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  • lightman
    Free Member

    See this thread and the light Im getting towards the bottom of page two.
    You only need a small light with 2x XM-L leds, the other lights with more than that wouldn’t be able to drive the leds properly before melting, so its pointless getting more unless its a much bigger housing.

    When you get a cheap crappy light, you can get a replacement battery pack from Smudge if you want or when the other one dies![/url]

    Free Member

    No, its not 2000 lumens and would NEVER ever be!
    It’ll be around 1000 at best.
    The old MJ-836 used an older P7 which is more floody and less efficient, and at best was probably giving you around 500, maybe 600 absolute max.
    Remember, its not always about the lumens, its about how they are projected.
    The XM-L has more of a spot than the quite floody P7.

    If someone can find the current draw, you will be able to work out roughly the output is.

    Free Member

    I have always used a crud catcher for that exact reason.
    This is my home made carbon one ~

    Free Member

    On cycling fans as usual.[/url]

    Full programing here.

    Free Member

    I used heated insoles I got from Alibaba all last winter, best thing ever 🙂
    I think they cost about £40 including customs charge, obviously get the ones with the batterys built into the sole.

    Free Member

    The latest XM-L will produce around 1000 Lumens in optimal lab conditions, stick that in a light and you would be looking at around 700-800 max accounting for losses.
    Those 2x XM-L lights would likely only be putting out 500-600 each max, so 1000-1200 max.
    And its pretty unlikely that they will have the latest ones too, despite what it says.

    To properly measure lumens, you need to use a sphere, the best most of us could do is to use a light meter and find the lux, but that only tell you how bright a light source is.

    I have a 9x XM-L flashlight which is advertised as 11000 Lumens, tests showed it was about 5000 max when first switched on, going down to around 3500-4000 after the heat etc… kicked in.

    Free Member

    Make sure to put the LiPo in a hard shell/case too, if you get one.

    Wow, that ends up at 100,000 lumens then, that really is a bargain to be had!

    That’ll be next years Chinese Lumens figure for 3x XML 😉

    Free Member

    Update – TNT’s UK MD and UK Ops Director are working on it and have admitted FULL liability and responsibility and will be ‘making me an offer’ of compensation. Im waiting

    Free Member

    Hahaha, the Chinese lumens are really getting ridicules!
    A few years ago you would divide the silly figure by 50% and that would give you a top end estimate, but WHF 5000!
    Divide that by 50%, then 50% again and then if you take another 20% off that, then thats the likely max output.

    Free Member

    Well, what do you expect, it was her dad who taught her how to drive

    Free Member

    These are quotes from Horner about his mate Lance ~

    “Look, I’m certainly old enough and wise enough to understand the magnitude of the situation, but in the end he’s still getting prosecuted with no positive test. A lot of guys say they saw him and a lot say he did this and he did that, but I look at it and say: ‘USADA, WADA, UCI, they’re saying that the tests are worthless.’ So do you take all the tests, 500, 1000, I don’t know the number I’ve done in my own career and you basically say, that you took them for no reason?“

    “Maybe USADA have found the guys who have cheated but…. for me, you won the race (if) you passed the test. Lance won seven Tours de France and that’s what I saw and the moments I enjoyed and that the way it’s going to stay.”

    From that, he is basically saying, if you can cheat and nobody can catch you, then that is fine. Pretty much how LA got his wins.

    And, if you missed it. The fact that Horner was injured and looking like his career could be over for most of the year!

    Free Member

    If you want to watch live ~

    Free Member

    I’d love his performance to be PED free, but I dont think there is a chance.
    His support of Lance and his admiration of other druggies is quite disturbing.
    Its almost guaranteed he took PED’s in the past, yet now when he is so much older, he’s putting out his best ever performance supposedly clean!
    He has already said Lance never tested positive and tests are pretty pointless, and at his age with no contract for next year, he had absolutely nothing to loose because he thinks he’ll never get caught.
    This gives a bit of incite into the year he has had!

    Free Member

    Yep, it sad when drivers give you more room if they think their vehicle might get scratched!
    You can get these and they do work, but just look a bit crap.

    Free Member

    It looks like someone tried to use it as an Accordion!

    Free Member

    As above, alcohol **** people up a lot more than cannabis.

    Free Member

    Holly shit, that Activity Search seems a really bad idea!
    Even when Im not logged in, I can search for Cervelo in my area and most of the results that come up, I can go straight to the door of the owner of said bike and most seem stupid enough to have a picture of it too, along with their full name!

    Free Member

    This isn’t really anything new, its been going on for years.
    Garmin Connect is exactly the same if you dont make your rides private.

