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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • LHS
    Free Member

    Cannonball run 2

    Free Member

    What’s wrong with building a bike out of wood / bamboo?

    Free Member

    Phone them up, tell them you don’t think they value your custom, they will 99.9% give you the same offer as a new customer.

    Free Member

    Anyway despite all the claims I have yet to hear of any surgical procedure that exactly duplicate every issue of the opposite sex. Ovary and womb transplants or the ability to make sperm. Until that comes about its all window dressing really.

    I think you need to read up a lot more on gender identity / gender dysphoria before making insensitive comments like that.

    Free Member

    The roswell UFO is actually part of a long term alien invasion plan. No aliens crash landed at Roswell, but an Alien UAV landed there which had a whole stack of data to help the world develop more and more technology and emit more and more greenhouse gases to speed up global warming.

    The alien UAV see was sent by Aliens from a dying planet, they are looking to invade and take over our planet but currently the atmosphere is too cool for them to survive. By supplying this data, they are actually getting humankind to do the work of warming earth up to a sustainable temperature for them, and when that happens (currently predicted to be May 6th, 2027) they will invade and kill us all.

    It is such an obvious plan that it really shouldn’t be in this thread as a conspiracy theory as it is fact.

    Edit: Bermuda Triangle is the future landing point for the invasion and Donald Trump is an alien spy. His hair is not actually hair, it is a sophisticated body warming device to enable the alien to live in our cool climate.

    Free Member

    UFO crashed at Roswell. Whether there were Aliens onboard is another thing.

    Free Member

    haha, I hadn’t seen that roasting before.

    Unless the blacks were a family of white people. hahaha

    Free Member

    In real politics it was like a shift from 2% to the left to 1.9% to the left. Its still very left in comparison.

    Free Member

    A bumper sticker saying “my other car would have been much better and cost me less”

    Free Member

    I’m waiting for the day that the inevitable post – An amazon drone dropped my package through my roof.

    Free Member

    Keep in mind that America was built on mass genocide,slavery and paranoia. It’s just a way of life

    Which they took from the British.

    Free Member

    30,000 people in the UK die each year from being bored to death by talking about the weather. FACT.

    The last time I was in London someone started talking to me about the difference between Mist, drizzle and fine rain. I barely escaped with my life. Others around me were dropping like flies. The boring settings were on fully automatic.

    Free Member

    Yeah I don’t see any differences in left gain or right gains. Think you are trying to make a link that’s not there.

    Free Member

    I don’t think we are. The US have always had their share of loonies (as have we), Trump isn’t a lot worse than Palin was

    I don’t recall any other politician in recent history making the bigoted, racist, sexist and damaging statements that Trump has made.

    Free Member

    I don’t see the link between Capitalism and racism but good try.

    Free Member

    He does not stand a chance of winning, that is correct.

    However, it should not be underestimated the damage giving him a platform is doing. His racist rhetoric is putting many many lives in danger, and I am not talking white lives here, I am talking the already isolated Muslim communities throughout the western world.

    His words, his actions, his demeanor is dangerous, worryingly so. And comparing it to that of the treatment of the Jews is about as accurate as you can get. We are witnessing quite an unprecedented shift in American / world politics.

    Free Member

    If you don’t know anything about the market and don’t know actually how to physically invest your money then that is a sure sign you should not be investing.

    Oil prices are not guaranteed to rise any time soon and with the current state of production my personal advise would to steer clear.

    I work quite closely in oil rights and with the advances in extraction technology coupled with predicted continued low demand for oil the price is going to be volatile and unpredictable for some time.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    He should be a better shot. ;)

    Free Member

    Bears are a little scarier than deer, though.

    Shouting at a bear will be about as effective as a handgun. The handgun in that situation will just to be scare if off.

    I know some ex-forces guys who carry flash-bangs with them for bears. Something to really scare the shit out of them

    Free Member

    Most handguns will just bounce off a deer. Also most hunting permits forbid the carry of handguns apart from recently in some US states where you are allowed to carry them in case the Russians invade whilst you are out hunting!

    Free Member

    Handguns do have a place in hunting: sometimes when you would a deer you want to be able to finish it off quickly and easily.

    And tell me how you do that quickly with a handgun?

    Have you ever been hunting?

    Free Member

    Oh great the whole gun debate from people who have no idea what they are talking about

    The whole car thing is thrown out by right wing NRA nut jobs every time they start losing the argument, then they point to things like people drown in swimming pools so lets ban them.

