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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • LHS
    Free Member

    What an immense shame. Trailaddiction were some of the early pioneers in guided downhill mountain bike holidays from the early 2000’s and alongside Bike Village were the first to bring mainstream mountain biking to Les Arcs / La Plagne. There will be a huge hole there now without them, especially as they worked so hard to ensure the lifts were open for as long as they were and also worked hard to get UK qualifications recognized in the area.

    Free Member

    Cameron resigns
    Boris PM
    Scotland leave the UK
    Trump becomes president
    EU falls apart
    NATO starts breaking down
    Stock markets never recover
    Putin Annexes Scandinavia
    Ireland votes to become the 51st state
    Removal of the monarchy
    Argentina take back Falklands
    War with Russia
    War in the South China Sea
    Sea levels rise to critical levels

    Free Member

    Drug dealers car would have front windows tinted not rear windows.

    Free Member

    Nope, only thing I could consider is that I am a man on my own without my wife and the back windows of the car are tinted so you can not see in so hard to see if there are kids in or not, but, these people did not even wait 15secs to check if I opened the rear doors to get the kids just rush over all confrontational. It is a Waitrose so people tend to be particularly uptight!

    Had it once in the US too.

    Free Member

    In a similar way to those confronting people parked in parent and child spaces, I have had it 3 times in the last year when people see me pull into a parent and child space and don’t even wait to see if I have kids in the back to march over and start telling me how selfish I am for parking in a space where others need it. I then open the rear doors and extract the kids from the car and watch them shrink back within their self-righteous busy body bubbles with a non verbal look of **** off.

    Some people just love a good confrontation.

    Free Member

    Nothing wrong with some good old fashioned stalking

    Free Member

    Well I will probably be in Frisco when they pass through so I will keep an eye on the tracker and see if I can identify.

    Free Member

    Might have missed this being stated earlier but isn’t Guy Martin riding under the name Terry Smith?

    Free Member

    Held in a trust and payable from 18 years old if needed.

    There are various clauses regarding access to funds for education and from aged 18-35 the inheritance 50% matches what they earn. So if they earn $20,000 they get $10,000 a year from the trust. At 35 it is divided fully equally between them all to do with what they want.

    Free Member

    Americans regard the NHS as a total disaster

    I don’t think that is true at all. I am resident in both UK and US and most doctors I have visited in the US have trained or worked in London at some point and are very complimentary about the NHS and how efficient it is. Most openly state that the US is very inefficient but your experience will be a million times nicer which is definitely my experience. The level of care actual medical competency between the two countries is comparable, the only thing in my view better in the USA is preventative care – having an annual physical for starters – but something that would bankrupt the NHS.

    What is definitely common is the amount of BS that is spouted both in the US media about the NHS and the UK media about US hospitals. Pretty much both state that the other have people queuing outside and dying on hospital beds. It is not true. Like all things, don’t believe the BS in the media.

    the British public absolutely adore the NHS as it is.

    And that there is the big problem. No one likes change, people are scared of change. People also are belligerent when it comes to compromise. But like all big corporations, no matter what the industry, if they do not evolve and change to the changing environment around them they disappear. Simply sitting back with arms folded stating we like it as it is thanks and we won’t change simply is not an option, otherwise the beloved NHS (which we all love by the way) will disappear and the alternative will be something far worse by most accounts.

    Free Member

    As the NHS does pretty much next to nothing in terms of preventative medicine I think that is a pretty weak argument. The French and Ireland systems have not seen any correlation between people not going to the doctors with genuine concerns. Also the effective use of the phone system (111 is it) would not change.

    Rectal bleeding believe it not has different symptoms than a sore throat. It is not that common to get rectal bleeding. A cough usually disappears in a week, if it is persistent for a few weeks you would go to the doctors.

    Free Member

    What you are doing there is distracting from one issue with a another. I don’t think there were 51million unnecessary fire brigade call outs last year? If there are then yes we should apply the same methodology to that too.

