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    Free Member

    Yeah, coffeeking, thats my point really.

    To be honest, £60 and 3pts isn't going to hurt me (my previous 3pts have now been taken off my license) so its not the end of the world. Its just the principle of the thing. I know i wasn't speeding, but contesting it is going to be a whole load of hassle AND potentially a lot more money.

    Free Member

    Yeah, the car is bog standard spec. No modifications, tyre and wheel size standard. Even if say i had put 18" rims on (instead of the 16" it has)that would no way equate for a difference from 68mph to 83mph would it?

    Free Member

    Ok, i just don't know how you contest it? Its not like i have access to the raw data is it?

    If they send me a photo of me at that time then what does that prove?

    Its just the principle of the thing. I am the first to hold my hands up if i have been doing something wrong, and the first to tell others to MTFU and stop whinging in the same circumstances.

    Free Member

    Got 4 newish tyres all round. How would that make any difference?

    Free Member

    Ok, so my worry with questioning it is that they make it so hard to contest, i.e. i would need a solicitor etc, that it ends up being more expensive than taking a £60 fine. Plus, if i contest it does that mean my right to have a £60 fine and 3pts is revoked and it could get worse?

    Free Member

    Yeah, I know when i have been speeding because you do that emergency swear followed by a stamp on the brakes and realise you are still doing 75mph, thats how i learnt my lesson last time. But this time i definitly wasn't going faster than an indicated 65-68mph. 83mph – doesn't even compute.

    As far as cloning plates, it was the exact time and day that i was passing so i would doubt that.

    Free Member

    Who actually gives a flying ****? Really?

    Free Member

    At the end of the day it is up to you to take the risk with the dogs health.

    Free Member

    On your head be it!

    Free Member

    Get the Clio. Yes the fall apart and a 182 tried to re-arrange the discs in my spine everytime i drove it, but WHAT FUN.

    Golfs are dull dull dull.

    Would take an R32 though for the exhaust note.

    Focus STs are EXCELLENT cars, really very fast cross-country pace. Drink the fuel though.

    Free Member

    Driller +2

    That is way too much for a dog to be doing.

    Free Member

    The problem with the US is that its such a huge nation you are bound to get extremes. Its like grouping Europe together.

    Free Member

    they were all completely normal people

    [cough]rubbish[/cough] :wink:

    Free Member

    The worst one had to be waking up face down in a stinking boat, naked with nothing but a pair of clogs on and my credit card taped to my ass.

    Jolly decent of them to give me my credit card though.

    Free Member

    In our boardroom we have an English man, Scottish Man, American and a French man.

    Its a complete joke.

    Free Member

    Scratch my reply.

    No its not illegal to put dog poop in ANY bin.

    Free Member

    If i ever found someone planting those they'd get angle slammed onto a big pile of them. C***s. :evil:

    Free Member

    Can't see the Oxbridge/Eton crowd going along with that, sadly.


    This coalition government now provides an excellent opportunity for the wealth and privilege gap in this country to get even larger!

    Free Member

    All sounds good, i am sure the all the criminals and illegal immigrants will be doing kart-wheels! :roll:

    Free Member

    You can't really compare Christianity with the rainbow bridge, thats just rediculous.

    Everyone knows Christianity is made-up fiction.

    Free Member

    If rainbow bridge has a river running under it then those stick insects will come in handy for a game of pooh-sticks.

    Free Member

    I notice that they work well in windy autumn and winter when its cold which is ok, but in the summer can we reverse them so they give a nice cooling effect?

    Perhaps a well calculated rubber band would work winding up over a few months?

    Free Member

    Perhaps thats the reason?

    Free Member

    Now is the time to take up breakdancing!

    Free Member

    My dog has eaten about 30 so far this year! 8O

    Free Member

    About as much use as a chocolate teapot in most circumstances. The DB9 I had tore a side-wall and it just pissed out the side.

    Free Member

    Thats like my worst nightmare come true.

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the advice. Been a difficult weekend on many fronts but hopefully this will all just blow over.

    Under the latest Dangerous Dogs Act you can have her dog put to sleep

    I would never ever want this for any dog, especially on a dog-on-dog attack. I feel that the little yappy terrier has learnt his lesson having been half mauled and shaken to death!! My concern going fwd is having my lad off leash around little dogs ever again. Took him for a walk last night and we saw a little jack russell being walked and he went straight on the defensive trying to get towards it. (Never done that before).

    Free Member

    For me it was just a massive shock, to see your dog there with another dog in its mouth thinking oh **** he's going to kill it. I think the main problem is the trust thing now, i used to have no worries with walking him offlease in most areas, he's not usually bothered by other dogs at all, but now if a terrier went for him i think he would kill it.

    Hora, not sure what crap you are spouting. Vets don't stay at their surgery 24/7, if you need them out of hours you have to call them to the surgery and pay for it!

    As a matter of interest has anyone ever tried those ultrasonic dog things which are supposed to stop barking and break up fights? Its like a handheld thing. Wondered if they worked or just marketing crap?

    Free Member

    Genuinely Not trolling at all no. This has totally freaked me out. If you knew my dog you would understand why. I fear that if i hadn't got control of my dog like i did it would have been a lot worse and i never want anythng to happen to him because of a situation that wasn't his fault. He was just doing what comes naturally to him, defence.

    The call out fee was because it was out of hours last night.

    edit: I also live in a very small community where everyone knows who everyone is and i don't want to me talked about in the local as the guy who's dog bites other dogs.

    Free Member

    Well £95 apparently for the vet call out fee and check over. No real damage to the dog apparently apart from having been taught a bit of a lesson! Loathed to pay it because I actually don't feel it was my fault but to keep the peace i am thinking of just sucking it up. :|

    Free Member

    They live just around the corner from us (Small village). I have met the mother before. The mother turned up to help out and said they weren't their dogs, they were looking after them for the wknd for friends which probably explains the girls lack of experience.

    She wasn't the most pleasant of girls, kept shouting at me, "i'm going to **** your dog up and get him put down" :(

    Free Member

    I think its just shaken me a bit as i have never seen my lad act like that. I agree on the extendable leads thing, but also I dropped the lead during which time he bit another dog. :(

    Free Member

    I have a nice deep scratch in my hand but that's it – was considering asking if they had been rabies vaccinated but i am pretty sure rabies is none existant in the UK now.

    Free Member

    Sorry, wrong forum. :(

    Free Member

    Elderly indian women who are too short to see over the steering wheel of their big mercedes.

    Free Member

    I was in our saddlery a couple of weeks back and a rather prim and proper lady pulled up outside in her Range Rover and asked if they sold shovels as some rather inconsiderate farmer had left mud on the road near her house.

    The lady in shop just turned and looked at her and said, "you live in the countryside, what do you expect? Shovels are in the back!"

    Free Member

    If farmers had to stop and sweep all the mud off the road every time then nothing would ever get done.

    On country lanes you should always ride / drive to expect the worst road conditions including mud, water, ice, slow turning traffic, walkers, cyclists, pot holes and horses like you would if you were riding off-road.

    Free Member

    Chalk it down to bad experience as above.

    Unfortunately mud and shit on roads will happen in farming communities. I learned the hard way in a car on a mud covered road just after a downpour, my own fault, had I been going slower i would have avoided the accident.

    Free Member

    so it's OK to spit on people because they're BNP?


    Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't spit on them, i don't like spitting, but i would be quite happy to see someone else do it!

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