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  • Forum Sentiment Analysis: The mood of the ‘nation’ in 1 graph
  • LHS
    Free Member

    Good price comparison chart at the bottom of the page of this weblink

    Historic Inflation

    Free Member

    RPRT, don't call debate absurd because not everyone conforms to your point of view, now back on topic

    Did I say everyone should earn the same money

    Would it be as hard say as psychiatric nurse, or a bomb disposal expert, or an underwater welder, or a trawlerman

    So out of your list above, who deserves more money?

    How for example do you differ between a CEO of a company who runs a business employing say 2000 people or a care worker? Who deserves more money? Or should they earn the same?

    Free Member

    Its not meaningless to say at all.

    By your rational, it would mean that no matter what career path you took, as long as you work hard at it then you should all earn the same money?

    I think if you move a little further geographically east you will find the lifestyle you are looking for! :wink:

    Free Member

    You are comparing taxation and salaries within Britain. You can not compare it against the worlds worst earners. Otherwise, on a scale, you would say an average salary of £30k a year is excessive in comparison.

    Free Member

    edit: As i said, not everyone will have the same view point.

    Free Member

    Defining what is reasonable is not something i am in a position to state in all honesty. Everyone will have their differing opinion on this.

    However IMO, yes, it is too much. To give-up £80,000 out of the £200,000 I had earned is too much. Thats a total tax liability of 40% on everything (and lets not try and separate tax from NI!).

    Other people I am sure would disagree and I am not going to tell them they are wrong.

    As a side, IMO earning £200k a year does not make someone "very wealthy".

    Free Member

    I think the point you highlight Junkyard is valid, certainly for extreme wealth.

    However, i think for someone who earns £200,000 a year, which IMO doesn't fit in with your extreme above, to see £25000 of that £50000 over the £150000 threshold just lost to tax, seems rather extreme to me.

    Who is anyone to say that this person hasn't worked damned hard for that money? There total tax and national insurance bill would be in the region of £80,000.

    Now, where do you stop / start tax brackets is another question, and one I don't have an answer for.

    Free Member

    "new money" is so vulgar isn't it

    Just not in keeping with a old new Britain :wink:

    Free Member

    The odd poor person may end up rich

    But with tighter policing we can stop that. :wink:

    Free Member

    Haven't read any of his posts but i am easily swayed so yes, you tory weasel arse you.

    Free Member

    Not a problem

    Free Member

    Wrong on so many levels IMO.

    fixed it for you

    Free Member

    You are categorically wrong IMO

    fixed it for you.

    Free Member

    Those pressures come from marketing, magazines, TV, newspapers etc – who do you think owns/controls them?

    The devil?

    I don't think your point is valid. You could say that for any product advertised. The area of our society that puts the pressures on for the perfect material goods is the very same area who can't afford these items.

    Free Member

    when our society places so much value on the right house, the right car, the right clothes, the right phone etc.

    Yes, but these pressures don't come from those with money, quite the contrary, its usually the poorer end of the scale who believe they need these things. If you look at the majority of the rich in this country they don't go around showing off all their possessions.

    Free Member

    simply chuck into something deep and overgrown or flick it away from the trails

    pardon the pun but IMO that's a shit solution.

    If your dog craps in public places then either bin it or take it home*

    *Unless it's one of those super runny ones which make you want to vomit then kick some dirt over it or something

    Free Member

    My local National Trust park is a great place for walking the dog, off leash, hills, streams all a dog could want. We find lots of plastic bags of poop hanging from trees and periodically go around collecting them all in a big bin bag and disposing of them.

    At the moment all the locals know it as pretty much a dog park so they don't mind the dogs running around off leash, it only takes essentially littering like what a lot of people do to change peoples opinions / tolerance.

    To top it all off the local ranger installed a load of dog poop bins every 1/4 mile or so and people still throw them in the trees. 8O

    Free Member

    a "shit & flick" system

    hmm, i can see their logic, but have you ever tried to flick dog shit with a stick? All that will happen is you'll end up with lots of smears of dog poo everywhere.

    Free Member

    no judge, no jury. ,Seems reasonable to me

    BNP vote…tick.

    Free Member

    Yup, as a dog owner this bewilders me too, people seem to bag it then either leave it or hang it from a tree?!?! WTF? Bag it, walk with it to the nearest bin, then drop it in, it ain't frickin hard.

    Free Member

    **** me! :lol:

    English Spitfire Video

    Free Member

    JEngledow you complete me :roll:

    edit: oh and comebacks are great the first time round, but posting the can of spaghetti picture a second time is a bit desperate. Do you need to come on this forum to feel loved?

    Free Member

    Here you go you moaning, unsufferable bores. I will correct my first post.

    Free Member

    Calm down Alice.

    Free Member

    molgrips, read the original quote, it was about great english designs and great english designers. Not what the products symbolise but the people behind them. Something, that IMPO, really characterises England and everything that is great about it.

    If some people want to interpret it a different way and argue about the war etc then fine, you have made your point, best of luck, move on.

    edit: FWIW, i couldn't give a flying **** about badgers or wisconsin.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    therefore you cannot claim submarines as being an English invention.

    I think if you look at the top of the page, i did, therefore you are wrong.

    Free Member


    The Spitfire was designed by an Englishman.

    That is all.

    Do you understand?

    Free Member

    Coffeeking +1

    Free Member

    English and British.

    Not any real difference really, england and britain are the same, the only difference for britain is that it includes the national park to the north of us where we go biking and the farm to our left where we keep our sheep.

    Free Member

    LHS, The Vanguard class submarines are British (Royal Navy) and are all based in Scotland, how is that English?

    Submarines in general – invented by William Bourne

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Free Member

    uplink, thats the best homebrew set up i've ever seen!

    Free Member


    Why don't you just leave it and accept that there are varying opinions. Ok? Best of luck.

    Free Member

    Sprinkle petrol on it, make the **** swallow it, then make him swallow a lit match.

    Or the brick suggestion above.

    Free Member

    Sorry, sleepy after lunch, updated post

    Its about english design and english engineering

    Free Member

    Read the thread!!

    It talks about english design and english engineering.

    Nothing to do with the war
    Nothing to do with the people who flew it.


    Free Member

    The use of a Spitfire to denote 'Englishness' is insulting to all the other nations of the UK

    What a complete load of codswallop.

    Free Member

    Beer, but cup of tea half way through ride always nice!

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