    Agree on the fines for not attending appointments.

    EDIT: 45GBP for a 11minute GP visit so 2.2bn GBP on wasted trips
    Missed appointments estimated at 200million GBP a year. so 2.4bn GBP in waste. (2% of annual NHS budget / an extra 12,000 doctors)

    Free Member

    France and Ireland are using them.

    50million wasted GP visits a year at last estimate. At probably 100quid a visit. I would say that was considerable cost.

    Anyway, as per my previous, I am out. Carry on.

    Free Member

    I must have missed that report.

    Ok I am out, carry on. But without compromise and willingness to address the issues, the NHS is doomed to failure, and no one wants that.

    Free Member

    That isn’t the case in other EU countries who have this system.

    Free Member

    I would say that is a knee jerk reaction, you don’t get people phoning the fire service or visiting the police station for a chat. The NHS is without question not-sustainable in its current form, why not make some small adjustments that will cut waste.

    Free Member

    Ok, so 20quid /10quid pick your point. A nominal fee that will make people think twice about going to the doctors because they have a sore throat. It won’t stop people seeking help if they need it, yet will stop the serial offenders who abuse what the service is there for. If you want a non-privatized service, it needs to be adapted to reduce waste.

    Free Member

    Why does no one propose a fee for going to the Doctors similar to what the French do? 15quid for a GP visit, 50quid for A&E, 250quid if you negligent (drunk etc).

    I can’t see why anyone would disagree with this and the amount of unnecessary trips would be significantly reduced.

    Free Member

    If we didn’t have the Royal Family no one would come and visit. If you hadn’t noticed the food is crap, the weather worse and the people are bloody miserable always moaning about how they hate the Royal Family, how bad the food is and how the weather is even worse.

    Happy Birthday Ma’am

    Free Member

    Personally I would look for an opportunity to knock on the door and say hello. Maybe bake a load of cookies and say you made too many and would they like some, any excuse etc.

    Interacting with someone in person on their doorstep will give you a really good idea of what is going on even if it is just for a minute.

    If that interaction then confirms your suspicions i.e. do the parents look in good health, from what you can see inside the front door are they living in healthy conditions? – that would then help you make the next decision.

    Speak to them in person, its a lost form of communication.

    Free Member

    This doesn’t necessarily have a lot to do with Brexit but more to do with what you believe fair and reasonable punishment is for his crime. Some would say being incarcerated is enough, others would go for the death penalty. In reality it would be somewhere in between.

    I personally think his treatment is fair in line with the crime he committed. If he doesn’t like it, he shouldn’t have murdered all those children.

    Free Member

    Bob Ironman one here. Can’t recommend it more highly. We must have covered over 2000 miles in it now and it is still as solid and smooth as when it was brand new. Adjustable handle and safety strap are good, I am 6ft 4 and my wife is 5ft4 and both very comfortable when running with it. Also lockable front wheel is a must to ensure it doesn’t dig in and flip the stroller over.

    Free Member

    Tax returns should definitely not be open to the public, it is very private information that could would be harvested by people not for the use that it is intended.

    There is a government agency in place that is given the power to collect and enforce taxation and to provide appropriate penalties for those who evade the right level of taxation.

    Tax avoidance is something completely different and is 100% legal. If HMRC does not want people to avoid tax in particular ways then they should close those channels.

    If making tax returns public is a way to hold people publically to account for not breaking tax law then by the same vane everyone should have a black box in their car which logs and reports publically their speed to ensure we are not speeding, should provide a live feed into our daily lives to ensure we are not committing crime. Maybe an implant under the skin so everyone knows where everyone can be at all times. You can never be too sure.

    Personal income is just that, personal. Having that information public to your friends, family, employer, co-workers, criminals…is just a very very naïve idea.

    Free Member

    2016 Honda Civic apparently.

    Free Member

    I love the critique of the interiors yet this is the choice of champions according to STW


    We have a Tesla. It is lovely. I will leave it at that.