    Listen to what people have said above, make your rides private and only share or allow to be followed by people you know.
    NEVER list the actual makes and models of bikes you have, Road, Road2, mtb, mtb2 etc… you know what bike they are, nobody else needs to know, but if you have your privacy set up correctly, is doesn’t matter, as only people you allow will be able to see that info.

    In this day and age, it is really easy for people to Google a name or a picture, and have a good chance of tracking down an address from it.

    Oh, and on Strava/Garmin Connect, I don’t use my real name either. Its a bit pointless having a privacy zone if you use your real name in full for all to see!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Your saddle is probably to low.

    Free Member

    Was my sarcasm not that obvious!
    Its what shims are for, why would you need to ask :/
    Just make sure you get a decent one.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Probably because Bryton are absolutely useless!
    Just upload to your PC and then onto Strava, thats what I do.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t risk it, its not what shims are for!

    Free Member

    This is an interesting site which puts energy use/whats left etc… into perspective.[/url]

    Free Member

    Why do the idiots only need 1000 and you need 5000?

    Free Member

    I had a small 2oz bottle of Stans that I split between two tubs, one had a small puncture, the other one was fine so just a precaution.
    Punctured tyre has been fine since.
    Im guessing my tubs used latex tubes.

    Free Member

    Do you really need too?
    If you want separate data for different bikes, just use something like Strava and you can have as many bikes as you want.

    Free Member

    Northwind, I was/am slightly concerned about the weight of the forks, but when you consider a light pair of road forks are around 300 grams and those are around 550, that is a lot of extra carbon for strengthening, well, thats what I keep telling myself!

    monkeyboyjc, its usually 50/50 on whether you get charged at customs, it all depends on what the seller puts on the package!
    I got my Chinarello without any extra charges because it was apparently a $35 gift 🙂

    Free Member

    Pretty much as above!
    This is one of the reasons you join a cycling club, there are/should be lots of very experienced riders there who can help give you advise on lots of things, bike positioning being one.

    The best thing you can do is pay for a proper bike fit, they cost between £100-£150 and can take an hour or two, but from what I have heard from riders, they are well worth it.

    Free Member

    They’re not £70, but I am planning on getting some £104 Hylix Forks when I get my new 29’er.
    Would be interested too, in knowing where the £70 ones are from.

    Free Member

    This is quite a good use ~

    Free Member

    I thought he admitted that years and years ago?!
    As for Smithy, he who raced when everyone seemed to be doping, and raced on the same team as “he who shall not be named”, I really cant believe that he was clean.
    Obree left the professional peloton because he was expected to dope by his team, whereas Boardman who went over at a similar time stayed, raced and won against dopers!

    They should null and void any results from 1990 to 2010

    Erm! So everyone before then didn’t dope?
    I think we just need to accept that probably everyone doped before 2000 and they tried to get rid of it after then, but they’re not doing a very good job.

    Free Member

    Just remember, if you’re in a rush and need a light in a hurry, 99% of those ebay sellers are in China even it they say they’re in the UK, so it may take a week or two for it to arrive despite what they advertise.

    Free Member

    No probs, we get loads of them on a forum I help mod.
    It still confuses me as to why they/it bothers!

    Free Member

    Taylorplayer, could you give me the contact info for the behaviourist, thank you?
    Is she happy enough to travel? They’re about 35miles away.

    It seems, as they do love her and everyone would really hate to see her go (even me), they’re going to see if a professional can help, but if not, Luke, I have told them about your offer which sounds absolutely perfect for wee Massie 🙂

    Andy, I’ll keep you as a back up 🙂

    Thank you everyone for your input, looks like Massie will be alive and happy whatever happens 🙂

    Free Member

    Seems a shame that the wrong dog has gone to the wrong home and now is facing being put down, why the deadline why not find a way wound it until she finds a home?

    She started off in the wrong home and my brother saved her from them, and she has been living with them for about a year and a half now, mostly without any issues other than what I mentioned above.
    She really loves being at my brothers, but if this issue with her being scared and sometimes biting/nipping people cant be fixed, then she needs to go.

    Just talked to my sister in-law and I seem to have given her some hope that something can be done, so Fridays appointment will be cancelled 🙂

    Free Member

    We called a professional of 40 years and he basically said that as she had bit twice, that there was no hope/point!!
    I personally think that is BS, what do you think?

    scotroutes, my mum said she called someone and they said they wouldn’t take dogs that bit, I think she might have just called Edinburgh dog and cat home. So would that not be the rule for other shelters?

    My brothers fiancé cant keep an eye on Massie all the time, and as I said lots of people are always zooming in and out the house and she just doesn’t want something worse to happen, so she really has to go, hopefully to a new owner.

    Free Member

    Whats in Balerno?
    Dog homes have been contacted, but they wont take dogs that have bit.

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