    Cars – primary use transport
    Swimming pools – primary use – exercise
    Guns primary use?

    Do not let the NRA nuts convince you of the hunting link either. Speak to ANY real hunter and they will call complete BS on the fact that you need a semi-automatic weapon for hunting, anything with a cartridge that holds more than 5 bullets is not for hunting. The guns used in San Bernadino held 30! Sole purpose for that gun is to kill lots of people at a time. I have been hunting with plenty of republican Hillary haters and let me tell you, none of them support the sale of assault rifles to the general public. It is only the crazy religious nutjobs from the bible belt who pedal that diatribe.

    Rant over (for now)

    Free Member

    He was clearly a complete nutjob

    Free Member

    I was expecting an email yesterday to give me his final figures and a solid px value for my car.

    No email came. So I emailed him again last night to chase it and fully expected an email back today but I’ve had nothing.

    Am I expecting to much or is this normal ?

    So pick up the phone again. :roll:

    Free Member

    I don’t understand that last comment.

    Free Member

    Did you pick up the phone or pop and in and speak to him? Emails really are the worst form of communication.

    Free Member

    Was thinking more of Brimstone which is what they are mainly using on the Tornados.

    Free Member

    Main reason is how many weapons they can take with them and the speed of action. A bombing strike will usually be coordinated with intelligence being collected by drones and satellite as a lot of targets are constantly in flux.

    The missiles / Laser Guided Bombs they are carrying weigh around 50kg. A drone can only carry a couple of these whilst a Tornado can carry usually around 10 coupled with other defensive armaments on board.

    Being able to strike 10 targets at a time will have a greater impact on derailing the movements of ISIS targets than 1 or 2 at a time.

    Free Member

    A lot of people are stating that middle lane hoggers are selfish. Well maybe, but a hell of a lot less selfish than those of you who are speeding. If everyone kept to the speed limit, there would be a lot less accidents and traffic congestion. Also, the epitome of selfishness is driving fast and putting other peoples lives at danger.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Condense it down into 1sec for me, which one won?

    Free Member

    You do realize that talking about Trump is like feeding the trolls.

    If you don’t feed him, he will eventually disappear.

    Free Member

    Unless they have degree in Air-Conditioning they would be a technician.


    Free Member

    I have sold a couple of cars through and they consistently lose the service history. Have had two people contact me who have bought cars asking if I have them or not. I didn’t but was able to give them reassurance and details on the service history. If you are after some reassurance then perhaps look at previous owner on V5 and make contact.

    Free Member

    Another piece of advice for cars. VW and Volvo will lease you a new car without a credit rating. They will require Visa, SSN, proof of income etc. They have special ex-pat deals.

    Note, they will only lease a car for the period of the visa so if this is 2 years, that is the max.

    Free Member

    You can transfer funds free of charge between the two

    You can, but shouldn’t. Only use in emergencies as the rates are terrible.

    Free Member

    There are a few options but the best ones that work are:

    1. HSBC – they do a linked worldwide bank account. They will open up a new account in advance in the USA for you and have cards waiting for you. They use the credit rating from the UK to do this. Upside – you have a US account ready and waiting on arrival, downside – HSBC are monumental bellends in the US with next to zero customer service and have closed a lot of branches so worth checking nearest branch location in advance.

    2. Go into a US bank and explain your situation, most will work with you especially if you walk in with a Social Security Number, offer of employment and also take an Experian credit report from the UK. They can now do a good international credit report. I worked with Wells Fargo over here who were excellent, had a top credit rating within 6 months.

    In addition to the above, if you have an Amex card in the UK they will open up a US one for you too so you will have access to a credit card as well as a US checking account.

    Hope this helps.

    Free Member

    As a dog owner of 25 years, quite simply, without debate, dogs are allowed off lead as long as they are under control

    If the dog is not under control, is being a nuisance and in this case physically causing injury then the dog owner is at fault.

    I suggest you find said down owner and run towards her really fast and just jump on her, see how she likes it.

    Bad dog owners give us good dog owners a bad name.

    Free Member

    It’s just the fuel economy and performance won’t be the same, that’s my understanding.


    So either they allow a performance and economy drop that does not make a diesel engine competitive over an equivalent petrol, or they introduce technology which adds cost to the car.

    We will see, early days, but these gentlemen have collectively over 50 years technical and commercial experience in the industry and are well published and were pretty adamant that this is a game changer that insiders in the industry knew all to well was coming.

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