you can counter claim for the effects from exposure to that website.

    Best point, yet :)

    crankboy – Member
    On a brief scan I can’t see how you don’t have a right to cancel nor how you have incurred a cancellation fee , to begin to be valid a cancellation fee or formula to calculate one would need to be included in the contractual documentation.
    Basically I’ve looked at the legislation linked above and what I could bare of the website and assumed you are correct when you say no cancellation fee was specified on the order form.

    He’s worked you with false info, hasn’t he. Of course he has a right to cancel, anyone can cancel anything… but if there is a cost specified in an agreement (unless unlawful agreement or cost), then the cost should be paid.

    whiterabbit84 – Member
    Wow – I wouldn’t enter my email address into that site, never mind order a car. My head hurts looking at it.

    Wear sunglasses.

    martinhutch – Member
    Would be unsurprised to see Ling pop up on this thread. Which would be entertaining.

    After I got 27 emails, Tweets and FB messages from you within 10 minutes, writing all this takes up less of my evening than reading your messages, to be honest :)

    AD – Member
    Best FAQ ever! It would never have occurred to me to use a random flight attendant to answer a ‘can I cancel my car order? ‘ question. Absolute genius!

    I’ll pass your regards to Christine :)

    fossy – Member
    The website alone would say ‘stay away’.

    You’ve not paid any deposit so the car won’t be ordered. Check what you’ve clicked on, I doubt you’ll be liable. As an individual you usually have 30 days ‘cooling off period’ for agreements.

    That’s just a babble of crap, you have no idea.

    curto80 – Member
    Bit of making it up as you go along going on here.

    OP if you can email me a photo of the t&cs that were on what you signed I’ll take a look for you.

    Intelligent response. If he sends you stuff, make sure he sends all… he has a FULL transcript, and all the docs I raised are online. :)

    nealglover – Member
    It’s a fair point though isn’t it.

    If you signed an order form, that had terms and conditions attached, why would you expect them not to apply to you ?

    I know it’s a pain in the arse, but unless those terms and conditions are somehow against regulations, I can’t see how you can complain really.

    I like you, already :)

    Fantombiker – Member
    I think there is an implied contract in place. You expected the company to act and order the car thus incurring costs. They were acting in good faith. I think you are liable for those cancellation costs.

    Can I hire you? :)

    mattyfez – Member
    has a 100% record of suing people who back out
    Attempts to sue, or successfully suing.. Sounds like all mouth and no trousers and the reply was designed to intimidate.

    You haven’t accepted any goods, no payment has been exchanged, I’m pretty sure there’s no contract in place.


    The OP said “sue”. I’ve never said “sue” Even to Sue. … but I will take him to the Small Claims Court if he refuses to pay, especially now I see he has been lying to me.

    scotroutes – Member
    Morally, I’m with the retailer.
    Legally, I suspect it’ll depend on what you signed if/when you ordered the car.


    hodgynd – Member
    What have you signed ..anything at all ?

    He has full copies online, at his fingertips. Don’t let him deny that. My other customers on this forum will agree, it’s all available (for ver and ever). Amen.

    km79 – Member
    Did you tick some boxes you didn’t read when ordering this car? Can’t see why it can simultaneously be ordered yet not ordered?

    I can get £40k loan into my bank account within the next 7mins just by ticking some boxes. Who signs and returns documents these days?

    I have *NO* tick boxes at all, just big warnings in CAPS. I force customers to print, sign, scan or photo and return, (rather than an online form) because of this exact issue. Then they KNOW they have signed a form, even if they are as thick as…

    matt_outandabout – Member
    I’ve not signed the finance docs, or paid a deposit yet.
    But you did sign some kind of order…? I am confused…

    Yes he did. Don’t be confused, it was clear as day.




    Free Member

    This is Ling. Hello everyone.

    First to the mods. I’m just going to lay out some facts, not rant or advertise. Hope that’s OK.

    Second, thanks to everyone who has supported me. Anyone having a car from me knows I don’t scam.

    I won’t reveal the chap’s true identity, at this stage.

    It’s the **ordering** of a £30,000 car that is the key issue (not the financing which is protected by consumer credit act, FSA, etc). Telling the dealer to call it in, have it consigned, specify the extras, the build, the colour, the PDI, the transport, the logistics. Etc. Apart from the lost sales opportunity of the car for the supplier. He ordered it in writing, by signing the order form where warnings were written in LINGO when I raised it, and on the form itself.