    Free Member

    So on your logic the UK public, based on their bad Karma, deserve to have Nigel Farage, George Galloway and Nick Griffin.

    They deserve those politicians.

    Free Member

    Society gets the politicians it deserves. I thought it was bad with our dreadful opposition, but the US trumps (sorry) the mess we are in.

    Some bad US karma being sorted out by the looks of things.

    What an incredibly odd and naïve statement to make.

    Free Member

    Jambalaya, we will see. I think you will find you are in fact wrong (IMO).

    Free Member

    The main GOP voters will not support Trump. Even if it means not voting. He does not have support of the mainstream. Don’t let the Caucus fool you.

    Free Member

    The best thing to happen to the Democratic party is Trump getting the nomination. It will mean a clear walk to the presidency for Hillary.

    Don’t be fooled by the primary caucus, only the crazies come out and vote and is a very small handful of the population – e.g in Nevada 35000 people voted for Trump. That is 0.1% of the population of Nevada!!

    Where it could get interesting and slightly concerning is if Rubio or Cruz gain traction and get the nomination. Then Trump will run as an independent, Bloomberg will step in as an independent and with the financial backing that Bernie is getting and this being is only shot at the presidency I would not rule him out as running as an independent either. Then there would be 5 names on the ticket and that is a whole different ball game.

    Drumpf as a democratic stooge? Maybe, stranger things have happened. If he is, then I will credit it him with a higher level of intelligence than I currently do.

    Free Member

    Which dimension is it sucking in?

    Free Member

    I would ask to be compensated. Flexible working hours and cost of commute.

    Free Member

    Not sure I could go to Cuba whilst the people still live under such oppression. Human rights there really are still pretty dire.

    Free Member

    To answer your question use an online portal like (which I personally hate) or Hargreaves Lansdown.

    Once registered, you will also get access to their views on stock and fund performance – buy, hold, sell. Remember, it is only one persons view.

    My advice if you really want to invest is find a stock you feel you know something / anything about, then research the heck out of it first. That for me is half of the enjoyment.

    To answer a question you didn’t ask – I would not invest in the market right now. It is a complete disaster, high volatility and will be for some time. If you are looking at the long term and REALLY want to invest, consider a managed fund to invest in, something that has a balanced portfolio. Vanguard always have good equity index funds if you are looking at long term growth.

    Last thing – stay away from penny shares. You may think it is a good thing, you may thing you could win big, but you won’t. Its a mugs game.

    Free Member

    Taxing more is not the answer, it won’t stop it, the more wealthy will just step in and buy up more so the 0.001% will get richer.

    Need to focus on increasing the supply in the market, more housing, more supply.

    Also, owning a house is not a right. Many European countries where people never own their house. Government move to limit land purchase to developers to build certain types of affordable housing is the solution.

    Free Member

    Talk to them normally, no baby-speak.

    Talking to them normally IMPO advances there development and is way less annoying for other people around you to listen too.

    Free Member

    BMW X3?

    Just got our daughter a really nice condition one for 5.5k.

    Free Member

    Yes it is imminent.

    Free Member

    It is an embarrasing sideshow for American politics and really will not reflect what will happen at the Election.

    The GOP are in a mess which is playing right into Hillarys hands apart from that Bernie guy is making her and the democratic party nervous because they know that just like if Trump is the GOP candidate, the GOP won’t win and Bernie will not hand victory to the democrats. Trump is a so extreme, he will be trounced at the Election (don’t let a few squirrel kickers fool you differently). Bernie is so far left (for US politicis) people will be frightened for their rights.

    So if it is Bernie vs Trump, Bloomberg will win, which is what he secretly has his fingers crossed for in the wings. Bloomberg is just about the right mix of weird right and weird left politics to appeal to the middle ground who are sprinting away from disassociated themselves with Bernie or Donald.

    Free Member

    Contact Garmin customer support, they are excellent in responding and sending out replacements, even for out of warranty items.

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