    Right, let me just clarify some points he made that are incorrect (or lies), apart from the fact that he has been lying to me for a few days, and his true intentions are now clear: “My plan is to state i’m not happy with the T’s & C’s with the finance and that may be my get out clause?”

    1) This chappy denies to me (tonight) that he posted the post. He says he’s not the OP, when I have called him out, personally. Another lie, I think. So, your poor victim claims he is not the victim. Weird.

    2) He ordered a £30k+ car, loaded with extras, a nearly top of range Skoda Superb. He signed an order that said: “THIS FORM COMMITS YOU TO THE VEHICLE, IT WILL BE ORDERED! IF YOU SUBSEQUENTLY CANCEL THE CAR, “AGENCY” CHARGES MAY APPLY. IF YOU ARE NOT SURE YOU WANT THE CAR, PLEASE DON’T SIGN AND RETURN THIS FORM.” … in big caps.

    3) When I sent the order form, I stated on the message: on LINGO, my transcribed message system, on the 11th Oct “The signed order means I will commit to the car for you. Some funders may have an “agency charge” which they pass on to me if you cancel, that means I will have to pay a large amount if you cancel after signing the order, maybe more than £500!”

    4) This is because I order cars without a deposit, as I work on trust. At a dealer, you would usually be asked to pay a deposit, which they would keep. So I often get clawback when cars are cancelled, as cars are big things. It’s a £30,000 car! I sign NDAs with suppliers, which include clauses like that, as I have approx 200 new cars on order at any one time, so that (at, say £20k average each) is £4 million of cars. Dealers trust they will not be out of pocket ordering cars for me, that get cancelled. Especially Christmas Trees like this one.

    5) I expleined patiently to him: “It’s not aggressive. I just can’t take orders on £30,000+ cars, and then take the hit when cancelled. It is nothing to do with distance selling rules, the Agency Charge falls outside of that legislation. I’ve recovered this in court before and never lost a Small Claims Court case regarding this charge. My order form and LINGO wording has been checked by Gateshead Trading Standards, has been the same for 10-years, and was judged to be fair and correct.”

    6) He then claimed I was not transparent… I replied: “It’s not a flaw in transparency. Finance paperwork bears no relevance. Finance *IS* covered by the distance selling act. You can cancel the finance, no problem, freely. Finance is paying for the car.”

    I explained… “It’s the **ordering** of a £30,000 car that is the key issue. You ordered it in writing, by signing the order form where warnings were written in LINGO when I raised it, and on the form itself. What other £30,000 item can you order, and then a while later cancel it (despite the advice on the paperwork) and expect not to have a liability?”

    And finally I advised him: “You need to look in a mirror. You wanted it, you ordered it. I said “don’t sign unless you want it, or charges may apply” but you went ahead. Yet, you blame me? Find a big mirror. You need to take responsibility for the £30,000 car order.”

    7) My very last words to this chap, at 11.58 this morning, were: “I’ll do my very best to minimise those costs, I need to argue your case to the supplier General Manager.”, as he said he needed a week’s breathing space. … which we now find out is a lie, as he plans THIS: “My plan is to state i’m not happy with the T’s & C’s with the finance and that may be my get out clause?”

    8) I have (this evening, since he posted) said to him: “I suggest you take better legal advice than the Singletrack forum. I advise Citizens Advice or a Solicitor. Make sure you print, and show them THE WHOLE TRANSCRIPT and the signed order form, and your Singletrack comments.”

    The fact the I now know he has been lying to me means he gets invoiced in the morning, and pays, or else it’s the Small Claims Court, where he can explain the first post in this thread to a Judge.

    I’m very fair to deal with, often help customers as I offered to help him by getting the charge minimised. Anyone here who has had a car from me (a lot of people) will tell you that we have fun and everything is honest and transparent. More than any other business, in fact. Read my FB page to see the honest way I sell cars and cover difficult stuff with customers.

    But, this one (I reserve the right to name and shame if he continues to lie), is just a “right” one.

    Happy to comment further, but don’t want to upset any mods who might think I’m marketing.


Viewing 32 posts - 121 through 152 (of 152 total)